//------------------------------// // A Sign // Story: Falling For a Mutant // by VioletRose13 //------------------------------// It’s been weeks since Celestia and Luna left New York City. Splinter was unable to give either of them a proper sendoff since he was preoccupied with other matters. But Celestia didn’t seem to mind; she and Splinter still had each other’s phone numbers and they would have conversations through phone calls a few times almost every week while she was in Canterlot and while he was still in New York. She couldn’t really text Splinter and he couldn’t text back, but they were both happy with this arrangement anyway because they would get to hear each other’s voices. Even though she tried to hide it, Celestia was growing more and more worried for Splinter’s safety. After seeing what happened at the party back in New York, she couldn’t help but think about what would happen to him if he encountered any more creatures like Tiger Claw, Fishface, or Rahzar. But then she would remind herself that he was a trained Ninjitsu master and that he would be fine… but then she remembered Oroku Saki and she started to think about what he would be capable of and what he could do to Splinter. He could very well kill him. During that time, Celestia would have nightmares, but these nightmares weren’t normal. She would see Master Splinter on top of a building; he would be fighting a huge, dark, muscled figure… and he would be losing. And just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, she would see the dark figure impale Splinter in the stomach with massive sharp blades; Splinter’s face contorted in pain, shock, and horror. Then she woke up, usually in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. She would have that same dream almost every night since she returned home and her patience was running very thin. One afternoon, she was in the middle of an important conference with the teachers of CHS when she had another vivid dream. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a sunny afternoon. Celestia was in New York City and she was standing outside an ice cream shop while her husband was catching up with a few of his friends inside. She rubbed her pregnant belly as she waited for her husband; then she heard something in a nearby alleyway. Burning with curiosity, she decided to see what was going on, only to see a struggle taking place. A large group of men in suits surrounded a man holding a small tank with four baby turtles; her eyes widened as she watched the man fight off his attackers. Then one of the suited men saw Celestia and she gasped and took a step back; he was holding a glowing green canister of some kind. “Go no further, woman! The scene which is known as the scene you are now witnessing is not meant to be witnessed by you! So this is not a place that will be left by you!” The man said as he reached out to grab her. “Leave her be!” A familiar voice shouted. It was the man who was fighting them off. He punched the guy in the face so hard that he fell to the ground and the canister he was holding flew out of his hands and into the air. Suddenly the canister fell and it was about to hit Celestia… before the man pushed her out of the way. With a loud crash, the canister landed on the man instead and it shattered on contact, covering him and his four turtles in a green glowing ooze. Luckily, none of the ooze landed on Celestia. She gazed down at the remaining ooze in disgust. “Eww, gross! What is that stuff?” She exclaimed before looking up at the man. Celestia watched in horror as the man before her transformed into a giant rat-like creature. He screamed in pain as he clothes tore from his body and the four turtles grew in size and looked more human. She gasped in shock and terror. The creature turned its head in her direction and gave her a terrified look; he and his turtles quickly backed away from her, going further into the alley in an attempt to hide. Feeling sorry for them, Celestia reluctantly walked towards the rat creature and held out her hand, trying to be kind. The creature looked at her hand and let out a cough. “Are you thirsty?” Celestia asked. He nervously nodded his head before she took a water bottle out of her purse and offered it to him. He backed away again. “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” She said in a gentle voice. Hesitantly, the creature took the water bottle and gulped down every single drop of water left. He set the bottle down and looked at Celestia. “…Th-th-thank you.” He said before his eyes widened in shock. “I-I do not believe it. I can still talk. How is this possible?” The four turtles giggled and cooed like babies up at the rat. He looked down at them, unable to make sense of the situation. “Are you okay?” Celestia asked. After a moment, he looked back at her and nodded at her. He nervously reached out and took her outstretched hand. “Are you alright?” He asked. She nodded. “I’m fine, and so is my baby.” Then she felt a kick in her stomach and let out a chuckle. The creature curiously glanced down at Celestia’s abdomen just before she gently placed his hand on the curve of her stomach. He felt the kick underneath his hand; he looked up at her again and he smiled. She smiled back at him. Then everything faded to black. Celestia called out for anyone, but no voice came. Then she was on a rooftop in the middle of the night. She then saw Splinter; he was fighting that massive creature again. She saw him getting beaten really bad and she couldn’t bear to watch. And just when she couldn’t bring herself to watch anymore of this massacre, she knew what was coming… the inevitable. But just before the monster’s blades pierced through his flesh, Splinter turned his head to her and said, “Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “YOSHI!!” Celestia screamed as she shot up, breathing heavily. Everyone in the meeting room suddenly stared at her with wide eyes as the room fell completely silent. Celestia stared back at the other teachers, her cheeks turning beet red. Taking a deep breath, she got up from her chair. “I… think I need a break. Why don’t we discuss this another time? Meeting’s adjourned.” She calmly said as she headed towards the door. The moment she exited the board room and closed the door behind her, Celestia immediately ran back to her office. She picked up her cell phone and quickly dialed Splinter’s number, but to her horror, it cut straight to voicemail. “Oh no, no, no, no, no! No, please, no!” She chanted in a panic. She then turned on her computer and opened up an online translator; she quickly typed in the Japanese phrase she heard Splinter say in her dream and was shocked to learn its true meaning. “This can’t be happening! It just can’t be!” She exclaimed. “What are you doing?” Luna asked as she barged into her sister’s office. Celestia didn’t say anything; she only stared at her younger sister with a dumbfounded look on her face. “This is about Yoshi again, isn’t it?” Luna asked. “How did you know?” Celestia asked. “That’s not important. You need to let it go. He’s a mutant, remember?” “I don’t care if he’s a mutant. Yoshi is probably the nicest mutant I’ve ever met.” “And you’re worried he might die?” “How did…?” “I still don’t understand how or why, but I know you’ve been having the same dream every night since we left New York. You need to get over it.” “I can’t, Luna! Don’t you understand that?! I can’t get over Yoshi! I won’t get over him! I just want him to be SAFE!” Celestia then let out a massive wave of light, which caused Luna to stumble backwards. The two sisters paused and looked at each other in shock; first Luna can see other people’s dreams, and now Celestia can control different forms of light? What’s going on? Did they get magical powers of their own now? Then Celestia had an idea. She briskly walked out of her office. “Where are you going?” Luna worriedly asked, trailing after her. Celestia made her way to the courtyard; she stopped right next to the portal leading to Equestria. A golden glow engulfed her entire being. “I’m going to save Hamato Yoshi.” Celestia said before a pair of massive white wings sprouted from her back and she shot into the sky like a rocket. “Celestia, no!” Luna screamed as the Rainbooms ran out to join her. “Vice Principal Luna, what’s going on?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “Where’s Principal Celestia going?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “She’s going to New York City.” Luna replied. “New York? Why is she going there?” Rainbow Dash questioned. Luna paused; she realized what Celestia was planning to do. “…We need to follow her.” “Follow her?” Pinkie Pie asked. “NOW!!” Luna shouted. Not wanting to argue, the Rainbooms agreed. “Applejack, we need the Rainboom bus!” Rarity said to her farmer friend. “Then what’re we waitin’ for, ya’ll? Let’s go!” Applejack said as she and the others ran to the school parking lot. They all climbed into the bus, Luna made her way to the driver’s seat, started the bus, and sped out of the parking lot to follow after her sister. ‘Please, sister. Please don’t do anything stupid…’ She thought to herself.