A Hungover Berry

by BrawnyBold

When Escorting a Drunk Mare...

A door opened from one of the buildings in Ponyville. Feather Bangs stepped out from what looked like there was a party inside. He decided to call it a night and returned to his hotel to get some rest. Feather finds a taxi stallion waiting for anypony who wants a ride. Feather entered the cart and made himself comfortable.
"Where to?" The taxi stallion asked Feather. Feather was about to respond until he heard the sound of hoofsteps coming towards the cart. The cart's door slammed opened to reveal a purple mare with messy reddish purple manes. Her reddish eyes showed signs of drowsiness and her movements looked woozy. She entered the cart and it caused Feather to scoot over.
"Take me to Arbor Street." The mare demanded.
"Ma'am, I have to-" The taxi stallion said before he was interrupted.
"NOW!" The mare hollered which made the taxi stallion immediately start trotting to the mare's destination. Feather felt scared as he watched the mare sit down on the seat next to him. It was obvious to Feather that the mare was drunk and he knew better than to tick a mare off when she is intoxicated from drinking. The mare pulled a bottle out from out of nowhere and chugged it. Feather was stunned to see a mare capable of drinking that much. When the mare was done with her bottle, she turned it upside down and tried to shake it on to her tongue to get whatever was left inside. She took one look inside the bottle and she just threw it out to the cart's window without a care in the world. The mare turned to see Feather sitting on the seat besides her's. A hungry look formed on the mare's face.
"Hey cutie." The mare said as she scooted next to him. "It's not often I see handsome stallions such as yourself in these parts of town."
"I'm not from this town." Feather replied nervously. The mare showed a face of disappointment as she turned away from Feather.
"Should've guessed." The mare grumbled. "It's hard to find decent stallions in this crummy town. Most of them are too wimpy and all the good ones are already hooked up." There was a long silence between Feather and the mare. Feather did his best to avoid causing tension with the mare.
"I almost forgot, I'm Berry Punch." The mare said as she offered a hoof. Feather looked at Berry's hoof and then at Berry's face before he cautiously got his own hoof out.
"I'm Feather Bangs." Feather said as he slowly shook Berry's hoof.
"Sorry if I look like a total wreck, I was just having a night to myself and let's just say that I got a little carried away with a few more drinks than I could handle." Berry said before she suddenly burped. Feather coughed from the scent of wine and alcoholic cider coming from Berry's breath entering his nostrils.
"Whoops, excuse me!" Berry said with a ridiculous giggle. She turned and just stared at the window while the cart was still moving. Feather composed himself from Berry's sudden burp and decided to let it go. He and Berry continued to look at their windows while the taxi stallion continued to pull the cart to Arbor Street. Feather felt more calm now that Berry stopped talking. He turned to see Berry jumping to him and giving him a surprise smooch on the lips. As Berry continued to make out with Feather, he did his best to separate himself from the drunk mare's grasp. The taxi stallion felt the struggle as the cart was shaking.
"You two better not be doing what I think you're doing!" The taxi stallion said as he continued to trot down the street. Once Feather separated from Berry, he tried to catch his breath from almost suffocating from Berry's make out.
"Whoa, that was a good make out." Berry said while in a daze.
"W-What in Celestia was that for?!" Feather demanded.
"I couldn't help it, you looked so cute and I wanted to know what your lips tasted like." Berry said as she licked her lips. "Now come on, I'm ready for round two."
"No way!" Feather yelled as he backed away from Berry.
"Oh I see!" Berry yelled back. "It's because of my age, right? Well sorry if the timing of our births weren't perfect! You should be lucky that you're making out with an older mare. Older mares like me have a lot more experience!" Feather felt confused as he had no idea what was going on with Berry.
"Alright, we're at Arbor Street." The taxi stallion said through the window. Berry did her best to get up and opened the door to leave. She only took a few steps before her hooves gave out and her whole body collapsed to the ground. Feather quickly went to Berry to see if she was alright. The taxi stallion sighted angrily.
"I don't get paid enough to deal with drunk ponies." The taxi stallion complained. Feather struggled to figure out what to do. He shouldn't leave a mare all alone while she struggles with getting up.
"I'll take her home. You can go, sir." Feather said as he tries to Berry up.
"Are you sure, kid? Didn't she just try to make out with you." The taxi stallion said.
"I'm sure that she won't do it again while in her current condition." Feather said as the taxi stallion shrugged and pulled the taxi cart away. Berry just stared at Feather with an angry look on her face.
"I can take care of myself." Berry said with a pout.
"You're not in the right condition to move at all. Look, how about I just carry you to wherever your house is and I'll leave you alone once I drop you off. Do we have a deal?" Berry grumbled for a moment until she sighed.
"Fine. But no funny business." Feather nodded as he lifted Berry on to his back. It's not often Feather carries things on his back so he struggles with his balance. When Feather managed to get used to the new weight, he began making his way down Arbor street. The trot was silent as Berry continued to look not so satisfied with the current situation.
"Hey Feather," Berry said to get his attention.
"Yeah?" Feather asked.
"Don't expect me for payment when we get to my house, I don't have that much bits."
"It's alright," Feather said. "I wasn't expecting payment after all of this."
"Oh I get it, you want something more. Like having your way with me in bed." Berry said in disgust. Feather nearly tripped over from what Berry said.
"I don't do that!" Feather defended. He suddenly stopped when he noticed Berry's eyes formed tears.
"You stallions are all the same. You say that you want nothing in return and the next thing you know, you knock me up and make me have a filly that I have to take care of. I struggle everyday with being a mother while that stallion is off probably making more mares pregnant." It was then Berry started crying out of sadness. Feather struggled on how to deal with the current situation. He was afraid that ponies nearby might see Berry and get the wrong idea. The lights of a nearby house turned on and a light pink mare came out through the door. She had golden yellow manes and purple eyes that showed concern when she saw Feather carrying a crying Berry.
"Berry! There you are!" The pink mare said as she galloped towards Feather.
"You know her?" Feather asked the mare.
"Yeah, she's a friend of mine." The mare said as she lifted Berry's head to take take a closer look.
"Sweet Celestia, you had me worried sick!" The pink mare said to Berry.
"Come on, you can put her on the couch." The pink mare said as she lead Feather into the house. Once inside, Feather carefully put Berry on the couch while the other mare put a blanket over her. Both Feather and the pink mare watched as Berry slept in front of them. Once Berry was quiet, the pink mare let out a heavy sigh in relief.
"I'm really sorry if Berry was a hoofful." The pink mare said.
"It's no problem, um..." Feather said as he didn't know the mare's name.
"It's Cherry Berry. I was foalsitting Berry's daughter while my other friends went out to look for Berry." Cherry said as she took a seat on a nearby recliner. "Apparently, she was out on for another night of drinking."
Feather started to hear hoofsteps coming from the stairs until a small, dark pink unicorn filly appeared in the living room. She had a darker pink mane and light green eyes.
"Is Mommy okay?" The small filly asked.
"Your mommy is fine, Ruby." Cherry said with a fake smile. "Just head back to bed while I tuck her in." The small filly nodded and went back upstairs.
"Huh, so it was true." Feather said which caught Cherry's attention.
"What?" Cherry asked.
"Berry started to complain about how much of her life went downhill ever since she got pregnant." Feather responded. Cherry then made another heavy sigh.
"Yeah, it's true. Ever since Berry met that stallion, she took out her frustration by drinking nonstop." Cherry said.
"Does Berry always have a drinking problem?" Feather asked curiously.
"You have no idea." Cherry said bluntly. "Our friends and I tried to get her help, but she keeps being super stubborn. Don't worry. Once she wakes up, I'm gonna have a stern chat with her." Feather gulped from the thought of mares yelling at each other. He slowly trotted up to Berry and patted her mane.
"Sleep tight, Berry." Feather said as he made his way to the door.
"Thank you, for bringing Berry back to her house." Cherry said with a smile.
"You're welcome." Feather smiled back as he left Berry's home.

The next day, Feather enjoyed himself to some breakfast at a small cafe. He was reading a good book on poetry until he heard a mare cleared her throat. Feather looked up to see Berry looking well rested and feeling a little guilty.
"Oh, hey Berry." Feather said.
"Hello, Feather." Berry said while rubbing the back of her neck. "Is it alright that I join you?"
"It's no problem, I'm just having some breakfast." Feather said as Berry took a seat across from him. Both of them stayed silent for what felt like hours.
"Look, I came here to apologize for my....behavior from last night." Berry said awkwardly.
"It's alright, we can all get a little crazy when we drink." Feather assured.
"Yeah, but I was way worse when I was drunk. I stole your taxi ride, I made out with you without your consent, and I made you carry me all the way to my house." Berry said as she looked down.
"I just want to start things over with you." Berry said.
"That sounds like a great idea." Feather said as he and Berry smiled at each other.
"I've been meaning to ask you something. You could've just left me on Arbor Street and ride the taxi cart to your place. Why did you help me out after the way I treated you?" Berry asked. Feather tried to put his thoughts together to come up with an honest answer.
"You were a mare who needed help, I wouldn't be happy with just leaving you there all alone." Feather said.
"Well, I appreciated it." Berry said as she and Feather enjoyed the rest of the morning together.