For Love of Fluttershy (A Discord Story)

by Teddie Williams

Discord Can Be Helpful....

Discord moaned as he forced he slowly regained consciousness. Lifting a clawed hand up, he rubbed his forehead. He couldn't remember exactly when was the last time he had wait. It was when she agreed to go on an evening stroll with him all those years ago. He was still in extreme denial over that detail though so he decided against brooding over it and concentrate on opening his eyes. His eyelids fluttered open, a bright light shining right above him.
"I did not faint!" Hmm, old habits die hard apparently.
"Sure you didn't..." Luna pressed her hoof against her face, sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Sister..." Celestia warned her little sister, cuffing her on the back of the head with her large right wing.
A gray unicorn stallion wearing a doctor's uniform cleared his throat, before using his magic to lift a stethoscope into the air. "Excuse me...but I probably should check Discord's heartbeat to make sure that everything is ok., I mean... nobody faints for no reason. There must be something wrong with him."
"You mean besides a broken heart?" Discord whispered, his chest squeezing at the thought.
"What was that that you just said?" The doctor paused, concern, most likely fake, no pony has cared about him in a thousand years after all, plastered all over his face.
Discord considered his options, and made a split-second decision. "I said that I want to check out this archaeological site where that statue was discovered. After all, there wasn't any Ancient Ponyese written anywhere on it."
"He's lost it. And you can't go anywhere near the site. The archaeologists are working very hard to keep the findings in pristine condition..." Celestia paused, glancing down where Discord was supposed to be lying. "He already left, didn't he?"
Luna sniggered as she pressed a wing over her mouth to stifle the sound. "Yes... he left the second that you mentioned that he couldn't go there."
"We need to warn Star Swirl the Bearded. He is supervising the site along with two of his best students." Celestia sighed, suddenly feeling very weary over the fact that she was expected to represent all of pony kind...not just the Alicorns. If only there could be peace between the different ponies!

Discord trotted into the startled camp, lifting the tan explorer's hat that he had summoned off of his head. "Good evening my fellow archaeologists! What fine discoveries are we making today? Hmm?"
Star Swirl the Bearded, the most powerful wizard that ever lived, Discord snorted at that thought, Starlight Glimmer had more power in the tips of her mane than he did in his entire body, just about stormed over to him. "Discord! What are you doing here?!"
"I believe that it is elementary dear friend..." Discord patted the wizard on the top of the head as he moved past him, further into the camp. "It has come to my attention that this entire operation is being done by a bunch of imbeciles and as such, you are in great need of my help." Reaching a hand up, he readjusted the glasses that definitely weren't there a minute ago. Oh, how he loved his chaotic magic!
"You can't do that! And what's up with the big words?" Sunset Shimmer, one of Star Swirl the Bearded's star pupils, stepped between him and the frightened unicorn archaeologists. Discord hummed as he looked down at her, a single thought flashing across his mind. She would go so much farther under the tutelage of Twilight or Cadance. Star Swirl just couldn't see the potential that the young unicorn mage had.
"Step aside. I just happen to be over a thousand years old. I know more history from living it than Equestria has been a mediocre kingdom." Discord brushed her off to the side, stomping his way over to the dig site. Peering down into the hole they were standing in, he noted the various artifacts that they were carefully brushing the dust off of...none of which was from The Lost Kingdom. Then again, they were in the middle of the desert, not the Everfree Forest. "Where did you find the statue of the Council of Harmony?"
"The statue of what now?" A flustered unicorn wearing a pair of glasses that appeared to be sliding off of his face blurted out as he stared at him in shock. Ah yes, Sunburst. Sunset's cousin and closest companion, and Star Swirl's other star pupil. Rumor was that the two were actually related and that is the only reason why he took the struggling wizard in.
Discord suspected that he would get along much better with Starlight Glimmer. "Ah, Sunburst. Read any good books recently? No? Of course not... there haven't been any good books since..." Before Discord could mention anything about A.K. Yearling and her autobiographies that most ponies believed where just adventure novels, one of the archaeologists called out suddenly.
"I found something!"
Discord lunged forward, using his magic to poof himself there faster, and grabbed the dark purple chest before the others could pick it up. Looking it over, he noticed a familiar symbol blazed across the locked padlock. A laugh bubbled out of him as he lowered the chest, understanding settling in his mind. Sombra, and he had to admit he had thought so to, believed that he had outsmarted the smartest pony to ever live. Only, he hadn't outsmarted Twilight Velvet Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and the Leader of the Council of Harmony. She always had to have the last laugh when it came to the safety of everypony.
"Discord! Give me that!" Sunset rudely yanked the chest out of his hands.
Star Swirl gasped, moving closer to examine the chest. "I do not believe it....this chest has anti-chaos spells and charms all over it. And yet, it appears to be as old as the odd statue that we had found earlier...which doesn't make sense, since those weren't invented for another two hundred years. And we're still having problems with the spells and charms not working."
"Not my fault that my magic is stronger than yours." Discord decided against telling him that the ones that they were examining actually worked...because he had helped create them in the first place. It was difficult to create though, and the key elements in them have been missing for a thousand years.
Sunburst leaned forward, his horn glowing with magic, but nothing really happening. "Nothing." Tilting his head to the side, he examined the chest closer. "Looks like they also placed a bunch of guard spells on it to make it so that no one can open the chest without the key."
Star Swirl shook his head, staring at the chest for a long time. Finally, he sighed as he turned to look at Discord. "I really hate to ask this...but can you open the chest Discord?"
"Do I look like I have a key on me?" Discord arched his brow upwards, lifting his hands up to show that they were empty.
Sunset glared at him as she stomped her hoof. "Come on! Just use your magic to open the box already!"
"I would, but..." Discord paused, staring at the box with barely controlled desperation. "The spells and charms are ones that actually do work with keeping me out of them. Unless my memory is mistaken, which we all know it isn't."