150 or Below

by KwirkyJ


Sunset sat alone, the words on the page passing unread for the fourth time. All she could see was the disapproval on Princess Celestia's face. The accusation. The fear. Yes, the fear. Sunset knew her well enough to see the fear.

She had hated the banquet. She hated the food, hated the stuffy dignitaries, and hated being invisible and without purpose. A porcelain Sunset doll. At last, she erupted. And then she had fled to her books.

The stench of burning fish still filled her nostrils. She replayed the scene in her mind. To her surprise, she didn't feel guilt. Only empty. Drained.


Sunset had just wanted out. Had wanted to be seen. Wanted… Wanted something to do. Wanted to have a reason to be somewhere. But now even her books denied her that.

"Idiot. What were you thinking?"