//------------------------------// // Push Button ‘B’ // Story: We Present To You A New Quest // by Split Scimitar //------------------------------// “Joshua departure, Neo Kid 1 off Victorville, 5.3 for 8,000.” “Neo Kid 1, Joshua departure. Radar contact. Climb and maintain FL250. Proceed direct Hector, expect FL350.” “FL250, direct Hector, FL350, Neo Kid 1.” “Neo Kid 1, contact Los Angeles Center, 133.2.” “133.2, Neo Kid 1.” “Los Angeles Center, Neo Kid 1, direct Hector, 11,200 climbing FL250.” “Neo Kid 1, Los Angeles Center, roger. Climb and maintain FL350.” “Climb 350, Neo Kid 1.” “Neo Kid 1, descend via the COYOT Five arrival. Sky Harbor information Charlie current. Wind 090 at 5, 10 miles visibility, sky clear, temperature 32, dewpoint 5, altimeter 30.12. Currently landing east.” “Copied, thank you. Neo Kid 1.” Rosalina then says, “my radios. You can concentrate on the flying.” “Alrighty.” “Wow, it’s a hot one in Phoenix today.” “Par for the course actually. 90 at… noon? A bit high for late-October, but within 5 degrees.” “Hmm.” She responds. “Neo Kid 1, contact Phoenix Approach on 128.65.” “128.65,” Rosalina responds setting it for the switch, “Neo Kid 1.” “Phoenix Approach, Neo Kid 1, COYOT arrival.” “Neo Kid 1, Phoenix Approach, Roger.” A few minutes after we reach COYOT waypoint, Phoenix calls. “Neo Kid 1, Phoenix.” “Neo Kid 1, go ahead.” Rosalina responds. “Are you familiar with the Phoenix metro area?” “Affirm.” Rosalina responds after I nod at her. “Neo Kid 1, roger. Can you proceed on a long base to runway 7R, following I-17?” I take the transmission for her. “Affirm.“ “Neo Kid 1, roger. Cleared visual approach runway 7R. Follow I-17. Report Metrocenter Mall if I don’t call you before then.” “Cleared visual 7R following I-17, report Metrocenter Mall, Neo Kid 1.” “Well, this should be interesting. We’ll literally follow the freeway in right below us, and if I remember correctly, it’ll literally take us to the threshold. Once we meet Loop 101 or 202, I forget, I’ll hand fly base to final.” “Okay. And per maps, it’s loop 101.” “Is it?” I ask looking at the map she shows us. “Oh! We meet I-10, which becomes Loop 202. I’ll hand fly from I-10.” “Okay.” As I adjust altitude to stay within Phoenix Class B airspace, I configure the aircraft as normal. Below 230 knots, set flaps 1. Below 200 knots, set flaps 2. Runway in sight, lower landing gear. Below 185 knots, set flaps 3. “Sky Harbor Airport information Charlie…” “Good, no changes to the weather.” Below 177, set flaps full. 1000. 100. 50. 40. 30. 20. 10. Touchdown. Spoilers up, brakes on. 2 in reverse. “Neo Kid 1, turn right H6, H6 H to Cutter, ground 132.55.” “Right H6, H6 H to Cutter, ground 32.55, Neo Kid 1.” Cleaned up, lights good, Cutter is the left right before H3. Shut down, fees paid, a couple hundred gallons of fuel, and I return with Sunset Shimmer. Passenger brief, settled comfortably, next stop: Amarillo. Cruising at FL330, we meet Route 66 just before the start of happy hour (14:00). Rosalina does all the honors and returns with her brother without me ever leaving the ramp. Onward to Ar-Kansas. In her elder sister’s absence, Mac will take the reigns of the farm’s picking, while Granny Smith decides to handle the deliveries. In fact, Mac has gone as far as Oklahoma to deliver special ordered batches of apples, a first as usually their products are shipped commercially. One bakery in particular has caught Mac’s interest. Wanting to know, but figuring it’s too early to pry, I wish him luck and make him promise to tell me about it when we next meet. Our next stop is Opa Locka, picking up the stylistically diametric but nevertheless dynamic duo of Vinyl Scratch – aka DJ Pon-3, and Octavia Melody, cello connoisseur. While they reside in Pompano Beach, Opa Locka is the only airport that doesn’t have strict noise abatement rules or absurd landing fees, which is why I use it. The duo has a gig in Manhattan beforehand, so after setting a reminder for that, we’re off to Indianapolis to pick up Twilight. It’s been a couple months since we last saw each other, and when she left it didn’t end well. “Hi Max.” She says acting cordial but obviously hiding something. “Hey Twilight.” I respond despondently. “I’m really sorry about last time. I know you were upset, but you knew I did smoke beforehand.” “It’s fine. I kind of overreacted, but you have to understand that we had every right to be upset. You know that we want what’s best for you, and that in my eyes firmly includes being smoke-free.” “I hope you know that I’m just getting my money’s worth. Those are sunk costs, and in the years it took me to acquire them, I always knew I’d quit. Now that I’m down to my last few boxes, I hope that I can be done with them when I run the last one dry.” “Well, of course! It’s not like you’re addicted are you?” “No. I can still quit if I want to.” “You know, that doesn’t help me at all.” “Ah Ha Ha,” I respond boisterously. “You needn’t a thing to worry about.” “Uh, that does nothing to help your case. Come on, you know just as well as I do that it doesn’t take much to become an addict.” “Of course not. I conquered smoking at 16 under my own power when I was 18. I had a hard relapse at 23 because of personal issues. I’ve been on and off since then, and now I’m riding out the last wave. This should be the final off.” “Even so, I can’t let you smoking like hot food go unchecked.“ “Smoking like hot food?” I chuckle. “That’s a new one.” “Well, it is just ‘harmless’ water vapor.” She responds sarcastically. “Touché.” Once aboard, she starts talking to Lockie before I ask Sunset when Rainbow and Fluttershy are meeting us in New York. Rainbow lands at LaGuardia in the afternoon, and Fluttershy is into Newark in the late afternoon, the same day. Westchester County airport is full, Gabreski all the way in the Hamptons is also unable to accommodate, I don’t have a waiver to fly into LaGuardia, Newark is not an option due to the current flow situation down there (traffic metering with an upcoming runway change), we can’t make Teterboro, and for sure aren’t going down in the Hudson. Unfortunately, this means, “Neo Kid 1, per available parking, cleared to Kennedy airport via Delancey - Delta-November-Yankee; V483, Deer Park - Delta-Papa-Kilo, transition ILS 22L.” “Cleared to JFK via Delancey V483 Deer Park, expect ILS 22L, Neo Kid 1.” “Neo Kid 1, readback correct. Crossing Delancey, reduce speed to 230 knots.” “230 after Delancey, Neo Kid 1.” “Neo Kid 1, contact New York approach on 128.12. Good day.” “28.12, good day, Neo Kid 1.” “New York approach, Neo Kid 1, 7,000.” “Neo Kid 1, New York approach, good evening. Descend and maintain 3,000.” “3,000, Neo Kid 1.” “Neo Kid 1, reaching 3,000, slow to 170 knots, cleared ILS approach runway 22L via Deer Park. Maintain 3,000 until established.” “170 knots at 3,000. Cleared ILS 22L via Deer Park, maintain 3,000 until established, Neo Kid 1.” When we level off at 3,000, I call out, “Below 230, set flaps 1.” “Maintain 170 knots. Flaps set.” Rosalina calls back, “flaps 2 at your discretion.” “I’ll call it for you.” I say as I reset the airspeed bug to 170. “Alright. Approach brief?” “Do you have a chart?” I ask looking over at her. “Do you want to see mine?” “Sure. I’ll hold it, you can just fly.” “You want to brief it?” “I’ll just give you the altitudes. If we don’t get lower, expect glideslope capture at 3,000. Otherwise, 1,800. Missed approach procedure: climb to 500, then climbing left turn 3,000 intercept Kennedy radial 190 to CHANT and hold.” “Thank you. Mode set to nav. Localizer set on 110.9. Autopilot set, once heading bug switches off, flaps 2.” “Got it.” Localizer captured. “Neo Kid 1, Radar service terminated. Contact Kennedy tower now, 119.1.” “19.1, Neo Kid 1.” Rosalina keys back. “Kennedy tower, Neo Kid 1, ILS 22L.” “Neo Kid 1, Kennedy tower. You’re number 1. Runway 22L, cleared to land, traffic will be holding in position.” “Cleared to land 22L, Neo Kid 1.” “Below 200 knots, flaps 2.” I call immediately after she acknowledges ATC. “Got it.” “Virgin 46, traffic landing the parallel runway, runway 22R, cleared for takeoff, fly the Canarsie climb.” “Cleared for takeoff 22R, Canarsie climb, Virgin 46.” “Lower landing gear.” “3 green, down and locked.” She calls when the lights change from red to green. “Below 185 knots, flaps 3.” “Three.” Rosalina says as I throttle back to our approach speed. “Below 177, flaps full please.” “Set. 1000 to go.” “Thank you.” 500. 200. Environment in sight. Autopilot disengage. Hand fly to landing. 100. 50. 40. 30. 20. 10. Touchdown. Spoilers up, brakes on, 2 in reverse. “Neo Kid 1, right J, cross runway 22R no delay, J A Q Q4 to Sheltair, monitor 121.9.” “J, cross 22R, no delays, J A Q Q4, Sheltair, 21.9, Neo Kid 1.” Taking the high speed taxiway J, thankful the surface isn’t wet, I make quick work across the parallel, shutting off all the bright lights once across as we coast comfortably to our parking. “Neo Kid 1, Kennedy ground. Hold short of Q4. You’ll be waiting for the Chicken charter.” “Short of Q4, Neo Kid 1.” Rosalina responds. “Why didn’t they go to Liberty?” I then ask. “If I knew, I’d’ve said so. Then again, I’m a 49ers fan, so…” “I’m more annoyed that they don’t use their hometown airline. Bear down.” “Delta 12, please tell me everyone’s aboard.“ Ground groans impatiently. A long pause on air leads me to believe they’re on 121.65. “Neo Kid 1, hold short of PC, traffic will be taxiing out and onto runway 13R.” “Short of PC, Neo Kid 1. What’s the type?” “A330… -200.” “Wow. Can’t even give ‘em a Neo.” “Hahahaha!” The controller keys back. “Just for that, stop.” “Wouldn’t expect anything less, Neo Kid 1.” I say gently applying the brakes. “Delta 12, if you’re not out of the ramp in the next 15 minutes, you will be towed, and your new flow time will be in 2 1/2 hours.” “Roger, Delta 12, Seattle’s in flow too. We just heard from company.” “I understand, but what’s the hold up? I have a diversion that can’t take the ramp until you leave.” “Company‘s updating us on Seattle. Should be 5.” “I’m this close to flagging you for a false start.” “Company doesn’t want us to leave until we get a flow time in Seattle, and we can’t get a flow time there until we get a flow time out of here. Plus, we’re short a few passengers on the manifest.” “Well, are you ready to go? Is everyone on board?” “Affirm.” “Delta 12, clearance delivery 35.05 for a reroute. In the meantime, as soon as you’re able, runway 13R, full length from PF. We’ll park you there in the meantime.” “On the way.” “Neo Kid 1, behind the chickens, Q Q4.” “Behind the 12’s, Q Q4, Neo Kid 1.” Once parked, we shut down and are greeted by a lineman and the manager on duty. “Evening.” The lineman greets. “Welcome to JFK.” He calls as he grounds the aircraft. “Welcome to Kennedy Airport.” The manager says. “We understand you were not originally intending to land here, but New York Approach told us there was no space elsewhere for you.” “That is true. Can you hold us for a week or will we have to move?” “As far as I can tell, you shouldn’t need to move. We’re reservation only, but since you were an extraneous circumstance, you have a valid reason to be here. I’ll have to talk with Port Authority, since they collect most of the fees. I think there’s a discount for diversions. What was your original destination?” “Westchester.” “Okay. Come with me, we’ll get this worked out. Been here for quite a few years now, these types of things still are pretty rare.” I chuckle and tell my passengers to wait while I take care of all the paperwork. A few minutes later, I emerge with temporary ramp passes, an invoice with itemized charges, including a 50% discount for diversion parking, and a cup of coffee. Once we’re out of the airport, Rosalina and Lockie head straight for the Mushroom World using one of my Focus RS she claimed in the divorce papers. This particular one is Nitrous Blue, a very appropriate color for her in the Mushroom World, especially as a place where there is a huge car scene in the mainstream. Of course, the others aren’t short of a ride, as we all fit comfortably in my Escalade ESV, license plate ‘MLPEQG13’. Since I have to be here for tomorrow’s arrivals, we’re staying at my Manhattan residence. Before we leave, I text Rarity. “Westchester Airport was full. Had to land at Kennedy. Do you want me to pick you up or do you want to drive into the city?” “I just picked up Sweetie Belle, and she’s gonna stay with me a little while after the wedding, so we’ll meet you in Manhattan. Your residence?” “Oui, mon château.” “😘” With that, I put the Escalade in gear, map out the quickest way to the house, and head out of Kennedy. The quickest way in is via the Midtown Tunnel, so once we emerge right by the United Nations, I decide to catch 42nd and drive by the boutique on the way. As I stop at the intersection of Madison and 42nd, I watch pedestrians crossing absentmindedly, but soon after the stop timer begins counting down, my heart drops to my stomach. “Holy shit.” I mumble audibly to myself. “Never in a million years.” “What’s wrong?” Applejack asks. “You see that man? The one wearing the thick trench coat over a sky blue shirt? The one who looks decidedly Filipino?” “Yeah?” “That’s one of my cousins. We were pretty close back then.“ “Sugarcube, I am so sorry you had to see him.” “Don’t be sorry, are you kidding? You know how happy I am to see him here, successful and happy? If he lives in SoHo, he’s accomplished one of his dreams.” “But he’s one of yer sorry excuses for family.” “Would you stop referring to my birth family as less than? They’re human too! Besides, he was actually the last one to disown me. Hell, if the family hadn’t made him choose, I’m pretty sure he’d still acknowledge me as a relative, and a friend.” “Then why did he disown you?” “Because the family made him choose, and he had to stay loyal to the family. I don’t fault them for it, I almost encouraged it.” “Why?” “Because the place I attempted suicide was the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s still funny that my extended family were more loyal to me than my actual flesh and blood. If only Rainbow Dash was with us. She of all people would understand.” “Maybe, but what matters is that we met you. And I’ll be honest, I don’t think we met by chance.” “You think some grand powerful force in the universe brought us together?” “Yea! I don’t know how religious ya’ are, but I don’t think you and Rarity met by accident.” “Meta AF, AJ.” When we pull in to the house, I ask if anyone else is coming. Starlight Glimmer is coming back, once again on behalf of Princess Twilight, to explore other worlds beyond ours and Equestria. Arrival into LaGuardia at 7:00 am means I can pick her up. After all, I’ll have Dash and Fluttershy to grab too, and from there, we can go straight to the pipes. Since it’ll be everyone’s first time, customs will need to create new files for the newcomers. From there, we’ll be housed in most likely Toad Harbor at the castle over there, obviously so we’re all there for the coronation, and because there’ll be too many of us if we stay in Toad Town, and that’s before the literal cross-country distance between the two. The time zone difference between each side of the MK is five hours, but it doesn’t take that long to traverse the kingdom as the highways have no speed limit. However, while the roads may seem simple and fun, the rules are quite a bit nuanced depending on where you are. I’ll explain that once we clear customs. In the meantime, we’ll wait for Rarity and Sweetie Belle. “Either of you hungry?” I text Rarity. Sweetie Belle replies from her phone, “I could go for some pizza. Rarity wants you to wait though. Until we get there.” “Of course. I assume you’re on your way now, since you’re doing all the talking.” “Yeah.” “Where you at?” “In the Bronx.” “Alrighty. No one else is that hungry, but since it is late, we oughta eat.” “Cool. Friendly reminder that Scootaloo is landing at JFK at 10:00 tomorrow.” “Okay. Starlight Glimmer lands at 7:00 at LaGuardia. If you have your way, you may have to pick her up.” “I’ll do it!” “Tell Rarity since you’ll be driving her car.” “Cool!” Not 10 minutes later does Rarity’s Lexus park curbside. We exchange hugs before they claim a bedroom, to which I get ready for the night. With an early day ahead of me and not being fully acclimated to eastern time, I’m too tired to eat. Up at 5, running by 6, plenty of wiggle room for the little drive to LaGuardia means I can pleasure cruise. Nevertheless, I’m there with plenty of time to spare. I decide to park and do the proper chauffeur thing since I don’t have her contact info. Holding a paper sign dressed in a golf shirt and cargo shorts, I feel a bit of a berk because I’m underdressed for the occasion. Even so, Starlight finds me and we share a hug even though she has a duffel bag in one hand and a cup of hot cocoa in the other. Not much fanfare on either of our parts, we head for the Escalade and make for Manhattan, where upon our arrival, Sweetie Belle is out the front door to get Scootaloo. Waving to the two of us, she heads out just as I set a timer for the last two arriving passengers; Rainbow into LaGuardia at 15:00, and Fluttershy into Newark at 16:30. As Starlight gets comfortable in the kitchen, I decide to nap, waking up a couple hours later, greeting Scootaloo with a handshake and hug before the three of them head up the block for pizza and hot dogs. I follow them out but instead get a pretzel and mustard. I return after eating 2 pretzels, not sparing any mustard. It’s been a while since I’ve had a street pretzel from NYC, and this didn’t disappoint. The girls I can see have a giant pizza pie amongst the three of them, and proper Brooklyn style too. Scootaloo also has a hot dog with the works. When they turn the box sideways to get it through the door, they drop it on the kitchen counter and dig in. I grab a can of sparkling water I brought from California to wash down my meal. After 2 minutes of channel surfing, I say out loud, “why do I pay for these things?” “Wait!” Sweetie Belle calls. “We’ll find something to watch.” “If you don’t have a TV series, there aren’t any games on yet.” “When‘s the next game?” Scootaloo asks. “Uh, Nuggets–Pelicans tips off at 19:30, but…” “Wow, a blowout!” She exclaims as she tunes a Celtics–Cavs game. “That’s a replay.” “Aw! It’s somethin’ though. Thanks Max.” “No problem.” I say as I head for my bedroom, where an unexpectedly comfortable Rarity is curled up under the sheets. Immediately, I turn around as slyly as possible and close the door behind me. “Is Rarity asleep in yer’ room?” Applejack asks as I close the door. “Yeah.” “Okay. I need to talk to her about my performin’ outfit.” “What’s up with it?” “It doesn’t… accommodate me.” “Above or below?” “Uh… “36, 24, or 36?” “Yer’ not making a lick ‘a sense.” “36,” I say pointing to my chest, “24,” pointing at my waist, “or 36?” I finish pointing at my hips. “Oh! Uh… hmm… 72.” “What do you…” I cut myself short. “How would Rarity get either of those wrong?” “Ha. Beats me.” Instead of going for a nap, I sit on my front steps and have an e-cigarette. “Can I have a drag?” A voice asks from behind me. “Never took you for a smoker, AJ.” I respond. “I ain’t. I thought ye’ were quittin’.” “When I smoke the last e-cigarette I have. This one is but of many.” “Ya’ know, you smokin’ really doesn’t help your case for Rarity.” “Well, she somehow managed to tolerate it when we were in Europe. She knows that I’m only smoking now to get rid of the boxes I have. At least she understands.” “Max, I know ye’ like me, and Rarity has a crush on you. I will never date much less marry a smoker.” “Well, you’re in luck. I’m still married to Rosalina, plus, me smoking is actually good for you and me. Keeps you from wanting to go out with me, not that you ever wanted to, and if Rarity is indeed intolerant of me smoking, this keeps her away; and by extension you.” “You know I don’t mean it like that. I don’t want to date you because you’re a smoker. I don’t want to date you because I just don’t feel that way about you, sugar cube.” “And you know what, I’m glad it’s one-sided. I’m also glad it’s not unrequited. You understand where we are, and probably have a better idea and vision of what and where we are. Yes, we’re friends, and yes, we could date if we wanted to, despite your dealbreakers, namely in me smoking.” I pause to take a huff. “However,” I exhale, “we both know that what we have now is good. I like where we are, you like where we are, and quite frankly, I like it like that.” “Me too, sugar cube. I don’t want to take where we are further than it is now because our friendship is too great to risk.” “Took the words right outta my mouth.” I say with another huff, smoke seeping out with each movement. “Well, if you would quit smokin’, you’d be able to come up with the words.” She says nudging my side and chuckling. “I’d be wasting my money if I didn’t finish what I have.” I smile back. “You buying them was already wastin’ money.” “Are you all in on getting me to quit?” “Yes.” “Great. Okay.” “Don’t be like that. We all want what’s best for you, and we mean our best intentions.” “I know. Still can hurt though.” I respond dropping my face. *Timer* “Well, that’s my cue. You want to join me? I have Rainbow Dash into LaGuardia and Fluttershy into Newark.” “Eh, why not?” The V8 of my Escalade gets to sing as I make for the aircraft carrier while Applejack puts on some country music. When we reach LGA, Rainbow is already waiting curbside. The car doesn’t even leave drive, so as soon as she gets comfortable, I make for the turnpike and head to United central. “Hi Max, we’re waiting for our gate. Sorry.” “That’s alright. Did you check in a bag?” “Yes.” “All Good. AJ and Dash are with me.” “Yay.” Taking our time in Jersey City and Hoboken, we wait until Fluttershy texts that she’s ready. When we reach terminal loop, we go for 3 circuits before we pick her up. Rainbow slides over, I park and open the boot. She drops her bag in and closes the boot lid in one swift fluid motion, joining Dash in the right middle seat. “Sorry about that. We arrived early and our gate wasn’t quite ready for us yet.” “No problem. I actually had issues getting out of LaGuardia. Queens traffic.” “Now that you’re here,” Rainbow says, “we can head for Brooklyn. I’m low-key excited for this.” “Glad you are.” I say. “I love going to the Mushroom World. Once you get a file set up with customs, you quite literally can come and go as you please. Don’t need bags or a pass. Well, maybe bags if you want to stay more than a day.” “Is customs gonna be a real hootenanny like it is here?” AJ asks somewhat nervously. “Only for the first-timers. After that, all you need is to make sure you pass facial recognition. It keeps the warp pipe process simple. Otherwise, if you don’t, you get warp rerouted to customs.” “Interesting.” “It’s really not that bad. You just sign an anti-terrorist contract, provide some basic contact information, and get a photo taken of you for their database. And the best part for me is, the Mushroom World has a huge car scene. Across the four kingdoms, there is a strong preference for a specific type of car depending on where you are. You know I’m a petrol head, so I always love to bring it up. I have a small assortment of cars over there.” “They all stick?” Rainbow asks half snide. “Actually no. Most of the cars I keep over there are classics. The climate across the entire Mushroom World is very non-abrasive compared to even the Dry Dry Desert of this world. Protection from the elements for priceless classic cars among others.” “Pleh.” Dash says pointing at her outstretched tongue. “Classic cars? Sounds like a big ol’ ball of… LAME!” “You’ll love Mario’s kids then. One son has a Lambo and the other an Aston last I was there.” “Really?” “Yep. Last time I was there the four of us really tore up the streets. Lambo vs. Aston vs. Ford v Ferrari.” “And again I say, ‘LAME!’” “Oh alright then.” When we reach home, they all hug and do their best friend things before I tell them collectively, “if you’re all ready, we can head to the Mushroom World. Please have a form of photo ID ready and bags easy to inspect. Rarity, you will have to follow us. My Escalade only has room for 6 others, and there are 9 of us. “Got it!” Sweetie Belle says as she goes for the keys. “Let’s load up. Who’s riding with me?” AJ and Scoots opt for the Lexus, leaving me with Starlight, Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, and Fluttershy. “Rarity, are you okay with driving your car in the Mushroom World?” “I don’t think there’ll be a problem.” “Okay. Customs should give you an outline for the rules of the road, but the first thing you need to know is outside of the urban centers, there are no speed limits.” “Don’t drive too fast then.” “Your car can go faster than mine, so that won’t be an issue.” “Okay. Well, I’ll be behind you the whole way.” “Okay, follow me to Brooklyn.” I then text Rosalina, “en route to the pipes, will report past customs.” Only a read receipt shows as I secure the house behind me. With that, I put her in gear and make for Brooklyn. When we reach their old office, I turn a key that operates the electric gate for access to the road-based warp pipes. Both of us drive through before I turn the key again to close the gate behind us.