For Love of Fluttershy (A Discord Story)

by Teddie Williams

DIscord Remembers...

~A Thousand Years Ago~
A dark unicorn with a blood red horn turned to face the creature that was still chasing him. "Leave me alone Discord!"
Discord scowled at him, already using his powers to summon a triple edged sword to his hand. "After what you did Sombra!? I will not rest until vengeance is mine! You took my love from me!"
Sombra snarled, his inky black magic leaking from his horn as he stepped backwards to a large city that appeared to be made entirely out of crystals. "You will not get your so called vengeance, they should not have stopped me from gaining world domination in the first place!"
"Do you even hear yourself Sombra? There is no peace or harmony with what you want!" Discord stepped forward, hefting the odd sword up.
Sombra snorted, his voice derisive. "That is king Sombra to you!" With a sudden screech, the wind picked up, the softly falling snowflakes picking up until it was a mighty blizzard.
Discord snapped his fingers, summoning an ice palace to shield him from the sudden storm. Impatient, he snapped his fingers to displace the storm, only for nothing to happen. Alarm flashed through him as he realized that he was dealing with a dark spell, similar to the one that had taken the kingdom that his love lived in and all of its inhabitants away from this realm.
Sombra's voice echoed through the den, his voice tinted with smugness. "After today...No one will remember the Kingdom of Ponyville...including you, Discord! Today will live in infamy!"
Discord shook his head, fingers curling tightly. "You won't get away with this Sombra! I will avenge Fluttershy! If its the last thing that I do!"
~Present Day~
Discord sniggered as he slipped just out of the angry unicorn's reach. Of course, the fact that Discord had changed his horn to a red rubber stick, meant that his magic was plaintively useless. Leaping and bounding across the rooftops of Canterlot, he made his way to his favorite perch. From there he could see the vast, dangerous woods that were covering where the Lost Kingdom was supposed to be.
"Just another day without you my dear..." Discord sighed, his mind turning to the young lady of the Lost Royal Court that he had courted all those years ago.
Glancing down, he spotted a school group of Earth ponies heading to the museum across the street. The teacher was speaking to her class, her voice drifting up on the breeze to him. "Recently a statue that appears to be older than our grand city of Canterlot has been found that has archaeologists of all kinds perfectly perplexed."
"Why are they confused? Is it a unicorn statue?" One of the students asked, disgust dripping from their voice.
Discord nearly bristled at that comment. He stopped himself though, barely. If only he could find a way to get back at Sombra for what he did! "...together." He snapped his head back down, suddenly confused about what it was that she was talking about. He didn't have long before the students answered his question, and for the first time in one thousand years, hope surged through him.
"But why would anyone make a statue of a unicorn with two earth ponies, and two pegasi? Unicorns are snobby, and pegusi think they're better than everyone because they can fly and control the weather!"
"It can't be..." Discord popped down, into the museum. Looking around, he noted the boring paintings and pottery from the past one thousand years. But the statue that they had mentioned was nowhere to be seen. Frustrated, he turned to leave the main room and go see if it was placed in the pegasus section of the museum when a dark blue alicorn approached him.
"Discord...what are you doing here?" Princess Luna eyed the creature of chaos curiously, puzzled on why he didn't appear to be looking for a way to destroy the artifacts that were on display in the main room.
Discord tried, and failed horribly, to keep his voice calm. "Where is the new statue... where is it!?" He nearly picked up the princess and shook her, but once again caught himself. He had to be careful. She would be so disappointed in him if he harmed ponies needlessly. Causing chaos was one thing, causing harm was a whole other ball park.
Princess Luna blinked rapidly, surprise flashing through her. Since when did Discord care so much about historical discoveries? "It is in the Museum's gardens. Why do you..." Discord bolted towards the garden, as if his life depended on it. "Discord! Get back here!"
Discord entered the garden, and immediately froze in place. Right there in front of him was a statue...that most definitely shouldn't exist. He crossed the room reverently, kneeling down in front of the statue of five of the members of the Council of Harmony. Even from where he knelt, he could see the looks of pure terror on their faces... a look that felt so wrong to him. They were supposed to be brave...and yet... Sombra did this. He destroyed their lives. Anger bubbled up inside him as he stared at one particular pegasus. She was crouching far lower than the others, as if to hide from an unseen threat, and yet he could see the three butterflies in her flank that made up her cutie mark."Oh love." With that said, darkness rushed up to greet him.
Luna sprang forward, using her wings to propel her body forward faster to catch the villainous master of chaos as he suddenly fainted in front of the new statue. Catching him with her magic, she carefully lowered him to the ground, before glancing over at the class of earth ponies that followed her into the gardens. "Can one of you fetch a doctor please? Discord isn't acting like himself...oh. And he just fainted."
The teacher blanched as she looked at the alicorn princess, clearly surprised that she would even acknowledge her presence. "Right away, your highness." She fled from the gardens, leaving her students in Luna's care.
Luna looked down at Discord's limp form, concern flashing through her. Why was he acting so different today? And what about that statue would trigger such a reaction from the powerful lord of chaos?