//------------------------------// // Spring Break Part 1 // Story: The Drake Bros. // by BrawnyBold //------------------------------// In the middle of the ocean, Spike used both of his hands to paddle while on a blue, bed floaty. He had no idea how he ended up there in the first place. Spike remembered falling asleep on the beach and next thing he knew, he wakes to find that he was in the ocean. Several Hours Ago It was Spring Break and it was time for the girls and the Drake brothers to have a vacation. Rarity's parents have gotten the girls a good deal at a small resort near a nice beach. The girls also brought Spike and Scales so the boys could enjoy some beach fun. All of them rode inside of a large, white van while Applejack was behind the wheel. Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Spike were playing the longest game of I Spy. Rarity, Rainbow, and Scales were all taking a nap in their seats. Twilight was busy reading up on a book about seashores. It took about a few hours before the van finally arrived to their destination. "Here we are, y'all! We made it to Sandy Resorts!" Applejack hollered as she drove the van to a parking space big enough for the vehicle to fit. Everyone got out of the van to stretch their legs while enjoying the view of the beach. "Wow! It's so pretty!" Pinkie said as she jumped in excitement. "I know!" Spike agreed as he thought of all of the fun activities he wanted to do on the beach. "We'll have fun on the beach, after we get all of our bags into the rooms." Twilight said while she and Applejack began pulling out the luggage from the van. "Okay!" Spike and Pinkie said as they went to get their bags. The group was given four rooms. It made since that each room will be shared by two people. Twilight shared a room with Rarity, Rainbow shared a room with Applejack, Pinkie shared a room with Fluttershy, and Spike shared a room with Scales. Once everyone entered their rooms, they began unpacking and changed into their swimsuits. Scales put on a pair of blue swim trunks. "Are you all set, Spike?" Scales asked his little brother. "Yep!" Spike said while wearing a pair of green trunks. Spike and Scales' phones buzzed. They saw that Twilight had messaged them. Her text read: We'll meet you boys at the beach, just get the beach stuff set up. Scales grumbled as he realized why most of the beach supplies were in their room. "C'mon Spike, let's bring this stuff over to the beach." Scales said as he picked up some of the umbrellas. "Right behind you!" Spike said as he picked up two of the coolers. Luckily for the boys, they found a decent spot on the beach and began setting up the umbrellas and towels. The brothers took a step back to admire their handy work. "Great job, you two!" Twilight said from behind. Spike and Scales turned to see Twilight and the rest of the girls making their way towards them. Spike's eyes almost popped out from what the girls wore. Twilight was wearing a two-piece pink bikini with purple star patterns on it. Rarity's swimsuit was also a two-piece bikini but it was covered entirely with blue glitter. Fluttershy had on a simple, pink two-piece bikini with yellow butterflies on it. Pinkie had on a light blue, frilly two-piece bikini. Rainbow had on a rainbow bikini top and dark blue swim shorts. Applejack had on an orange two-piece bikini with yellow polka dots on it. "What do you think, Spikey?" Rarity said as she struck a pose to show off her glittery swimsuit. Spike was lost for words, especially while he saw Rarity in a bikini. His jaw dropped so much that it was wide enough to let flies in. Spike quickly shook his head while regaining his composure. "Y-you look great, Rarity!" Spike stuttered while he blushed a bright red. Rarity simply giggled from Spike's cute reaction. The rest of the girls looked at Rarity with ticked-off glares. "Oh, um...you girls look great too!" Spike said to reduce the tension. The rest of the girls smiled from hearing Spike's praise. "If we're done with giving and receiving praises, time to hit the water!" Scales said. "Yeah!" Spike cheered as he and Scales were about to race to the sea. "Hold up!" Twilight interrupted. "We got to put on sunscreen. We don't want to get sunburn on our first day at the beach." "Spike and I have already put some on." Scales said. "Okay, but we haven't applied sunscreen yet." Rarity said as she laid down on one of the towels with her back exposed. "Spikey, could you be a dear and apply some to my back?" Rarity said while batting her eyes. Spike's heart raced from being requested for such a bold task. Next thing he knew, the rest of the girls went to lay down also with their backs exposed. "We would like some sunscreen too, Spike!" The rest of the girls said at once. Spike quickly turned to Scales to see if he could offer him assistance. "They asked you, bro. Not me." Scales said as he patted Spike's shoulders as a sign for good luck. As Scales went out to swim, Spike took a big gulp before he approached Rarity first. He squirted sunscreen on one of his hands before he began rubbing Rarity's back. The texture of Rarity's back made Spike's hand shiver from how smooth it was. The more areas Spike rubbed, the more jittery his hands became. The jittering made Rarity giggle a bit. "Spikey, your trembling hands are starting to tickle me!" Rarity teased. "S-sorry!" Spike said before Pinkie grabbed his arms. "Pinkie! What are you doing?!" "Mind if I guide you?" Pinkie winked before she pulled Spike's hands all over Rarity's back to spread the sunscreen. Rarity yelped in displeasure from the sudden movements from both Pinkie and Spike's efforts. "Alright, all done!" Pinkie claimed. Rarity got up to glare daggers at Pinkie for her involvement. "I didn't need your help, Pinkie!" Rarity said before she went to lift Spike's chin. "But I appreciate your efforts, Spikey." Rarity then gave Spike a peck on the cheek before heading to the water. "My turn!" Pinkie yelled as she laid down while waiting for Spike's rub down. Spike squirted some more sunscreen on his hands before he rubbed Pinkie's back. He did his best to remember where Pinkie guided him when he rubbed Rarity's back. "Oh Spikey, that feels so good!" Pinkie moaned as she enjoyed every feeling of Spike's hands. Once Spike was done, Pinkie jumped up from the ground. "Thanks, Spike!" Pinkie said before she skipped towards the ocean. "Umm...I would like to go next." Fluttershy said quietly as she was still laying down. "I'm on it!" Spike said as he once again squirted more sunscreen on to his hands. He slowly began rubbing Fluttershy's back. This time, it was Fluttershy who was jittering as she was not only rubbed down by a boy, but she was rubbed down by a boy who she likes. Spike's soft touch made Fluttershy's heart race as she enjoyed it completely. "You're done now, Fluttershy." Spike said. Fluttershy got up while patting the sand off of herself. "Thank you." Fluttershy said as she went to the ocean. "I call dibs!" Rainbow said while raising her hand. Applejack just grumbled due to lack of patients. "Okay, Rainbow." Spike then applied sunscreen on to Rainbow's back. "Ah yeah," Rainbow whispered as she enjoyed the feeling of being rubbed down. Spike couldn't help but blush from how strong Rainbow's muscles felt. Guess that what happens when Rainbow trains in sports. Spike finished up with Rainbow and she got up to stretch. "Thanks Spike! I owe you one!" Rainbow winked as she ran to cannonball into the water. Causing the others to get wet from the splash. "I'm up." Applejack confirmed as Spike began rubbing down Applejack with sunscreen. Spike felt how more muscular and thick Applejack's skin felt in contrast to Rainbow. He blushed even brighter from how much he was enjoying it. Spike was able to cover Applejack with sunscreen and she got up. "Thank ya, Spike!" Applejack said as she went to join the others. "Alright Twilight! It's your turn." Spike said. "Finally!" Twilight joked as she prepared herself. Spike rubbed sunscreen on Twilight's back with ease thanks to his recent experiences with the other girls. When Spike was done with Twilight, she got up to take his hand. "Let's go, Spike!" Twilight said as she pulled Spike into the water with the rest of the gang. Things started out with playful splashing among the group as they enjoyed being under the bright sun. Rainbow, Applejack, and Scales decided to to have a swimming contest to see who was the fastest. Pinkie signaled them to go and all three of them swam with all of their might from a far distant and back. Rainbow and Applejack reached the beach at the same time while Scales came in second. Both of the athletes argued at each other about who was the one who made it first. Rarity took this opportunity to catch up with her tanning while on the beach. Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, and Spike had themselves a sandcastle building contest. Spike tried to build a sandy fortress for his sandcastle. Fluttershy made a castle with plenty of fields for animals. Twilight's sandcastle was messy as she was having a hard time keeping the sand together. Pinkie was the winner as her sandcastle was five stories high and the structure had accurate details. An hour passed before it was lunch time. Some of the girls and Scales went to get some food while Rainbow, Pinkie, and Spike stayed behind. As the rest of the group went to get some food, Spike was taking a long nap. "Ah! Spike looks so cute when he is sleeping." Pinkie cooed. An idea came to Rainbow's mind as her face showed one of mischief. "Hey Pinkie, want to pull a prank?" Rainbow asked. "Oh! I love it when you come up with pranks!" Pinkie whispered. "What do we need?" "You still got that blue, inflatable mattress, right?" Rainbow asked Pinkie. At an instant, Pinkie pulled out the said air mattress from her hair. "Great, now we need a long rope." Rainbow said as she rubbed her hands in an evil way. Rainbow and Pinkie slowly pushed the blue air mattress that had a sleeping Spike on it. Once Rainbow and Pinkie were at a far distant, Rainbow tied a rope around Spike's arm and the girls made their way back to the beach. "Oh man, this is gonna be sweet!" Rainbow snickered. "We wait until Spike wakes up and watch him panic while he thinks he got stranded!" "Ha! That's genius, Dashie!" Pinkie said before a thought came to her. "But what happens if Spike drifts too far into the ocean?" "Don't worry, that's why I tied this rope to his arm. If he gets a little to far, I'll just pull this rope and he'll be closer." Rainbow said as she raised the rope. "Oh, that's smart." Pinkie said as she pulled out some binoculars to watch Spike. "Looks like Spike hasn't woken up yet." "Guess we'll just wait until Spike does." Rainbow said as she laid down. "Let me know if he gets too far offshore, I'll pull him back." "Okie dokie loki!" Pinkie saluted before she resumed keeping watch on Spike. About thirty minutes have passed before Pinkie and Rainbow fell asleep from waiting and watching Spike. "Hey guys!" Twilight hollered from the distance. Pinkie and Rainbow started to wake up while feeling groggy from their nap. "Oh, hey guys. Did you get food?" Pinkie asked. "We did, sorry it took so long. There was some long line at the snack bar." Twilight replied. Scales looked around the beach. "Where's Spike?" Scales asked. "Oh, we're trying to pull a prank on Spike where we had him asleep on an air mattress in the middle of the water." Pinkie bragged. "What!?" The rest of the group said at once. "It's no biggie." Rainbow defended. "All I have to do is pull the rope and-" Rainbow stopped when she noticed that the rope was no longer tied on her arm. She saw a long trail of the rope in the sand as it led to the ocean. The rope must've gotten loose and it caused Spike to drift off further into the ocean. "He he...my bad?" Rainbow said with a guilty grin. "Aaaaahhhh!" Spike yelled when he woke up and realized that he was stranded in the ocean.