//------------------------------// // A Lunar Night // Story: Spreading My Wings // by KingBoo687 //------------------------------// “After that,” Lunar explained, “things between Astral and myself were fine – I taught her everything about friendship and she eventually returned home to spread what she learned and practice it too. We used to talk a lot and she'd send me letters weekly, but those stopped once I, well...” Lunar stopped as he found finding the right words hard to say. Meridian wondered what the matter was and politely asked the prince if everything was alright. Lunar nodded, smiling meekly at Meridian. “Sorry,” he sighed, “it's just, we're nearing the point of my life where everything went haywire.” Twilight noticed Lunar having a hard time and rested one of her hooves along his back, rubbing it softly. Lunar looked to Twilight and smiled a bit more, but still looked down. “It's okay, Lunar,” Twilight told him, “it's all old news and won't happen again, I will guarantee that.” “Remember, Lunar,” added Meridian, “the purpose of this biography is so that history won't repeat itself again. Princess Luna suffered similar fates and you, in the most literal way, followed in her hoofsteps, but you recognize the error of your ways, much like the princess, and you are doing your hardest to not let that incident define who you are.” Lunar sighed once more, then nodded, “You're right. It's just hard to talk about. This will really be the first time I've talked about this in detail since it's happened.” “Take it slow and easy, Lunar,” Meridian encouraged. “It'll all be okay,” Twilight added. Taking a deep breath, Lunar nodded slowly, then looked to Meridian, “This is how it all happened.” “There is a great evil coming,” Luna explained, “and there won't be much I can do to help you...” “I don't get it though,” Lunar sighed, looking down a bit, “How can I be the great evil? I've never done anything remotely bad before in my life, you know that.” “I sense that your horn is developing dark alicorn magic,” alerted Luna. “Dark alicorn magic?” Lunar repeated. “Precisely,” continued Luna, “normally, an alicorn would complete the development of their own alicorn magic first. Dark magic shouldn't be developed until late in an alicorn's life.” “But,” protested Lunar, “you telling me this can offer a way for me to stop this, right?” “Dark magic is different between alicorns and unicorns,” Luna explained. “How so?” “Well,” said Luna, “for one thing, it's much easier to remove the dark magic for regular unicorns. As for alicorns like ourselves, it's a bit trickier. Myself, for example, was corrupted by dark magic and, like you know, became Nightmare Moon. Once corrupted, it will be very hard to save you, seeing how the Elements of Harmony are no longer with their respective holders and back inside the Tree of Harmony.” Lunar felt a tear forming in his eye and quickly wiped it away, looking back at Luna, “I-Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening?” “All that I can tell you is to stay strong and fight it as best as you can,” Luna sighed, feeling grim, “you will notice a change in your behavior – I don't know what you'll do or what you'll become – and you will start seeing a change in the way you perform magic.” “Will it continue to happen if I continue casting spells?” Lunar wondered, trying to come up with a way to eliminate the corruption from happening. “It will continue to happen, regardless if you cast spells or not,” Luna spoke heavily, “and, simply putting this out there, but you need your magic in order to perform your royal duties.” She neared Lunar and stared into his eyes, placing a hoof on his chest softly. “All I can say is that I believe in you, Lunar. You are strong enough to not fall, trust me. You are a strong pony, stronger than anypony I've ever met in my lifetime. I wish there was something I could do to help you out, but this is something you will have to deal with by yourself, as much as I wish you didn't have to. But you can do this, don't be like me. Don't become corrupted. Don't turn into a colt version of Nightmare Moon. Please, don't do any of that. Think about the happiness you bring to everypony: myself, Princess Cadence, Princess Celestia, your parents, and, most importantly, Princess Twilight. Think about them and the happiness you have brought them.” Just then, the void Princess Luna and Lunar were in was starting to collapse. Luna started walking backwards into the void while Lunar tried reaching out for her, hoping to get more answers. Normally, Lunar would be able to follow after Luna, but since this was his own dream, Luna made sure he couldn't with her own magic. Unfortunately for Lunar, the void had collapsed on itself and Lunar woken up in the waking world in a startle, alerting a sleeping Twilight next to him. “Are you okay, Lunar?” Twilight asked, rubbing her eye gently with her hoof. Lunar looked over to Twilight with heavy eyes and contemplated whether or not he should tell the pony that meant the world to him what was slowly happening to him. Twilight could tell that something was bothering Lunar and, getting up from her spot on the blanket underneath them, approached Lunar slowly, hoof extended out to him. “N-No,” Lunar heavily spoke through a gasp, “no...” “I only want to help you, Lunar,” Twilight claimed, continuing to approach him. Backing up into the tree trunk next to them, Lunar quickly glanced back and forth around him, trying to not make eye contact with Twilight. Continuing to approach him, Twilight held out her hoof as a sign of extending her help to him. Lunar calmed down slightly, looking down at Twilight's outreached hoof and finally taking it, holding it and walking back to where they were laying down together. “Luny,” Twilight spoke softly, “what's wrong? You're acting different than usual.” Lunar was uncertain how he should respond and looked down, sighing slightly. He still contemplated whether to tell Twilight the truth or not. Twilight saw this and rubbed Lunar's back softly with one of her hooves. “Shhhh,” Twilight quietly sounded, “it's okay...you can tell me, it's alright...” “I...I just had a bad dream, that's all,” Lunar lied, deciding that it was best not to alert Twilight in any way. “Do you want to talk about it?” Twilight calmly asked, moving her hoof from Lunar's back to his own hoof now. “If you talk about it, it releases the images of that dream and you'll be less likely to have it in the future. I believe that's what you told me before, right?” “I...it was...” Lunar gulped, looking into Twilight's loving eyes, getting drowned in them and completely forgetting about his sure corruption. “I dreamt...I dreamt that we, umm, that we had a big fight and that you wanted to leave me for somepony else...exiling me to someplace else as well...” “It's okay, my prince,” Twilight spoke, looking back into Lunar's eyes, “that is a dream that will never come to pass. I'll never do anything like that to you and, should we ever get into an argument, I'm sure there isn't anything a little talk and compromise can't fix.” Lunar falsely smiled at Twilight, who managed to buy the smile for the time being. Nuzzling her with his muzzle, Lunar happily obliged to her comments. “I am so lucky to have you as my marefriend, Twily,” Lunar spoke, “I do hope that you know that.” “I do, Lunar,” Twilight giggled, “and I feel the same way about having you as a coltfriend.” “So that was what started my frenzy and worries about how and when I would change,” Lunar sighed, “I'd never been that afraid of anything before in my life and, to be honest, other than losing Twilight, I've never been that afraid of anything since.” “What were the first signs you noticed that showed you were changing?” Meridian asked. “I guess it would be the race I had against Rainbow Dash and Applejack where I noticed something was wrong with me,” answered Lunar, “I like competition, being a sports pony and all, and I hate to lose, but that race was the first time I'd ever actually cheated.” “Cheated?” “I used my magic to give myself an unfair advantage,” explained Lunar, “and it caused a huge gap to form between myself and Dash and AJ. I didn't recognize it while I was doing it at the time, but I did notice afterwards after they told Twilight what happened. From there, things got a little bit more out of control.” “Hello there, my Princess,” Lunar smiled, “how are you doing?” Lunar received a cold shoulder from Twilight as they walked through the main hallway of the castle. He was a bit shocked and ran up next to her to see what was wrong. Walking down one of the other hallways, Lunar noticed that Twilight had begun picking up her pace, so he matched her new pace in order to keep up with her. “What's wrong, Twily?” Lunar asked calmly. “Don't call me that,” Twilight replied. “I just want to know what the matter is,” continued Lunar. “You know damn well what the matter is!” Twilight snapped. Lunar was surprised. Twilight had never spoken to him in such a tone before and he grew worried, continuing to defend himself by denying what had obviously taken place earlier in the day. “I really don't know what you mean, Twilight,” he told her, “I don't know what the matter is.” “Oh,” Twilight sarcastically scoffed, “the cheater doesn't remember what he did?” “I–” “How can you just stand there like that and lie to me?” Twilight asked, some tears beginning to run down the side of her face. “But–” “How could you do that?” Twilight cried, looking away in the process. “What–” “I thought you loved me...” Twilight squeaked between her sobs. That claim managed to shut Lunar up permanently as he stared directly into Twilight's beautiful eyes. At that moment, he realized that his honesty and his good nature was starting to turn on itself and that he was beginning to turn into a different kind of pony. “Twilight...” Lunar whispered. Twilight shook her head slowly and began walking away. “Don't talk to me,” she said through her tears, “I don't want to talk to you right now or see you right now either.” She ran off to her room afterwards, leaving Lunar alone in the middle of the hallway with a stunned look on his face. He fought back some tears, then opted to go to his own room and lay down. Lunar needed to cool off desperately, and by being alone, he would be able to do just that. Entering into his room, he made sure that he would not be disturbed, asking Spike to hold all of his visitors for the time being. He wanted to be alone and made sure that that would happen no matter what. Spike obliged to Lunar's request as he entered into his room and locked the door behind him, standing in the center of the room and facing a nearby mirror to look at his features and appearance. Prior to becoming an alicorn, Lunar was about the size of Princess Luna, about a few inches shorter than she was. Since becoming an alicorn, he grew slightly taller than her and, the more obvious item, a pair of feathered wings, something he had started to question now. Without these wings, Lunar thought, I was a simple unicorn with simple, controlled magic. Now that I have them, I have uncontrolled dark alicorn magic that's slowly developing me into an entirely different pony. Approaching the mirror and looking more closely at himself, Lunar noticed that he was a bit taller than he usually was and that his mane now had sparks within it. He noted that, earlier in the day, he was slightly shorter and the sparks were not present in his mane either. He studied the new features within his mane for quite a bit of time before sighing heavily, punching the crystallized wall in front of him, cracking it around his hoof slightly. It hadn't caused any pain to Lunar, but he could see a little bit of blood running from his hoof. He ignored it, then walked over towards his bed and collapsed atop of it, staring up at the ceiling. Lunar's room was one that resembled his personality perfectly. His room was very dark colored and had a number of astrological signs printed throughout the walls. There were bookshelves filled with the latest books on astronomy that are in his room as well, not to mention a model of the sun and moon on top of one of the bookshelves. Lunar looked over towards the bookshelf and stared at the model of the moon for what seemed like hours until his attention was finally drawn from it. A knock came at the door and Lunar opted not to answer it. That stood to be the case until he found out who was at the door knocking. “Lunar?” Twilight called. “Are you in there?” “What do you want, Twilight?” Lunar rudely replied. He cracked his neck, then straightened out his tone and attitude. “I mean, uhh, what's wrong, Twilight?” “C-Can I come in?” She asked quietly. “Yeah, sure,” sighed Lunar, “why not?” He got up and proceeded to walk towards the door. Unlocking it, Lunar opened it up slightly and peered his head out of the door, making sure that Twilight was all alone before letting her in. Once she was inside his room, Lunar immediately closed and locked the door, facing her in the process. “What's wrong?” Lunar asked. “I wanted to ask you that, Lunar,” Twilight said, approaching Lunar slowly, “what's going on, Lunar? What's the matter?” Lunar gazed down into Twilight's beautiful violet eyes, then sighed heavily once more. He opted for telling Twilight the truth because the truth would hurt less than a consistent lie would. “Princess Luna visited me in my sleep when we were in the park before,” Lunar began, “she told me that my dark alicorn magic was forming at an alarming pace and that this was unusual for an alicorn at this point.” “What did she say to do?” Twilight asked out of shock. “That's the thing,” replied Lunar, “she said that there's nothing I can't do to stop this from happening and that it will continue no matter what.” He felt a few tears form in his eyes and run down the side of his face while continuing. “I-I'm turning into a pony that I'm not and that's why I'm acting the way I've been before. I don't mean any of this, really. It's just that my dark magic is making me do this. I know I cheated in that race, really, I do. But I didn't do that...my dark alicorn magic that's forming did that...” “But,” Twilight responded, tears forming in her eyes, “if you're becoming...this...this dark pony, then...” She trailed off, unable to finish what she wanted to say. “Twilight,” Lunar boldly and seriously spoke, “I want you to show no mercy if we are face to face with each other. You will not harm me, nor I you. I want you to give it your all if you have to fight me. Promise me that you will show no mercy...” Twilight looked into Lunar's eyes and quivered, “I-I can't do that, Lunar.” “I need you to do that, Twilight,” Lunar continued, “you're a strong pony and can do this...please...for me...” Twilight still looked into Lunar's eyes with tears rushing down the side of her face. Reaching out to her, Lunar wiped Twilight's tears away gently and kissed her on the tip of her muzzle. Twilight quietly sobbed, then promised that she would do her best through her sobbing. “I'm sorry, my beautiful Princess...” Lunar cried with Twilight. Lunar lifted himself and approached one of the nearby windows, watching as the sun started to set in the distance. He hadn't realized how long the interview had gone on for and found himself to be quite surprised. He wondered mostly what the end result would be and wondered if the biography would be successful in finally letting other ponies know who the real Lunar Nights was. He turned around and glanced towards Meridian, giving him a nod after she replaced the tape and inserted a new one. “All set, Lunar,” Meridian told him. “Thank Celestia,” Lunar joked, “the tension of what happened next is killing me.” “Well,” continued Meridian, “I'm ready when you are.” Lunar turned to Twilight, “You ready, Twily?” “To listen to how bad you'd become?” Twilight smirked. “Oh no, I'll never be ready for that, again.” Lunar rolled his eyes playfully, then returned to his chair, “Well, here goes nothing, yet again.” Out in the middle of a field far away from civilization stood Lunar. He fled his home and said his goodbyes to Twilight earlier in the night and made it a mission to not bring harm to anyone if and when he felt his change finish. He landed in a field after flying for quite some time only because his strengthening dark magic started taking away his ability to fly. Pushing himself beyond his limits, Lunar began to run in the same direction he previously flew in. Eventually, the moon reached its peak in the sky and was lighting the way that Lunar had wanted to go. He ran for quite some time and, after a while, started to feel a piercing headache, which made him begin to slow down. The headache was hurting Lunar very much, but he pressed onward, determined to be as far away from civilization as possible. Minutes passed by while Lunar kept running. Eventually, he came to a stop when the headaches started becoming unbearable. He collapsed on the ground and started holding his head tightly, feeling like it would explode if it weren't being held. He shouted out in pain and could feel the dark magic assume control over his body, beginning with his mind. “For Celestia's sake!” Lunar cried. “Get out of me!” “And why would we want to do that?!” The dark forces inside Lunar asked cockily. “Get out!” Lunar shouted. “Get out! GET OU-OW-OUT!” “That would be rather pointless now,” the darkness menacingly spoke, “seeing how we've made ourselves feel quite at home inside this putrid body of yours!” “I swear on my life if you do anything to anypony–” “What will you do, tough guy?!” The darkness interrupted. “Within another five minutes, we'll be the ones who will be in complete control of this body!” “I shall not let that happen!” Lunar defended, trying his hardest to fight back against the dark forces that were corrupting him more rapidly now. “But it already has!” The darkness chuckled. “What do you–AHHHHHHHHH!” The darkness began sealing Lunar's fate and started to take control of his body. Lunar tried very hard to push the darkness out of his body, but the more he fought back and resisted, the quicker the transformation became. He cried out in pain as he began to feel his body grow slightly. He could feel his teeth grow and reshape themselves into fangs and he also felt his mane flow in the nonexistent wind. Within minutes, Lunar's psyche was thrown away as the darkness assumed total control over his entire body. As much as he fought back at this point, there was absolutely nothing he could do but hope for a miracle to happen, which even he thought was highly unlikely to happen now. Lunar could hear the darkness laughing maniacally as he struggled mightily against it, finally breaking to give up. He sat back and prayed for a miracle to happen and could only think about how Twilight and the others would react to him being a corrupted, self-centered psychopath. “I finally did it! I finally took over control! I must say, though, that his old body was quite feeble and frail. I'm glad we got to change that as we pleased to match our liking. Reminds me of the body we formed when we took over that worthless princess, Princess Luna!” Lunar sighed inside his own body and felt hurt that any such insults would be thrown around. He wanted to do something about this, but given how weak he was compared to the dark forces that were in charge now, that was out of the question. He thought more about Twilight and hoped she would fulfill her promise if they met now. “Hmm...what's this? Are these...are these memories? Is that–? That's Princess Twilight! Oh, how deliciously evil! You were one of Twilight's closest friends and now she'll witness first hoof your new power!” Lunar felt his new wings flap and begin rising his body into the air. The dark forces turned in the direction towards Ponyville and, wings being tucked in now, Lunar blasted off towards the town. He smirked slyly and shouted out loud now. “Hopefully my magic can do something more than defeat Twilight!” The dark forces made Lunar shout. Lunar felt his body stop and turn towards the moon. The dark forces used the new magic that had formed to cast a spell on the moon, which was beginning to set. The spell kept the moon risen high in the sky and kept it from being controlled by anyone else, blocking the sun from shining in the process. “It's my night now, you weak princess!” Lunar yelled at the sky, aiming those words to the absent Princess Luna. “My night! My body! My power, and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me now!” Bringing in storm clouds, thunder roared following Lunar's declaration, providing some excellent filler in the background. He took advantage of the thunder roaring and proceeded once more towards Ponyville, hoping he would run into Twilight first. When he finally arrived in Ponyville, Lunar started to charge up some of his newfound dark alicorn magic and unleashed it on some of the nearby homes. He cackled to himself and continued his onslaught of attacks on the innocent ponies below. Accompanied by some thunder and lightning, Lunar felt as if nothing could stop him now. Once he saw Twilight and their friends, he stopped and hovered above them all. “We may have failed previously,” Lunar told the group, “but this time, we will make sure that our night lasts forever!” He shot some magic at the ground, making the others jump out of the way. Twilight felt some tears form in her eyes while Rainbow Dash stepped in front of everyone, prepared to defend her friends no matter what. “It isn't your night!” Rainbow Dash snapped, glaring at the corrupted prince angrily. “You dare challenge us?” Lunar laughed, mocking Rainbow Dash in the process. “You simply must be joking!” “The only joke here is you!” Rainbow Dash retorted. “So be it then,” answered an angered Lunar, casting another beam of dark alicorn magic towards the group of friends. “GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Twilight screamed, pushing her friends out of the way just in the nick of time. Landing hard on the ground, Twilight glanced around to see if anyone sustained any damage. “Is everypony alright?” “I'm fine,” said Rainbow Dash, “just annoyed at him!” She pointed towards Lunar in the sky. “It isn't his fault, Rainbow,” Twilight replied, nearly about to cry. “Then whose is it?” Rainbow Dash responded. “The dark forces inside of him,” Twilight cried, wiping her eyes dry of tears. “What do ya mean, Twilight?” Applejack asked. “Princess Luna came to him in a dream and told him that his dark alicorn magic was forming at an unusually fast pace,” Twilight answered, looking up to the corrupted prince, “and, as far as alicorns go, they usually form their regular alicorn magic first, then their dark magic much later on in their lives. It's just that the dark magic is never supposed to be as severe as his is right now.” “Is there anything we can do to help him?” Fluttershy quietly asked. Twilight shook her head ruefully, “I fear that it may be too late to help him out.” “That's no way to speak, Twilight,” Applejack told the emotionally destroyed princess. “There isn't anything a good old heaping of friendship can't do to help us out, Twi!” Rainbow Dash added. Twilight looked to her friends for encouragement, but deep down, she knew that all hope was lost for Lunar without the Elements of Harmony to help them out. Still, she found enough determination and confidence to get herself up and formulate a plan. “We need to get to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna immediately,” she advised her friends. “What for?” Pinkie Pie asked. “If we can't use the Elements of Harmony on my Lunar anymore,” continued Twilight, “then getting the most powerful ponies to help us do what we need to do is the next best thing because, if you remember from when I faced off against Tirek, with their combined magic, plus Princess Cadence's alicorn magic, that is nearly as powerful as the magic in the rest of Equestria.” “So if we can get Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to help...?” Rarity began, trailing off towards the end. “Then we might formulate a magic that is just as powerful as the Elements of Harmony,” Twilight finished. The plan seemed like a long shot, but the six friends agreed that this is what they should do, seeing how Lunar's dark alicorn magic was far stronger than they had previously anticipated. They each ran off to find Celestia and Luna as quickly as possible, while the corrupted prince watched on. “You can run, little ponies,” he laughed, “and you can hide, but we will find you and we will terminate you!” Twilight heard what Lunar's corrupted self said and couldn't help but slow her pace down slightly. She began to shed a couple more tears, thinking back to all the fun moments both Lunar and herself had shared since they met each other. It was tough on Twilight, but she knew what she had to do, even if it meant sacrificing a lot. She cried heavily on the inside as she continued to track down Celestia and Luna with her friends. She knew that, as she replayed each of her memories over and over in her head, that this would probably be the final time she would see Lunar for a very long time. Up ahead in the distance, she could see the reflecting manes of Celestia and Luna. Rushing up to the two regal sisters, Twilight explained the entire situation to them and their plan, hoping that they would agree to help out. “I'm sorry for what has become of Prince Lunar, Twilight,” Celestia said, offering her condolences. “But, we will do all that we can to help you out in Equestria's time of need,” added Luna. “I think there's only one option we have,” Twilight spoke, looking in the direction of where Lunar was – in front of the moon – then looking behind him. Celestia and Luna both looked as well and immediately understood what Twilight was referring to. Looking back at Twilight, whom was being supported by her friends now, Celestia explained the consequences of what was going to happen to a shaken up Twilight. “Princess Twilight,” she began, “this will be a tough decision for you to make, but if we go through with what you plan to do, we won't see him for a long, long time.” She turned to Luna and thought back to when she herself had to do the same thing to her younger sister, then began fighting back some tears of her own. “Your friends probably won't see him ever again and when he returns, there's no telling what may happen.” “I know,” cried Twilight, “but it has to be done...” “Then we haven't a moment to spare,” continued Celestia, placing a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, comforting her as best as she could. “It is MY night,” the rogue prince shouted towards the scrambling and frightened ponies below him, “not Luna's night anymore!” Twilight could hear Lunar's comments and couldn't help but shed a few tears as she, Celesita, Luna, and all her friends slowly gathered around her, forming a semi-circle around Lunar. Looking down at the group, all Lunar could do was laugh. “Well, look at who we have here!” He shouted at them. “If it isn't Twilight Sparkle and the gang! I see you've also brought Luna and Celestia with you as well. I hope you don't mind, Luna, but this is my night now and I'll be taking it all from you! And as for you, Celestia, your so-called precious sun will never shine in the sky again!” “You will not prevail, Lunar,” Celestia replied. “Oh, I doubt that, Celestia,” Lunar smirked. He then sent over a sinister beam of magic as a warning sign to the ponies, only to have it be redirected somewhere else by Celestia herself. “We do not wish to bring you harm, Lunar,” continued Celestia, “please just work with us.” “Funny,” Lunar chuckled, “because I plan on bringing harm to all of you!” With that being said, Lunar curled into a ball and started to cast a powerful wave of dark magic, scattered out all around him. Eyes glowing white, Lunar uncurled himself from the ball position and scattered his hooves out in all four directions with the wave of magic spreading out in each direction. Twilight was too hurt to do anything, but did manage to be protected by Celestia's own protection spell. Twilight looked up at the rogue alicorn, knowing that the Lunar she knew was long gone. Shedding a few more tears, Twilight looked towards everyone else and knew that it was now or never if they wanted to defeat him. “So then everypony get into a formation!” Rainbow Dash shouted. The friendship that crafted the mane six together all began to touch each other and wrap around themselves. The Elements of Harmony may no longer be with them, but it is their friendship that keeps them together with them. The rogue prince noticed what was going on between the six friends below him and tried to break them apart by having powerfully dark alicorn magic rain down on top of them, but Celestia and Luna forbade that by casting protection spells on the six friends, keeping them out of harm's way. Tears rushing down the side of her face, Twilight thought back once more to the good times she shared with Lunar in the time that they knew each other. She thought about the friendship lessons she had with him, the amount of friends he's made during his tenure in Ponyville, the games of chess she's played with him, the good times, and even the times of peril they've shared together. Twilight looked into Lunar's eyes and thought back to the night before he became an alicorn and all the studying they did together in order to accomplish the feat. She thought about how she helped him fly, giving him a few pointers along the way, but most of all, she thought of their proudest moment together: his coronation ceremony. Nothing was more perfect than that ceremony and she thought back to it, replaying the scene over and over in her head. “I'm sorry I have to do this to you, Lunar,” Twilight cried, forcing her eyes shut, “but this is for your own good.” The magic of friendship – touched by each of the ponies below – helped shine a light onto Lunar, who grew angry and tried to fight back by firing a beam of dark energy over towards the six friends, trying to break them apart once more. Celestia and Luna were both still holding Lunar down as best as they could while the magic of friendship was being summoned. Lunar tried hard to break free from Celestia's and Luna's grip, but it was to no avail as he was pelted with the magic of friendship within seconds. The magic shot him straight back towards the moon and did not stop until it reached the target. Up in the sky, a white light shone itself, followed by a white ring that briefly surrounded the moon, then vanished. Looking up, Twilight knew that this was the final time she would see her strong stallion for a while as she now looked at the moon, whom was now looking back at her. “I'm sorry,” Twilight sobbed. Within moments, Twilight was surrounded once more by her friends, Celestia and Luna included. They all offered their condolences and hugged Twilight as she wept over the loss of her prince, Lunar Nights.