//------------------------------// // My Little Fazpony // Story: Spreading My Wings // by KingBoo687 //------------------------------// “After that day,” Lunar explained, “I pretty much stood with Twilight here in Ponyville and have ruled alongside her for most of our time together.” “Fascinating,” Meridian admitted, “and what had you both done during the first few months of your time as an alicorn Prince?” “Honestly,” answered Lunar, “not much. There was a brief period of time where I held a job at a pizzeria that briefly had a Ponyville location.” “Oh, yeaaaahhh,” Twilight nervously chuckled, “I remember that. That was...an experience.” “What happened there?” Meridian wondered, “It sounds like it didn't go as well as you may have hoped for.” Lunar shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck softly, “You could say that, I guess.” He sighed softly for a quick moment, “Here we go.” Walking along the streets of Ponyville, plenty of ponies had turned their heads over to both Twilight and Lunar. This was one of the first times that the ponies of the town had seen both alicorns together and they could both see the headlines appear in front of them: Royal Couple Confirmed? Recently coming to terms with his new wings, Lunar found them nice to have, though he had yet to try flying with them. Lunar hugged Twilight close to his body under his wing as they continued to walk towards the newly opened establishment. When they saw it, they noticed that the building was very large and had lived up to its chrome stature that the Ponyville Express had reported on previously. “Freddy Fazpony's Pizzeria,” Twilight read as her and Lunar reached the front doors. “An...interesting name for a giant corporation such as this,” Lunar admitted, opening the door for Twilight, letting her in first. An employee had opened up the secondary doors to the building and introduced and greeted both of the alicorn ponies. “Welcome to Freddy Fazpony's Pizzeria!” He chimed. “Hello there,” Twilight acknowledged. “Table for two, I'm assuming, Your Highness?” The employee continued. “If that's okay with you,” giggled Twilight, nudging Lunar lightly. Lunar smiled, then nodded towards the employee for the table for two request. He escorted the two ponies towards a larger-than-normal table and handed them both a couple of menus, leaving them be for a while. When the employee left, Twilight and Lunar both looked around the building and admiring the quartz modern design of the building. “Pretty, isn't it?” Twilight commented. “It's tough to pull off a quartz design,” Lunar agreed, “tough and bold.” “I'm pretty sure it is,” Twilight replied, “Rarity would love the design of this place.” “I was just thinking the same thing,” Lunar smiled, finally turning his attention to the menu, “A lot of pizza-related choices here.” Twilight laughed quietly to herself, “Obviously, Luny. It is a pizzeria after all.” She spotted a subsection entitled 'pan pizzas' and made her choice as to what she wanted to eat. “I think I'll get this Sicilian pan pie,” she stated, “how about you, Luny?” “I'll probably get the same thing, Your Highness,” Lunar joked. “And what about the job application?” Twilight smirked. “Bet you won't last at least a week.” “We'll see about that, Princess,” Lunar chuckled, “I'll probably ask for that as soon as- Ah, here he is now.” “Good evening, Prince Lunar and Princess Twilight,” the waiter smiled. “Please,” Twilight butted in, “you need not call us that.” “If you insist, ma'am,” the waiter continued, “my name is Sir Cawthon, the owner of this fine establishment and industry, and I'll be-” “The owner?” Lunar repeated. “Precisely, Pri-err, sir,” Sir Cawthon answered, “I'll be serving you both personally tonight.” “So, if you're the owner of this incredible establishment,” Twilight spoke, “that means you also handle the hiring processes, correct?” “Indeed I do, ma'am,” Sir Cawthon smiled in response, “why do you ask?” “Well,” began Lunar, “I was thinking about trying out a job here, y'know, to see how this place really is.” “If that's the case, Prince,” Sir Cawthon continued, looking over to Lunar, “I would be glad to hire somepony such as yourself.” “Oh, excellent!” Twilight beamed delightfully. “I hope you don't mind working as our night guard though, Prince,” Sir Cawthon said. “A night guard?” Lunar repeated. Sir Cawthon nodded, “That is the last position open that we need at this establishment. Other locations have their night guards and different positions open and available, but the nearest location from here is in Manehattan.” “And that's a bit of a hike from Ponyville,” Lunar stated, looking towards Twilight. “So are you still up for it, Prince Lunar?” Twilight smiled, “It's okay with me if you want to try out the night guard position. You are nocturnal after all.” Lunar smiled in response, then paid his attention towards Sir Cawthon. “I'll take the job, Sir Cawthon.” He seemed delighted in Lunar's choice, shaking his hoof in the process. “Alright! You'll start tonight, if that's okay with you.” “Most certainly,” acknowledged Lunar, “I'll just aid this little one home first, then I'll start working, Sir Cawthon.” “Okay,” he replied, “and please, do call me Scott.” “As you wish, Scott,” Lunar spoke. “We finished up our meals and, after I walked Twilight home, I made my way back to the restaurant to start my shift.” “What exactly were your duties there, Lunar?” Meridian asked. “Not die,” Lunar chuckled, halfway joking in the process, “because that was my main concern.” “Beg pardon?” Meridian wondered. “Did you say 'not die?'” “It was an interesting experience,” Twilight admitted, “and while I was sad the restaurant closed not too long after it opened, I was not going to miss the nights Lunar and I spent in that office.” “Do you mind explaining, Lunar?” “Not at all,” Lunar smirked, “and believe me, it sounds unusual and it was, but it actually happened.” Inside the office in the back of the restaurant, Lunar was looking around and noticed a couple of unusual items on the desk in front of him. Scott turned to him and told Lunar to take a seat in the chair provided. Obliging, Lunar did so and continued to wonder what the items in front of him were for, asking Scott about them. “Well,” started Scott, “the item on your right are the cameras for the joint and the object towards your left is an empty Freddy Fazpony mask.” “What for?” Lunar wondered. “The cameras are meant to monitor the animatronics that are kept here.” “Animatronics?” Lunar repeated. I didn't think technology like that was even possible yet. Scott nodded, “Yup, and they are the pride of Fazpony Entertainment and are super kid friendly. They are allowed to walk around during the day and mean no harm.” “So why do they need to be monitored?” Lunar spoke, looking at the cameras briefly. “This specific set of animatronics haven't been given a proper night mode yet,” explained Scott, “so they tend to wander around during the night.” “Wander around?” Lunar repeated, putting the cameras down and staring at Scott. “Yeah,” Scott confirmed, “but they mean no harm.” “So what is the mask for then?” Lunar asked, lifting it up with his magic. “That's for you to put on, should anything come into your office.” “They come in here?” Lunar cautiously asked. “They aren't supposed to,” Scott eased, “but in case they do, you can just put the mask on like so,” he put the mask on in front of Lunar, “and eventually, whatever wanders in will eventually wander its way back out.” “So...how many animatronics are there?” Lunar wondered. “Let's see...” There was a long pause before Scott answered the question. “There are ten of them, although one doesn't move and another one shouldn't move as long as a music box is kept wound throughout the night.” “Music box?” Scott took the cameras from Lunar and tapped on one of the buttons, changing the camera vision on the monitor. He pointed to a box that said “tap to wind music box,” and let Lunar know that there was a music box wired remotely to be wound up and keep one of the animatronics at bay. “...as for the others,” he continued, “they aren't affected by the music box.” “Okay,” Lunar said, feeling a bit uneasy now. “Don't worry about a thing,” Scott assured Lunar, “they are tied into local databases and can detect a predator from a mile away. They won't hurt you if you don't hurt them.” “By 'them,'” hinted Lunar, “what exactly are we talking about?” “What do you mean?” “Well,” continued Lunar, “what type of animatronics are they all? Are they different? Are they the same? Which ones are more aggressive? Which ones are more passive?” “A lot of questions for a royal pony,” joked Scott, looking towards the clock, “it's almost time for me to leave, but I'll answer that one last question you had. The animatronics include: Freddy Fazpony, the furry and friendly Earth pony and the face of this fine establishment, Chica the Pegasus, a very attractive Pegasus pony, Bonnie the Bunny, an...interesting character, Foxy the Griffon, the fastest of them all, then there are the newly designed animatronics.” “Those you just mentioned,” spoke Lunar, “they are...?” “They're the older models and they shouldn't move around throughout the night,” answered Scott, “They're in the 'Parts and Services' room right now as spare parts for the newer animatronics.” “Why's that?” “Well, they were from the old owner of the corporation and they've been in service for many years,” Scott chuckled, “I've decided to retire them and use them as backups.” “Seems like a legitimate reason,” acknowledged Lunar. “Precisely.” “So if they're out of commission,” continued Lunar, “who are the animatronics that I'll need to watch over?” “Those that have the same name,” Scott smiled, “aside from the last one.” “What do you mean?” “Well,” Scott said, “you'll be looking over what I call Toy Freddy Fazpony, Toy Chica the Pegasus, Toy Bonnie the Bunny, Mangle, or as she's officially known, Toy Foxy the Griffon, and Balloon Filly. They are all the animatronics that are currently in commission and would be the ones moving around throughout the night.” “I see.” “Any more questions?” Scott asked. “Uh, not at the current moment, no,” replied Lunar. “Well,” continued Scott, starting to leave through the back exit, “your shift starts now and I wish you the best of luck,” he chuckled, then continued again, “but you'll do fine, I just know it.” “Thank you,” smiled Lunar. “Okay, your replacement will be here at six to take over for you,” Scott told Lunar, “goodnight and I'll speak to you tomorrow.” “Goodnight, Scott,” Lunar said, watching him leave through the back door. He turned to the cameras and started to work.