
by Silver Shadows


Ditzy Doo, a young filly, flew around the hallways with a book at hoof and saddlebags on her back. Her eyes were as straight as the tip of a needle and she wore a huge smile on her face. She stopped at a painting, one with a church built by Princess Celestia’s followers who worshipped her like a goddess. The background was sealike and clearly rushed with paint, as though the artist had to hurry in order to get it done. She glanced around impatiently, waiting for her friend.

Another filly named Raven Swift flew over, waving to catch her friend’s attention, “Ditzy! Congratulations for your cutie mark! I heard that your name will be in the history books after you discovered how to form bubbles just from the air.”

Ditzy chuckled, “It was nothing. Anypony could’ve done it if they tried really hard.”

“It obviously was something. I heard that Princess Celestia’s personal student, Twilight Sparkle, will be studying how it’s possible for you to do so. And Twilight Sparkle is famous for being one of the smartest students from the princess! It’s obviously not that easy. You’re the first pegasus in history to form bubbles from air. Think about how good that would be for your college resume!”

“Eh. It was nothing. I was just having some fun here and there. Say, should we get started on our homework?”

“It’s 5:46 in the afternoon,” Raven said, looking at a small, brass clock hanging around the painting quickly, “You earned your cutie mark and you’re going to make the history books... and you’re worried about homework?! Say, why don’t we go to the bar to celebrate instead?”

“Mom says I-”

“C’mon, you deserve it.”

“I-I guess…”

The two pegasi flew in sync to the local bar. Though minors were technically not allowed to drink, the rules were loosely held. Inside the bar, many ponies wore masks to cover half of their face. Ditzy opened her mouth to ask why but Raven shook her head quickly, sending a warning glare at the other pegasus. The other pegasus closed her mouth hesitantly.

Raven smiled charmingly at the bartender, fluffing her wings a tad, “Hello. You look nice today. How are you?”

The bartender, an adult male pegasus by the name Dusky Skies, frowned, “I’m not giving you anymore alcohol Raven. I’m still trying to figure out how you were able to buy enough masks for two full bars and then convince the sober manager to keep them.”

Raven pouted, “We’re here to celebrate my friend’s cutie mark. Please?”

“Absolutely not.”

“If you don’t, I’ll tell everypony that you had sex with me as a payment last time.”

“I… Please don’t! It’ll ruin your reputation as well.”

“But you’ll be the one arrested. Pedophile and all that, y’know.”

“I’ll… give you two the least potent alcoholic drinks then.”

“The most potent.”


“Listen, do you really want to go to jail?”

“No but-”

“Then give us the alcohol.”

“I… Fine.”

Raven gave a small smirk of victory, “That’s all we ask.” Two bottles of alcohol were pushed to the two fillies.

Ditzy read the label and asked, “Who names their alcohol ‘Lucky’?”

“Eh, don’t question it. Ponies are weird sometimes. Drink up and have a great day, Ditzy. It’s good stuff.” Raven watched Ditzy as the latter opened her bottle, nearly breaking her teeth.

Raven laughed, “Dude, there’s this cool knife to break it for us.” She pulled a wicked knife from a drawer and swiped it across her bottle top, nearly beheading Ditzy. However, the bottle opened. Ditzy looked at the wicked knife, scowling.

She grumbled, “You could’ve told me about that. I think I have some loose teeth from that bottlecap.”

“Ease up, Ditzy. Drink up. You’ll feel much better.” 

With that, both pegasi took a sip of alcohol. Ditzy choked a bit before finishing the whole bottle. Her gray face turned into an unflattering shade of red. Raven finished hers calmly, withholding a smile as she looked at her friend.

Raven handed Ditzy a mask that everypony else had, “Wear this.” The intoxicated pegasus did so, a few chuckles bubbling out of her. Raven wore hers as well, her smirk becoming much more obvious. The two headed in the crowd of ponies, Ditzy tripping slightly but otherwise fine.

“Oh my Celestia,” another adult gasped, “It’s Ditzy Doo, the bubble inventor. I’ve got to take a picture and then put it in my favorite picture frame.” Ditzy stared at the camera cross eyed since it was put much too close to her muzzle and she was trying to focus on it. The picture was taken and Ditzy didn’t even rear back as the white flash blinded her for a few seconds.

“Cool camera,” Ditzy said, “Wait, what’s that o-on your hoof?”

“You mean my saddlebag? This is a book I borrowed from my dad.”

“What’s it called.” 

9 Princes in Amber. It’s a banned book but my dad wrote it so I have a copy… I probably shouldn’t have said that. Damn the alcohol.”

“Cool,” she replied sounding dizzy, “I wanna read.”

“It’s my favorite book. You can’t have it.”

“Me want read…” She reached for it. The other pegasus put the book back in the saddle bag and shook her head, backing away. Ditzy pursued her prey. Having no other choice, the adult threw a nearby object at Ditzy. The adult meant to chuck it at Ditzy’s chest but the alcohol messed up with the proportions and it hit Ditzy straight in the eye. When Ditzy didn’t stop moving, the adult threw object number two.

Ditzy reared back, “Wha…” She scanned the floor and saw a seashell and a rock, no doubt decorations.

“My eye... bad.” She became cross eyed and fainted on the floor. The mask slipped off her muzzle, and slid next to Raven’s hoof.

When she came to, she heard the beeping of machines. She turned over and retched, coughing and spitting. She opened her eyes to see her concerned parents standing on the side.

“Your eyes… Do they hurt?” Her mother asked worriedly.

“Wha…?” Ditzy managed to say through her weak voice, “My eyes… no.”

“What happened?”

“Seashell… Rock… Think? My memory blur…” 

“We’ll have a serious talk about alcohol after we get you home. You should know that-”

“Excuse me, I would like to speak to my patient alone,” a pony said calmly, trotting in, “We have a few items to discuss prior to her dismissal.”

“I’m her mother. I have every right to-”

“You already know what I will say to her, but other things must be discussed with the patient and myself.”

The parents slunk out of the room.

The doctor faced Ditzy, “Ditzy Doo, you face serious issues. The least serious are your eyes. They will stay cross eyed forever unless some new procedure is invented and will screw your vision slightly, making flight and coordination difficult, but after some training, you should be able to trot straight. However, that will require therapy in those. Second, the alcohol you drank was a type of very strong vodka. Normally, that would not be too potent for adults but you’re not even a teenager yet. I’m not sure how you acquired alcohol but it damaged your brain cells. I’ll have to talk to authorities about how you received alcohol.”


“The memory and clear thought portion of them have been damaged the most after consuming alcohol. I will warn you right now to not drink anymore potent material as it will continue to damage the brain cells. You were very lucky that it did not affect your motor skills nor any serious health issues, such as heart problems.”

“I dunno.”

“Your situation requires me to fill out a few forms. Flight camp in Cloudsdale should be a good fit for you. It helps coordination and it’ll allow you to meet other pegasi with flying disabilities, or amazing friends.”


“Your release forms have been filled. Leave when you’re ready.”


The doctor trotted out of the room and the parents were sent back in.

Her father frowned, “I suppose you now know the severe consequences of drinking, especially underage.”

“Yea I do now. Where Raven?”

“Raven? As in… Have you been hanging out with her?”

“Yea she there when I faint.”

“Don’t hang out with her again. She’s bad news, real bad news.”

“Kay. I not hang with her.”

“Let’s go back home and we’ll take you to your new… camp tomorrow.”

“We have a new student everypony,” the preppy teacher piped, “Please welcome Ditzy Doo!” They stood in a classroom. Around thirty eyes stared at the new student and the teacher gave an awkward smile.

“She looks like a derp,” a student snickered under his breath.

“Derpy!” A student began chanting.

“Derpy. Derpy. Derpy. Derpy.” Everypony began chanting. The teacher looked frazzled and Ditzy blinked.

Ditzy stuttered, “B-B-But I’m…”

“Derpy. Derpy. Derpy! Derpy!”


“Derpy! Derpy! DERPY! DERPY!”


The teacher said, “Take a seat, Der-Ditzy.”

Ditzy gladly did so in the front seat. She felt two wet wads hit her cheeks but she didn’t turn around. She spread out her wings slightly out of instinct but did not turn her head. She did not want anything to go into her eyes again. The rock and the seashell had already done enough damage and the doctor… what did the doctor say again?

Something, she was certain. Her brain refused to tell her what. 

A pencil prodded her and she jumped slightly. A note was shoved in her hoof. She opened it:

What happened to your eyes?

She responded back: Dunno.

The pegasus who she passed the note back to chuckled and smirked in her direction. 

“Let’s go do the obstacle course now!” The teacher beamed, “It should be lots of fun.”

The obstacle course looked anything but fun. Sure, if you had excellent coordination and amazing flight skills above your average peers, it would be fun. 

There were small hoops of clouds around, random blow dryers set up to blow wind at random times, and whizzing clouds kicked towards their directions from random pegasi who were kicking them at the fliers if they were too slow. The course wasn’t too long but it was compact, which made it much harder.

“Our new student will have the privilege of going first! Ditzy Doo!”

A student snickered, “I bet that Derpy can’t even lift off the ground or complete this easy obstacle course.”

“Derpy Hooves, she’s flightless. Just look at her.”

Ditzy frowned, “M-My name Ditzy.”

“Ditzy!” The teacher shouted, “You’re up!”

A few colts gave her a shove forward. She nearly tumbled off the cloud. She sent a glare backwards before shakily flying up. With her eyes, the obstacles were also moving or doubled. 

The teacher gave her a nod, “You’re all set! Enjoy the course.” A horn was blasted next to her ears and Ditzy flew forwards, straight into the side of the first obstacle. Luckily, she still retained some of her old abilities and was able to right herself from crashing. The pegasi who had been blasting clouds at pegasi flying through the obstacle course were signaled to stop. It was hard enough already and the school had to show at least some responsibility, especially for a first timer.

“Her name is Derpy Hooves, professor!” A filly said just loud enough for the teacher to hear.

The teacher frowned, “Oh. I… see. Derpy Hooves! Please continue the obstacle course.”

Ditzy frowned as she crashed into the second hoop. It was vastly smaller than the first one and she had started seeing triple. Instead, she decided to go around the hoop. She would rather not get more brain damage and see quadruple. 

She decided to streamline towards the finish line. Her wings buzzed but the adult pegasi began to whiz clouds again, not wanting the young filly to cheat her way out of it. Ditzy crashed headfirst into one, her balance completely off. She landed on the floor, not moving.

After a few moments, Ditzy began moving again and stood up shakily. The teacher rushed over, “Derpy Hooves, would you like a muffin? I’m so sorry about that. Please don’t tell anypony.”

“Muffins?” Her eyes were no longer so focused. Her smile widened, “Muffins! I want muffins!”

The teacher hurried over, carrying a toy treasure chest. The teacher opened it, revealing a perfect muffin. Derpy took the muffin and bit it. 

“Muffins! I'm Derpy Hooves, who are you?"