Twilight’s Backstage Pass

by Lonely Fanboy48

Musical Glimmers

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash took Starlight Glimmer to one of the musical stages in the Starswirl Festival. Rainbow Dash made the choice to watch the bands in the morning, to which her friends agreed. They arrived where Dirt Thistleweed and his talented musicians are preparing their music.

“Trust me Starlight, you are going to enjoy what this festival has to offer.” Rainbow smiled as she and the others get into the crowd of fans.

“I wouldn’t say you’re wrong. Seeing so many posters since coming in at the entrance, made this more interesting.” Starlight replied until Pinkie Pie popped up from behind.

“Interesting? Don’t you mean AWESOME AND EXCITING!” Pinkie cheered.

“Yeah kind of.” Starlight backing away from Pinkie’s complement. “But it won’t hurt to give them a chance.”

“I’m sure your going to love the bands in the Starswirl Festival. Just wait until what’s in store tonight.” Fluttershy added while placing her hands behind her back.

For the next five minutes, Dirt Thistleweed and his two members are holding their instruments and begin their performance. As their song begins to grow, the crowd starts to cheer from the vocals and instrumentals, Starlight’s attention continues to pique her interest. From Dirt’s guitar playing skills and his amazing voice on the microphone, not to mention Dakota’s instrumentals from her violin and Violet with her instrument.

As his band continues, it gets better and better. Starlight may see ponies do music back in her but they never did so many unique ways. Back at her time when she met Sunset Shimmer, she found her hands creepy with the fact she doesn’t have hooves anymore. She forgot most of the things of what her body can do after the times she left Sunset’s world, which gave her an idea.

After Dirt Thistleweed and his group are finished to go for a ten minute break, they decide to come down to the crowd to give them their autographs in the time being. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are squealing from the performance while Fluttershy and Starlight sits on the ground together.

“Hey, aren’t you going to met Dirt?” Fluttershy asked while placing her hand on Starlight’s shoulder.

“I would, but they said they’re going to have another ten minute break after their done with three songs. Besides, their fans deserve autographs since they’ve known them for so long.” Starlight looking at Dirt’s band getting surrounding by his fans.

“I’m curious, do you want something from Dirt?”


“What is it?”

Starlight took a deep breath while trying to avoid the possibility of getting banned from the festival. “I was going to ask Dirt of how he’s good at playing his guitar but…” She stopped herself while her friend is still listening.

“But what?” Fluttershy responded.

Starlight continued to keep her words to herself until she saw three people walking up to her. When she looked up, she saw Dirt, Dakota and Violet staring at her.

“Can I help you?” Dirt asked.

“Yeah, you seem really depressed.” Dakota asked.

“Did you enjoy our performance?” Violet added.

This made Starlight blush in embarrassment. “Yes I did!” She stands up. “All of you are really good at your instruments!”

While Dirt and his members found the excitement from Starlight respectful, that didn’t stop them from watching Starlight sitting on the grass seconds ago. “Did you have a question?” Dakota wondered.

“No, besides if I told you what my question is, you would hear that from one of your fans.”

“Come on, it doesn’t bother us.” Violet repiled.

Starlight signed again as Dirt and his members are still waiting for her question. With most of the fans including her friends putting their attention on her, Starlight had no other option. “Okay, how is it possible that you’re great at playing instruments with your hands and not…” She blushed even harder. “...with hooves?”

This made Dirt and his members give a confused look. They never heard anyone in their fanbase to say a question so bizarre.

“You mean, like pony or horse hooves?” Dirt guessed.

“Yes but mainly pony hooves.” Starlight staying on topic. “I never played an instrument in my life that involves using your hands.” She showed her hands to Dirt and his band members.

Meanwhile Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie who’s behind the band are giving awkward looks after they heard their friend’s question to Dirt’s band.

“She’s definitely embarrassed herself!” Rainbow Dash placing her hands on her face.

“Not to mention ponybarrassed!” Pinkie added.

However nothing bad happened to Starlight whatsoever. Instead, Dirt Thistleweed grabbed both of Starlight’s arms so he can look at them closely. Starlight Glimmer blushed even more at the fact that one of the most famous singers of the Starswirl Festival is looking at her hands. Even Fluttershy is surprised and has nothing to help in this moment.

After Dirt looked at Starlight’s hands, she looked into Starlight’s eyes. “Do you and your friends want to come with us backstage?”

This made Starlight, her friends and the crowd gasp in shock. “Seriously!?” Rainbow reacted.

“Why do you want us?” Starlight blinked.

“I have a spare guitar in one of my tents. I can teach you how to play the guitar with your hands. Besides, anyone who watches our band after all theses years who wants to be like us, should get some lessons.”

Starlight had no idea whatsoever in the offer she just received. To think she almost embarrassed herself or got herself banned, she along with her friends gets an opportunity to go backstage to one of the most famous bands. Starlight saw Rainbow and Pinkie pleading her to say yes to Dirt’s band from behind. Not willing to disappoint her friends, Starlight made her decision.

“Yes.” She replied.

“Good choice. I will take you back there after we’re done with our performances.” Dirt replied as he headed back to the stage.

“We’re going to be looking forward to what you have in musical talent.” Dakota padding on Starlight’s shoulder.

“And remember if you don’t succeed, at least you gave music a chance.” Violet shaking Starlight’s hand. The two girls also return back on stage while Starlight’s friends gave her a group hug.

“That, was, awesome!” Rainbow jumping in joy.”

“We’re going to be in backstage with Dirt’s band later!” Pinkie smiled.

“Girls, you need to understand that Dirt is going to teach Starlight how to use a guitar.” Fluttershy chimed in.

“Oh right.” Rainbow backed away almost getting ahead of herself.

“Girls I still have a problem. I don’t know how to use my hands!” Starlight reacted.

Then Pinkie Pie gets an idea before Dirt takes them backstage. “Wait I can show you how to hold a guitar.” Pinkie takes out a wooden guitar from her pocket and gives it to Starlight. “I’ll make sure you can use your fingers.” She takes Starlight away from the stage as she teaches her how to hold a guitar.

“Fluttershy, please tell me we’re not going to get banned if Starlight ruins Dirt’s guitar.” Rainbow biting her lip in stress.

“You should at least respect her for allowing this to happen. She didn’t know what would happen.” Fluttershy giving a frown to her friend.

“...we can hope she’s an amateur?”

“Please don’t push your luck.”