The BAD luck of my LIFE

by Spirit Lunar

Chapter 11 : Actions and reactions

I opened a packet of cake on the table while Twilight and Spike ate their breakfast in the greatest calm. Only the constant chirping of birds animated the silent room.

Spike ate a dish of multicolored gems while Twilight ate an apple by reading a book whose title gave me a migraine.

So I was swallowing my cake pack when the sound of Twilight's book closing surprised me.

"Anon, are you done eating?"

"Not yet. "

"Don't hang around too long, we have to go see Derpy. "

"Who's Derpy?" I asked with a full mouth.

"The pegasus in charge of the mail to whom I would like you to apologize. "

"Apology? Why?"

"She's the one who stepped on your vomit!"

"Oh, that's her. "

"So I'd like you to show that you're sorry and that you're wearing a beautiful dress when we go to see her! "

"What? No, I refuse. "



"And if I tell you that you'll have a surprise afterwards. "

"What kind of surprise? "

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore. "

"Please? "

"No, if you want to know, you have to wear a dress. "

"I'm not a little girl, I don't wear a dress!! " I screamed.

"Anon, please put on this dress. Think about your surprise. "

"I don't want to. "

Suddenly, Twilight began to cry in tears while Spike came to comfort her with a black look. Twilight seemed so pathetic. Are they all so sensitive in this world?

I approached ashamed that I had made her cry and reluctantly agreed to wear a dress. Twilight cried a little longer and smiled at me whispering in one breath: "Thank you Anon, I assure you you won't have to wear any more after. »

I should never have said yes, I feel like a doll. Twilight couldn't find anything better than to tie a huge knot in my mane and add "Too cute. "What made Spike laugh, by the way.

The makeover ended, she took the hoof and teleported us. I arrived with him in front of one of the houses in Ponyville. Honestly, they look very similar, no originality.

Twilight toqua and gave me a broad smile as I wondered what strange creatures I was going to have to deal with. The door opened revealing a Pegasus mare with a grey coat and yellow mane. These crossed eyes made him look strange but I avoided staring at them, I didn't want to appear rude.

"Hello Princess Twilight and hello there," she said, turning to me, ruffling my mane, which horrified me, but I held my tongue. "What's your name? "

"Hello, my name is Anon."

"Hello Derpy, I think you forgot something, Anon!"

"I'm sorry about the vomit yesterday, I wasn't feeling very well. " I said, conscientiously staring at the ground in case of an explosion.

"The vomit?"

"The liquid on the ground that you thought was a doormat," Twilight added.

"Oh, well, that explains the smell of the liquid. Don't worry, Anon, it happens to everyone from.... vomiting on the steps of a castle. And then, it's also partly my fault, I should look where I put the hooves. Come in, I'll make you a cocoa. "

"Thank you Derpy but... "

"I insist! "

We entered the house that overlooked a living room that looked very much like a battlefield. Things of all kinds were lying around on the floor, including crayons and Derpy's clothes because of his size.

"I'm sorry about the mess, I was busy helping Dinky get ready for school. So Anon, is that it? Are you about to be adopted by Carrot and Blueblood? "


"Yes, that's exactly what Derpy is, but how do you know? " Asked Twilight to surprise.

She laughed slightly and turned around and took four cups of cocoa out of the fridge.

"Come on, Twilight, these two haven't stopped talking about it since they came back from Canterlot. They even began to sing in the square. Dinky, can you come over, honey, Mommy will help you finish your bag later. "

"I'm coming, Mom," will run a little purple filly with mane and yellow eyes.

"Dinky, Princess Twilight and a filly named Anon will have lunch with us! "

"Hello princess," bowed the adorable little filly. "and Anon. Do you want to come and play in my room for a while? "

"Uh..... "

"Not right now, angel, drink your cocoa before and after you both play. Would you like me to heat your cocoa? I know that ponies outside of me and Dinky doesn't really like it when it's cold. "

"No thanks," Twilight replied.

"I would like to please Mrs. Derpy. "

"Just call me Derpy. And here we go, Anon, in two minutes he'll be ready. " She said, lifting my cup up and putting it on a kind of plate in the burning fireplace.

We sat all on the table and while everyone was drinking their cocoa, I enjoyed this relaxing atmosphere without having to worry about a hysterical madman in red armor. After all, he can't do anything to me as long as I'm with other people.

Coming out of my thoughts, I suddenly noticed that everyone had been drinking for several minutes without even blinking. What happens to them, it looks like they're frozen.

Suddenly, I felt the ground shake while no one blinked. The tremor became more powerful until I heard the door of the house collapse, which made me scream with terror before I hid under the table.

I saw a huge motorcycle nailing whose engine seemed to be at the origin of the small earthquake. This one rolled to the table where I recognized the two voices discussing it.

"So, not bad Hatred? Weren't you too scared?"

"This is the last time you drive with me as a passenger, is that clear? "

"You're not funny Hatred, you wanted a demonstration of all the fear I have then when I drive at 378 km/h on a minefield during a war in the desert with helicopters exploding, it's nothing! "

"Nothing? You could have killed me at least a hundred times! I remind you that I still don't have enough hatred to resurrect a second time. Anon is losing his hatred, and I should do something about it! "

"Hatred, he's on the right, under the table! "

"What? Where are we?"

"In Ponyville, I stopped time for a few minutes so you could solve your hate breakdown problem. "

"Ah ah ah ah, very funny. Seriously Fear, I appreciate the gesture but I would appreciate it if you would have told me he was here earlier in order to look less stupid. "

"Stop complaining and go to him. "

I saw Lord Hatred from my angle of vision set foot on the ground before crouching down in front of the table and looking at me like a curious beast.

"You're adorable Anon today, I see you're starting to appreciate your femininity. "

"You think you're better off disguised as a biker. You're just pathetic! "

"Come on, Anon, was Twilight the one who was mean to you? Poor little girl, so sweet and yet so misunderstood. Do you want me to crack his neck for revenge?"

"What? No, never! " I was alarmed immediately.

"Too bad, I would have thought that a man, a real man, wouldn't hang out with that kind of person but well.... »

"Shut up, you stupid demon! »

"How insolent! And contrary to what the title of one of the chapters on my autobiography suggests, I'm not a demon! »


"Hatred, is that okay? Time is starting to start again. " Observed Fear.

"Just a few more things the stupid demon would like to do before he leaves. " He grabbed my hips and whispered some strange words about me. Then he went back to sit down with Fear on the bike.

"Is it good Hatred? And here we go again for Trial Fusion. "

"What? What are you talking about, there's no way you're going to continue with your... "

The motorcycle suddenly started it, propelling it straight ahead with a vortex that appeared in front of it and then closed again, leaving me speechless.

The weather seemed to be back to normal as the whole group moved and blinked again and the material damage caused by the bike seemed to have miraculously disappeared.

"The cocoa must be ready, I'll take it out. "

"Where is Anon? "Asked Twilight looking around to see if she could see me.

I would get up and sit in my chair where Twilight raised an eyebrow as a question, shrugged my shoulders and waited for my cocoa.

"It's weird, Anon's cocoa seems to be boiling. " Says Derpy, putting the hot cup on the table pretty quickly.

"It's okay, Derpy, Anon will let him cool down if he's too hot. "

It was time to prove that I was a tough guy, a man, a real one. That despite this body, I still had masculinity in me.

I took my cup valiantly after several attempts and a sip by bus. Immediately, my throat was burning under the effect of the hot liquid, which caused me to make myself grow a small high-pitched scream.

"Anon, it's okay, did you get burned? Do you want us to leave the cup in the fridge to cool it down faster? Derpy, do you have any straws, please? "

"I'll go get them right away, sorry Anon," Derpy flew off looking for a straw on a shelf.

"I'm fine, I just burned my tongue. I don't want straw, I'm an adult. "

"Are you on Anon? A straw might be safer.... "

"I said I don't need it, I just have to be more careful when I drink my cocoa, I'm not stupid! " I said sulky, starting to blow on the sweet content of the cup.

I would slowly swallow my cocoa until I finished it. In the meantime, I watched Twilight discuss Dinky's education and Derpy's job. Then the two started talking about the rain and the sun and a certain Tirek, well only about things that didn't really interest me.

I was getting out of my chair which seemed really high, sometimes I feel like a dwarf. And was starting to explore the house when something soft touched my shoulder.

Dinky looked at me smiling, wagging his tail like a little puppy. I stared at her until she came whispering in my ear to come into her room.

I silenced my evil thoughts and followed her to her room, which she closed. The room was a beautiful sky blue with a pleasant green carpet where lots of objects such as islands were found, ranging from clothes to school supplies.

In the centre was a small pink table of our height with four pink chairs with hearts as a hole on the seat. On the table was a dinette while waiting patiently, two small plush toys were sitting on the table.

"Anon, meet Sky and Cloud. Which one do you want to play? "

The two were very similar except for a variant with the pink and blue color. Both represented smiling ponies.

"So, which one do you take? "

"...Whatever. "

"I'll take the blue and you take the pink, okay? "

And so began the game with Dinky reminding me of my old kindergarten years. However, I got so caught up in the game that I hardly noticed that Twilight and Derpy were watching us from the entrance to the room until Twilight came forward.

"Anon, we have to go. Dinky has to go to school! And then I have a surprise for you. "

"Princess Twilight, what's Anon's surprise? " Dinky approached curiously.

"I'll whisper it in your ear but don't tell him anything! " Then Twilight whispered what made Dinky giggle at me, horrifying me as she knew before me.

"What is it?"

"Not right now, Anon, come on! Thank you very much Derpy for inviting us to have a cocoa! And you'll soon see your new friend Dinky again. "

Then after saying goodbye to everyone, including Dinky, who gave me a nice hug, I left the house curious about Twilight's mysterious surprise.

"Twilight, now that we're going, could you tell me where we're going and what's the surprise? "

"Not yet Anon, not yet. "

"Why? What is it?"

"You'll see. »

This side of town was almost deserted compared to the beginning when a multitude of ponies accompanied foals and fillies to school.

We continued until we reached the entrance of a forest with a menacing appearance, what were we going to do here? I looked at Twilight and raised an eyebrow as a question, which made her laugh slightly.

"Don't worry Anon, we're not going to Everfree but to Fluttershy. "

"Fluttershy? She doesn't live in Ponyville?"

"No, Anon, Fluttershy lives on the edge of the forest. Look, I can see his cabin from here. "

Is that the surprise? Indeed, a pretty pretty chalet stood where birds swirled and rabbits trotted in the beautiful and large garden around the house. When we got closer, we heard crying coming from near a tree a little further away.

Twilight and I went to see who could cry like that to reveal a huge bear crying with Fluttershy next to him.

"What's going on with Fluttershy," Twilight asked.

"Oh, hello Twilight, hello Anon! Mr. Bear still went to get some honey but the bees stung him on the leg and I am now trying to extract the remaining stings. "

I inhaled and exhaled in a way to stay calm, this bear is three ponies high and at least six times my fucking pint size. All those reports I had seen about bears since I was born came back to my memory.

"Anon, are you all right? You're all stiff! "

"I'm fine, but won't this bear hurt us?"

"Oh, no, Anon, Mr. Bear is our friend and he wouldn't hurt a fly. Isn't that right, Mr. Bear? "

The bear stopped crying and smiled at me, then lifted one of his wide legs and tapped my head, I fainted in the second that followed.

I later woke up on a bed, I was in a room with a wooden wall where wooden furniture also sat. I got up and saw a window without glass overlooking the garden where it was raining outside. I heard voices coming from the door in front of me.

No doubt, I was in the cottage but why am I here? I went with Twilight for my surprise and went to visit Fluttershy when we heard crying. We went there and... the bear, it was the fucking bear that scared me and then... black hole.

I walked towards the door and opened it slowly. The door led to a living room where Twilight and Fluttershy would sit on the couch and talk while drinking tea. I would slip into the shadowy corner of the room and listen:

"...two hours she's been sleeping Twilight. Are you sure she's all right? " Two hours?

"Yes, don't worry, Fluttershy. Anon is fine, she was just a little scared! "

"I feel so bad that Mr. Bear scared him, he's so angry at himself. I hope Anon will forgive him. "

"Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm sure Anon will understand that Mr. Bear didn't mean to scare him! "

"I hope so. " Murmured Fluttershy contemplative.

Suddenly I felt something touch me, I turned around and without having time to perceive it, I found myself propelled into the center of the room. I got up easily to realize that Fluttershy and Twilight had seen me.

I turned around quickly and saw a white rabbit leaving the room quickly, was it him?

"Anon? "

"Are you all right, Anon? "

"I... Yeah, everything's fine, just a little dizzy. "

"I wanted to tell you that Mr. Bear regrets scaring you like he did. "

"It's okay, I was just a little scared, that's all. "

"I'm glad you're all right, Anon, but what were you hiding in the corner of the room? "

"Uh..... I just wanted to play spies. " I felt ashamed.

"It's all right, Anon, Twilight's not angry. Come with us for a drink to make you feel better. "

I sat on the couch and waited for Fluttershy to get me a more appropriate drink while Twilight went to the window and sighed as he looked out in the rain.

Meanwhile, I noticed a lamp representing a strange creature that looked like a bipedal chimera made entirely of mosaic. I touched it to find out what it was made of, but it broke.

No one noticed it, so I gathered the pieces together and tried to put it together quickly. Fucking hoof of shit, the pieces all fell off every time I touched them.

Twilight sighed and walked towards me, I just had time to stand in front of the statue so she wouldn't see it. She smiled shamefully as she looked at me:

"If the rain continues, I think you may have been surprised and cancelled! What are you doing? "

"Uh.... Nothing special. What a pity, but... what exactly did it consist of? "

"I prefer to wait a little longer in case the rain stops. " Anyway, it's not like the rain is going to stop suddenly.

Twilight went to sit on the couch while I hid the pieces under the coffee table with a reverse side of the hoof, unseen and unknown.

Fluttershy finally came back with a good orange juice that I swallowed all at once, which earned me Twilight's admonitions that we shouldn't drink so fast. I've never seen anyone talk so long about a glass story that was drunk too fast.

When my trial was finally over, I turned to Fluttershy who was singing while feeding the animals. I didn't think she had so much when I was told she had a lot.

"The rain is over," Twilight observed with a cheerful smile.

"I'm so happy, Anon will be able to...," Twilight waved at him in my back that I noticed as I turned around.

"Why so much Twilight mystery, it doesn't matter if I know it a little early? "

"Anon, the principle of a surprise is to be a discovery, not something you already know," added Fluttershy by putting a multitude of carrots on a plate on the ground.

Frustrate at not being able to know this surprise but still determined to know it before the last moment in case they want to hurt me or do something bad. It's better to be careful.

Accompanying Fluttershy, we returned to town to a strange building like a kind of mounted cake where Twilight knocked on the door.

The door opened revealing Rarity with a pair of red glasses greeting us. She invited us in and asked us for our opinion on her new collection: morning freshness.

The dresses looked very beautiful with the contrast of light brown and light blue with a subtle mixture of golden sequins. Rarity asked me if I could do him a small favor.

I had no idea yet that I had just fallen into a trap even though I might have guessed it. Rarity made me test all her filly-sized dresses that clutched me horribly.

I say nothing, however, I must not show my pain and I kept my word by trying all the one who needed to be tested.

"I thank you Anon for helping me even knowing that the dresses are not too much in your tastes although too bad though. I also wanted to offer you this as a thank you, a scarf. "

The silver-colored scarf she gave me was really very soft to the touch, nothing like the clothes on Earth. I found myself smiling in the mirror, how long had I not really smiled?

This question troubled me but I would deal with it later, I thanked Rarity and she joined us and then resumed our journey to who knows where.

We left Ponyville until a meadow that was strangely dry where I could see Twilight's other friends sitting on a white tablecloth with a red stripe. It looked like..... a picnic, it was supposed to be the surprise.

When I arrived with the rest of the company at their levels, I saw several baskets full of food and gifts. I turned to them as Twilight smiled at me:

"Anon, I know what you had to go through is terrible and... " Tears began to flow from the corner of his eye. "But we wanted me and the others to give you gifts so you would know that you would never be alone again. »

These words were so sweet and sincere that I felt stupid, I had the impression that I was lying to them all and abusing their kindness.

No one, not even my parents had spoken to me so kindly, such that I began to cry. Twilight approached and wrapped me in her protective, soft and loving wing.

"Oh, come on, Anon, don't cry on the day of your early welcome picnic in Ponyville. "Pinkie Pie Pie approached with emotion.

"I'm sure you'll like it here, Blueblood and Carrot Top are very nice ponies. "

"I... it's just... you're so nice to me that I feel stupid. You don't even know me and..."

"Oh Anon, don't feel stupid, we all know you're a nice filly. "

"But... " Twilight put a hoof on my snout before I could continue.

"Calm down, Anon, let's enjoy this moment instead. "

I dried my tears and enjoyed the party where I received lots of stuffed animals and small cars as well as packages of cakes that Twilight hurriedly stopped showing to me.

The celebration ended in the middle of the afternoon when we left Twilight's friends to return to the castle. Arriving at the castle gate, Twilight turned to me uncomfortably:

"Anon, I don't know if you remember, but you have to see your psychologist and physiotherapist this afternoon! "

"Today? "

"Yes, Spike warned me from a scroll that your physiotherapist is here recently. "

As much as Meteor Breathe was kind and gentle, Remedy was the impassive and impatient type. I sighed dissatisfied that my second day in Ponyville was being ruined by my medical visits.

Twilight kept silent under my sulky face and accompanied me to the room where Remedy was and set up his equipment. At least that's what I would have thought I'd see.

I found a brown-coated pegasus stallion in a doctor's outfit throwing all kinds of objects out of his kit. What the hell is going on?

"... Hello. "

The stallion jumped to the ceiling where he bumped into himself and fell to the ground at my hooves.

"Are you all right? "

"Yes, thank you. You must be Anon, right? "

I nodded distractedly as I watched the mess he had put in the room.

"I am Grape Capsule, Dr. Remedy's replacement, your new physiotherapist. This one is very busy and all that, all that. Shall we get started? "

He looked more like a clown by his attitude than a real qualified doctor, but he was already more talkative than his predecessor.

I did all kinds of exercises noticing my slight improvement over the last time which was not very glorious. At the end, the doctor gave me a lollipop that I quickly swallowed, which made him smile.

I sucked my pacifier quietly while Grape Capsule tidied up these things when he started screaming at me with his hoof. I looked at him dizzy with the scream as he was already rushing into the corridors shouting for Twilight's help.

I looked at myself noticing a multitude of blue spots appearing all over my body starting with the rump. I began to flicker from my chair as Grape and Twilight entered the room.

The rest became blurry as I felt transported quite quickly and any voice became a distant echo.

- An echo of a memory -

The annual family meal was held in a very friendly atmosphere where everyone chirped happily. I was talking on my side with Julie, one of my cousins on my mother's side.

"That's great Julie, I'm glad you found someone! "

"Thank you," she said, drinking a little before she started again. "And you, did you manage to find someone? "

"No, not yet. "

"Don't worry, you'll find an Anon girl."

"It's about time," said my uncle completely drunk with his bottle in his hand entering the conversation. "Already 28 years old and still not a lover, we'll end up thinking you're a fucking priest! "

"Or faggot," mocked my unbearable cousin.

"Heinrich, I don't want to hear this crap at the table, my son is not gay! " Roars my father.

"Sorry, Uncle Fred, but I'm wondering. Anon only hangs out with guys outside the family. "

"Is that true, darling?" My mother asked.

"They're just friends! "

"But you said you were seeing someone? " Started to scold my mother who didn't like it when I lied to her.

"Well, I was wrong, she didn't want a serious relationship. " Lie to me.

"Don't worry, Anon, you'll find the right one," said Daddy as he hugged me.

I hugged him back and heard the notification from my phone that I woke up from sleep mode. One of my friends had posted a picture on my profile.

I would look at it quickly to see a picture of me kissing a guy at night. Shit, I must have been completely drunk that night, I didn't remember it at all.

I quickly erased it and looked up to see my father's face decompose as I looked at his phone and so did each of the family members as I opened his.

It seemed that everyone at the same time as me had received a notification except my mother who was anti-phone. My father looked at me with this silent fury about to burst.

I watched him amaze while my cousin was laughing hysterically after looking at his phone. I had a bad feeling about this.

"Can you explain?" Asked my father lifting his phone with the image I had deleted from my profile instead.

At that precise moment I felt my vital functions stop for a second.

"I told you to answer me!!!!!!!! "Exploded my father.

I couldn't even talk anymore because I was so scared. My uncle also laughed, which got him a punch from my father, sending him to the ground.

"Honey, stop it! Please, I'm sure there's another explanation. "

"You explain it how Marie? That my son, our son, kisses a guy at a party. "

"I... I don't know. Anon, please tell her that's not true. "

"I'm sorry," I articulated with difficulty, lowering my eyes as low as I could.

"So you're really a faggot? I knew you were stupid, but not that stupid. "

"Shut up Heinrich or I'll smash your face like your father!!! " Yelled at my father, who turned red like a tomato, and then turned to me.

"Honey, calm down, please. Think of the family! "Implored my mother.

"You disgust me, Anon. I thought I had a son, not a fucking faggot. Look at your brother, he's normal! But no, you can't be like anyone else. You have to be a mistake of nature! " Did he start crying.

My mother took my father into the kitchen while everyone gave me poisonous looks in a macabre silence. I've never felt so horrible in my life.

I turned to Julie who also gave me a look of absolute disgust as if our whole bond had gone up in smoke in the shadow of a few seconds.

I left home quickly and walked randomly through the street all night. I hated myself for what I was, a monster in the eyes of my family. No matter how much I reproached myself, the pain that had settled in my heart remained as the only company.

I never came home, including the annual family meal. From that moment on, I decided to go to France. My family had cut off all contact with me anyway.

- Back to the present -

I woke up in a hospital bed, inside a small room with a white wall and only a small coffee table, a door and a window.

I noticed that my right hoof was on an infusion but upside down. A multicolored liquid came out of my hoof in a pocket that filled slowly.

I looked out the window to realize that I was still in Ponyville. They had to take me to the hospital when... I looked at my body again, which was now spotless when the door opened.

A mare in nurse's clothing pushing a cart containing food came to me.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, little one. Here's a snack to get over your emotions. Within an hour or two at most you'll be on hooves. "

If I was still wearing blue polka dots for a few more hours, why let me go out during the day?

"Yes, we found the problem that seems a little strange... Princess Twilight will explain it to you. "

This answer must have satisfied me for the time being. I watched the clouds scroll through the blue sky of Ponyville while I ate my snack while waiting for the end of my treatment.

I don't know how long later, the nurse came back to the room where she took away the infusion, which left little more than a bandage visible to the naked eye. Then I found Twilight in the lobby reading a book constantly looking around her with an anxious look on her face.

When she saw me, she rushed over me while I had just enough time to see her before finally compressing with a hug.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry, Anon. It's all my fault... "

"What do you mean?"

Repelling this appalling evidence of tenderness to look her straight in the eye. She sighed and stared at the ground as she began to speak.

"It seems that my magic during our teleportation entered you causing you these strange blue buttons. What I find strange is that we have already done it without any problems, so why now? "Thoughtfully asked Twilight, the answer was surely Lord Hatred when he had caught me earlier.

So I followed Twilight who warned me that my psychologist had arrived and was waiting for me. All this time? I felt bad for Meteor Breathe for keeping him waiting so long even though the temporary illness was not my fault. That dog Lord Hatred.

So I found Meteor Breathe in the library quietly reading a book on baby foal learning. She lifted her snout from her reading and smiled at me, taking the time to wonder if I was all right.

I told him yes and gave him back his smile. She took out a large bag hidden behind her filled with trifles.

"You won't escape it, Anon this time, you're going to do some activities! "She smiled cheerfully at me.

And so the session with Meteor Breathe took place, we did all kinds of activities ranging from modelling clay to drawing where we had to draw ourselves.

From time to time Meteor Breathe would take out a notepad and write down a few things as a psychologist. She thought I was drawing admirably well and that maybe that would be my beauty mark.

I shrugged my shoulders and started drawing Twilight. Time passed and she finally left, kissing me on the forehead and ruffling my mane, she was so sweet. Almost like a mother, it was something else than my real mother who was as emotional as a stone.

And so the day passed, I told myself, contemplating the twilight from the bottom of my cozy bed. And so I ended up falling asleep dreaming of being Gargamel in a village of little Lord Hatred who were crying and screaming, running away everywhere.