Not Everything Is What It Looks Like

by Twilight Star

The next day...

When the next day came, Cadence, Shining Armor, the Mane 5, and Luna were eating while they were talking about the plan, “so just to remind you, today we’re going to ask Chrysalis for a deal”, recapitulated Luna.

 Rainbow Dash didn’t know if this was a good plan, “princess, do you really think it will work? Like, they are creatures that suck love from ponies. There’s no way they can show love to the ponies”

 Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash, not pleased, “Rainbow. Not all creatures are evil”

 Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, “Fluttershy, I understand that you’re the element of Kindness. But could it just stop being sympathetic when Equestria is in danger?”

 Fluttershy was shocked by this, “I… I’m sorry… It’s just… It’s just…” Fluttershy ran away.

 Applejack attempted to call Fluttershy while standing with a raised hoof, “Fluttershy! Wait! Rainbow didn’t mean it!” but it was no use. Fluttershy was already far away. Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash unhappy.

 “What is it?” asked Rainbow Dash, now confused.

 “You shouldn’t have made Fluttershy cry”, replied Applejack.

 “But she always thinks that being good to evil creatures will help”, Rainbow Dash defended herself.

 “She’s the element of Kindness. You should at least be understanding with her”, said Applejack, not content.


 " ‘But’ nothing, Rainbow. We’ll find Fluttershy and you should apologize”

 “But weren’t we going to look for Chrysalis and Twilight?” asked Rainbow Dash.

 “We will. But first let’s go looking for Fluttershy”, replied Applejack.

 “Can’t we go without her?” asked Rainbow Dash, now grumpy.

 “No. We are a team and we will be all together”, replied Applejack.


 Fluttershy kept running and crying. She was out of the castle. The Changelings were busy, so they didn’t even notice the yellow Pegasus running.


 Chrysalis and Twilight Sparkle were already in Canterlot. To tell the truth, they had arrived since last night. They were after two ponies to suck love. Twilight ran after a yellow mare with Cutie Mark carrots and Chrysalis ran after a foal. The two ponies kept running. They were hoping they wouldn’t get caught by the two female Changelings. But their luck ran out when they reached a blind alley. The two ponies touched their front hooves on the wall before looking startled at the two approaching female Changelings. They began to beg for their lives.

 “Please! No!” the foal begged through tears.

 “I have a family and I’m very young!” exclaimed the mare.

 But her requests for mercy were not answered, because Chrysalis grabbed the pony with her magic and began to suck love and Twilight grabbed the mare with her magic and did the same as her mother. From inside of the two ponies came a pink magic that went to the open mouth of the two female Changelings. When they were done, the two ponies felt weak and fell to the ground.

 Meanwhile, Applejack and the others were looking for Fluttershy. Applejack looked around for her friend. But all she saw was Changelings flying behind ponies. Rainbow Dash wanted to punch those Changelings in the ass, but she knew her friends wouldn’t want to fight them now. They went outside the castle to look for Fluttershy. Luna was looking around for the yellow pegasus.


 Luna looked back and saw Applejack, looking at her with a look of possible concern, “I wanted to ask you something”

 “Yes, Applejack. You can ask us”, replied Luna with a smile. Luna knew this was not the best time, but she wanted to know what was bothering Applejack.

 “How did you know the name of Chrysalis, princess? Did you two already know each other or did your sister tell you about her and the Changelings?”

 “Our sister told them about their existence after I returned to Canterlot after you and your friends defeated Nightmare Moon, Applejack”, replied Luna.

 Applejack knew this wasn’t the best time to say that. But this subject made her curious, “I know now may not be the best time to ask but .. Have you and Chrysalis known each other before?”

 Luna was speechless for a moment before recovering and answering the question, “Well, Applejack. Chrysalis and I had known each other in foalhood, but she was never close to me. Who was really close to me in my foalhood was Discord”

 “Were you and Discord friends?” asked Applejack, now surprised by this revelation.

 Luna nodded, “Yes, Applejack. Unlike Celestia who didn’t appreciate what Discord did, I always appreciated what he did. I won’t deny, when my sister and I had to turn it to stone, I felt sad inside because I had lost my first friend”

 Applejack went to Luna, “Princess, I’m so sorry you have to remember that”

 Luna smiled, “No problem, Applejack. We never told anypony about it, not even my sister, so thanks for letting me vent”

 Applejack smiled, “I’m happy about that”

 Suddenly they heard a scream.

 “What in tarnation?” asked Applejack, now frightened.

 “Come on, Applejack. Let’s see what is happening”, said Luna


 A couple of earth ponies ran for their lives. They kept running. Who chased after them was Twilight Sparkle and Chrysalis, who were flying. The couple saw an entrance, they entered and to their misfortune, it was a blind alley. The mare raised her hooves and tried to push the wall in the hope that the wall would move, although what she was doing was very silly. Suddenly they heard the sound of Changelings wings flapping. They both looked back in alarm before cringing in fear and began to beg for their lives.

 “Please, don’t!”


 When the two female Changelings were very close to the two ponies, a voice exclaimed, “stop everything!!” Twilight and Chrysalis looked back and saw Applejack and Luna. Luna was carrying an attack spell and Applejack had her rope in her mouth, ready to tie the two Changelings. Both ponies looked relieved.

 Twilight Sparkle glared at Applejack, “How did you escape the green goo?!”

 “Luna”, was all Applejack could think of to say as she pointed at luna.

 “I think I underestimated you, princess”, said Chrysalis. She hated to admit it, but Chrysalis was surprised that Luna was powerful enough to free Applejack’s friends and the slime cowmare.

 Twilight Sparkle got angrier, “You’re going back to where you were!” that said, she set a spell for Applejack to stun and be taken back to the castle. But, Luna put a shield around her and Applejack.

 When the spell was over, Luna took off the shield. She then remembered the plan: The plan was to make a deal with Chrysalis. She needed to try to see if it would work, “Chrysalis”, she began.

 “What is it?” asked Chrysalis. Twilight Sparkle was still annoyed that she couldn’t hit Applejack.

 “I may not know your species so much, but Celestia told me about your story. You and your subjects didn’t feel integrated and I and the other mares that you stuck to the goo want to help you in some way”, say Luna.

 “Where do you want to come with this?” asked Chrysalis, now confused.

 “Would you like to make a deal?” replied Luna.

 “What do you mean?” asked Chrysalis, now confused.

 “An deal that you and the other Changelings are part of us in Equestria. We will find a way for you, Twilight and the other Changelings to feed on love without having to suck the love of ponies”, replied Luna.

 Twilight Sparkle raised an eyebrow. Would your mother accept? She really hoped not. If her mother accepted, she didn’t know what to do. The purple female Changeling looked at her mother.

 Chrysalis seemed to think about it. Until what Luna said sounded good. But why should she accept? Luna wasn’t a Changeling queen like her. Luna mustn’t decide what is best for the Changelings. She made her decision, “no. I won’t accept it,” replied Chrysalis. Twilight Sparkle smiled at that. “Do you really think you’re a Changeling queen to decide the best for them?”

 Luna was speechless. She hoped Chrysalis would accept this offer. But she wouldn’t give up easily, “no, Chrysalis. I don’t think I’m a Changeling queen like you. I’m just offering you so the ponies and changelings make up and live in unity”, tried Luna to convince Chrysalis.

 “Do you really think I will accept this offer after all the ponies have done to me and my subjects in the past? Of course I will not accept this. Mostly from a pony”, denied Chrysalis.

 “Chrysalis, not all ponies are evil. Try to realize that now Equestria isn’t the same as before”, tried Luna to convince Chrysalis.

 “No. The ponies remain the same. Whenever they see a Changeling, they run for their lives”, denied Chrysalis.

 “They run from fear because you Changelings run after them”, explained Luna.

 “This is the only way we have to feed. Even if we asked it nicely, they wouldn’t accept it”, explained Chrysalis.

 “Chrysalis, I’m sure there must be another way”, said Luna with a smile.

 “No! No!” exclaimed Chrysalis, now annoyed. “You aren’t a Changeling queen to decide what is best for the Changelings!”

 “I know, Chrysalis, but ...” Luna tried to say, but had been grabbed by Chrysalis.

 “I am the queen of the Changelings and I decide what is best for them!!”exclaimed Chrysalis, before throwing Luna at the same wall as the couple was. “And before I forget ...”

 Chrysalis began to suck the love of the couple. Twilight Sparkle too. When they broke up, the couple felt weak and fell to the floor and the two femeale Changelings left. Luna couldn’t believe it didn’t work, she needed to warn the others about it. She knew Chrysalis was evil, but Luna didn’t know Chrysalis was so evil to deny. They left the blind alley. When they came out, Luna and Applejack saw the other mares and Spike heading toward them. Fluttershy was beside her friends and was no longer crying. Applejack and Luna went to them, “you found Fluttershy! But where the hell was she?”

 Who answered was Rainbow Dash, “She was in a well-hidden place. We had to search all over Canterlot to find her. But lucky we could find her by hearing her cry”

 “How did you make Fluttershy stop crying and make her join you?” asked Luna.

 “We apologize. Although Fluttershy seems a little uncertain at first, she accepted the apology”, replied Rainbow Dash.

 “It is true. I understand that Rainbow Dash was just a little annoyed that Chrysalis and Twilight was attacking Canterlot”, replied Fluttershy with a smile.

 “Fluttershy, about your idea of ​​making a deal with Chrysalis…” began Applejack.

 Fluttershy brightened, “Did you find her? Did she accept the deal?”

 “We’re sorry, Fluttershy. But she didn’t accept. We tried to convince Chrysalis, but she denied saying that we weren’t the queen of the Changelings to decide what was best for the Changelings”, replied Luna.

 Fluttershy looked sad about it, “Chrysalis can’t be that evil. I’m sure something happened in the past that made her evil”

 “She told us that in the past she and the Changelings must have suffered”, replied Luna.

 “Do you know what she and the Changelings suffered?” wanted to know Fluttershy.

 “She didn’t tell us what she and her subjects suffered. But she said that every time the ponies see a Changeling, they run away”, replied Luna.

 “But who knows if I tried to talk to her? I’m sure I could convince her”, said Fluttershy hopefully.

 “It’s no use, Fluttershy. As Applejack said earlier, Changelings are creatures who want to suck love. They don’t feel anything”, said Rainbow Dash.

 “But can’t we try a second time?” asked Fluttershy.

 “No, Fluttershy. She has already made her decision and we must respect it”, replied Applejack.

 Fluttershy was sad about that. She still had hopes that Chrysalis would surrender, “... If she won’t listen to us, I’m afraid we’ll have to fight her”, said Rainbow Dash.

 “But I’m sure if I talked to her, Chrysalis would hear me. I already talked to the dragon that smoked while sleeping, I’m sure Chrysalis would hear me”, Fluttershy tried to convince Rainbow Dash.

 “No, Fluttershy. She will not hear you. Chrysalis is so evil that she refuses to surrender”, denied Rainbow Dash.

 “Could you two stop arguing? Canterlot is under attack from Changelings and we have to do something”, said Applejack, interrupting the conversation.

 Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack with a possible guilty look, “now what? What are we going to do, princess?” asked Applejack, now looking at Luna.

 “I fear we will have to fight her, Applejack”, replied Luna.

 “But are you sure Chrysalis won’t hear me? I am the Element of Kindness”, Fluttershy tried to convince Luna.

 “Fluttershy, Chrysalis had already made her decision. Why don’t you take it?” wanted to know Rainbow Dash.


 “ ‘But’ nothing, Fluttershy. Just accept that Chrysalis is the bad guy in this world”, said Rainbow Dash.

 Fluttershy was fighting not to cry, “But ... But ...”

 Rainbow seemed sorry about that. Although she doesn’t show regrets, she didn’t wanted that Fluttershy to cry again, “Look, I didn’t mean to make you cry, okay? It’s just that you need to understand that not everything can be resolved with kindness”, explained Rainbow Dash.

 Fluttershy nodded, “So we have to fight her then? Are you sure I can’t talk to her?” Fluttershy wanted to be sure.

 “I’m so sorry, Fluttershy. But we will have to fight her. And no, we can’t talk to her. Chrysalis didn’t accept it and we should accept her choice”, replied Rainbow Dash.

 Fluttershy seemed to accept the truth, “ok, Rainbow”, she said sadly.

 Rainbow Dash realized that Fluttershy was sad about it, was comforting her, “hey. Don’t be sad. I know it’s hard to accept the truth, but if it comforts you, I can stay at your house to make you feel better”

 Fluttershy smiled, “ok, Rainbow”

 “And now, guys? Are we going straight to punch Chrysalis?” asked Rainbow Dash.

 “Not yet, Rainbow”, replied Luna.

 “What? But why not?” wanted to know Rainbow Dash.

 “Because we had to prepare before we really attacked Chrysalis and we also need to warn Cadence and Shining Armor”, replied Luna.

  “Oh come on!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, now with both hooves in her eyes.