Breaking Twilight

by Shaelyn

A Nightmare and a Dream

Twilight woke up, her eyes swollen from crying even in her sleep. She was scared to look at the room, but when she finally found the courage to it was completely clean. Even the bedding she normally slept on was gone. The only thing in the room was her... and a cake. Maybe it was a dream? At least, the killing AJ part... she couldn’t really kill AJ, could she? Twilight stood up, unsteady on her hooves, and slowly made her way to the cake. It seemed so out of place, after everything that had been happening. Still, she was very hungry, and cake is cake. Finally after what seemed like forever she was standing over the cake, and she could read what it said. Her heart sank like a stone.

‘They’re all dead now’

Underneath was a picture of Fluttershy’s head, gorified as if it had been beaten and then ripped right off the body. Twilight didn’t look long enough to take in any of the details. She felt absolutely sick.

Twilight woke up dry-heaving. There was nothing in her stomach to vomit, even though she felt violently ill. She looked at the corner of the room where the cake had been, but that was the dream. Instead the room was just completely white again as if nothing had happened. Twilight finally got hold of herself and sat up, “Chrysalis.... I don’t want to be here... just let me go. Please.. just let me go.”

“I can’t do that Twilight. Not until you understand. What you killed, what you thought you killed, was not real. But you thought it was real. Have you ever felt so alone before? So betrayed? Is that why you did it? No. You did it because it meant your survival. What you did was not evil. What you did was necessary. Your kind hates us because we feed on love, but that is what we must feed on. It does not make us evil, but yet you still brand us as such for it. Tell me, Twilight, knowing what you know now... am I truly evil?”

Twilight stared at the wall blankly, “You made me think I killed my friend, you made me feel like I was completely alone, and you keep hurting me in the worst possible ways... if that’s not evil then what is?”

“Doing it needlessly, of course. Everything I’ve done here has been to help you, and to help you help me. However, I can’t help you without first hurting you. Because without pain, you will never truly learn what I have to teach you. Don’t you see it, Twilight? Haven’t you learned anything yet?”

“I’ll never help you... you hurt ponies for your own selfish needs, you don’t care what happens to us...”

“I...” Chrysalis’ sigh could be heard throughout the room, “I was hoping you of all ponies would be able to learn; to keep an open mind. What good would it do me to hurt my food? I need pony’s love. If there’s no love in Equestria then there’s no food for my subjects and I.”

“That.. that doesn’t change anything.” Twilight paused for a moment to think it through, “Does it?”

“It changes everything, Twilight. I need the ponies of Equestria to be happy. By helping me, you’ll be helping to make every pony in the world happy. And in return, I will make you happy.”

“Make me happy? What do you mean?”

“I know the one you want. The one you love. She knows it too. But she doesn’t return your feelings, does she?”

Twilight shivered as if something had chilled her deep down. She knew that Chrysalis was talking about Celestia, because she was right. As much as Twilight cared about the Princess, she knew that she could never be with the Princess. Twilight simply said nothing.

“She sees you as a tool. A powerful one, yes, but a tool. She has trained you, shaped you to be the conduit for the elements of harmony. She has made you more than a tool, you are a weapon. Luna, Discord, she would have even had you turn them against me. She cares for you as her student, but she does not love you the way you want her to. If you help me to help all of Equestria, I can give you the means to help yourself.”

“I... I would never make the Princess do anything like that!” Twilight protested finally, coming to her senses. “If the Princess wants me to protect Equestria then I’m happy to do it. Besides.... I don’t need her to love me. I’m happy... being her student.”

“Are you truly happy, Twilight? Are you happy loving someone that doesn’t love you back?”

“I...” Twilight sobbed softly, not wanting to reply. She knew she was lying. She wanted to be more than just a student. More than a tool.

“Look upon my face, Twilight, and know that I only want to be loved by you. That’s all I would ask as your queen.”

Twilight looked up, and through teary eyes saw Chrysalis in the room with her, standing over her. After everything that had happened, Twilight didn’t have the strength to fight.

“I’ve brought your food, as well. I’ve made my point. I have no reason to let you starve.” Chrysalis stood off to the side, revealing a large plate of various foods and drinks. Even despite the Changeling’s presence, Twilight couldn’t help herself. She had to eat, and she would. She crawled around the edge of the room, avoiding Chrysalis as much as possible while she approached the food. Chrysalis simply stayed where she was, waiting. Finally, Twilight reached the food, and began to eat in earnest. It wasn’t until halfway through her meal that she realized Chrysalis was stroking her back with one hoof. Twilight tensed up at first, but after a few more bites she didn’t even care. She relaxed and finished the food and drink, then resigned to lie right there, being petted by Chrysalis.