LPRR - The Classified Mission

by Kaciekk

Chapter 1

It is late into the evening, for outside the windows the neighborhood is dark with only a few lamps to guide the way. Two ponies sit at a table, one being CharmingRhythm, and the other being his mother, Sapphire. The blue mare is writing while Rhythm draws to pass the time. In the other room, the door unlocks and opens, the sound being caught by flickering ears.

“That must be him now,” Sapphire states.

A few moments later, a grey Unicorn stallion walks into the room.

“Glad to see you’re finally home,” Sapphire greets him.

“Good to see you too,” Slate bows his head and touches his horn to his wife’s.

He turns and looks to Rhythm. “And what are you doing here?” He says without a trace of malice.

“What, I can’t come visit anymore?” Rhythm teases.

“Well, usually when you visit you come see me in the workshop,” Slate recalls.

“I did, but you weren’t there,” Rhythm tells him, stumped.

Slightly befuddled, Slate replies “Hmm, I- I must have been on break.” That statement causes Rhythm to raise his brow.

“Another late night?” Sapphire asks.

“Yes, but I was also called in for a mission. I’ll set out tomorrow,” Slate answers.

“Really? What kind of mission?” Rhythm says with intrigue, his eyes lighting up.

“There isn’t going to be any Hybrid fighting, is there?” Sapphire furrows her brow.

“There shouldn’t be. I’ll still be near the city, around the outskirts,” Slate assures.

“The outskirts can still be dangerous,” Sapphire concerns. “With rogues, bandits and even Hybrids.”

“I know Sapph, but I should be okay if I play it safe.” 

Rhythm questions “You… got anyone going with you?”

“I- no. I’ll be going alone,” Slate simply states.

“What?” Rhythm gapes in shock just as Sapphire utters “Slate” in alarm. Rhythm stands, his eyes now level with the older stallion.

“The Resistance advises ponies never to go out alone,” Rhythm warns. “You can’t go on a mission by yourself, and you know that.”

“I won’t be going far. I’ll be fine,” Slate affirms with a scowl on his face.

“No way. Dad, let me come with,” Rhythm requests with a grin.

“What? No,” says Slate while shaking his head. “You weren’t assigned this mission.”

“So what! Let me tag along. You’ll be safer with a partner.”

“You don’t think I can do this on my own, do you? That’s what this is,” Slate glowers.

“Th- that’s not what I mean. I don’t even know what you’re doing!” Rhythm asserts with emphasis and eyes wide.

“And it should stay that way. This is a classified mission,” Slate shuts Rhythm down once again, the anger in his voice growing.

“Then I’ll keep it a secret, promise. The fact of the matter is that you need a partner,” Rhythm reiterates, his expression turning sour.

Slate’s dark eyes narrow as his voice rises. “You are not coming with me, and that is final.” The Unicorn stallion turns his tail on his son and heads into the hallway.

After a pause, Rhythm shakes his head and growls in frustration. “He can’t go alone. I’ll follow him if I have to.”

Sapphire stands up and looks towards him. “Maybe I can change his mind. He may be stubborn, but I’ve swayed him before.”

“I hope you can again.” 

“I’ll see what I can do, Charmy,”  she says with a slight smile, and then heads towards the hall.

CharmingRhythm stand still for a few moments and soon decides to follow his mother’s path. He waits until she is behind a door, and makes his move. Rhythm places himself close to a wall, near the door, and presses his ear to it. A bright cyan glow develops from his horn, his magic aiding his ability to hear through the wall.

“This isn’t his mission” Slate says, already mid-conversation. 

“Were you ordered not to bring anyone at all?” Sapphire asks.

“Well… no,” Slate admits.

“Then there’s no reason he can’t go with you. We both care about your safety, and bringing him can increase your safety,” she bribes.

“I don’t know,” Slate says, still unsure.

“If this mission is so important, shouldn’t you’re ability to get out of it alive be your priority?”

Slate is silent for a moment. “I suppose so.”

“Then let him come with you” Sapphire tells him in a new, softened voice. “Rhythm’s a smart boy, you know that. I think it would be a mistake not to bring him. Your minds together can almost guarantee a success.”

On the other side of the wall, Rhythm rolls his eyes at being called “smart” and a “boy”, but continues to listen.

“I… guess so,” Slate submits, but still holds onto his stubbornness.

Rhythm stands up straight and takes a few steps back, away from the wall. Soon enough his mother walks out of the room. Her eyes lock onto him and a frown on her face appears.

“Rhythm!” Sapphire snaps in a hushed tone. 

“Sorry! Sorry! I know- shouldn’t have been listening,” Rhythm whispers, flustered and with ears pushed back.

Both of them walk away from the hall, back towards the dining room. “You’ll just keep getting yourself in trouble with that magic of yours,” The mare taps her hoof on Rhythm’s horn.

“Not anymore than Flash,” argues Rhythm with a smirk.

Sapphire exhales, speaking in a disappointed tone, “That’s true, sadly.”

“But that’s why he has Lance,” Rhythm adds.

“I know, but it doesn’t help much when they run into trouble together,” Sapphire laments.

“Sure it does. Better to be in trouble together than alone,” Rhythm ensures with a tip of his head.

Slate re-enters the dining room with his gaze set on the younger stallion. “You can come with,” Slate allows. A smile breaks on Rhythm’s face, but Slate interrupts “But, you must not tell anyone, and you must do as I say.”

“Oh, come on, you’re gonna be like that?” Rhythm kids. 

“This is a serious mission, we have to stay on track.”

“I understand” Rhythm says. After a few seconds, Rhythm rears up and wraps his forelegs around Slate’s neck. “Thank you, Dad.”

“Alright, alright.” The grey stallion pushes him away gently. “We set out tomorrow morning. You better be ready.”

“You got it.”

The next morning arrives and Slate comes into the living room. A dull light coming through the windows and light of the lamps emit a warm, yellow glow. The grey Unicorn watches CharmingRhythm, sitting on the couch, neatly pack supplies into his saddlebags. Slate analizes by his assortment of bandages, potions, water and even food. 

“I don’t think we need that many supplies, Rhyth.”

“You gotta prepare for the unknown,” The younger stallion assures. “Besides, we don’t know how long this is going to take. I don’t even know what we are doing!”

“It shouldn’t take too long, and… I’ll tell you along the way,” Slate says.

“I’m gonna need you to put some of these supplies in your saddlebags, I don’t think I’ll have enough room,” Rhythm requests.

“Alright,” Slate sighs, “but not too much, I need room in them. And… where did you even get all those supplies?”

“I may have taken the bandages and potions you guys had,” Rhythm says with squinting smile. “But! If we do end up using them, I promise I’ll replace them.”

The two stallions begin to head out. Sapphire consults them before they leave.

“Please take care of each other. Come back in one piece,” she urges with slight concern in her golden eyes. 

“Look who you’re talking to,” Rhythm grins with wit.

Taking a quick peek at both of their bionic forelegs, Sapphire lets out a breath. “I’m serious. I don’t want anything happening to either of you.”

“We can’t guarantee we won’t get any scratches” Slate tells his wife, “but we’ll try our best to stay as safe as possible. Which might not be safe enough for you, but hey, we’ll make it back.”

Slate and Sapphire touch horns, Sapphire pressing her muzzle onto his for a quick moment. “Good luck,” she says, and then turns to her son. “And you too Charmy, good luck.” She kisses his cheek. 

“Rhythm,” Slate addresses and nods his head towards the door. 

CharmingRhythm, starting to follow, looks back at his mother and says “We’ll be back. Love you, Mom!” 

“Love you too, Rhythm,” Sapphire replies before the door closes.