//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: CSB // Story: Frontlines // by MlpHero //------------------------------// June 12th Resistance Camp Cpl. Spearhead 0700 Hours Spearhead carried a box on his back, with Boltaction and Gallus helping him. They looked over to Shining, “something big is happening,” Spearhead said. “Gotta be. The princesses are here,” Gallus said Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight walked with Shining and Halberd. They examined the map Rocky set up, he greeted them and looked back at the map, “we’ve received intelligence from our liaison in the Resistance in Aviation on a supply train carrying V2 Rockets for an attack on Equestria. It must be stopped before it can launch  Celestia looked at Shining, “you and the 13th Equestrian Battalion proved yourselves on the beaches, which is why you’ll get both the opportunity and privilege.” “Thank you, your majesty, but this seems like a job for more than one platoon,” Shining said. “That is why we’re teaming you up with the CSB,” Luna said. A couple of jeeps pulled up to the camp. Three changelings hopped out of the first jeep. “Princesses,” the taller one said. “Captain Thorax, Sergeant Pharynx,” She greeted. She looked at the light blue changeling, who just nodded while looking down. “Sorry about Corporal Ocellus,” he looked at her, “she’s just worried about me leaving my subjects.” She spoke up a bit, “yes sir,” she whispered. Thorax stroked the top of her head while smiling. Celestia smiled, then looked at Spearhead, who gave a salute. She looked at Shining, “the fate of our home rest in your hooves.” She walked over to Spearhead. “Princess is coming. Better make a good first impression,” Boltaction whispered. Spearhead chuckled. Spearhead watched as Celestia walked over to them. He’d never thought he’d ever seen anything so beautiful and majestic. “Your majesty,” he said saluting. Boltaction followed suit. She looked at them, then at Gallus and the pendent around his neck. He smiled awkwardly as he didn’t know if she was happy he’d fought for them, or ashamed that he’d left his own. “You know it’s not the latter,” she said. “H… how—” “The look in your eyes,” she put a hoof on his shoulder, “I’m just glad you’re fighting for what you believe in,” she turned to Spearhead, “Captain Armor told me about your achievements, Corporal. I look forward to seeing your achievements after this operation,” and with that she walked back to the others. “Lucky bastard,” Boltaction said. “I know,” Spearhead replied smirking Pharynx and Ocellus walked over to them. Pharynx looked at the three, “You won’t be needing your rifles, Ocellus threw them Grease Guns and suppressors. “You’ll be using these.” The three looked at each other, then nodded. The five talked for a bit, then Shining and Thorax called them. “Looks like it’s time to go,” Ocellus said. “Alright,” Spearhead replied, “c’mon you mooks, let’s move.” They walked over to the rest of the platoon and got ready. Corporal Spearhead 13th Equestrian Battalion. Resistance Camp If we’re gonna make our mark then we gotta be ready for anything, like teaming up with the CSB, Changeling Stealth Battalion. With their help, we’re gonna stop a Supply Train carrying ordnance to a launch sight. Hang tight Equestria, we’re gonna buy you more time. Corporal Spearhead June 12th Griffon Railway Station. Spearhead, Gallus, Gabby, Bolt, Rainbow, Flash, Shining, Halberd, Thorax, Pharynx, and Ocellus walked towards the Railway Station. Ocellus drew a bow she’d got from Pharynx. They got behind some rocks, then Ocellus spoke up, “Reminds me of the time we parachuted into Ceraon, ambushed that Griffon Patrol.” “You’re just an old romantic,” Pharynx replied. The train moved into view. “Hey you gotta give those griffs some credit, trains right on time,” Halberd said. Spearhead chuckled, “biggest train I ever seen, thickest armor too.” Gabby looked at him, “it’s a Panzerzug,” she looked back at the train, “the V2s it carries has a range of over 200 miles, more than enough to hit Equestria if in the right position, we can’t let them reach the launch sight. Halberd started shushing everyone down as a patrol approached them. “Alright,” Thorax said, “me and Ocellus will take them out, Shining will provide covering fire.” Shining walked towards Spearhead, “Spearhead,” he whispered. Spearhead turned to Shining, “since you and Gallus were so gung-ho in the farmlands you’ll provide them with covering fire, come on!” They started to walk, “suppressors on!” Halberd whispered. Spearhead and the rest of the platoon slipped their suppressors on and followed the Officers. They took cover, then Thorax looked at Spearhead, “the sniper is yours,” he said. As Spearhead got closer to the griffon, Thorax whispered, “use your knife, Spearhead.” He took out his bayonet and grabbed the griffon around his beak. He brought the knife up and slammed it into the griffons neck. “Good job, now the Officer.” Spearhead nodded and aimed, then fired, the kickback and auto-fire almost throwing him off balance. The griffon fell down dead as the others looked around. Then Pharynx took one out with his Crossbow, then Ocellus used her Bow to kill the other one. Spearhead didn’t like the kickback of auto, so he switched to semi. “Great shot,” Ocellus said looking at Spearhead. They moved towards the house. “Captain!” Thorax whispered, “take a few soldiers and go around the house!” “Alright, Spearhead stay with Thorax.” “Yes sir.” Thorax and Spearhead moved towards the house. Thorax went through the door, while Spearhead climbed through a window. Another griffon walked in their way. “I got’em,” Spearhead whispered. “Careful!” Spearhead grabbed the Griffon around the neck and held him in a stranglehold. Crack! Spearhead dropped the dead griffon and moved towards the exit. As he walked to the exit, he saw Ocellus grabbed a griffon and pulled him through a window. He walked through the doorway and saw Ocellus shanking him with a knife. She looked at the nearby griffon sniper, “he’s yours, Spearhead.” He walked over and started stabbing the griffon with his bayonet. He peered over the fence to see a couple griffons, and one pulling up in a truck. He jumped out of a hole in the fence and landed on the boxes. He snuck in between some fence and a wall. He stopped after a trucks lights came on. He watched as it drove and it was followed by another griffon. He grabbed the griffon and pulled him behind the boxes, then he slammed the griffons head against the wall, leaving a bloody mess. He turned and walked back the way he was going. He saw another griffon staring at a mirror. He pulled his silenced SMG and pointed it at the griffons head. He fired it causing the Griffons’ head to explode and the mirror to shatter. He moved under a truck hoping none of the others heard it. He stayed there for thirty seconds until he was sure. He crawled from under the truck and continued to crouch-walk to a nearby table. A truck pulled up. He saw a griffon Officer get out. He grabbed the Officers leg and pulled him under the table and killed him with a brutal necksnap. He continued his way to the train and crawled under a small hole in the wall and found some griffons around a bonfire. He raised his gun and started firing, watching the griffons fall. “Halt!” Someone called. Spearhead turned to see a griffon holding a gun to his head. “Got’im.” Another griffon appeared behind him. He dropped his gun and surrendered. He noticed a shovel on the ground. He blinked three times. An arrow flew into the second griffons neck. “What the?!—” he was cut off by Spearhead swinging the shovel at his head. Then he brought the shovel down into the griffons back, and with a heart wrenching crack, broke the griffons spine. “Thanks Ocellus.” “Don’t mention it, now come on.” The two moved through the door and into the house. Another griffon stood there, but was quickly put down by Pharynx. “Change of plans!” Thorax yelled. They ran outside. There where a few ally Jeeps pulled out. Thorax looked at them, “we’ve been spotted!” A mixture of ponies, hippogriffs, changelings, and resistance griffons hopped out of the Jeeps. Shining looked up to them, “Thorax! Trains leaving!” “We can’t let it get away!” Thorax yelled. The four ran down to join their comrades. They fired at the oncoming griffons. A stray grenade exploded near a changeling soldier. Spearhead heard his cry for help, “ah, help!” Spearhead ran over to the downed changeling, “give me covering fire!” “Please, get me outta here!” “Don’t worry! I got you!” Spearhead said grabbing the changeling and, using his wings to grip his revolver, shot at two griffons. He dragged the changeling behind a wall, then Fluttershy came running, “you’re gonna be alright!” “Thanks! I owe you my life!” Spearhead looked at Fluttershy, “I’ll take care of him!” “Alright.” He ran right back into battle. He fired at two more griffons with his SMG. Click! He ejected the magazine and slipped in a new one. He took the suppressor off, knowing it limited the lethal effect of the bullets. He moved behind a truck and fired. He switched from Semi to Auto. The spray of the gun was almost uncontrollable, and if this was the Grease Gun, he sure didn’t want to use a BAR, or maybe he was just used to semi-auto guns. He shot at a Griffon using an MG15. He crawled over to it and picked it up. He used the bipod to aim and balance. He fired at five griffons, who all fell down dead. Silverstream came over and commandeered the gun. Pharynx came running, “here, take this!” He said giving Spearhead a Sawed-off Shotgun. He moved to the house and waited. He opened the door and fired the shotgun at a griffon who was standing in front of him. The griffon went flying into a table. He moved behind the counter, then peeked out and fired at another griffon. He popped the first two shells out then loaded two more shells in. He moved to the door and opened it. He was greeted by a hail of Flak fire. “Shit!” He yelled as Flak fire tore through the wall and door of the house. Ocellus ran past him, “Corporal get up!” She said reaching a hoof out. She helped him up. “Everyone in the Jeeps!” Halberd yelled. Ocellus and Spearhead hopped into the first Jeep. Then Spearhead turned the key in the ignition and slammed on the pedal. The last thing they heard was Thorax yelling, “we can’t let it get away!” They drove along the tracks to keep up with the train. “Floor it!” Ocellus yelled. They continued to follow the train, then it started firing the Flak Cannons, “Shit! It’s firing at us!” She yelled. Some of the trees had been it. “Trees coming down! Watch out!” As they fell, some blocked the tunnel, forcing them to take the dirt road. As the tunnel ended, the train came out guns blazing. Spearhead had to carefully maneuver around the Flak. One bullet flew right past them and hit the ground near the other Jeep, causing them to go off road. “Crap!” Ocellus said looking at the road, “they’re gone it’s just us!” They continued on the road. The train seem to go off road. Then a bridge came into view. “Drive under the bridge!” Ocellus ordered. Spearhead nodded and drove under the bridge. He saw a turn coming up. “Sharp turn comin’, hold on!” Spearhead yelled drifting the Jeep like he was flying in a race. Then after the turn they drove down the path. A dirt ramp came into view, “hold on!” The Jeep flew in the air as they went over the ramp. “Awwwwg!” Ocellus grunted as they hardly hit the ground. They continued down the dirt path as the train moved down the track. “I’m gonna puke!” Ocellus said. The disappeared out of view for a moment. “I should’ve drove!” Spearhead looked behind to the MG, “now's your chance! Take the wheel!” He replied jumping onto the gun. The train appeared seemingly out of nowhere, blowing its horn, “SHOOT!” Ocellus yelled. They drove right up to the train, then its side door opened, “light them up!” Spearhead nodded a fired the MG. The bullet tore through the griffons as they fired their guns. He looked at a nearby oil tank and fired at it. The tank blew up and took most of the griffons with it. Then a hill separated them from the train. “We gotta get to the front of the train!” Ocellus said. They drove until the train came back into view. “Keep firing!” Spearhead pulled down on the trigger. He cleared his thoughts as he fired, only hearing the MG fire, which sounded like a drummer rapidly hitting a drum. His eye caught another oil tank, and he fired at it. The explosion this time around was louder, probably because they were so close to the train. “Nice Spearhead!” Ocellus yelled. He looked at her, then Flak started back up, “get us outta here!” She drove closer to the train, “they can’t hit us if we get up close.” Spearhead got back on the MG and continued to fire. Then something, a building by the looks of it, struck the MG. While they were down, a griffon stood on top of the train and threw a grenade into the Jeep. “Grenade!” Ocellus yelled. She took out her Mauser C96 and fired. The griffon fell off the train and hit the hood of the Jeep and flew off. Spearhead reached for the grenade, “I got it!” He grabbed it and threw it away from the Jeep, but it exploded near the Jeep. “Buck!” Ocellus yelled as she tried controlling the vehicle. The Jeep swerved right and left, then it drove onto the tracks and the train hit it. The train dragged it for awhile. Spearhead looked at the Jeep, “Ahh! Jeeps comin’ apart!” Ocellus looked around, then back at Spearhead, “jump!” She jumped over the side of the Jeep. “Shit!” Spearhead yelled. Then after a small debate with himself, he followed suit and jumped off and looked back at the train. Time seemed to slow down as he flew from the wreckage, metal from the Jeep flying in all directions. As he landed, the train derailed, causing all of its train cars to fly with it. A few cars landed in a giant pile. As he started to get up, an unseen gas tank exploded, sending him and the cars flying. He landed on his stomach, then turned over. Another car landed straight up and started to fall. Spearhead quickly backed up as the car fell, and with it, an unlucky griffon, who was crushed by the car as it hit the ground. Another car flew up, hitting the tower, causing it to fall over as well. Spearhead seemed to go between a state of blackouts and consciousness. “Spearhead, where the h*ll are you?!” Ocellus yelled. He turned onto his back as Ocellus came into view, “I’m coming, hang on!” She stepped out of the smoke and dust. “Holy shit! Did that just happen?!” “Can’t believe we made it!” “That’s one for the books! I hope your friend Flash brought is camera!” “Halberd might even get off my ass for five damn minutes!” As she helped Spearhead up, a bullet flew past them, “look out!” she yelled dropping to the floor. An injured griffon stepped out holding an SMG, but was quickly put down by another gunshot. A brown griffon with a white head and yellow eyes walked up. “Follow me, I’ll take you to your platoon.” Spearhead looked at her, “I’m sorry, who the hell are you?” “A friend, now hurry!” Spearhead and Ocellus exchanged looks, then got up and followed the griffon. Ocellus found her Bow and Arrows, but Spearhead couldn’t find his SMG or Double-barrel, so he was left with his revolver, bayonet, and five grenades. He followed the two over another broken car. They found two more griffons, who fired at them. Ocellus took one out with her Bow, and the other griffon took out the other with her SMG. They moved to the dead griffons. Spearhead picked up a bolt-action rifle from one of the griffons. A griffon appeared over another downed train car, and Spearhead fired at him. He pulled back on the bolt, causing an empty shellcasing to fly out. They moved up, and crawled under a passenger car. They got up and moved over to another passenger car, where a griffon stepped out. Spearhead, with lightning quick reflexes, pulled his rifle up and shot the griffon in the head. They moved through the car and took cover. Two more griffons appeared. Spearhead pulled on the bolt, aimed and fired, the primed it again. Ocellus pick off the other. They moved to a downed griffon officer, who the ally griffon shot with her Po8 pistol. They moved over to another car and had to crawl under it. A few more griffons appeared, followed by the sounds of barking. A dog ran at Spearhead. Out of fear, he aimed the rifle at the dog and shot. He felt bad as he pulled back on the bolt. He fired at two more griffons. Click! He dropped the gun and pulled out his revolver, but didn’t need to as the others had already killed them. They moved over to another car. “Your platoon is through here,” the griffon said. They crawled over the car and saw Gabby and Rocky. “I believe these two belong to you.” He walked over to them. “I see you’ve met Gilda, she’s a member of the Helios, the Aviation Resistance.” “She killed a griff that was gunnin’ for us,” Spearhead said. “You could at least try to capture and interrogate them first,” Rocky said slipping as clipboard between his wing. “That would be more trouble than they’re worth.” Shining ran over, “thought we lost you. Looks like you two’ve done some damage.” “The train was supposed to be stopped, not destroyed,” Gilda said. Halberd walked over, “hey, I’m sorry everything didn’t go as planned, but on the bright side, we just alerted every Celestia damned griffon outpost in the whole area, so we gotta move. Come on.” Everyone started moving. “Not until we finish the mission!” Gilda said, “isn’t that right Rocky?” Rocky started to speak. Spearhead just stared at the sky and waited for the next push forward. I don’t know how, but somehow me and my new friend, Corporal Ocellus, survived wrecking that train long enough to find ourselves rendezvousing with a tough resistance girl. Goes by Gilda. She’s a member of the Resistance in Aviation and if you can believe it, she made us crawl through the wreckage for some papers. She needed them for a mission in Aviation, and she had a job for us too. Corporal Spearhead  13th Equestrian Battalion Train Wreckage By blowing up that train, we bought Equestria more time. Now we’re moving into Aviation, a Griffon city. Hang tight, liberations coming soon. —Cpl. Spearhead