Daring Do: And The Divine Crown of the End

by Diamond-ChiVA

Diamond's Admission for Daring Do

Later on after she got home, Diamond placed the book in her bag, throws it across her bedroom, and lays in bed, having her face into her pillow, trying not to cry, but with tears flowing from her eyes, she couldn’t hold back from what Daring said to her. She then started crying in her pillow. By the next morning, Diamond was still in her room, sulking like she lost her confidence to try to go on patrol like she usually does. Amethyst was then peeking through Diamond’s bedroom door, noticing her loss of confidence and sulking, and decides to check up on her, she gently knocks at her door, before walking in her room.

“Diamond?” Amethyst called to her, feeling concerned.

Diamond perked up after hearing Amethyst, and looks at her.

“Are you ok?” Amethyst asked.

Diamond nodded.

“No…” said Diamond, sounding like she’s very depressed.

Amethyst then goes up to her and sat down on the bed right next to her.

“What’s wrong?” Amethyst asked.

“You know how I went to Daring Do about the crown yesterday?” Diamond asked as she looks at her.

“Yeah? What about it?” Amethyst asked.

“Well…” Diamond sighed before whispering what happened with the crown into her ear.

After she explained, Amethyst was shocked in concerned.

“What?!” Amethyst exclaimed.

Diamond nodded.

“Daring Do got mad at me, we both got into a fight, and… it ended up for Daring to not see me ever again… I’ve really messed up… “ said Diamond as she laid her head on her hooves with her ears drooped.

“Oh, Diamond.” said Amethyst, feeling bad for her as she places her hand on her shoulder.

After a few seconds, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie came by Diamond’s bedroom door, knowing that she hasn't came out on patrol this morning, and they thought to check up on her.

“Uhh Diamond are you alright?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, what was with all the crying yesterday?!” Pinkie asked.

Diamond looks at Pinkie and Rainbow Dash, looking like she’s not only depressed but lost her confidence.

“Well?” Rainbow asked.

“Did Daring Do say something bad?!” Pinkie asked.

“H-How did you know Pinkie…?” Diamond asked, kinda shocked that she knew.

“Just a hunch.” said Pinkie with a grin.

“That’s Pinkie for ya.” said Rainbow.

Diamond sighed.

“What does it matter, she got mad at me, because I was trying to help her get away with the crown, but because of one of his traps, he got the crown... that's when we got into a bit of an argument, up to the point where Daring.. doesn't want to see me again…” said Diamond before she goes to pick up the bag from the corner with her magic, where she threw it last night.

“Wait, what?!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“That’s what I said.” said Amethyst.

“Uh oh.” said Pinkie.

Diamond nodded, as she heads up to her attic with the bag in her grip. Amethyst. Rainbow, and Pinkie follows her up there. Diamond then places the bag close to the desk she had up there to do her private studying Tai-Chi magic.

“Well at least you tried but I hope she realizes that having friends by her side is better than doing it by yourself.” Rainbow sighed.

“So what will you do Chi-Chi?!” Pinkie asked.

“I don’t know, Pinkie... besides, she whether work alone on her adventures... just like I do, so what's the point?” said Diamond as she looks out the window while having her head on her hoof.

RD and Pinkie felt bad for Diamond as they didn’t have a word to say about that. Amethyst then goes up to her.

“Diamond.” said Amethyst.

Diamond looks at her.

“I know this is gonna sound cheesy and weird, but, why do you care about Daring Do so much? I mean, ever since you read about her books, you started to have those dreams about that crown for the past few days until now. Was there a reason for that?” Amethyst asked as she places her hand on her shoulder.

“The what?” Rainbow asked as she and Pinkie were confused.

Diamond looks at Rainbow and Pinkie.

“Ever since I read the Daring Do books you gave me, Rainbow, I kept on having the same dream about me and Daring going to retrieve the crown, it’s been going at me for the last few days, like… like it was calling for me and her to retrieve it.” Diamond explained.

“Why do you care about that crown so much, I mean, what’s so special about it?” Rainbow asked.

“That crown could bring the destruction of Equestria if it falls into the wrong hooves, I wanted to see if that crown was real from my dreams, and it was. When I figured out that Caballeron was planning to get the crown first, I had to go to Daring about it.” Diamond explained. 

“Didn’t you say that he got it from you two?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah. That’s when we got into an argument.” said Diamond before looking away.

“Diamond, I’m sure she didn’t mean to say those things to you.” said Amethyst.

“Did she? I mean, her words broke my heart into pieces, I couldn’t believe the most adventurous pegasus in Equestria would say that to me, even though I tried to help her.” said Diamond.

“Did you try to tell her that you were just trying to help?” Rainbow asked.

“I did… before she told me and quote-” said Diamond before she tried to do an impression of her in one sentence before doing her original voice. “‘I don’t your help, you’ve done enough’. Unquote.”

“Well she’s gonna need help sometimes whether she wants one or not.” said Amethyst.

“She’s right, Diamond. You shouldn’t let those words get to you.” said Pinkie, agreeing with Amethyst.

“And, you didn’t answer my question on why you care about Daring Do so much.” said Amethyst.

Diamond looks at Amethyst, then at Rainbow and Pinkie, she sighed before answering.

“If I tell you three, would you promise not to tell anypony else?” Diamond asked.

“Of course, Chi-Chi.” said Amethyst.

“You have our word.” said Rainbow.

“You got a pinkie promise on that.” said Pinkie as she did her pinkie promise motion.

“Ok…” said Diamond.

Diamond took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous about what she’s about to tell them.

“The truth is… the reason why I care about her so much is because… because…” said Diamond, feeling nervous.

“Yeah?” Amethyst asked as she listens.

“Spit it out, Diam.” said Rainbow.

“I… I have… have a crush on her…” said Diamond as she spoke the truth, and looks away as she blushes so they don’t see it.

Pinkie gasps in awe, while Rainbow and Amethyst were kinda shocked on it.

“Hold on, hold on, you actually have a crush on her?” Rainbow asked.

Diamond nodded yes, feeling a little embarrassed about it.

“How long have you felt that way around her?” Pinkie asked, feeling excited for her.

“Ever since I first read one of her books that Rainbow showed me ever since I’ve moved to Ponyville.” Diamond explained. “I mean, with all the adventures she goes through every time, her personality, and her looks. I mean, yeah I still love Feather Bangs as much as the next pony, but liking a mare, as in like her, like her… this is new to me, and… I always feel alive whenever I’m around her.”

“Awww, that’s sweet.” said Pinkie in awe.

Diamond nodded.

“But from what she told me… I don’t know if she would want to know that now, because of what she did…” said Diamond.

“Diamond, if you really feel that around her, and if you really think that you should help her, then you should just do it.” said Rainbow as she nudges Diamond’s arm.

“Yeah, you shouldn’t find your love feelings for her, if you really feel this way around her.” said Pinkie as she bounced up to her.

“I agree with the others, you should go help her anyway, and tell her how you feel.” said Amethyst.

“B-But she said-” Diamond said before she got interrupted by Amethyst.

“Forget about what she said, you should focus on what’s more important, especially if Equestria is in danger with that crown on the loose.” said Amethyst as she made Diamond looked at her. “Don’t hold it back, and don’t be nervous, just go do it, you’ll feel better once you get it off of your chest.”

Diamond looks out the window, looking at the forest a few miles from her home as she thought about it, mostly on Daring Do. After some time thinking, she then felt like her confidence is coming back to her, and thought on going to find her and help her along with telling her how she feels.

“You know what? You girls are right.” said Diamond as she had the confident look and hugs them three. “Thank you, you three.”

“Now go on, you got this, girl.” said Amethyst with a smile.

Diamond then runs off to go find her. Rainbow, Pinkie, and Amethyst watches her leave with a smile on her face.