Waters: The Equestrian Gangster

by King Genesis

After Party

Two weeks have passed since the Party for the Good Ol' Canterlot. The Fall Formal is in two days. Surprisingly, the Blueblood Commission hasn't attacked since that night. They are completely silent.

W, Jack, and Abe are still in Canterlot, taking care of the Rainbooms, although they say all the time they don't need personal protection. All of them are creating a small friendship between them, especially W and Spike. Meanwhile, Ron is in Los Mantos, taking care of Percival and Femur's decisions on Warloff Valley, where they are the controllers.

The relationship between Gordo and Blueblood has worsened, and the fat man has been thinking about leaving the project, even if it has lots of money around it.

Pietro has turned into a rookie gangster, although Plegovich is not in favor of his decisions.

Flash Sentry has been completely forgotten by the Commission. They haven't talked about him since the Barnes' death.

Micro Chips is still being shy. He doesn't wanna talk to Pinkie Pie.

A Canterlot High Hallway

"You should go, W. Everyone will be there, even me."

"I've already told you, Fluttershy. School parties are not for me. I don't like dancing."

"But have you ever tried dancing? It can be relaxing."

W laughs while walking with Fluttershy in the hallway. "Maybe it would be relaxing for you... but me? I don't know."

Suddenly, Fluttershy turns his head to the right and gasps. "Hey, W..."


"Little Ace is looking at me... again."

Little Ace slowly approaches her but W turns back and smiles at him. He stops, looks at the Bedmaker, nods his head and walks away.

"That stupid won't invite you to the Fall Formal," answers W.

"Yeah... since Pietro disappeared, everyone has been behaving well."

W nods his head while smiling, but at the same time, he has a worried gesture because he doesn't know where is Pietro.


W is sitting with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Jack appears with a cup of coffee and greets Granny Smith.

"I've already received five invitations to the Fall Formal," says Rainbow Dash. "Two of them from Zephyr Breeze."

Everyone starts laughing except for Fluttershy, who blushes.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy," says Sunset Shimmer. "Everyone has that kind of person in their family."

"Yeah..." says Rainbow Dash, and she suddenly points at W. "You."

"Me?" Asks W, confused.

"You must come to the Fall Formal."

W laughs loudly and Jack sits next to him, doing the same.

"And you too, Jack."

"Me?" says Jack. "I'm too old for those things."

"Oh, come on, dude!" Shouts Rainbow Dash. "The Principals and the teachers would be there! You can dance with Luna, Cheerilee or Celestia!"

W looks at Jack and smiles. Rainbow Dash now points at W with a fork. "You must be here that night."

"Why?" Asks W.

"You know... you are young, handsome, you seem to be tough... girls would want you!"

W and Jack look at each other and both of then chuckle. "Thank you for the flattery, Dash," says W. "But I won't be on the Fall Formal."

"Why?" Asks Sunset Shimmer. "You should be here..."

Suddenly, Jack receives a text message from someone... Ron. He opens it and reads:

"Need you and W in Los Mantos. It is safe now. We need to talk."

Jack drinks his coffee cup and touches W's back. He knows that touch is a kind of code. "Well, girls," says W. "We need to go

"Really, why?" Asks Rainbow.

"We'll go to the gym," says Jack. "Celestia called me earlier. We need to help her."

"Um... shall we help you?" Asks Sunset Shimmer.

"No, no, it's OK," says W, winking an eye to her. She knows what he is meaning.

Outside, in the Hallway

"Alright," says W. "What happened?"

"You miss Los Mantos, don't you?"

W doesn't answer. He just looks straight at Jack and smiles. "What do you mean?"

"You miss the city, don't you?"

"Hell yeah."

"Why don't we go there for a while?"

Ron's House

There is a big room filled with paintings and the only thing it has is a big, wooden, squared table. There is also a smaller room next to that room filled with cupboards and boxes. There is also a record player inside, which is playing a song: I'm not in Love, by 10cc. Meanwhile, Ron is carrying a big box to the table. Percival, Tom, and Femur are also helping him.

"What do you want to do with these boxes?" Asks Percival.

"I want to look for something," answers Ron.

Tom tries to get the LP out of the record player but Ron stops him. He leaves the box on the table and opens it: knives. Lots of knives.

Percival opens another box and finds a katana under ten knives. "Holy! You have a pretty nice knife collection!" he shouts.

"Why do you have so many knives, Ron?" Asks Femur.

Ron grabs a shiny knife filled with runes and says: "Since I killed Red Punch, I've been waiting for my next sacrifice and I've found the perfect man. You know what I mean."

Tom starts laughing: "Canterlot will cry on Ron's shoulder after this."

"And then he will turn into Canterlot's governor," says Percival.

Ron chuckles and keeps looking for the perfect knife. Suddenly, a car stops and Ron opens the door. W, Jack, and Abe are there smoking and drinking some water. The weather today is warm.

"Woah," says Ron. "It is hot here,"

"It is because Dad has arrived," says W, joking.

"Dad? More like... the Grandson," interrupts Jack.

Everyone enters the house and finds the boxes filled with knives, while Percival, Femur, and Tom are carrying them onto the floor.

"Why are the knife boxes outside?" asks Jack, and then he slowly moves his head and looks at Ron. "Are you going to do... The Redpunchization?"

"What?" says W, trying not to vomit. "With who?"

"Blueblood," answers Ron. "He deserves it for being such a motherfucker."

"Uh-huh..." says W. "A corrupt governor. He caused chaos during the nineties, went to jail and now he is against us... Mmmm... You have to think about it. Is it worth it, Ron? For real?"

Ron nods his head while holding the same knife for a minute. "I think I'll grab this one. W, do me a favor. Take this box to the other room."

"Sure!" he shouts and then grabs the box. Ron approaches Abe and Jack.

"Blueblood's been switched off for two weeks," whispers Ron. "And you know what that means. He is planning something big, massive. They will unleash their power, and the Fall Formal is in two days, right? Be cautious, careful. That Fall Formal thing may be fresh, good-looking meat for them."

"I agree," says Jack. "We have to focus on the Fall Formal."

"The only thing I have to tell you is that if things will be like the way I am thinking, Canterlot High will be a slaughter. A big one."

"If we don't let them enter Canterlot High," says Abe.

"It doesn't matter," says Ron. "There will be blood anyways, Abe. I repeat: Be cautious. The Fall Formal may be a pretty long day."

Ron's Small Room

W is looking around the room. Everywhere he sees is covered with cardboard boxes filled with papers, files, blunt objects, knives, and bullets. There is no space to put another box inside.

"Ron!" shouts W. The Pirate opens the room's door and looks at the mess. "Where can I put this box?"

Ron does the same thing as W and starts looking around. Finally, he finds the perfect place. "Um... You can put it on that corner, next to the cupboard. Watch out for the pile of boxes."

Ron leaves and W slowly carries the box onto the corner. Half an hour later, after leaving that box and cleaning a bit the whole room, he realizes the cupboard is open. He slowly opens the door and looks at a small box filled with letters. There is also a jar behind it, which calls W's attention. W grabs the box and looks at a rotten head, which is Red Punch's.

"Fuck!", shouts W and unintentionally he drops the box. "Fuck you, Ron! Why do you still have that head?"

W grabs the letters, but he stops doing it when one of them has a familiar name on it:

WADE. His father's name. A letter from his father? What would that be?

He opens the letter and looks at the sheet of paper where it was written.


I don't know, man. I'm worried because I've heard the bitch will send Blueblood to kill me."

W suddenly stops reading it and folds the letter. He is now looking at the cupboard which has Red Punch's head and keeps going.

"I'm afraid he will touch Wanda, William, and Walter. I've already sent the boys to Fletcher, but Wanda denied to go with him. She prefers to stay with me on Wayneville."

Wayneville was a small town inside Manehattan. It was neither a poor town nor a rich town. It was a middle-class city filled with antique, vintage houses. Jack told him he visited Wayneville in 2003 and said it turned into a ghost town, where everything was abandoned and rotten.

W can't believe Blueblood is mentioned on this card. Prince Blueblood wasn't born in 1995, so this Blueblood his father was talking about us only one man... Mister Mortimer Blueblood.

"This may be my last letter, Rondo. The bitch is angry and wants to hunt me, and that's why Blueblood was hired. They will kill me, but I know my face will be legendary after the ambush."

"The Bitch," whispers W. Who was the Bitch? Ron told him about the Bitch when he was a child. The Pirate told him the Bitch murdered his parents. However, Ron never mentioned Blueblood during these 14 years. Ron never told him Blueblood was involved in this. And most importantly, Ron never told him Blueblood went for his parents. Killed his parents. Why would he hide that? Ron knows everything inside this room, so this letter must have been read by him.

W leaves the room and leaves the letter on the big table. There are only two men inside: Jack and Abe. Percival, Femur, and Tom went to Warloff Valley to take care of the zone.

"Where is Ron?" asks W, angry.

"He went to Las Pegasus, I think," says Jack. "Why?"

W looks at the letter again, slowly moves his head to look at Abe and Jack on their eyes and says: "Blueblood killed my parents."

Both Jack and Abe look at each other. Abe approaches the table and slowly grabs the letter and reads it. Then, Jack grabs it and does the same. Now, the three of them are in silence.

"Isn't this... Wade's last letter?" asks Jack. "I think Ron told us about this a long time ago."

"Yeah," says Abe. "He never showed the card to us, though. We didn't know Blueblood killed Wade and Wanda."

"So..." says W, trying not to cry. "Ron knew this all this time? Since 1995?" Both Jack and Abe do not answer, and that awakes W's anger. "FOURTEEN YEARS! I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THE GANG FOR FOURTEEN YEARS LOOKING FOR THE MURDERER!... And you hid me the truth?"

"We didn't--"

"This was not a day or a week... This was a hundred months and more! Almost fifteen years, man! YOU CAN'T HIDE SOMETHING LIKE THAT FOR A LONG TIME!" W smashes his fist against the table. "Fuck Ron! And if you are with Ron, fuck you too! Fuck Canterlot! Fuck the Pirate!"

"Wait, W!" shouts Jack. "Don't go!"

W does not answer and leaves the house. Abe instantly grabs his phone and sends a text message to Ron.

"We have a problem."

Canterlot High's Entrance

Vice-Principal Luna comes out of the school and takes a breath while being outside. He looks at a lonely sheet of paper that's being carried by the wind and grabs it. She realizes it is a note and unfolds the paper. There is a message that says:

"Give us the Rainbooms on the Fall Formal and nobody will be harmed."

Luna's pupils shrink because of shock and she enters the school again. Blueblood's master plan has just started.

Manehattan. Evening.

Ron arrives at Manehattan in the evening. It is almost night and the sun is setting. The streetlights are switching on now and the casinos are opening.

He starts walking and enters a bar called "The Wooden Hoove". He stays there and waits for someone. Suddenly, Seductive appears along with Adagio Dazzle and sits in front of Ron.

"What is she doing here?" Asks Ron.

"She's old enough to know what are we talking about," answers Seductive.

"She is a teenager..."

"I'm not a teenager!" shouts Adagio.

"Yeah, I know," says Ron. "You are a thousand-year-old siren, but that doesn't mean you can hear our conversations, Adagio. By the way, where are the other two?"

"I left them home," answers Seductive. "That's why I'm in a hurry, Ron. What do you want?"

"You know..." he says. "Our conversation hasn't finished yet..."

"I've already told you I can't help you, Ron," answers Seductive. "I'm busy and I don't have anything for you."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!" says Adagio. "We don't have anything to help you."

Ron sighs and nods his head while drinking a glass of whiskey. "Did you talk with Grey Blackle?" asks Seductive.

"How can I talk with that bitch? No!" answers Ron.

Suddenly, Ron's phone vibrates. He grabs it and looks at a text message from Abe:

"We have a problem."

"Wait," says Ron. "I've got to make a call."

Ron's House. Night

Jack has been trying to call W several times but the young man does not answer. Abe is sitting on the table looking at the moon when his phone makes a sound. Ron's calling.

"Finally," says Abe after answering the call.

"What happened?"

"It is related to W," says Abe. Jack looks at him now.

"W? What did he do now?"

"He found Wade's card while cleaning your room."

Ron does not answer now and stays like ten or fifteen seconds in silence. There is a female voice on the phone. It is Seductive asking what's the matter. Ron doesn't answer her too.

"Where is he now?"

"He left," says Abe. "I don't know where he would go."

"Maybe..." says Jack. "I think there is a place he would have gone."

Abe looks at Jack now, and both of them repeat the same words: "Sandy Suburbs."

To be continued...