The Other Finale...

by TheRadioactiveChangeling

The (Other) Finale...

"...We...We still have POWER!!!" Cozy yelled out to the world.

"HA HA! Your puny little spells don't have any effect on any of us! Look's like the princesses' and discord's power is more powerful then even all elements of harmony right!?" Chrysalis yelled.

Once Twilight saw...She was devastated. she thought it would work... She thought she could beat them... She thought they could win... She realized that it was just a fantasy.

"Well...That ain't good," Applejack said.

"Come on guys! Even if that didn't work, there's no way they can handle every single one of us all at once!" Rainbow yelled to everyone, who all charged to the 3 villains, which ended up just being sent backwards by all 3 of them. Chrysalis walked up to twilight...

"Well... It was a fun time while it lasted...But you must go now," Chrysalis said heartlessly beginning a teleportation spell.

"We tried guys... That's all that matters..." Twlight said while sobbing.

Just then, an sound pierced through the air. The sound of a horn being blown by a being of power. The sound made the 3 villains look up, with everyone else shortly after, to the cliff side overlooking everything. They saw a pony with a black cloak. He seemed to have a black coat with a grey mane and tail. He was blowing a horn while grabbing a scythe from his back.

"WHO DARES OPPOSE US!" The mean 3 yelled to the pony.

The pony just laughed. He laughed so loud. A laugh that would make discord jealous, which it did.

"My name is Samael. I see that you seem to be powerful," He said.

"Powerful? WE ARE GODS!" Cozy screamed to him.

"Gods? ha, yeah, sure. Cause god let you have his job. It's not like you can beat someone with a power to call on the strongest forces in the world," Samael said.

"Um, I'm not sure you were watching, but WE JUST SURVIVED THE STRONGEST ATTACK EVER!" Tirek yelled.

"Strongest? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" He cackled with the force of a thousand suns. "That wasn't even close to the strongest force ever. Sure, it definitely was powerful, but that is nowhere close to the strongest force ever," Samael yelled while still laughing.

"Well then why don't we see this 'strongest force ever' then. I'm sure it will beat us!" Chrysalis goofed him while cozy was laughing.

Samael looked confused. Who would want to be attacked by a force that was equal to a black hole colliding with another one? "Really? You want to die?" He asked.

Chrysalis and Cozy were unmoved and still making fun of him, but tirek was actually listening and finding out who this "Samael" is. He was kinda intimidated, but hey, anyone would be if he has a giant scythe and you were actually paying attention *Cough Cough* Cozy and Chrysalis *Cough Cough*

"Sure! Let's see if this "Mysterious force" Will get us beaten!" Cozy laughed and laughed.

"Uhh... Guys, I think he's serious," Tirek told them.

"He's just bluffing so that he can boost everyone's morale and force, not that it will beat us," Chrysalis said as she was still cackling.

"Well...If you want to die, I guess I can help you," Samael said as he blew into his horn. He blew a specific tune. After that they could hear footsteps and strange noises from the cliff, although nobody saw what it was. Then so many creatures appeared on the cliffside. Now they were intimidated.

The first 6 seemed like a group. The 1st one was another black coated pony, but also in amour and a scar on his left eye, with a bandana over his forehead, covering his broken horn. He was "Savior"

The 2nd one was a dark blue coated pony with mechanical wings that shined like the moon. He also had armor and had an eyepatch. He was Aerial.

The 3rd was a lighter blue coated pony with an air filter mask and a black bodysuit. He was Mr. Jack

The 4th was a grey covered figure that nobody could see what she was, but they could see it was a she, with red and black hair. She was Lilith.

The 5th was a colt, also with mechanical wings, and bandages all over him. He was Max.

The 6th was a a pony that looked like a different color to everyone. He had a hood that wasn't covering his face, a curved horn, and a t-shirt. He was Hex.

They were the elements of Bravery.

The next beings were all changelings. The 1st changeling was a dark green changeling with bright yellow and black eyes. He had brown clothing with multiple gun sheaths. He was nuclear.

The 2nd changeling had a blue skin with one giant sheath. He was Isaac.

The 3rd changeling had lighter green skin than nuclear, but only yellow eyes. He seemed to carry different costumes. He was Jabberwock.

The 4th changeling and 5 changeling seemed to look similar, but had some differences.

The 4th changeling had grey and kinda crusty skin with a rope around his neck, coins all over him, and messed up mane. He was The Keeper.

The 5th changeling had grey crusty skin like the keeper, but he also seemed like he was mane of stone, and he barely had any mane or tail. He was The Warden.

The next 5 were the horses of the Apocalypse.

The 1st had green rotting skin, with spots and plague stuff all over him. He was PESTILENCE.

The 2nd had barely any skin, the rest of which was brown, and looked both really thin, hungry, and mad. He was FAMINE.

The 3rd had light grey skin with a blindfold covering his eyes, He had flags on his back. He was CONQUEST.

The 4th had Bright red skin with all sorts of weapons all over him. He was WAR.

The 5th looked almost like Samael, except he looked way more pale. He was DEATH.

There were 4 more beings.

The 1st was a purple and yellow pony with a magician cape and hat. He was Nitro.

The 2nd had Rainbow colored skin, mane, tail, and had a white bodysuit with clear futuristic glasses. He was Steven.

The 3rd was a Giant creature, 50 times bigger then discord with barely any skin, giant cat ears, hands, and long legs. He was Nekoluga, or the Unknown Cat.

The 4th was A giant, about 10 times bigger then discord. He had fleshy fatty mummified skin, but his hands, arms, legs, neck, and feet were barely anything. He had 2 sirens for a head. He was SiREn HeaD.

Now the mean 3 were now cowering. They believed him now. "Who...Who are you Samael?" Tirek asked.

Samael giggled under his breath, "Just call me the pony of Death," As he signaled all of the ponies and creatures on the cliff to, "SIC EM!" and they did. They were lucky that celestia and luna said stop as soon as they did, or they would have been dead in 5 more seconds.