//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: The Resistance // Story: Frontlines // by MlpHero //------------------------------// June 7th Griffon Outskirts 0730 Hours Spearhead cleaned his rifle, occasionally looking up to his comrades playing small games and chatting. He reached into his saddlebag and took out a bayonet. He stuck the knife onto the barrel of his rifle. “Private!” Shining called. Spearhead looked up. “Yes sir?” Shining walked over to the Private, carrying a sheet of paper. He sat down beside him. “Look Private, we got a unique opportunity here,” he opened the paper, which turned out to be a map. “Me and Silverstream found this area and thought it would be a good flanking area,” he said pointing to some farmlands down north, which as he stated, flanked around the city of Aviation and they could hit it from behind. “Hope that rifle is ready.” Spearhead nodded. “Alright, be ready in ten minutes.” He left Spearhead to speak with the other officers. Spearhead looked at the rifle, which as of now was so clean, he wasn’t even sure it could get dirty. He pulled out his journal. Private Spearhead, 13th Equestrian Battalion, Griffon Outskirts I ain’t sure what I’m more worried about, the technology these griffons can muster, or the fact that they could ambush us at any moment. I’m still a bit shaky after yesterday’s altercation, especially with the beaches and Sarge killin’ that griffon. I’m still debating with myself over that. In any news, today we flank the griffons through some farmlands. I hope nothing goes to bad, although, I’m in a goshdamn war, and everything is wrong with war. —Pvt. Spearhead The small task force of thirty soldiers walked through the fields, some stopping to eat some of the corn and apples that were being grown. Spearhead didn’t trust the food, as he thought it was poisoned. They pushed through to a farmhouse. “Corporal,” Shining said. “Yeah?” The pony replied. “Take a few soldiers and go to the left—“ Shining was cut off by a bang which flew past him and hit the Corporal in the head, causing blood to spray everywhere. “Sniper!” He yelled. The sound of trees being knocked over drew their attention to the forest behind them. A large metal vehicle rolled up from behind them. “Run!” He yelled. Everyone broke off into small groups and scattered like roaches when a light was turned on. The metal vehicle turned around and shot at them, both with the MG, and With the cannon. Spearhead ran into Gallus, who motioned for him to come with him. The two ran into the forest, avoiding MG fire. “Come on, Spearhead!” Gallus yelled. They ran, and ran, and ran, and ran, until eventually, they couldn’t tell where they were. “Where are we Gallus?” Spearhead asked hoping the griffon knew this part of the Griffon Kingdom. “I don’t know… I’ve never been this far out.” A nearby bush made them jump. “Drop your weapons!” A grey griffon stepped out from behind the bushes and aimed her gun a Gallus. He dropped both his rifle and pistol. He looked at her, then said, “if you’re going to kill me, you might as well do it!” He took a deep breath, “For Griffon and Glory.” The griffon lowered her gun, “what?” “For Griffon and Glory, the resistance motto.” He showed her the inner side of his talon, which had For Griffon and Glory! carved into it. She then flashed her talon with the same engrave on it. Gallus looked at her, “The resistance.” She started to apologize and offered to take them to a nearby resistance camp. The two agreed and followed her. While walking, they found out her name was Gabby and that she had recently joined the resistance. The two soldiers introduced themselves and also mentioned the metal vehicle that had scattered them. She said it was a new vehicle that the griffons named the Tiger Tank. The two looked at each other, and then back at Gabby. The group walked through some bushes and found a camp full of resistance griffons. The camp was composed of tents and a nearby target range, a big mountain a little ways away, and a flag in the middle with the resistance symbol on it. The griffons turned to the two soldiers. One griffon stepped up and looked at them, “Gabby,” he said, “who are these two?” She looked at him, “they’re soldiers of the NEA,” “Spearhead stepped up, “Private Spearhead,” Then Gallus, “Private Gallus.” “Gallus?” The griffon said, his red eyes fixed on Gallus, “Gallus, is that really you?” Gallus looked as confused as an ant if it were put miles away from its nest, “it’s me, Rocky.” “Rocky?” Gallus said. The two ran over two each other and hugged, “I missed you brother.” “I missed you two. I missed you two.” Spearhead stared at the two, obviously pretty confused. Rocky looked at him, “oh! Where are my manners? My name is Staff Sergeant Rocky, I see you’ve met Corporal Gabby.” “Copy that Sarge,” Gallus replied. Spearhead looked at Rocky, “sir, we need to find our squad. That tank could still be out there.” Rocky looked at him, “well, maybe you could help us with a problem first.” “Anything,” Spearhead replied, “what do you need?” “Come with me, I’ll show you.” The two soldiers, Rocky, and Gabby walked up to the top of the nearby mountain. There they found a snowy white griffon with arctic blue eyes, and three grey downward triangles on his forehead, peeking out of a scoped Kar98k. “Winter!” Rocky called. Winter turned around and looked at the four, “Staff Sergeant, Corporal.” He turned to the other two, “why hello, the names Specialist Winter,” he said. “Private Spearhead, and my friend here is Private Gallus.” Winter nodded, then went back to looking through the scope. “Anything new?” Rocky asked. “Negative sir, they still got our boys.” Spearhead and Gallus took out their binoculars and looked through them. They saw more of the Griffon Farmlands and the Countryside in general. Then they saw a group of griffons holding more griffons hostage. They knew immediately they were resistance. Then some more enemy griffons walked into view, pointing guns at a few ponies. “They have some of our soldiers,” Spearhead said. “Don’t worry, we’re going to get them back,” Winter said. He looked through the scope again, “wish I could drop’em right now.” “You’ll get your shot, don’t worry,” Rocky said. “Sergeant!” Someone called. They turned to see another griffon running toward them, “what is it?” Rocky said. “A couple more ponies just showed up, says they’re with NEA, they’re at the Medic Tent The group moved down the mountain, with the exception of Winter, who stayed up there to watch the perimeter. They walked to the Medic Tent. There stood Boltaction, Rarity, and two more Ponies. “Rarity! Bolt! I thought we lost you!” Gallus said. Spearhead looked at the other two soldiers, “who are you two?” The first one, an orange earth pony,  stepped up, “Private First Class Applejack,” she then pointed to the other Pony, “this here is mah brother, Big Macintosh, Big Mac for short.” Big Mac nodded and looked at his sister, then back at Spearhead, “they got some of ours.” “I know, and they got some resistance soldiers,” he said. He started to think of a way to help the soldiers, then it clicked. “I have an idea.” The others looked at him. All he could do was smirk. Spearhead walked through the forest, right towards the griffon camp. As he stepped through the bushes, and walked into the camp, the griffons turned and aimed their guns at him. He surrendered and they took him into the camp. As they walked he asked them to play Revolver Roulette, saying he’d rather risk his life then be captured. They agreed and went to go get another pony to play. As they sat down, the Lieutenant gave them the revolver and they started playing. The gun landed on the other. Click! He breathed heavily. Then spun the gun again, this time landing on Spearhead. Click! He spun it. It landed on him again. Click! It landed on the Pony. Click! He spun it again, it landed on him again. Click! He spun it, it landed on Spearhead. He put the gun to his head and… He grabbed the Lieutenant and shot him with the revolver, then grabbed the griffons pistol and shot down two more griffons. A third tried rushing him, but he was put down by Winter with his sniper. Spearhead picked up the MP-40 SMG from the Lieutenant and fired at three more griffons. Then the resistance rushed in with their SMGs and Rifles. Spearhead followed them and ducked behind cover. Gabby threw him his weapons and he fired at the griffons. “Rückzug!” a griffon yelled. Gabby looked up, “they’re retreating!” As they got up, Winter came on the radio that Rocky was carrying. “Sir, you guys got a problem.” “What?” He stood silent for a few seconds before saying, “there’s a tank coming towards you.” Everyone stood in silence. They all just looked at each other and nodded. The sound of trees falling drew their attention. The tank rolled over the hill and drove towards them. They retreated to nearby rocks, some of them getting cut down by MG fire. They stayed behind the rocks for about twenty seconds before Rocky said, “Spearhead, take this,” he gave Spearhead a small device, “Tank Killer, throw it inside of the tank, we’ll draw its fire.” He and several other griffons ran in multiple directions. The MG spun in all directions like a deer would if it were surrounded by wolves. Spearhead ran towards the tank. The MG aimed at him. Rocky shot at the tank, then ran around it in circles. Spearhead climbed onto the tank and opened the MG nest. He shot a griffon with his revolver, then took the Tank Killer and threw it in. He jumped off and watched as the griffons said stuff like, “ Scheiße, raus!” and “geh raus! jetzt!” then the tank exploded in a massive fireball, taking all griffons with it. Gabby stepped beside him, “good job Private,” she said, “a job well done.” Rocky came up, “I agree.” The group looked at the sky, which was clearer than a blank canvas. The sun was shining down on them, “gotta love that Vitamin D,” Gallus said. “Praise Celestia brother,” they walked over to the prisoners. Rocky lead the other resistance griffons away so they could talk. Spearhead and Gallus talked with the other NEA soldiers, “have you seen the others out there?” Gallus asked. “Negative,” one of the soldiers said as Gallus cut him free. Another soldier spoke up, “I saw a group of NEA soldiers running towards the north,” she pulled out a compass. “Alright, then that’s where we’re heading,” Spearhead said. “Alright but can we rest, I’m really tired,” she asked. “Alright,” Spearhead said. They walked back to the resistance camp, where Rocky gave them tents. Spearhead pulled out his journal. Private Spearhead 13th Equestrian Battalion Griffon Resistance Camp I’m not sure if me and Gallus were just lucky, but we were able to rendezvous with a couple of resistance griffs long enough to find some of our soldiers. Tomorrow we’re heading north to find more of our soldiers. I hope Captain and the others are okay. Spearhead, Boltaction, Applejack, Rarity, Big Mac, and Gallus walked through the thickets, the plants making them itch a bit. They found a griffon camp. “That’s where they got our guys,” Big Mac said whipping his BAR over his shoulder “Winter, you in position?” Spearhead asked. “Yeah, they’re in my sights.” Spearhead looked through his binoculars, “I see Captain Armor, Corporal Ember, and a few more.” “Alright,” Gallus said. He gripped his brand new MP-40. “Alright, everycreature now your position?” Spearhead asked. They nodded. He took his M1 and fired. The others broke off into their positions. Mac fired his gun at the griffons. Rarity shot her bolt-action rifle while Applejack shot her sawed-off shotgun. Gallus went to the prisoners. Spearhead coved Gallus, “Gallus, get them I’ll cover you!” griffons tried rushing them, but Winter took them out. Spearhead charged at a griffon with his bayoneted rifle and stabbed the griffon. He drew his revolver and turned to Gallus and shot. A griffon behind Gallus fell down dead, “fuck!” he yelled, then he turned to Spearhead, “you could’a killed me damnit!” “But I didn’t,” he ran over to the soldiers, “Captain, Corporal, you alright?” “We’re not dead yet,” Ember said, “now could you please get us out of these ropes?” Gallus and Spearhead cut them loose. Ember went to cut everybody else loose. Shining looked at Spearhead, “good job, Spearhead, you did good,” he put his hoof on Spearheads shoulders, “good job, Corporal,” he walked over to Rocky. “Corporal Spearhead, has a nice ring to it,” Boltaction said. “Thanks buddy,” Spearhead replied. They walked back to the resistance camp. Spearhead returned to his tent and wrote in his journal. We found our soldiers. Captain is contacting some of our soldiers on the beach and garrisoned in the city to move to the camp. I’ve also been promoted to Corporal. We’re planning to build more structures in the camp at Rocky’s request. The soldiers who are coming are carrying materials. I’m not sure what tomorrow’s plan will be, but whatever it is, I’ll be prepared. —Cpl Spearhead