//------------------------------// // VIII. Condemnation // Story: The Lost Prophecy of Equus // by AlphariusOmegon //------------------------------// Sunburst was undoubtedly pissed off. Being threatened by his former mentor was a shock to him. The one who was like a second mother to him, who taught him the ways of kindness and compassion, threatened his own life. Ever since that day, he couldn't sleep. Not for a moment, fearing that he would be killed by some secret order of royal assassins. He was scared, he was frightened, he was angry at Celestia. Starlight was with Sunburst as he ranted. She thought that Sunburst had gone completely insane and that he was making up these accusations. Nonetheless, she was undoubtedly disturbed. "So, let me get this straight. Do you believe that Celestia has been hiding the fact that there have been these 'super beings' called 'Azur' for ten billion years, and that at one point they saved the entirety of Equus through their leader's sacrifice? And now they've come back preaching about the end-times? And you also claim you've become friends with one of their rulers whose name is, Magnus? I don't know, Sunburst. Sounds like your mind might be infected with a poison joke or something." Starlight had started making the poison joke cure right there and then. "YES!" Sunburst yelled. He was very annoyed that his best friend wasn't taking him seriously. Then again, he should have seen this coming. "And now they're back to finish the fight that was started so long ago by this dark god known as Sheol. From what I've heard he's MUCH worse than what Grogar was like." "Yep, you've gone off the deep end. Here, take this, you'll stop your rambling if you do." "No! I refuse! "Dammit Sunburst, TAKE THE DAMN CURE!" And the chase ensued. For a few minutes, Starlight chased Sunburst throughout Equus. Teleporting to different locations all around the planet, running, conjuring magic portals, and going through them. Starlight yelling the occasional "GET BACK HERE!" and Sunburst yelling the occasional "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" Eventually, they ended back up back in Sunburst's library right where they had begun. Starlight was able to pin Sunburst to the ground and cast a spell that would inhibit his magical abilities. But then the chase continued, with Sunburst climbing up the bookcases, knocking them over, and throwing books at Starlight in an attempt to stop her. All the while, Magnus looked on in amusement. Eventually, he burst out laughing and his invisibility spell wore off. Sunburst was relieved to see Magnus. Starlight was shocked and confused. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BY AZUR'RATH *snort* THIS IS THE *snicker* FUNNIEST THING I'VE SEEN *snort* IN AGES! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA....haaaah oh that was funny. Hehe." "WHAT IN TARTARUS IS THAT THING?!" Starlight yelled. Sunburst took up an 'I told you so' attitude. "Starlight, this is Magnus the Red. The Crimson King, Champion of the Whispers in the Void, and Sorcerer King of Prospero. He's the one I was telling you about earlier." Magnus put on his best regal attitude and looked at Sunburst. "Sunburst, I am flattered but please, just call me Magnus." Magnus then looked at Starlight. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Time-Bender. Truly, your magic and knowledge know no bounds. May your wisdom grow ever greater." Starlight was confused by the title she was given. "Hold on. Time-Bender? Why are you calling me... OH." It dawned on Starlight that this 'Magnus' creature knew of her whole changing-the-future-to-the-point-of-nearly-destroying-the-entire-timeline incident. Starlight blushed in embarrassment. She wanted to forget that whole fiasco. "Oh, don't be so ashamed!" Magnus said with a comforting tone. Starlight was nervous. "It's okay. I'm surprised that you're actually-" "Real?" Sunburst finished Starlight's question. "Yeah..." Starlight felt ashamed for not believing Sunburst. Magnus chuckled. "It's alright. I can't blame you. Being gone for ten billion years tends to do that. But as we were such a pivotal part in Equestrian history, really makes you think twice about Celestia's honesty." "Dammit, now I'm questioning the Princess." Starlight said in frustration. "Do you think Twilight knows?" "It is a royal secret. She may know something but not everything as you do. Probably just the basics like who we are, where we came from, all that jazz." "So why keep it a secret?" Starlight was now very curious. "Most likely because it was the most violent time in this planet's, if not the universe's history. To put it simply, the rivers LITERALLY ran red with blood." Magnus replied. Sunburst and Starlight shuddered at the thought. After a small moment of silence, Starlight spoke. "Greaaaaaaat." She said sarcastically. She sat down in the nearest chair and slumped over. "Now I know the truth and I'm going to be killed for it. What a wonderful life this is. Just when I thought everything was over, life throws another obstacle right at you." Magnus leaned on a bookshelf and let out an audible sigh. "Trust me, I know how that feels. But, let us keep a stiff upper lip and our heads held high." "We can't just confront Princess Celestia with this information," Sunburst said with panic. "She would kill us all if Starlight and I decided to confront her about it. Sol, Star, Nocturne, and Luna are touring the various kingdoms in Equus, giving Celestia free reign to exercise her rule in Equestria. We could be put on the most wanted list if she even has one." "Weeeeeelll," Magnus said with a grin, "I could grant you two a temporary political asylum if you do confront Celestia about what you've learned. It would make for some interesting debate seeing her subjects turning on her." Sunburst and Starlight looked at each other. They both knew it was only a matter of time before Celestia found the both of them. They could only imagine what she would do. The ancient knowledge was too important to be kept secret. If no one knew of what was coming, what then? Equus would be caught off guard entirely. The entire planet would be slaughtered. Every creature needed to be warned, they needed to be ready for the coming war, or they would all perish. "Ah, I see your decision is made," Magnus said with a smile. Starlight was stunned. "How did you-" "He can read minds," Sunburst answered. "Very well. Lorgar shall finalize the papers. Brothers, you may come out now." Fugrim, Angron, Mortarion, and Lorgar suddenly appeared. Their invisibility spell wore off at Magnus's command. Starlight was awestruck when she saw the armor-clad giants towering over her. Sunburst just simply smiled. Lorgar spoke facing Sunburst and Starlight. "Let us give refuge to those who seek it. For the word of the Emperor must continue to spread without persecution. For the time of his return draws near, and so too does the return of Sheol. The people must be warned about the coming darkness, or face death unprepared." Celestia hated being on damage control, especially while the rest of her family was gone. The press was being a lot more nosy than usual, especially since they had received an anonymous tip that someone had been locked in the dungeon for the first time in forever. Now she was out on the balcony overlooking the royal garden, giving a press conference to the reporters and civilians. "Settle down every-pony. One at a time, one at a time. Raise your hooves if you have a question to ask." Hooves instantly shot up. Celestia mentally sighed, knowing that this was going to be a long day. She pointed at one of the reporters. "Celestia, is it true that a pony was locked in the dungeon? If so, for what reason?" "Yes, it is true that a pony was locked in the dungeon." This sent a flurry of murmurs and gasps through the crowd. "However, I had good reason to, and it was only for a few hours. No punishment was involved." Some hooves went down, and others were raised. Celestia pointed at another pony. "Yes, you, in the hat." "You didn't answer why the pony was sent to the dungeon." "It is a royal business that I shall attend to along with my family when they return. It is information, that if revealed, would put you all in grave danger." "It is even more dangerous not to reveal it!" Sunburst stepped forward out of the crowd. Murmurs ran wild, ponies gasped at seeing one of Celestia's students defy her. This had not been seen since Sunset's betrayal, and even then, that was kept under wraps. Starlight stepped forward too. "Why did you lie to us? I know it was from such a long time ago but if you don't listen then that era is going to repeat itself ten times over!" "You do not know the half of what you speak of Starlight. Sunburst, I told you to tell no one. How could you betray me like this?" "Because we all must prepare for what is to come. This is not an age of peace that is dawning, but rather an age of war. Blood will be spilled, lives will be lost, and if you don't start mobilizing the army then many more are going to die!" Celestia gritted her teeth. She had had enough of this. "GUARDS! SEIZE THEM!" As the guards moved forward to arrest Sunburst and Starlight, Fulgrim revealed himself. His tail twisted around the squad of guards like a boa constrictor about to devour its prey. He grinned in giddy excitement, for he had not had this much fun in ages. A squadron of the Emperor's Children lined the rooftops, stalker bolters in hand, ready to fire at a moment's notice. Magnus conjured a shield that protected Starlight and Sunburst from physical harm, with Thousand Sons sorcerers in a protective circle around the shield. Mortarion flew overhead searching for any other potential threats. The Death Guard had already made quick work of the guards stationed outside the courtyard with anesthetic gas, which put them to sleep immediately. Angron and the World Eaters were on crowd control, making sure no one would escape and alert the rest of Canterlot. Pure confusion and terror spread throughout the crowd of ponies, and then Lorgar shut everyone up. "SILENCE!" Lorgar yelled. Everyone was immediately quiet. He stopped in the middle of the crowd, which moved out of the way for this creature, for fear of what he might do to them. "Citizens of Equestria, do not be afraid. My brothers and I mean no harm here. Please, everyone, lower your weapons. We are not here to start a war." For some reason, the guards found Lorgar's voice calming. They lowered their weapons, and the Azur lowered theirs. "While it is true that Celestia has kept her secrets over the years, we must not forget what she has done for everyone here. She helped to bring Equestria out of the ruin caused by Sheol ten billion years ago. For that I respect her." Lorgar's voice now became harsher in tone, like a father disciplining his child. "However, Celestia, you have not heeded the signs, you have turned a blind eye to the warnings. Sheol's return is imminent." "SHEOL IS DEAD, LORGAR! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TRESPASS ON EQUESTRIAN TERRITORY LIKE THIS!" "Oh but I do have a good reason, Celestia. You endanger your people by keeping them in the dark. Have you not seen what is happening? The door to Tartarus is no longer enough to hold Sheol back. My spies have gathered intelligence that demons are gathering in Hell once more. They are rallying under one who calls himself the Pony of Shadows. His banner is that of a world on fire. You know who this is. You've always known, but you refuse to believe it! Even now, Sheol presses his advantage while you sit by idly and do NOTHING. To be completely honest we did expect more out of you, but those changes have long been squandered. You are but a shell of your former self, Celestia." The whole world stood still. Celestia said nothing. She just stood there, with tears in her eyes. All the sorrow, all the pain, it was all coming back to her. The blood, the gore, the violence, the fire, the suffering. She didn't want to go through all of that again. And yet, deep down inside of her, she knew it was about to happen again. "I figured as much..." Lorgar, his brothers, and the squadrons covering them. Magnus felt sorry for Celestia, and he decided to try and comfort her. "You know, you don't have to blame yourself for his death. Vindicatus made the choice of his own will. He knew the risk and he knew the sacrifice he would have to make. You taught him well and I get that he meant a lot to you, but sometimes... sometimes we just need to let go." And with that, Magnus teleported Starlight, Sunburst and the Azur to the Imperator Somnium. Celestia collapsed in grief and sorrow. No pony dared to speak a word. They all left, leaving Celestia alone.