The Creature

by SirVindicator

I Just Wanted One Day Off

It was a quiet and peaceful Nightmare Night all of the young foals had gone to bed for the night and starlight glimmer decided to host a sleepover on this night with her friends, Tempest Shadow, Moon Dancer and Trixie. They would all enjoy a nice sleepover at starlight's Castle which previously was Twilight's Castle but now belonged to her since Twilight and Spike moved into the former princesses' Castle. Also because of this there were more bedrooms available for guests so her friends could sleep over. Starlight glimmer had also invited Sunset Shimmer, but Sunset said she couldn't make it.

"I really miss Twilight and Spike it just feels so lonely in this castle without them. Well at least I have a day off after a long week of being the new Headmare." Starlight thought to herself.

Just then there was a weird sound that came from a couple miles away. Starlight looked out one of the castle windows to see what it was and also saw a flashing light coming from the forest nearby. Before she could investigate there was a knock at the door, it was Tempest shadow and Moon Dancer.

"So how is this supposed to work? This is my first sleepover." Said Moon Dancer.

"Do adult ponies even have sleepovers? Also what was that strange buzzing noise? I really hope that you didn't miss it Starlight; it would indicate a lack of vigilance on your part. Maybe me and...?"

"I'm Moon Dancer."

"My name is Tempest Shadow honored to meet you."

Starlight then opened the castle doors to greet her guests.

"And you must be Starlight glimmer, Twilight has told me so much about you in her letters. So tell me, how does it feel to be the new Headmare of the school of friendship?” asked Moon Dancer.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be and Twilight has left me in charge more than once. Anyways let's get inside I have snacks and games and other things set out. We have the entire night to sit around and talk about stallions and stuff, I'm also pretty new to hosting sleepovers.” Starlight said and then chuckled nervously.

"I'll help in any way that I can." Said Tempest Shadow.

"Yeah me too."

Starlight let them in and just as they were about to walk to the library, the man Castle doors sprung open revealing none other than Trixie.

She announced her presence "The great and powerful Trixie has arrived to your sleepover! Let us get ready for a great night of fun and excitement--hi Starlight and friends."

"Trixie, what did I tell you about big and dramatic entrances?"

"I don't need to do them every time I show up at an event, you know I can't help it Starlight. Also you know what they say, you can take the mare out of the ego but you can't take the ego out of the mare."

"I... Honestly don't even know how to respond to that.” Starlight responded.

"I think I understand what she's saying, even though I am reformed now and have accepted friendship into my life, I still like to spar with some other creatures from time to time.” Tempest Shadow added.

"OK then. Let's get inside we have a fun night ahead of us. “Starlight said.

"What kind of games did you have in mind?” asked Moon Dancer.

"Oh you'll love these games. I took some of the current and top selling board games and created a special games selection where you can actually be in the game itself. I designed a special game roulette using several ancient spells that I modified for this night.” Starlight said very enthusiastically.

After several minutes of walking, they finally made it to the library where there was a large game board lying in the middle with several magical orbs spinning around it. There is also a medium sized snack table lined with food that Starlight had prepared earlier.

"And as you can see each orb represents a game world and all I have to do is use my magic and spin the roulette."

"Trixie is intrigued."

"I'll admit at first I thought this sleepover was going to be a little bit slow and dry, but I'm pretty impressed." Tempest commented.

"It looks so cool, Trixie now wants to get down to business."

"Hold on a moment. This all looks very fun but I have a feeling that we should investigate that noise from earlier. Maybe it's just my instincts but it seems like it could some type of threat."

"Yeah, you're right. I mean I've already seen what happens whenever Twilight or her friends put something off or overlook something that seems insignificant but then it turns out to be a big thing. It's just that I really was hoping that we could have a nice uninterrupted sleepover."

"Trixie is coming with you."

"I'm not sure how I feel about a potential adventure but I guess I'll come to.” commented Moon Dancer.

"Trixie will just teleport us there." Trixie said preparing a teleportation spell.

"No wait-" Starlight was about to stop her but it was too late. Trixie just fired off her teleportation spell and then they were suddenly behind some prickly bushes in the middle of a forest.

"Trixie how many times do I have to tell you not to-"

Tempest stopped ​Starlight from speaking by putting a hoof in her mouth. She then pointed to an eerie red light coming from a mysterious vessel parked just 5 meters from the prickly bushes. The four ponies could hardly see anything, only helped by the eerie red light. They all decided to hide in behind the prickly bushes and after 10 minutes The Vessel opened and out came a completely shadowed, very human-like figure.

Starlight thought to herself, "A human? Here? How? Wouldn't the mirror or whatever entrance change him or her to look like a pony or some other Equestrian creature?"

All four of them stared at this shadow as it walked around and took in its surroundings.

"Starlight what should we do?"

"I'm not sure Trixie, but we need a plan."

They all put their heads together and decided to just see what they were dealing with. Trixie decided to put some light on the subject with a light spell and if she would have known what she'd see afterwards, she would have stopped herself from doing it immediately. The Vessel was revealed to be a mysterious ship that pretty much blended in with the night sky apart from the red light and the shadowed figure was definitely not human, it looked bizarre. The "human" was a blue mass of tentacles that took a humanoid form and stance. It was wearing a grey vest, four tentacle eye stocks where the head would be. The creature slowly advanced towards the light that Trixie's horn was making.

After a moment of hesitation Starlight asked the creature who it was and what it was doing here. The creature took a moment to adjust to the new light and then spoke, its words sounding like loud whispers. To the four ponies listening, even Tempest Shadow, the words made them feel like there was ice cold water and bubbling lava running down their backs at the same time.

"My business is not with you creatures. You already made a big mistake in shining a light on me it's not good if I'm discovered early on; though it’s not like you could do anything about it anyway."

"Do anything about what?" Starlight asked.

"I can't tell you that."

"If whatever you plan to do will endanger some creature's life then it is my business."

"If you really want to know I will tell you...but after I tell you, you REALLY won't like what will come next."

"Try me." Starlight felt like she regretted saying that.

"I'm here to take all of a pony's magic and make sure that said creature never makes to the throne and becomes this world's ruler. After which she’ll be my new suit."

"Princess Twilight?"

"So she already made it, which will just complicate things; with my first problem!"

The mass of tentacles broke its humanoid form and slithered towards the four ponies.

To be continued…