Not Everything Is What It Looks Like

by Twilight Star


Twilight Sparkle began to open her eyes. She felt a little hurt. Yes. That damage spell really hurt her. It was damage spell, what did you want? When she opened her eyes fully, Twilight recognized where she was.

 The castle of the two sisters…

 “Finally you woke up, daughter”

 Twilight Sparkle heard her mother’s voice and raised her head. She was sitting on her hips. Chrysalis was on her back, looking up at the night sky, “How long did I sleep?”

 “You slept for a whole afternoon, daughter”, Chrysalis stopped looking at the night sky and headed toward her daughter.

 Twilight Sparkle’s mouth dropped open, “I sound like I slept, Mom”

 Chrysalis didn’t know how to explain, “I think you passed out”

 “But why did I faint?” asked Twilight Sparkle, now confused.

 “I think Luna’s damage spell hurt you so much that it affected you”, replied Chrysalis.

 Twilight Sparkle seemed safer, “Are the Changelings still in Canterlot?”

 “Yes. I warned them that we had to back off so that no lunar guards and no royal guards come after us both”, replied Chrysalis.

 Twilight seemed a little sad about that, “but why?”

 Chrysalis smiled. She put a hoof on Twilight’s chest, “Daughter, I care about you. And seeing you pass out after being hit by Luna made me worried”

 Twilight Sparkle made a face of understanding. She stood up and looked at Chrysalis, “What now, Mom? Are we going back to Canterlot?”

 “No, daughter. We gonna sleep here. Tomorrow we go to Canterlot”, said Chrysalis.

 Meanwhile in the castle, Shining Armor kept crying in his room. It was practically night and he didn’t even leave. Suddenly he heard a knocking sound. Shining Armor looked at the door, “please. Leave me alone”

 “Dear. Please. Let me in”, said Cadence, outside the room.

 Shining Armor looked uncertain, “ok. You may come in”

 Cadente opened the door with her magic and realized that her future husband’s mane was messed up, “Er… Honey…”

 “Yes, honey?” asked Shining Armor, no longer crying. But looking sad.

 “Have you looked at your mane?” asked Cadence.

 “No. Why?” answered Shining Armor.

 Cadence teleported a mirror. Shining Armor was surprised to see his reflection. His mane was really messed up, “How long have I been crying?”

 “A whole day”, said Cadence.

 Shining Armor gaped, “But ... But ... What about the Changelings?”

 “They’re still attacking Canterlot”, said Cadence.

 “And… what about Twilight?” asked Shining Armor.

 “Chrysalis recoiled with Twilight in her lap”, replied Cadence.

 “We have to rescue her!” exclaimed Shining Armor.

 “Why?” asked Cadence.

 “And you still ask? Twilight Sparkle is my sister”, answered Shining Armor.

 “Honey, Twilight doesn’t see you as a brother. She pretended all the time”, Cadence said nothing more than the truth.

 Shining Armor seemed shocked by this, but soon recovered, “but Twilight was like a sister to me. I won’t give her up”

 “Honey, Twilight won’t hear you. She is loyal to Queen Chrysalis”, said Cadence.

 “It’s hard to try, Cadence. I know she still deep down sees me as a brother”, said Shining Armor with hope. Shining Armor realized that Cadence’s mane was all messy, “I don’t think I’m the only one with messy mane”, Shining Armor took the mirror with his magic and showed Cadence how her mane was.

 “I’m going to take a shower, then I’ll brush my mane and then have dinner,” said Cadence, smiling nervously at the state of his mane.

 Shining Armor raised an eyebrow, “But what about our marriage? Will not happen?”

 “Honey, Canterlot is under attack. Once this is resolved, we can continue the marriage”, said Cadence.

 Shining Armor smiled. But he remembered something, “But and my Bestmare?”

 Cadence was confused, “who is your Bestmare?”

 “Twilight Sparkle. I don’t want to get married without Twilight being at the wedding”, replied Shining Armor.

 “Honey, I don’t know if Twilight will surrender to us. But I think it will be worth a try”, said Cadence, still uncertain. And she was still trying to accept the fact that the foal she cared for was actually a Changeling.

 Meanwhile, the five mares and Spike were in Luna’s room, discussing what to do.

 “What are we going to do, princess?” asked Applejack.

 “I ... I ...” Luna was nervous. “.. I dont know”

 The five mares were surprised, “what?”

 “I don’t know,” replied Luna. “Canterlot is dominated by Changelings and soon they’ll dominated all Equestria”

 “Why don’t we go to Chrysalis and punch her? She was the one who commanded her subjects to attack Canterlot”, said Rainbow Dash.

 “Rainbow, I understand your need to fight. But punching Chrysalis will only make Twilight angry and she’ll probably hate you”, said Luna, now looking at Rainbow Dash. The blue pegasus remembered that. And that made her feel betrayed.

 Who spoke now was Fluttershy, “Why don’t we talk to Chrysalis to make a deal? I’m sure Changelings are good creatures”

 “She won’t accept, Fluttershy. Changelings are creatures who want to steal love”, said Applejack, now looking at Fluttershy.

 “But everypony can be good if they just try”, Fluttershy defended her own argument.

 Luna seemed to agree with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, “I agree with both of you. You both have good arguments. But I don’t know who to agree on”

 “How about we vote?” suggested Pinkie Pie.

 Luna put her hoof on her chin in thought. It wasn’t a bad idea, “ok. Who wants to go to fight against Chrysalis?”

 Rainbow Dash, Applejack lifted the hull, “Who wants to talk to Chrysalis to make a deal?”

 Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy raised their hooves. While Spike raised his paw.

 “OK. Let’s talk to Chrysalis. We can ask her for a deal, ”said Luna. “And if it doesn’t work, I’m afraid we’ll have to fight her”, Rainbow Dash hated losing at the poll, she wanted to kick Chrysalis in the face. While Fluttershy was glad she won, she just hoped it would work.

 In the bathroom, Cadence sang a love song while showering and Shining Armor whistled a song while brushing his mane. When he was done brushing his mane, Shining Armor looked at the result before leaving the bathroom. Cadence couldn’t help but notice that Shining Armor whistled funny.

 Meanwhile, Luna, Spike and the mares were eating. Rainbow Dash was confused, “I thought we were going to go to Chrysalis”

 Luna looked at Rainbow Dash, “and we’ll go, Rainbow.”

 Rainbow Dash smiled, “... tomorrow” finished Luna. Rainbow Dash made a “what?!” Face

  “Why tomorrow? Can’t it be today?”asked Rainbow Dash.

 “Rainbow Dash, it’s already night”, replied Luna.

 “And then what? We have to save Equestria”, said Rainbow Dash.

 “I also want to save Equestria, Rainbow. But we have to come up with a plan so that we aren’t captured by the Changelings”, said Luna.

 “Now have you become Twilight? Just want to think rationally?” asked Rainbow Dash without thinking. Luna remembered that Twilight was actually a Changeling and was sad about that. Spike and the other mares looked at Rainbow Dash, not pleased, “what?”

 “Did you happen to forget that Twilight is a Changeling? Luna has yet to deal with it. And it’s probably going to be as hard for her as it is for us to accept that Twilight was actually a Changeling”, said Applejack, now going to Luna to comfort her. Rainbow Dash wanted to say sorry, but her ego kept her from doing that. So she decided to keep quiet.

 The doors opened, revealing Shining Armor who was whistling. Luna, Spike, and the other mares looked at the stallion. Pinkie Pie was struggling to not whistle along. When Shining Armor stopped whistling, he realized that had ponies watching him. The white stallion was embarrassed.