//------------------------------// // VII. Imprisioned // Story: The Lost Prophecy of Equus // by AlphariusOmegon //------------------------------// Sunburst found himself in the palace dungeon. Bleak and dreary, the air was stale from years of not being used. Iron bars encased Sunburst in a stone cell. There was no light save for the torches that lined the hall. He was here for the simple crime of curiosity, wanting to know more. So how did he get here? He sought an audience with Celestia after he had done his research on the Primarchs he saw. He didn't find anything in the libraries, even the really old ones. So, he decided to go to Celestia for answers. She was less than enthused about the questions. She refused to answer them outright. Then, when Sunburst told Celestia of what he saw, she thought him mad and a liar. And now he's here, in the dungeon. He was quite surprised that there even was a dungeon. "Guess she built it just in case something like this happened." Sunburst was nervous, and he knew he couldn't get out through magic. There was a magic seal that nullified any spell that might be cast. It wasn't powerful, but it was enough to get the job done. "Oh, she knew. She just didn't expect to use it." Sunburst jumped at the voice. He turned around, and they're lying on the stone bed was Magnus. "Do not worry. I am not here to harm you. Besides if I did want to harm you, I probably would have asked Konrad to do so." Magnus chuckled at his own joke. Sunburst was stunned to see Magnus again. After being cooped up in a cell for so long, Sunburst thought he was insane. "Would you stop gawking at me? I know you want to ask questions, so go ahead, ask away. Besides, I am not the type to keep secrets from others, as your princess." Sunburst was stunned. "How did he know I had questions." Magnus had been in this scenario before. Young wizards and scholars in ages past had come to him asking for knowledge about the Azur. "So, what are you?" "I am part of a race known as the Azur. Tall, black-skinned beings with purple eyes. We are an ancient race of creatures that have been around for more than twelve billion years. Our empire spans the entirety of a plane of existence, which is our home, known as the Void. It is a cold and dark place. Unstable and ancient magic rages throughout it, magic which we have tamed to use to our advantage, making us one of the most powerful empires to ever exist. It is a good thing you are our allies." "Wait, allies?" Sunburst asked in confusion. "Yes, long ago the king of your people, Sol, signed an alliance with mine. Protection and trade in exchange for information and outposts. Azur military was a common sight on this planet many years ago. Outposts dotted all over. Don't worry, we weren't overlords enslaving your people to do the bidding of my people. It was a friendship, signed in blood by my father and King Sol, your god of the sun if I'm not mistaken. "So, where do you fall within the Azur hierarchy?" "Well, there's the common folk, then there are the Azurian Knights, then there are the Primarchs of the twenty legions of Knights. This is the category I fall into, along with my brothers. Honestly, with each tier you move up the taller we get." "And the Emperor?" "Ah yes. My brother Vindicatus. Once he was destined to be a Primarch, but after father's untimely murder at the hands, actually hooves, of Sheol, he became the new God-Emperor of the Azur. Usually, the Emperor has four horns, relating to the Draconic heritage the royal family has." "Yes, the whole Bahamut marrying one of your gods' thing," Sunburst said. "Well, the books only said that Bahamut was married to an ancient goddess who came from an ancient place, but I couldn't find anything else about it." Magnus truly was a little impressed. "Huh, you did do your research. I respect a scholar of knowledge who peruses his curiosity." "So, if your brother is a god, aren't you one as well?" "Yes, but I am a minor god of knowledge. The major god of knowledge is the Whispers, I am simply his champion." "So, I'm guessing the other three are also champions of the other gods?" "Yep. They are the champions of the sons of Azur'rath. Angron is the champion of the Eater of Worlds, Fulgrim is the champion of the Instrument of Desire, Mortarion is the champion of the Composer of Strands, and I am the champion of the Whispers in the Void. Four champions for four patrons. They are recognized and worshiped in the Azur pantheon. Along with my brother who is the God-Emperor." "I see. So why is Celestia so reluctant to talk about him?" Magnus paused in thought. He sighed. Just before he spoke there was the sound of hooves trotting, and armor following. It was Celestia. "Sorry to keep you waiting Sunburst but I-" She completely stopped in her tracks. She saw Magnus. "Y-you-you're-you're-" "Hello, Celestia, it's been a while." A grin spread across Magnus's face. He had been looking forward to this. "You went missing... the entire Azur race disappeared after Void's death." Celestia was still in shock. Someone who she thought was long dead and gone, now showing up out of the blue ten billion years later. Celestia's expression turned from one of shock to one of anger. "Why did you leave us? Why did you disappear?" "My kin have their reasons. We faded into myth and legend, and eventually, non-existence in the minds of your people. All because of you." Magnus pointed an accusatory finger at Celestia. "You wanted to forget. You wanted to put everything that had happened behind you." Magnus stepped off the rock bed and walked right up to the iron bars, which started to melt away. He was right up in front of Celestia, staff in hand. Celestia summoned her pike from ages long past. It materialized and pointed at Magnus's neck. "Why do you torment me so? I wanted to protect my people. I wanted them to forget the bloodshed. It was too much for any pony to bear." "And look where forgetting has gotten you. The past is now coming back to haunt you. Sheol is on your doorstep" Magnus retorted. "SHUT UP! I KNOW YOUR GAMES, MAGNUS THE RED. THE SORCERER KING OF PROSPERO, CRIMSON KING, IF YOU EVEN ARE HIM! I KNOW OF THE WAYS OF THE DEMONS, THEIR TRICKS OF LIES AND DECEIT. SHEOL IS DEAD, NEVER TO RETURN! YOU DARE MOCK VINDICATUS'S SACRIFICE! BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT DEMON! RETURN TO THE PITS OF HELL FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!" "And yet here I stand in the flesh. The omens are clear. The Lost Prophecy is coming to fruition." Magnus remained calm. "THAT DAMN PROPHECY DIED WHEN VINDICATUS DID!" "But he didn't die." Celestia was silent. She was outraged. "My brother is alive and well. His heart was not struck by the dark scythe of Sheol. He fell into the pits, we found his body, and brought it home. It seems you've forgotten that gods can regenerate if their physical form is destroyed. Granted the amount of damage relates to how long it will take one to regenerate. He's been biding his time, preparing for the true fight, the true war. And that war is on our doorstep." "BE GONE FROM THIS WORLD! NEVER COME BACK!" "...As you wish, Sword of the Sun, Goddess of War, Champion of the Light. Truly ignorance is bliss, but what will happen when the problem shatters your ignorance, and you have no choice but to face the problem head-on?" And with those words, Magnus was enveloped in purple fire and disappeared. There was silence for a time. Then Celestia finally spoke. "Tell no one of this, for if you value your life, you shall not speak of these events." Sunburst understood, and he took off galloping.