The Lost Prophecy of Equus

by AlphariusOmegon

VI. Dreams

Twilight stood outside of her bedroom in her palace. She took a deep breath. She knew, once she fell asleep, there was no turning back. Everyone was silent. Not a single soul would utter a whisper. She breathed again, it was time. Two guards opened the doors, she trotted in, and the doors were closed. No one cheered. No one sang. There was only silence. She looked at her bed, she could feel fate drawing her to it. She got into bed and closed her eyes. She instantly fell asleep. The crowd departed in silence.

Twilight found herself alone, floating in what seemed to be a place of infinite darkness. She could tell this was only a dream, but it was different from any other dream that she had. She felt that her mind was empty, devoid of any thoughts or feelings that would usually contribute to her dreams.

"Okaaayyyyy... this is weird..." Twilight said in worry. "Maybe it's a side-effect of my ascension? Yeah... that has to be it..."

She started to wander a little, navigating the infinite expanse, hoping to find someone or something. All she found was even more darkness. She sighed and sat down, contemplating what to do next. For the first time in her life, she was truly and completely alone. There was just, nothing. But then, she heard something. It sounded like a mare who was crying.

"Hello?" Twilight shouted into the darkness. "Are you okay? Don't worry, I'm coming to help you. Just stay where you are."

Twilight started galloping towards where the crying was coming from. As she got closer, the crying seemed to intensify into wailing. Twilight was no doubt disturbed at this. She hesitated to go any further, but she knew someone might be in trouble, or worse. Her instincts overcame her hesitation and she galloped at all speed. As Twilight galloped towards the crying mare, she could start to make out a figure in the distance. A blue mane that sparkled with the stars, and a blue coat of fur, with black spots on her flank that surrounded her cutie mark: a crescent moon. Luna.

Twilight slowed her pace when she realized who she was galloping towards. "Princess Luna, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Luna said nothing, instead, she continued to cry. Twilight noticed that in front of Luna was an orb of purple light. She seemed attracted by this orb. It seemed to be, drawing her in. As Twilight moved closer, the image of Luna faded away, and only the orb was left. Twilight felt as if this strange orb was extremely ancient as if it was waiting for something. Or someone, some-pony. Then it dawned on Twilight. The orb was waiting for her.

The moment she came to this realization the orb was opened. The orb was an eye. A dragon's eye. It started to draw Twilight in with the force of a black hole. Twilight tried to resist but the force was too much for her. She was pulled in and found herself falling...

Twilight woke to find herself in what seemed to be Ponyville. She still remembered her fall when the eye sucked her in with the force of a black hole. She could feel that this was not an ordinary dream. This wasn't even a nightmare. This was different. As she looked around she noticed that there was no grass. The earth itself was a deep scarlet red. Buildings seemed burnt to a crisp. The smoke completely choked the air, and the sky was completely blotted out by black clouds of ash. There was a crack in the earth that seemed to go down for miles, all the way to lava.

"What happened here... Is this some sort of an alternate reality?"

It was then that she noticed some sort of creature. She couldn't get a good look at it, but she could see that it stood on what seemed to be two hind legs and that its skin was red. It had an elongated head from which two horns curved forward. It seemed to be clothed in some sort of black armor. It was leaning over something, something that Twilight couldn't make out.

Twilight approached the creature. As she got closer, she smelled a stench coming off the creature. It smelled of sulfur, like the dragon lands, but a lot more poignant. She could feel a dark aura surrounding this creature like something wasn't right like its existence offended reality itself. Nevertheless, she decided to introduce herself to it.

"Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle! What's youuuuurrrrrsssss..."

The creature turned around. Its eyes were like brimstone and its face was monstrous. Its teeth were like iron daggers, and its mouth filled with blood. She could instantly tell what this thing was: a demon. And it was devouring the corpse of a brown mare. Specifically a unicorn.

Twilight was revolted and terrified. As she screamed, the demon pounced at her. Its eyes filled with murderous intent. As the demon leaped towards Twilight, a black sword with a blade surrounded by purple fire sliced through it. It passed through Twilight as if she were only a ghost, cutting the demon's head off in one fell swoop. Twilight put the pieces together right there and then.

"This...this is a vision of the past... isn't it?"

Twilight looked behind her, and she saw a massive, towering figure. His armor was black, adorned with some sort of purple gems. She could tell it wasn't amethyst, but rather something that was completely undiscovered, and much more magical. Upon the shoulders of his armor were carved heads of dragons. His black cape was adorned with a symbol of a five-headed dragon guarding a star, all outlined in platinum thread. He was a dragon, with four wings and four platinum horns. Much bigger than others, he dwarfed the size of normal dragons by far. His eyes shone with a purple hue, and a gaze so infinite, yet consumed with grief and rage.

"Is this... the Emperor?"

Twilight stepped aside so she could watch the memory play out. She saw Vindicatus kneel beside the slaughtered mare, planting his sword on the ground. He seemed moved, but not shocked. How could he be? He had seen this kind of slaughter many times. He knew the sorrows of war and bloodshed.

"Vindicatus." A voice said. Twilight spun around to see who it was. It was Celestia, adorned in golden armor, carrying a golden pike radiating with the energies of the day. Beside her was Luna, adorned in blue armor, carrying a sword that radiated with the energies of the night. "We must keep moving. Ponyville has been destroyed. There is nothing for us here. We're pushing the demons back to the Tartarus gate. Soon we will overwhelm them, and finally, banish Sheol back to the pits where he belongs."

"No. We make camp here and stay the night. There might be survivors, and the troops are becoming fatigued." Vindicatus retorted.

"He does have a point, sister," Luna said, agreeing with Vindicatus. "We could all use a break. Besides, survivors could join our ranks. All the more hooves to drive Sheol back to Tartarus."

Celestia gave a small huff, but she relented. "Fine."

Twilight was confused. How? How could Celestia just disregard the welfare of her soldiers, let alone her people? This wasn't the Celestia she knew as a mentor. And yet, she could feel that this actually happened.

Time sped forward. Twilight found herself at the top of a cliff. Looking down at the surrounding field. It was a slaughter. Demons of all forms, shapes, and sizes, clashed with the armies of Equus. She saw Celestia below, mowing down the demons with her pike. Swing after swing, she lobbed off the heads of many a demon, a pile of corpses gathering at her hooves. She took joy in the slaughter of those who would hurt her kin. Twilight found it disturbing, and yet, she felt that these creatures, these unholy abominations, these twisted things birthed from pits in the lowest planes of existence, deserved it.

Twilight then found herself in a medical tent. Behind the lines of battle, those who were wounded were being treated and helped. Both Azur and Pony alike were there, both wounded and treating those who were wounded. She found Vindicatus there as well. Conversing with those who were wounded and giving them comfort. He was happy and joyous, using his magic to heal instead of harm. No creature seemed intimidated by him, they only took comfort in his presence. Vindicatus was kneeling beside the bed of a wounded Pegasus. One of his wings was completely gone, he had cuts and bruises all over his body. Twilight was undoubtedly disturbed at the sight.

"Lord Vindicatus, thank you for carrying me here. That demon got me pretty good. I'll admit, if it weren't for you, I probably would have been dead. Thanks to you I'll live another day. Maybe they might send me home due to my injuries."

"You need not thank me. I'm just doing what I can for others. A good ruler must always protect his people. Otherwise, they will abandon him and leave him for dead." He paused for a moment. "Tell me, why do you fight for Equus? And don't tell me for the fate of the universe and everyone in it. Trust me, I've heard that more than enough."

The Pegasus paused, contemplating his answer. "I fight for my family. They're a long way from here in Manehattan, but I think of them every day. I would gladly give my life for my wife and daughter. That's something you can surely share a sentiment with. You being a father and all."

Vindicatus nodded. "Indeed. Truly a noble cause. It is a shame so many families have been ripped apart in this war."

"No to be insensitive, lord Vindicatus, but even yours." The Pegasus added.

Void closed his eyes and sighed. "Yes, even mine."

"You must be thankful for Luna's support through these dark times. She has been a beacon of hope through these dark times. I wish I could say the same for Celestia though."

"She is a beacon of hope in her own right. A beacon for warriors, honor, and glory. Even though I may not agree with her sometimes, she still trained me. Without her, I probably wouldn't be what I am today."

"Amen to that, lord Vindicatus." The Pegasus said.

The vision then shifted again, and Twilight found herself in the middle of battle.

It was a slaughter, Ponies, Azur, and demons dying left and right. Twilight ran frantically trying to get out, but she only found herself drawn right back in. She saw the horror and the gore. The heads of decapitated ponies mounted on demon pikes, bodies ripped in half in pools of blood and entrails. The smell of rotting corpses made Twilight gag. She tried to hold back from vomiting as best as she could but to no avail.

"This is horrible! How could a world so peaceful once be so violent? Why were these events not written in our history?" Twilight thought to herself.

A roar sounded from above, powerful and commanding. Twilight looked up in fear. She saw the former Dragon Lord, Torch, covered in steel armor, along with an entire army of dragons who carried weapons. They started to descend upon the demon hordes. Twilight could hear shouting orders at the demons. A tall figure stood among them. One of the captains of the demon army.


A volley of some sort of projectile fired from the bio-organic weapons of the demons. Black crystals soared through the sky with unholy grace. They were made to pierce the scales of dragons. Torch, now realizing what the demons were doing, spread his wings to shield the rest of the dragons from the arrows. The crystals tore through Torch's wings, but he seemed undeterred. He let out a roar as he plunged into the demons, his fire breath making short work of them. He landed and started to fight the demons, crushing hundreds under his feet and killing more with his talons. Some he devoured with his gaping maw, crushing them between his teeth.

As Torch started to rip and tear through the hordes of demons, a new wave of ponies, led by Celestia, Luna, Nox, Sol, and Stella, charged into the demon lines. Celestia herself and her battalion joined in on the dragon's slaughter. Luna's battalion of Ponies moved to the east for an encircling movement to cut off the demons' reinforcements should they call for help. Sol joined Celestia, their weapons flashing with magical energy and cutting down their foes. Their martial prowess was unmatched. Stella and Nox provided support from above, using the power and light of the stars to rain holy fire upon the demons, sending them shrieking in confusion and terror.

And then, the ground erupted. Chunks of earth flew into the air and stayed in place. Some flew higher than others. A column of lava and earth was now in the center of the battlefield. The biggest one flew above the clouds, with two figures on it, Void and Sheol. Twilight flew up to see what would happen.

It was quiet above the clouds. A disturbing, yet peaceful quiet. She couldn't hear the battle below, yet she felt that it still raged on.

Vindicatus stood on one side, sword in hand. He was wounded badly. One of his wings had been torn off. Cuts and wounds adorned his body. His armor was beaten up and sliced open in some areas. Yet even through all the pain, he was still determined. Void's wounds seemed to heal right there and then. His body had stopped bleeding profusely, but his armor was still damaged, and his upper-left wing was still gone.

Across from Vindicatus, Sheol stood, his wounds healing in a matter of seconds. And it was now that Twilight beheld Sheol's physical form. It was similar to the Pony of Shadows but more physical, and darker. His mane and tail were that of hellfire, and his armor was made of brimstone. And his eyes, his eyes were of pure light, but the light they emanated was a pale and sickly glow.

"So, it's just you and me now. Just like you wanted." Vindicatus said with a smile and a mocking shrug.

"No tricks or aid shall save you this time Vindicatus. I've made sure of that."

"Oh, don't worry. I know this fight is ours alone to fight."

"You foresaw it, didn't you? I am not blind to your gift of foresight. Well then, perhaps you'll be able to foresee THIS!" Sheol charged and swung his scythe at Vindicatus, who was able to block the blow with his sword. The two were now locked together in fierce combat, seeing who would be able to land the first blow. An intricate dance of death ensued. Every clash of the sword, every step taken, every attempt to wound the foe was like a waltz.

"Why do you point out my gifts? Is it because you're afraid of me? I've made quite a reputation for myself in Hell." Vindicatus said as he parried another strike from Sheol's sword.

"The names they give you have fallen on my ears. Anathema-Child, Hells Bane, Angel of Vengeance, but these names do not trouble me. I know I am above you. It is me that they should fear." Sheol kicked away and landed a few feet away from Void. Void raised his sword in anticipation of Sheol's next attack. Twilight could tell that Vindicatus was playing defensively, waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of Sheol's aggressiveness and end the fight with one single blow.

What happened next, was not what Twilight was expecting.

Sheol charged at Vindicatus, scythe raised in anticipation. A dark grin spread across Sheol's face. Vindicatus simply smiled and charged. Twilight closed her eyes. She couldn't take seeing any more death and gore than she already had.


Twilight opened her eyes. She saw Void impaled by Sheol's scythe, but Sheol was also impaled by Vindicatus's sword, its flame dying out. Sheol had an expression of shock on his face. Vindicatus was simply smiling through the pain.

"You... knew... this... would happen *cough* didn't you?"

"Yes I did."

The ground around the two crumbled and they started to fall. Twilight caught herself from falling with her wings. The pillar of lava collapsed back into the earth, along with the chunks of earth. The battle below had stopped entirely. Both sides looked up in horror as their leaders were falling right into hell with massive wounds through their chests. At that moment, demons, Pony, and Azur knew that the war was over. The demons fled through the pit/portal that was now emerging in a desperate attempt to flee. Now that their leader was dead, they knew that they would all be slaughtered if they didn't run back to Hell. One shriek sounded above the rest. Luna. She was emotionally destroyed by this, and she would be for years to come.

Twilight flew next to Vindicatus as he fell. Sol and Celestia were holding Luna back as she desperately tried to fly after Vindicatus. The tears in her eyes were unbearable to watch.



As Void fell through the portal it closed up entirely. Luna collapsed wailing and shrieking. Celestia and Sol were shedding tears as they tried to control their emotions. Stella cried, but not as much as Luna. Nox, just stood there, paralyzed by pure shock and grief.

As Twilight looked upon the scene of sorrow, she saw a peculiar figure out of the corner of her eye. He was hooded and robed in black, and he seemed to absorb the vision as it collapsed. There was no orb now, for the figure now stood in its place.

"Twilight..." the figure whispered. It started to approach her. She stepped back a little, now seeing that the figure was much taller than she was.

"Do not be afraid, Twilight." The figure said in a calming tone. "I am not here to harm you."

"Who are you?" Twilight asked nervously.

The figure took off his hood. Twilight couldn't believe it when she saw him.

"I am the one who you saw falling. The one who sacrificed his life for this world." Vindicatus said.

"But I thought you-"


"Of your entire body?!"


"That shouldn't be possible!"

"Twilight," Vindicatus said with a stern look on his face, "You have no idea what's possible, but you will soon come to learn that even gods may die."


"And that is what will happen to Sheol. Twilight, the hour draws near where you must lead your people, as I must lead mine. The door has been opened and the hour of truth draws near."

Twilight didn't speak. Rather she pondered. Everything was now coming to light. All the rumors, all the stories, they were all true. The Emperor was real, the Azur were real. Equus wasn't the only planet in the universe that could support life, it was barely a blip on a grand stage.

"You begin to understand." Void said.

"I just want to know one thing," Twilight said with tears in her eyes. "How many will die?"

Vindicatus paused. He spoke no words but gave a slight nod toward Twilight, indicating that there would be death on a scale never seen before. Twilight started to cry.

Vindicatus put his hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Twilight, you must not dwell on this. Sacrifices must be made, and casualties in a war like this, cannot be avoided."

Vindicatus stood up, he now faced away from Twilight. "I apologize but I do not have much time. We will meet again soon and in person. I will answer as many questions as I can when we do."

Twilight nodded in understanding.

"Then awaken, Twilight Sparkle, for the time of your ascension, has come."

And then, she woke up.