//------------------------------// // Flame Rider // Story: Fleetfire // by Melody Song //------------------------------// Spitfire was asleep beside Fleetfoot, who had a hoof over her marefriend, snuggling up close. Spitfire suddenly began twitching in her sleep. "N-no. Not you...whatever you want, j-just don't hurt him...NO!" Spitfire shot up out of bed, gasping for breath and gripping the sheets. "Thpitfire! What'th wrong?!" Fleetfoot asked, Spitfire having woken her up. "N-nothing. Just a bad dream." Spitfire explained, rubbing her eyes a little so they would adjust to the dark. "Are you really okay?" Fleetfoot pressed, pulling Spitfire in for a hug. "I'm fine Fleety. I didn't mean to wake you, go back to sleep." Spitfire urged, and Fleetfoot yawned. "Alright. Aren't you going back to thleep too?" Fleetfoot asked "Yeah, just want to make sure you go to bed first." Spitfire replied "Goodnight Thpitty." Fleetfoot murmured, laying back down and closing her eyes. Spitfire waited until her breathing became slower, signifying that the mare was asleep. Then, Spitfire took off, very quietly, and left the room. She peeked into the Sleeping Quarters to check on Spark, pleased to see the little filly curled up Spitfire's bed there, fast asleep. Rumble and Scootaloo were in the beds where Rainbow and Soarin usually slept. Spitfire smiled a little as she realized the two were probably sleeping in Soarin's private room. The smile quickly faded as she remembered what had drawn her out of bed in the first place. Spitfire trotted out of Wonderbolt HQ, standing on the landing runway and looking up at the night sky. A gentle breeze swept past, making her shiver, tail whipping a little in the wind. Spitfire watched the stars hanging in the dark night, and tears welled in her eyes. Somepony was up there, watching her, she knew it. He must be there, he had to be. "Smoke." she breathed, letting her emotions out all at once, a sob gripping her. "Smoke." She repeated, tears streaming down her face. Spitfire didn't know how long she stood out there, letting the tears come without fear. But as she turned to go back inside, there was a noise behind her. "Who's there?" Spitfire asked, the response was a chuckle from behind the building. "Come out, whoever you are." she growled "Not nearly as cowardly as the last time I saw you, I see." came the deep, growling voice Spitfire recognized all to well. She froze in place. "What do you want...Flame Rider?" she asked "Oh, it's Flame Rider now? I didn't realize." the pony revealed himself to be a large pegasus stallion with a dark red coat, eyes red as blood, and a familiar fire-like mane. "Enough with your games. What. Do. You. Want?" Spitfire demanded "Relax my little Spitty, I simply want to talk. Aren't you glad to see me?" Flame Rider asked "You never want to 'just talk'. How did you escape?" Spitfire replied "I don't think you need to know that Spitty. Now, I need your help, and I'm not taking 'no' for an answer." Flame Rider responded "Well, then I guess you're going to be very disappointed." Spitfire shot back, extending her wings and letting them light up with fire. "If you think you're going to beat me with your fire then you're mistaken. I have tricks under my wings too." Flame Rider snarled, lifting a wing and drawing it back, gathering fire in it. He threw it at Spitfire, who barely ducked in time, shooting forwards and trying to catch him in the chest, but he grabbed her hooves in his and tossed her backwards. Spitfire hit the ground hard, but in an instant was on her hooves again, running at Flame Rider once more. Spitfire made her hooves light up with flames and took off, spinning. She threw out her back leg and caught the stallion in the side, knocking him over. Flame Rider flung another ball of fire at her, and she nimbly swerved, landing and pinning him to the ground. "Either leave now or I'll burn the feathers off your wings." Spitfire growled "Easy Spitty, I mean no harm." Flame Rider said "That's a lie. Everything you've ever done was to cause me harm. You haven't changed. Now get out of my home!" she yelled, grabbing him by his fur and flinging him into the air, kicking him in the stomach. Flame Rider flew at her, knocking her into the side of the building. Spitfire was no match for the stallion now that he had her trapped. She struggled against him but was unable to free herself. Flame Rider lit up his hooves and burned her as he hit her across the face and forelegs. Then, he began to beat her, hitting her hard in the ribs and side, injuring her wings. His breath heated her ear as he spoke. "You're right. I haven't changed. But that won't make a difference. By the time your precious friends find you, you'll be dead. Goodbye Spitty." He finally released her, but as they had been above the ground during the fight, she fell ten feet. Spitfire tried to flap her wings but found them too injured to work properly. Spitfire managed to turn herself so she would land on her back, to spare her legs from any injury. Spitfire let out a yell of pain as she hit the ground, feeling her wings crack underneath her weight. She moaned in pain as Flame Rider landed beside her. "Y-you won't get away with this." Spitfire croaked, darkness threatening the edge of her vision, struggling to lift her head to look at him. "Oh, but I will. Say hi to your brother for me." he said, before taking off and flying into the night. Spitfire's head hit the ground, unable to keep herself awake, she slipped into the black. Fleetfoot woke up to find herself alone in bed. Spitfire had said she would go to sleep too. Fleetfoot sat up and looked around, before getting up and trotting out of the room. As she passed a window she saw a stallion flying off. "Who ith that?" Fleetfoot asked herself Then, Fleetfoot gasped as she noticed a huddled mass on the ground. Fleetfoot raced outside to see Spitfire, beat up and unconcious, lying on the ground. Fleetfoot lifted Spitfire into her hooves and flew inside. "Guyth! I need help!" she shouted, loud enough to wake the whole of HQ. The Wonderbolts stumbled out of their beds, muttering to each other. Their confusion faded as they saw Fleetfoot with the injured Spitfire in her hooves. They ran for her and helped Fleetfoot carry Spitfire back to the Captain's private room, Rainbow running to the Sick Bay to get the doctor.