Misadventures of a Human turned Draconequus

by Zhe Pydoh

Prologue: Waking up in a new world

I have NO idea what happened, one minute I was crossing the street... next thing I know, a massive Peterbilt rammed right into me, then I woke up in Equestria.
I was walking across the street. It was supposed to be a normal day.

The stoplight malfunctioned causing a Peterbilt to ram into me, killing me instantly. I wasn't supposed to be there. It wasn't supposed to be me. The truck slammed against me, sending me flying into an oncoming car, killing me instantly. The ambulance was called, but it was too late.

I immediately prayed to any deity I could think of to take me away to another world. I hear Equestria's nice this time of year.
I groaned holding my head. Y'ever had a headache? It feels like a million tiny yous pounding on your forehead. That's how bad of a headache I had. I slowly sat up in a forest. The Everfree forest was all around me. The sun shined right in my face as I covered my face with a... a paw. I lifted up my other paw to see the same thing.

"I should get a good look at myself." I muttered to myself.

I crawled over to a body of water and got a good look at myself, and no, it wasn't to indulge my own non-existent narcissism. What I saw shocked me:

Body and color scheme:

I had the colors of an orca, white spots included. My torso was that of a dragon, with black fur all over the body, minus the head, which I will cover in a minute. My underbelly was white. I had a pair of black feathery wings, with a wingspan to match Princess Celestia's wings. Awesome sauce.


Both of them were black paws with opposable digits. Probably bear paws.


I had the back hooves of a pony.


I had the head, horns, and neck span of a dragon with violet eyes with black slits, like an Enderman. The head and neck were black with the same white spots you would see on a killer whale, but they were on the sides of my head. My hair was black and done in a fin-like style.


My tail was serpentine with two feathers and looked like the end of an arrow.

While I was examining myelf, I was trying my best to not scream at my own appearance. It was very hard not to, but I did one thing that sensible bronies, like myself would do in my situation:

I did backflips and cried out with joy. "I'm in Equestria! WOOO!!!!"

Suddenly, a fucking paper jabbed me in the eye. I plucked it out and read it.

Congratulations and good evening! You have been chosen to become a Spirit of Chaos. Before you do anything completely reckless, you'll need to know the basic rundown of your new powers and your form.

First and foremost, your form is based off of favorite animals of your choice, either real or mythical, as long as it resembles a horse and dragon.

Secondly, the only limit is your imagination. Your new powers are centered around bringing whatever you think of into reality. Simply snap your fingers for it to work! If you don't have fingers, it can be activated by thought, similar to unicorn magic. You can also become anyone and anything, as long as you don't harm a living being. Now for the basic rundown of your powers.

1)You cannot kill.

2)You can't force anyone to fall in love.

3) You cannot bring back the dead. It's not a pretty picture. SO DON'T DO IT BRAH!!!!!

4) Have fun! And don't do anything I wouldn't do.

I snorted derisively.

Were there any rules? Or were there no limits to chaos magic in the first place. Ah whatever, best not to question it.