Unleash The Beast!

by TheSuperTransformerFan

Part 3: A Striking Breakout

Nate and Steel arrived in Equestria. It was a little similar to what Steel had imagined, but they were here.

"What is this place?" Nate asked.

"It looks to me like we're not in Kansas anymore" Steel told him. "We're in Equestria!"

"We're actually here!" Nate said in surprise and astonishment. He couldn't believe his eyes. Steel hit the button to the dimension and they were actually in that world. "We could enjoy this for days...weeks...months even!"

Steel put his head close to a rock and heard a smash. "Nate...did you hear that?" He put his ear to the sound and heard it as well.

"I do." He said.

"It sounds like someone's been through a throwdown." Steel guessed, "Judging by the sound I just heard."

Nate was shocked. "Devon and the others are in trouble?!"

"Big trouble!" Steel suggested.

"Come on!" Nate said. And Steel followed him to the call to action.

"Roger that!"

Meanwhile, King Sombra was laughing because he had just bagged the rangers...and the element bearers into his cave-like prison!

"What. Just. Happened?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock.

"The Tree of Harmony can't really be gone, can it?!" Fluttershy asked in shock.

"It can't be!" Twilight shouted in horror.

"But it is! You thought you defeated me, but you led me right to the source of your power." Sombra replied in triumph. "Now that it's destroyed, nothing can stop me!"

"That may be true!" Devon said. "But the elements are not!" The rangers shown the elements still in one piece in their hands.

"What?!" Sombra asked in anger.

"So, we still have ONE edge to stop you!" Ravi said.

"That may be true!" Sombra admitted. "But in a few minutes, the Everfree forest will take over! Have fun beating me then!"

"What?!" The mane 6 asked in shock.

"Not if we can help it!" Devon said. "Beast-X Canon!" The rangers aimed the cannon at the crystal structures, but the blasts ricocheted back and forth every which way, knocking the rangers and Mane 6 out. They checked if the elements were still in one piece. Sure enough, they were.

"Ha! You're no match for me!" Sombra gloated. "With you out of the way, I will rule all of Equestria! No wait...the whole universe! And I think I know exactly where I'll start."

"Don't you DARE say it!" Devon yelled. "I'm telling you to shut up!"

"Your own home planet, Power Rangers!" He said. "And then, THEIR home town!" Pointing to the mane 6.

Everyone inside the prison groaned. "You really ARE a monster!" Ravi said.

"You leave both of our universes alone!" Zoey shouted.

"But there's no point. My conquering Ponyville is already your greatest fear!" Sombra laughed maniacally.

"Yes, but us blasting YOUR crystal prison is YOUR worst fear!" a voice said.

"What?!" Sombra growled. "Who said that?!" He turned to see a human and a beetle-like robot.

"More humans to stand in my way?!" he seethed.

"We're not letting you destroy our friends! It's morphin' Time, Nate!" The Two readied their striker morphers. "Striker Morpher...READY!" Transforming them into blaster modes.

Sombra growled and was ready to take a few blasts at them!

"Activate Beast Powers!" The two said. And inserted their keys in their morphers, and in an instant they transformed into the gold and silver Power Rangers.


"This task will be an optimal moment for our ranger powers!" Nate said.

"You're going down!" Sombra shouted as he prepared to blast them!

"Wrong!" Steel said. "They're coming out!" They aimed their striker morphers at the prison, and blasted it open, freeing the rangers and the mane 6.

"What?" Applejack asked. "Who are ya'll?"

"More new Power Rangers?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "11 times more awesome!"

"Nate!" The main 3 rangers said.

"And that's--"

"Not the best time for intros!" Steel warned them. "Come on!" and with that, all 11 heroes went for Sombra!

The Mane 6 applied their elements while the rangers readied their weapons! Devon, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy struck Sombra from the back, while Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Ravi, Zoey, Nate & Steel blasted him from the front!

Sombra was in pain, but he was not about to give up just yet. "You think you have the upper edge?!" He asked. "THINK AGAIN!! I CAN'T LET YOU RANGERS AND PONIES WIN!" He teleported away.

"He got away!" Devon said.

"AFTER HIM!" Steel said. And they all went after him with a battle cry like something you'd hear out of a war.

They managed to hi-tail it to Ponyville. But when they got there, they were shocked at what they were seeing!

"Apple Bloom! It's me! Look at me, sugarcube!" It was no use. "Twilight, you gotta free her! Please!" Applejack pleaded.

Ravi took a good look at those green eyes, and he realized what had happened. "They must be under some kind of spell!" he said.

"She's not the only one!" Nate warned him. "Look!" and pointed to a whole group of ponies...each sporting green eyes!

"I... I can't! My magic alone isn't strong enough to stop Sombra's!" Just then, Twilight noticed Spike and Starlight coming. "Spike! Spike, where are you going? Starlight?"

" We must lay siege to Canterlot." Starlight spoke in a monotone voice.

"No! Snap out of it, you two! You're stronger than his magic!"

While the rangers were trying to reason with them, Blaze teleported to the Everfree forest, having his own ideas.

He plugged his robotron creation key into the plant. "Do your thing, Plant-tron!" The plants came to life as one robot!

"Did someone say they want to roundup some rangers?" The robotron spoke.

"Yeah!" He pointed to a group of rangers. "Stop them!"

"With pleasure!" Plant-Tron obeyed and walked over to them!

"I'm out!" Blaze said, as he teleported out of sight.

Meanwhile, the rangers and ponies were having their own problems.

"We can't reach them!" Twilight panicked.

"Already, the tree destroyed, and your friends are brainwashed?!" Ravi exclaimed. "This is officially as bad as it gets!"

But their problems were about to get even worse. For right at this moment...

Nate felt a vine wrap around his leg and grab him, it grabbed the rangers and the ponies except Twilight and Steel!

"What the?!"

"A Robotron?!"

"Out of plants?!"

"I was wrong. That's way worse!" They tried to break free, but the vine kept tightening them.

Just then, Steel managed to get some garden tools and hold them in an action-like pose! Twilight did the same as well!

"For my friends...and yours!" Steel started.

"For our families...and yours!" Twilight agreed.

"For our homes!" Steel said. Twilight got into a starting pose.

The robotron's vines got closer to them.

"For our universes!" They both shouted as they swung their tools at the robotron!

Meanwhile, Sombra made his way into Canterlot castle, and sure enough, Celestia and Luna were nowhere to be seen!

"They've fled! Celestia and Luna are too cowardly to even stand against me! Equestria is mine!" He laughed knowing that he won...but not for long.

Back to Steel and Twilight....

"Ugh!" Twilight groaned. "Steel! Can you give me a hand with this thing?!"

"No problem, Twilight!" He swung at the vines and freed the 4 rangers! Twilight swing and freed the rest of the mane 6!

"Thanks, Steel!" Nate said.

"No problem, brother!" Steel replied.

The robotron's vine kept getting closer! "Even with our weapons, we still have no chance against that thing!"

"I know we'll beat it!" Devon told her. "But right now, we need a miracle!"

"Time for you rangers and ponies to succumb!" The Plant-tron was about to smother them in it's plants, if he hadn't been blasted! "Aah! WHO DID THAT?"

"Huh?" They looked up and saw Celestia and Luna blasting the new creature with their magic.

"Celestia! Luna!" Twilight cried out in joy!

"Nopony is meant to handle this on their own!" A pony with a beard and a socerer's hat appeared.

"Star Swirl!" Twilight said. "The Tree of Harmony, it's—!"

"I know. I alerted the princesses as soon as I could. I felt it when it happened." He sorrowfully said.

"But the elements are still there!" Zoey showed him the elements still in one piece.

"So...it's not a total loss." He said.

"No, it's not!" Steel informed him.

The plant-tron kept blasting them with his vines!

"It will take time, but with the princesses' help, I can keep it at bay!"

"Aw, yeah! Go get 'em, beardy!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"Sombra's back, and he's taken control of all of our friends!" Twilight warned.

"We've left Canterlot defenseless!" Luna said regretfully.

"Twilight, you and the rangers must go! Defend Equestria, and we shall contain the forest."

"RIGHT!" They all said. They made their way to the castle.

"At least now we're back to just one problem!" Pinkie Pie said.

But when they got there, they saw a herd all brainwashed by Sombra!

"But that problem is a big problem!" Devon said in shock.

"One robotron we can handle!" Ravi said. "A Whole army? I doubt it!"

"Sombra's gonna force us to fight our way through our friends?! We can't fight them all!" Fluttershy shouted.

"I got an idea!" Devon said. "Twilight! Teleport us all inside the castle so we can get to Sombra! Nate and Steel, stay here and fight the green eyed army!"

"You can count on us, Devon!" Steel said. With that, Twilight teleported everyone except Nate and Steel inside the castle...leaving the two rangers alone to fight the army.

"All we have to do now is defeat King Sombra!" Devon said.

Just then, Discord appeared! The rangers aimed their weapons at him. Discord moved back in horror.

"No!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Don't shoot! He's on our side!" She smiled at him.

"Thank you, Fluttershy." The mismatched creature said softly.

"I'm so glad to see you! We could really use some all-powerful Lord of Chaos help right now!" Twilight suggested.

"Moi? Oh, I couldn't possibly..." The rangers and mane 6 went for Sombra. Discord felt like he had no choice...but to help them! "Looks like I have no choice."

The rangers and ponies made their way inside with Discord opening the doors for them.

"Thank you, Discord!" Twilight said.

"I don't know what we'd do without you!" Fluttershy agreed.

They saw Sombra, ready to strike!

"Okay, Sombra! Time to give up the crown!" Ravi told him!

"Here to fight the good fight with nothing but your wits?" Sombra laughed. "Admirable, but foolish!" He tried to blast them, but kept getting blocked by Discord's magic.

" Well, I guess it's on me to be the MVP today. I was betting on you, and I do hate being wrong." Discord said. "Although if you think about it, I am your friend, so maybe you win because friendship wins?" Sombra tried to break Discord's magic but to no avail.

"Quickly!" Zoey said. "While he's still distracted!" The rangers teleported their weapons!

"Transport...Beast-X Blaster! Beast-X Saber!" They combined their weapons. "BEAST-X CANNON!"

Unfortunately, Sombra found HIS edge!

"You rangers have your cannons? That's a good advantage...considering I have MINE while I have a target!" He aimed at Fluttershy, and started to blast her!"

"FLUTTERSHY!" The rangers shouted.

Discord moved to block Fluttershy, but he was hit in the process, making him fall to ground in almost a powerless state!

Fluttershy gasped. "DISCORD!" She screamed in horror.

"NO!" All the heroes shouted.

It looked this was the END for our good side...or was it?