//------------------------------// // I Wish. I Wish... // Story: From Lands Apart (FiM / Dragon Tales) // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// “Okay, Spike,” Twilight said as she put her ‘little brother’ into his crib. “Me and Smarty Pants have a lot of homework to do. So take your nap and I promise to read Daring Do to you when you wake up.” Spike, who had been spending more time with Twilight and her family since becoming the young mare’s first friend, took hold of the crib’s wooden bars and said, “Not sleepy, Twii.” The need to do her homework was growing and not getting it done on schedule made Twilight start to panic. “All good little brothers need their rest to grow real-real big, Spike,” she insisted. “So get comfy and I’ll tuck you in all nice-and-cozy.” “But Twi,” he pouted. “I don’t want to sleep. I want to be with you.” The young, purple-coated Unicorn felt herself tense with each second she was not working towards that perfect grade she had to have. “Do paper with me,” cooed Spike. “I help do Twi homework. I read book, too.” Twilight could not let her schedule be broken much longer. The desire to get her book-learn on and treat herself to a good grade was causing the purple-eyed Unicorn to anxiously move her hooves up-and-down. “What if I…,” she thought. “Okay, Spike. How about you take this book, read it, and give me a book report when I come back?” TING SHOO Twilight’s magic brought a colorful book gently down into the baby dragon’s crib. “I be like you, Twi?” he asked. “I read book and do fun writing with crayons?” “Yes!” cheered Twilight with enough enthusiasm to give even today’s Pinkie Pie a run for her bits. “I’ll be right back!” GALLOP-GALLOP KA-REEK TING SHOO-CLICK Twilight was getting better with her telekinesis magic and had almost shut Spike’s bedroom door when she made one last effort to keep Spike from wanting to leave the room. “I’ll give you some yummy little shinies if you stay in here while I do my homework,” she stated with a wink while closing the door the rest of the way shut. “Be good for Twi!” Spike began to drool at the thought of those delicious, pretty, and very shiny things that he was given as a snack. They tasted so good and always were better than the vegetarian diet Twi, Shiny, mom, and dad served him. CLAP-CLAP Spike was now lost in thought over how he could not wait for his gem treat… *** …And after two minutes he became bored and impatient. “No want to be by self in bed,” he pouted. “Not sleepy.” The green-eyed baby dragon stood up and toddled about in his crib. “No like being by self,” he groaned! “No need nap!” He continued to scurry about the crib faster-and-faster. It was the only thing keeping him from crying at the top of his lungs for Twilight and he knew she would be mad if he made her come in. He also wouldn’t get those yummy treats if she had to come in as he had been given ‘time outs’ along with no treats when she was unhappy. “I wish. I wish,” he said while increasing his frustrated scampering about. “I wish to not be by self-” THUNK CRINKLE BOOF BWARF! Spike had finally collided with the bars of his crib, fell back on his diapered bottom, and unleashed a magical burp. “Excuse me,” he said with a blush as he watched the green flame start to swirl about in mid-air until a burst of light flashed before his eyes. “Whoah!” e gasped while covering his eyes. PSHOO POP THUD Spike opened one eye and then the other. “Huh?” he wondered upon noticing a shiny, sparkling, and rainbow-colored shimmering something in front of him. “Treat!” he squealed as he merrily flailed his arms and legs about. FWIP “Wha?” he thought as a piece of paper gently landed on top of the beautiful stone. Twilight was always spending time teaching him how to read. She said it was very important and fundamental. “Me read!” he cheered while grabbing the paper and allowing himself to fall on his padded bottom. Diapers made him never feel he could be hurt as long as he fell on his backside. They kept him safe and protected. This brought questions as to why Twilight, Shiny, mom, and dad didn’t wear them. However he just thought it was because they didn’t fall as much as he did and, once he was a better walker, he wouldn’t fall so much either. “Okay,” he said while wiggling his tail upon the shiny stone as he looked at the words on the paper. “Read aloud so I can hear good what read.” ‘I wa-wa wish, I, uh, wish with ah-all mm-my he-art,” he read aloud. “To fly with dra, dra, drag, drog-ons…” The ‘stone’ sparkled and shined more-and-more as Spike did his best to read the words on the paper. However he was tired of reading and just tossed the paper aside. “…Want someone to play with me!” he wailed before realizing he had made a loud noise. This made him worried Twilight would hear and be mad. So he took drastic measures to not get caught by curling up in a ball and covering his eyes. FWA-WHOOO-FWA-OO TING TING-TING The young dragon was neither seeing nor hearing how he had read a spell that was intended to be done correctly. However the fact his tail was touching it infused some Equestrian Magic that altered the stone’s abilities in a way that the one who sent it would never have believed possible.