//------------------------------// // A Date Gone Wrong // Story: Terror of the Timberwolf // by PonyPixel //------------------------------// The school bell rang and students all left their classes. They all left to have their free time. Yona looked around until she found a green colt. "Sandbar," she cheered. The yak ran up to him for a might hug. "Yeah, I'm happy to see you too," Sandbar said. The two shared a kiss before they walked down the hall. "Yona wanted to talk to headpony about classes." "Yeah, me too. It's been about a week. I think we can be in the same classes now." The two walked towards Starlight's office, to find Ocellus walking out. "Oh, were you wanting to talk to her?" Ocellus asked. "I already checked, we'll be sharing classes starting Monday." "Yes," Yona cheered. She started stomping in excitement, which caused the floor to shake. "Yona!" Sandbar cried. The yak stopped by tripping over and Gale flew around the corner. "What kind of an earthquake was that?" the griffon asked. "It was just Yona," Ocellus said. The yak gave a guilty grin. "Please don't do that again." "No promises," Yona replied. The griffon just grumbled as he walked away. "Just ignore him," Sandbar said. "He's still learning." "It's nice the weekends here again," Ocellus said. "Yeah, I have a lot of things planned." "What Sandbar have in mind?" Yona asked. "Spending time with you." The two blushed as they nuzzled each other. "I'll just leave you two to have alone time," Ocellus said. She walked away to let the yak and pony have some fun on their own. They left the school and started heading towards town. "So, what we do first?" Yona asked. "I was thinking we just hang. We'd get some snacks from Sugarcube Corner then head to the treehouse." "You think treehouse is still there?" "Of course. We helped build it." The two walked off to get their treats. While on their way, they came across Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle. "Hi, Mr. Mac. How are you today?" "We're doing good," Sugar Belle replied. "Though Granny is acting weird." "Yep," Mac said. "For good reason," Granny Smith replied as she walked up beside them. "Timberwolf season is starting again." "Timberwolf?" Yona asked as she started getting scared. "Granny," Macintosh groaned. "They're coming. Explain what that foul smell was last night." "I think that was an apple cake I made a mistake with," Sugar Belle said. "You just wait. If they come into our home tonight, don't come crying to me." "You know," Sandbar said, "Yona and I should get going." "Probably a good idea," Big Macintosh replied. The colt and yak ran off. "If you ever need protection, give me a call," Granny called. Macintosh and Sugar Belle looked at the old mare with frustration. "What?" "Granny pony weird," Yona commented. "Agreed," Sandbar nodded. After getting to Sugarcube Corner, they were glad to see that the line wasn't too big. Just when Sandbar and Yona were about to get in line, a pegasus cut in front of them. "Um, excuse me." "What?" the pegasus asked not even turning around. "I think we were here first." "Really? I guess that furball is hard to miss." Yona's gasped as her ear's drooped. "Y-Yona not furball," the yak cried feeling offended. She would've said more, but her colt-friend spoke first. "That was rude," Sandbar stated. "Thanks captain obvious," the pegasus scoffed. Sandbar stepped closer. "Look, apologize." "Seriously? Who's gonna make me?" The pegasus was taller than Sandbar and the colt didn't know what to say. "Well... You... It's not..." He felt nervous as the older colt towered over him. "Next," Mrs. Cake said. The pegasus walked up to the counter. "Hello, sir. What can I getcha?" "My muffins to go." The baker mare gave the pegasus his order and he left. As he walked out of the store, Sandbar watched him leave having a sinking feeling. He and Yona walked up to the counter. "Hello, Sandbar. Something wrong?" "Not really," Sandbar replied. "Pegasus mean to Sandbar," Yona explained. "Oh, that colt?" Mrs. Cake asked. "He's just so rude. I'd make him pay fifteen percent more than he needs to, but I don't think that would be legal." "We'll just take some cupcakes to go," Sandbar explained. The mare nodded and walked away as the colt sighed. "Why didn't Sandbar say anything?" Yona asked. "I panicked. He's bigger than me and probably stronger." "Yaks strong too." "I know, but you know we shouldn't get into a fight." "Sandbar right. Maybe we have better time at treehouse." The colt smiled as Mrs. Cake came back with his order. Once they got this, Sandbar and Yona left to head to the castle of the two sisters. The forest seemed to normal like it usually was, but there weren't that many animals wandering around. "Sandbar think we should back?" "Maybe. We could've just hung out at the lounge." "Probably good idea." "Hold on, I think I see the castle." He was right. They walked across the bridge and inside their treehouse. "Has Sandbar ever heard of timberwolves?" "I've heard of a few stories. They're wolves that are made of wood. If they get damaged they can just rebuild themselves, they can even combine each other's body parts to become bigger." The yak shivered just hearing that. "Yona don't want to know more. Yona shouldn't have asked." "Then have a cupcake." Sandbar took one of the cupcakes out of the box and gave it to his girlfriend. "Thanks." The yak chewed away as the colt got another cupcake for himself. "So, how was your vacation?" "Mostly cold. Yaks sometimes go to empire to visit crystal ponies." "Did you see Princess Flurry Heart?" "Once. She growing up fast." "Really? I wish I could've seen her." They stayed silent as they ate their cupcakes. "What did you Cozy Glow was talking about?" "What?" "She said she tried friendship and it didn't end well." "Yona don't want to talk about Cozy Glow. She didn't want chance. Besides, she's gone now." "Ocellus told me about her, and I kind of agree with her. What was she talking about?" "Yona doesn't know." Just then, the two heard a howl. "What was that?" "I think that was a timberwolf." "Should we get back to the school." "We should probably wait until they go away." The two closed the clubhouse door just to be safe. "I think Granny Smith was right." "What we do?" "Just stay calm and don't make any sound. Hopefully, they'll go away." The two stayed quiet and wait for like five minutes. Yona cracked the door open to look outside. Nothing was out there. "Yona thinks we should get back to school." "Right, let's go." The two raced out of the treehouse and back to school. They heard several different critters and birds they ran passed them, but the yak and colt didn't care. They just wanted to get back to safety. Silverstream leaving the school with a beachball when she saw them running back. "Oh, hey, guys," she said. "I thought you were going to hang out at..." "Timberwolves," Yona cried while running past. "What?" "They're wolves that are made out of wood," Sandbar explained. "Yona and I are going to play it safe and stay in the lounge." "Aw, but I wanted to see if you wanted to head to the lake." "Yona's going to be a little scared. I don't think she'll want to leave for a while." "But I wanted to see what happens to the others after when I use my pearl piece on them." "Maybe another time. I'm going to help Yona calm down." Sandbar walked inside to find his girlfriend. "Yona? Yona." He looked around until he got one of the dorm rooms. He saw Yona hiding under the covers while shivering. "Yona, are you okay?" "B-b-b-been better," the yak shivered. "Are there timberwolves?" "I didn't see any on the way here. I'm pretty sure we're safe." Yona removed the covers and stepped out of bed. "I'm pretty sure our teachers would have some plan if they were attacking. We can still hang out." "No, Yona want to finish homework first." "...If you so." Sandbar left the room now feeling a little glum. He slowly strolled through the hall until he got to the lounge, where Gallus was resting. "Hey, dude," the griffon said, "What's up?" "My day hasn't gone as planned." "What happened?" "Well, it just supposed to be a day just to me and Yona. We headed to the treehouse and had some snacks but then Granny Smith said that there are more timberwolves around this time of year." "Timberwolves? I've been through that forest multiple times and I haven't seen one of those wolves." "Do you even know what a timberwolf is?" "Do you what a flatrata is?" "Sounds like something you just made up." "Because I just did. I have no idea what a timberwolf is." Then Sandbar remembered something. "I forgot the cupcakes! They're still at the treehouse." "Can't you go get them?" "I'm not going out there." "Well man, I'm don't know what we're dealing with and I'm not going to be juggling spears." The colt just sighed and walked off to find Smolder chatting with some hippogriffs. "Hey, Sandy," the dragoness said. "What's up?" "I left some snacks in our treehouse." "Can't you just go get them?" "I can't. There are timberwolves in the forest?" "Timberwolves?" the dragoness and hippogriffs asked. The griffs didn't know what they were, but Smolder just took this as a challenge. "I think I can handle a wolf," she scoffed. "Smolder, I don't think you know what a timberwolf is." "You're looking at creature that bathes in lava. Just go with me and you'll be fine." "...Okay. I mean, dragons are pretty tough." The dragon and colt left the school and headed into the forest. Smolder just kept walking like it was any normal day, but Sandbar was a little on edge. "You don't have to be scared. I've got your back." "Have you... Ever heard of a timberwolf?" "Professor Fluttershy didn't talk about those." "They're magical beings made of wood." "Then I'll just burn it to a crisp." "Okay. Let's just get the snacks and get back to safety." They picked up the pace and got to the treehouse and found the box of cupcakes lying on the floor. "I don't know why you would just leave these here." just as Smolder picked up the box and closed it, she and Sandbar heard a howl. "That's why we just left them there. We left in a hurry. Like we should do right now." In fear, the colt raced out of the treehouse with the dragoness following behind. "Okay, buddy, slow down. It's just one wolf." "Smolder, this is serious." The dragoness landed in front of her friend, stopping him in his tracks. "Listen, you have nothing to worry about anything. We've been through this forest hundreds of times and I haven't seen a single timberwolf." "You're not taking this seriously. I haven't seen a timberwolf myself, but I'm pretty sure that the last thing I'll see is the inside of one's mouth." Suddenly, they both heard growling. "Please tell me that's your stomach." "Not at all." From the shadows of the trees, they both saw glowing green eyes. Nine sets of them. "I don't think they'll attack if we don't make sudden movements," Sandbar whispered. Two of the wolves slowly crawled closer to them. The two stood as still as they could, but they were terrified. "What happened to 'burn them to a crisp'?" "I didn't know there be this many of them. What do we do?" "Just stay still." One of the wolves sniffed the colt who started sweating with fear. The other sniffed Smolder and then started growling. "Okay, that's a bad sign." It tried to bite her and with that, the dragoness grabbed her friends hoof and flew off. The timberwolves gave chase. "Why did they tried to bite me?" "I don't know." The wolves tried jumping up to bite them. They were nearly nipping the pony's legs. "Smolder, a bit higher." "I'm trying. You're heaving." "Drop the cupcakes." The dragoness did so but it only helped so much. Just before they lost the pack, one of them bit Sandbar's leg. The colt cried out in pain as the wooden teeth sank in. Smolder kicked the wooden wolf, causing its jaw to break and for good measure, she breathed fire on it and set it ablaze. After that, they lost the pack but Sandbar's legs had a large bite mark and he heavily bleeding. Smolder landed outside the school as her friend was still moaning in pain. "Are you..." "No, I am not okay! I'm bleeding!" "What's bleeding?" Sunburst asked walking outside. He gasped when he saw Sandbar's wounds and blood. "Don't panic. I'm going to get you some bandages." He raced off as the colt started getting light-headed. His vision started getting blurry as he struggled to sit up. "Whoa, stay with us," Smolder said. She tried to cover the bleeding which caused her friend more pain due to the sound of his groaning. Before he could figure anything else out, Sandbar passed out. "Sandbar? Can you hear us?" The colt slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and he could only see blobs. "Look, he's waking up." When his vision cleared up, Sandbar could see his friends standing by the side of his bed. "Hey, Sandy," Ocellus said. "We were getting worried about you." "Wha... What happened?" the colt asked weakly. "You passed out due to the lack of blood," Gallus explained. Sandbar looked down at his leg to see it was fully bandaged. "Sandbar, I'm really sorry about this," Smolder apologized. "I didn't know anything about timberwolves. I thought..." "Smolder," the injured pony said weekly, "It's... Okay." Sandbar looked to see Yona, who looked like a dog begging. "I... Feel... Fine." "Sandbar don't sound fine," the yak said. "He's just weak from the blood loss," Ocellus said. "Yeah, did you see how much blood he lost?" Silverstream asked. The four creatures looked at her a bit annoyed. "Bad time, isn't it?" "Just don't say anything," Gallus said. The hippogriff nodded. "So... What... Happens... Now?" Sandbar asked. "You just lie there and rest," Ocellus explained. "It's what the doctor said you should do. It's getting late anyway." The girls left the room and Gallus flew up to the top bunk. He and Sandbar both saw that Yona still standing by the bedside. "Yona, he needs sleep," the griffon stated. "And so do you. And me too." "Yona wants to make sure Sandbar is okay," the yak replied. "I'll be... Fine," Sandbar stated. Yona's ear drooped as she walked to the exit of the room. "Goodnight Sandbar." She turned off the lights and closed the door. Sandbar and Gallus got to sleep no problem, sort of. The colt couldn't move all that much due to his cast, which made his discomfort worse. It wasn't just his leg feeling sore, it was his entire body. Sandbar clenched his teeth and moaned, which became growling. Sweat started pouring down his brow as he slept through the sore feeling all night.