//------------------------------// // Revelation // Story: Not Everything Is What It Looks Like // by Twilight Star //------------------------------// Applejack and Cadence looked at the wall. Cadence used a teleportation spell and they appeared elsewhere. But they were not alone.  “You’re not going anywhere”, said the three bridesmares in unison.    Meanwhile, in the room where the wedding was taking place, Celestia was about to declare husband and wife until…  “Stop everything!”  Celestia, Cadence, Twilight, their friends, and the guests looked and saw Applejack. The friends looked with a look of “oh no” while Twilight had a look of anger, lucky that nopony was noticing.  “You again? Why are you trying to ruin my special day? ” ‘Cadence’ pretended to cry.  “Because it’s not your special day. It’s mine”, said Cadence. Behind her was Applejack. “What? How did you escape my bridesmares? ”asked Cadance, now confused. Applejack and Cadence looked at each other.    The three bridesmares approached Applejack and Cadence as they walked away. Cadence had an idea. She popped a bouquet of flowers and showed the three mares before throwing them away. The three went after the bouquet.   “It’s mine!”   Applejack and Cadence watched the three mares leave before they looked at each other and continued on their way to find their way out.  Twilight pretended to be confused, “two Cadence? But how is this possible? This is scientifically impossible”  “She’s a changeling! She takes the form of who you are and feeds on that love you have for him”, explained Cadence.  ‘Cadence’s eyes flashed green as her horn glowed green. A circle formed and rose. Everypony had to cover their eyes. When they opened their eyes, they were surprised, less Twilight, who smiled wickedly. ‘Cadence’ wings became Changeling’s wings, the pink hooves became black hooves with holes, and the pink horn became a crooked horn. Chrysalis laughed.  “You’re right. As queen of the Changelings it is my duty to find love for my subjects”, they all looked with a look of possible fright, less Twilight who kept smiling. She just hasn’t revealed her identity yet because of Applejack and her stupid babysitter.  Chrysalis went down the few floors, “and Equestria has more love anywhere else I’ve found”  “You won’t make it!” Cried Cadence. “Shining Armor’s love for me is stronger”  Chrysalis laughed, “I doubt very much”  Chrysalis looked at Shining Armor as she used her magic, “Isn’t that right, honey?”  “Un-huh”, agreed Shining Armor.  Cadence started running to Shining Armor. But Chrysalis intervened as she prepared to use her magic, “ah-ah. You don’t want to go back to that cave, do you?”  Cadence took a few steps back. Chrysalis stopped preparing her magic, she returned to where she was, “going on, every moment I absorb Shining Armor’s love, he becomes weak. Just like your spell to protect Canterlot”  “Not my Shining Armor”, said Cadence with a raised hoof.  “And with no pony hindered, me, my daughter and the Changelings will dominate all Equestria!” exclaimed Chrysalis, now flying.  “No”, Chrysalis looked back. Celestia was looking at her, not happy.  “You, your daughter, and your subjects will not”, finished Celestia. Chrysalis landed on the floor.  “You may have taken the love of Shining Armor, but you, your daughter, and your subjects will not dominate Equestria”, said Celestia, before heading toward Chrysalis. Twilight realized she had to do something and she did. She intervened the fight that was going to start by getting in the middle. Twilight was looking at Celestia unhappy. Unlike Chrysalis, who smiled at that  Celestia was surprised by this, “Twilight, could you please get out of the way?”  “No! I will not get out of the way. And you won’t hurt my mother”, said Twilight Sparkle, still looking at Celestia. Everypony except Chrysalis and Shining Armor sighed in surprise at the last two words. But the ponies that were most surprised were the ‘friends’ of Twilight, Spike, Cadence and mostly Celestia.  “Twilight, what are you talking about? Your parents are Twilight Velvet and Night Light”, said Celestia, still not believing.  “They were never my real parents. I pretended to be a fatherless foal so a family could ‘adopt’ me”, replied Twilight Sparkle. Celestia couldn’t believe it, “but what about you being my student, Twilight? You were happy when you accepted to be my student”  What Twilight would say next would shock her, “I faked it all the time. You were never a mother and a teacher to me”  Celestia was saddened by these words and began to cry. Everypony, except Twilight, Chrysalis and Shining Armor were surprised. Rainbow Dash was annoyed, “How dare you make the princess cry?!” Rainbow Dash intended to fly to Twilight to give her a piece of her mind. But Rarity held Rainbow with her magic.  Twilight Sparkle laughed at that, “what happened, Rainbow Crash? Are you offended?”  Rainbow Dash stopped struggling and landed on the floor shocked by what she heard, “what did you call me…?”  “I called you Rainbow Crash, Rainbow Crash!” exclaimed Twilight Sparkle with a mean smile on her face.  Rainbow Dash couldn’t believe that her friend was teasing her. She was fighting not to cry, “What happened to you, Twilight? Why are you like that?”  Twilight Sparkle looked at the owner of the voice and saw that it was Cadence, “well, well. If it’s not my boring babysitter!”  Cadence was offended by comment, but kept talking, “Twilight, why are you supporting Chrysalis? She is a threat to all Equestria”  Twilight Sparkle was annoyed by this, “Don’t talk about my mom like that!”  Cadence was surprised by the way Twilight spoke to her. Twilight was never about being angry or yelling at her, “Twilight, I still don’t understand. Why do you see Chrysalis as your mother?”  “Because I’m a Changeling”, answered Twilight Sparkle.  “Twilight, you’re not a changeling. I know that because it has no ability to change shape”, said Cadence.  Twilight knew Cadence would underestimate her and not believe her, but she knew what to do. Twilight closed her eyes, used her magic and did the same as her mother did to reveal herself to be Changeling. Changeling wings appeared, the lavender color of the hooves turned a dark purple and the unicorn horn became a changeling horn with holes. Twilight opened her eyes, and her eyes were different: The pupil was a slit, the iris was purple lilac. And her mane and tail had holes, the pink stripe of the mane and tail was a stronger shade of pink, like a hot pink, and the purple stripe was now lilac.  Everypony was surprised to see the true identity of Twilight, the only one smiling was Chrysalis, because after all, Twilight was her daughter. She had no reason to be afraid or surprised at Twilight’s true identity.  Celestia couldn’t believe what she was seeing: The filly that she always considered her daughter was actually a Changeling all the time. She began to cry again. Twilight looked at Celestia. She smiled wickedly. Seeing Celestia suffer this way made her feel great.  Celestia knew she couldn’t just cry, she needed to do something. But what would she do? What good would it be to ask the former friends of Twilight to pick up the elements of harmony? Without Twilight, the elements wouldn’t work. Twilight represented the element of magic.