Sunset's Journey

by Alphajeager1

S2E6 Family Ties

The lady that Dante and Symbol had met, after they defeated the Cerberus Phantom at the start of the tower, walked through a chamber that was lined with pillars.

She spun around as a Phantom passed between one of the pillars. “It looks like I can’t go any further as a human,” she reached into her pocket and pulled out a silver flip phone. She looked at it in thinny concealed disgust before opening it and tapping the number three, four times. THREE! THREE! THREE! THREE! SYSTEM READY! Then she hit the call button. LET’S HENSHIN! Boomed the phone in a loud cheerful voice. The lady threw the hand holding the Arsenal Phone into the air, holding it over her head. Music boomed out of the Arsenal Phone’s speakers before stopping.

“HENSHIN!” shouted the lady as she slid the Arsenal Phone into her belt buckle. The boom of drums came out of the Arsenal Phone as it cheered: ARSENAL! GO! GO! ARSENAL! The two pillars on each side of the belt’s buckle emitted a pair of black energy lines. They stopped under her breasts and joined before creating another line that went up between her breasts this then wrapped around her neck as a collar. The original two lines went up either side of her breasts and down her arms. The pillars on either side of her belt buckle created two more lines that went down the front of the lady’s legs.

Then the lines flashed, creating her armour.

When the black light cleared, she wore a black helmet with a silver mouth guard, her eyes were covered by a circle shaped visor that was coloured yellow, outlined in red and had a vertical red line cutting through it. She wore a black bodysuit with attached gloves and boots. The tips of the gloves were covered in silver armour and the soles of her boots were also protected by silver armour. She wore a silver square shaped chest plate that was outlined in red and cut in half by a vertical red line. She wore shoulder pauldrons, the top half of which were silver and the bottom half of them was black, the two halves are divided by a red line. Black forearm guards covered her forearms with a silver circle around the top and bottom of them. On the top silver circles was a black connector. She wore silver knee guards with a vertical red line cutting through them. Finally, she wore shin guards that were identical to her forearm guards with the connector being on the outside of the upper circles.

She was now Kamen Rider Arsenal!

She took the Arsenal Phone off her waist and tapped in a code as she ducked under a Pride Phantom’s scythe. ONE! FIVE! NINE! THREE! ARSENAL PISTOL! There was a flash of silver light as a silver pistol appeared in her right glove. It had a black Card Key Slot in the back of it with a black line leading from it to the tip of the pistol. She held it up and fired a round of black energy into the Phantom’s face. His mask cracked as he staggered back in pain from the force of the energy bolt.

Then Arsenal jumped over the Phantom’s scythe as he swung at her. She punched in another code before returning the Arsenal Phantom to her Driver. SEVEN! NINE! TWO! ZERO! BURST MODE! The Arsenal Pistol’s barrel opened across and she pulled the trigger, firing a burst of black energy bolts that slammed into the Pride Phantom’s face. He was sent flying back before he exploded.

Suddenly, Kamen Rider Arsenal tensed as she removed the Arsenal Phone from her belt, punched in another code and then slotted it back into her belt. NINE! ZERO! FIVE! SEVEN! SINGLE MODE! The Arsenal Pistol closed up and then the barrel extended forward. She spun around and fired two powerful bolts of black energy, before spinning back around and firing another bolt. All three of them smashed through a Pride Phantoms head, destroying all three Phantoms.

Arsenal jumped into the air, landing on the shaft of a Pride Phantoms scythe. She hopped up as another Pride Phantom stabbed the tip of his scythe into the wall, she landed on the blade. Then Arsenal leaned to the side as a Lust Phantom slashed down, she leaned back as a Pride Phantom slashed at her once more, the blade missing her faceplate by inches. Then she sprung back up, kicking all of the Phantoms away as she sat on the scythe blade she had just been standing on.

As the Phantoms got back up and approached her, Arsenal removed the Arsenal Phone from her belt, tapped in a code and then slotted it back into her belt. FIVE! FOUR! SEVEN! THREE! STICKY BOMB! She reached to her backplate as it opened and deposited a pair of spheres in her hands. She pressed them into the chests of two Pride Phantoms and shoved them back into a Lust Phantom. The bombs exploded, taking out all three of the Phantoms.

She jumped into the air, upside down. Kamen Rider Arsenal removed the Arsenal Phone from the Combat Driver and typed in a code before slotting it back in. SEVEN! FIVE! ZERO! TWO! SHOTGUN! The Arsenal Pistol vanished and black lines sketched an outline in the air before there was a flash of black light. A sleak, high tech pump action shotgun appeared in front of her. She grabbed it and took aim before firing a burst of shells that impacted the three Pride Phantoms which had jumped after her, blowing them apart.

She landed on another scythe as it stabbed itself into the pillar and glared at a Pride Phantom as he leapt toward her with an overhead slash. She removed the Arsenal Phone from the Combat Driver and typed in a code before slotting the Phone back into her Driver. ONE! TWO! FIVE! SIX! TIGHT MODE! She took aim as the Arsenal Shotgun’s barrel shifted into a narrower form. Then she fired three bursts in a tight spread that slammed into the Phantom, blowing him to kingdom come.

With that fight over, she took out the Arsenal Phone, pressed the end call button and walked away as her armour vanished.

With Dante, Symbol, Weapon, Grimm, Mega and X

The group ran into a room called the Mute Goddess Chamber and were instantly under attack by a horde of Phantoms.

“They sure didn’t waste any time!” shouted Dante.

“No, they did not!” replied Symbol. “Less talky talky and more fighty fighty!” 

“Yes, Sir,” mocked Dante as he was kicked in the shin.

‘Alright Angi, Rudra, time to earn your keep,’ thought Symbol as she slid the Swift Ring onto her left middle finger, hit the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever and then scanned the Swift Ring over its Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! SWIFT PLEASE! DASH AWAY! She held her left glove up into the air as the Swift magic circle appeared and fell through her. 

She grabbed the Swift Blaster when two more Swift magic circles appeared. Out of which jumped a miniature version of the Angi and Rudra Phantoms. They leapt through the air and onto the Swift Blaster. “What the-?! Oh I remember this,” grinned Symbol. The Swift Blaster shone and floated out of her grip, transforming into a ball of yellow light. The orb then split in two and transformed into a pair of orbs, one was red and the other was blue. Symbol reached out and caught the orbs as they took on a solid form.

Now Symbol had two Swift Blasters. The left Swift Blaster had blue outlines and a drop down ammo chamber coming from the bottom of the handle. Coming from the end of the blaster’s barrel was a yellow blade of magic that pointed downwards. The right Swift Blaster had red outlines and a revolver type ammo chamber in the centre of it, coming from the end of the blaster was a blade of yellow magic that pointed forward. Both blasters had a half circle of yellow magic emerging from them, just before where their blades connected, protecting her gloves. On the side of each blaster was their name, Swift Agni for the red Swift Blaster and Swift Rudra for the blue Swift Blaster.

“Nice!” Symbol gave her new weapons a spin. Then the Wizard Driver glowed. SPEED THROUGH THE FIRE AND WIND! A new magic circle appeared above her, it was identical to the other magic circles, with the circle parts being blue while the rest of it was red. In the centre of it was an image of Agni’s and Rudra’s Phantom forms, coloured red and blue respectively. 

The magic circle fell through her, transforming her into the Swift Style’s new form. The runes around her faceplate had turned dark red and the metal they were carved into had turned dark blue. Her left shoulder pauldron had turned light blue with sky blue outlines, while the right shoulder pauldron had turned light red and had orange outlines. Each of her forearm guards had four ridges, the left were blue and the right ridges were red. The bronze inverted triangle in the centre of her chest plate had turned into a neon yellow S and was circle by two swords that were engraved into the chest armour, like a yin and yang logo.

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol, Swift Angi and Rudra Style.

“Nice!” commented Dante as he punched a Pride Phantom in the face, sending him flying into a Blood Gargoyle Phantom.

“Thanks,” replied Symbol as she pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever then she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author before holding the Swift Angi and the Swift Rudra in front of her Driver. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! C RANK SPELL! She took aim and fired a barrage of blue wind bolts from the Swift Rudra. They shot through the air and slammed into a Gluttony Phantom’s throat. The Phantom gagged as he clutched at his throat, stopping his sand breath attack.

“You sure are faster then the Swift Blaster,” Symbol told the Swift Rudra as she looked at the gun.

“Thank you for the compliment,” spoke the Swift Rudra.

Symbol jumped at little at that. “I shouldn’t be surprised that you can still talk after Cerberus. But I really was shocked by that,” she admitted.

“I apologize,” replied the Swift Rudra. “I did not mean to startle you.”

“No-,” began Symbol.

“MISTRESS! Incoming!” shouted the Swift Rudra.

“Woah!” Symbol ducked under a slash from the enraged Gluttony Phantom as he dashed towards her. She pressed down on the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice, blocked a slash from the Phantom with the Swift Rudra and scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. Then she kicked the Phantom in the face after backflipping over a horizontal slash from the Phantom while holding the Swift Agni in front of her Driver. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! B RANK SPELL! Symbol took aim and fired a bolt of flame from the Swift Agni that slammed into the Gluttony Phantom’s face and exploded. The Phantom screamed in pain as his face was lit on fire before he was quickly killed by the flame.

“Gotcha!” smirked Symbol. Right before she was slashed across the backplate by a Blood Gargoyle Phantom. “Grimm! Thought you were supposed to be taking care of this!” shouted Symbol as she jumped over the Phantom’s claws and kicked him in the face.

“My apologies, Mistress,” replied the Kamen Rider in Bon Bon’s voice. 

“That one got away from us,” she added in Lyra’s voice.

“We shall take care of it now,” they stated at the same time.

“No!” ordered Symbol. “I’ll deal with this one! You take out the rest of them!” 

“As you command,” replied the Kamen Rider in her twin voices.

“That gets more and more creepy each time,” muttered Symbol as she blocked a claw that would have hit her faceplate and pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. She ducked and punched the Phantom in the family jewels as she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. The Phantom staggered back as Symbol held the Swift Angi and the Swift Rudra in front of her Driver. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! B RANK SPELL! Red fire swirled around the Swift Angi and blue wind gathered around the Swift Rudra. “Take this!” Symbol darted forwards and slashed the Blood Gargoyle Phantom several dozen times in the next second. Sparks flew from the numerous red and blue cuts she had carved into the Phantom.

The Phantom roared as Symbol turned around and walked away. He got up and was about to charge after her before he twitched several times and then exploded.

“That was easy,” muttered Symbol. Then she realised what she had just let slip out of her mouth. “Why did I have to jinx us?!” she groaned out loud.

Dante added the Eryx Ring to his left index finger and then slotted the new Ring onto his left ring finger. It was silver with a red and blue gemstone in the centre of it. The stone had a pair of swords engraved into it like a yin yang symbol. Dante punched the two Rings into the Gate Driver’s left slots. SET! OPEN! E-R-Y-X! The Eryx magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him, transforming him into the Eryx Style as the Gate Driver glowed. ANGI AND RUDRA! LET’S GO! AGNI AND RUDRA! A new magic circle appeared, the circle parts were red and the rest of it was blue, in the centre of the magic circle was a red and blue sword. The two of them moved back through Dante, transforming him into his new Style.

The only change was that the right Eryx Gauntlet held Rudra’s sword form and the left Eryx Gauntlet held Angi’s sword form. He was now Kamen Rider Dante, Eryx Angi and Rudra Style!

Dante ran toward a Gluttony Phantom and slashed down with both of his swords. The Phantom blocked them and forced Dante back with a kick to the gut. Dante stumbled at slashed out, catching the Phantom with a wild swing that stopped his follow up attack. Dante punched the two Rings into the back of the Eryx Rudra. ONE! FIST STRIKE! Dante covered both of his swords in their respective elements before unleashing a cross slash. The Gluttony Phantom held up his scythe to block it, only for the polearm to shatter under the twin elemental force.

The Gluttony Phantom leapt back as Dante slashed at him before breathing out a sand attack. “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!” shouted Dante as he unleashed five slashes, the final three being in the shape of a circle. With each swing the two swords let off a burst of their elements, stopping the attack in its tracks. Dante punched the two Rings into the Eryx Rudra. TWO! FIST STRIKE! He took up a running stance as the two swords built up their elements. Then he started forward. “Huh REH!” shouted Dante as he unleashed a barrage of slashes that carved hundreds of cuts into the Gluttony Phantom’s body.

The Phantom pulled himself back to his feet, slowly and painfully. “Just die already!” shouted Dante as he pressed down on the trigger inside the Eryx Angi. FIST STRIKE! Blue and red magic energy twisted around his body before gathering in his swords. They were covered in their elements as Dante raced forward. “Jet Stream!” roared Dante, his arms blurred as he slashed the Gluttony Phantom a thousand times in less than five seconds. Sparks flew from the Phantom as he fell to his knees and exploded in a ball of fire. “That’s how it’s done!” Dante crossed his arms.

“Come on!” ordered Symbol as they ran to the centre chamber. There was a large statue with a device pointed at a wall on a circle shaped platform. Following where the statue was pointing, they saw that it was aimed at a door that was blocked shut by rubble. 

“Well, we can’t go that way, so let’s go this way!” Symbol ran through a door that was up a short flight of stairs.

Her Gem Maiden Servants followed.

“Wait for me!” shouted Dante as he ran after her.

In front of them were three doors, in front of each door was a small pillar with runic text written on it. In front of the three pillars was a fourth identical pillar.

“Any idea what these things say?” Dante asked his sister.

Symbol looked at the pillars. “No clue,” she replied. She turned to the Gem Maidens. “Can any of you read this?” she asked.

“Negative, Master” replied Weapon.

“No, Sir,” added Grimm.

“This is Phantom code, Mistress,” replied Mega.

“Can you two?” Symbol asked the Swift Agni and the Swift Rudra.

“Yes, Daughter of Sparda,” replied the Swift Angi.

“We can,” added the Swift Rudra.

“Then please do so,” she held them up to the white pillar.

“Passing one trial still show’s lacking,” spoke the Swift Angi.

“Passing two trials expands horizons,” added the Swift Rudra.

“Passing all trials unlocks one’s true potential,” the two of them finished at the same time.

“That answers exactly nothing!” shouted Dante.

“Guy’s explanation please?” asked Symbol.

“This is the Chamber of the three trials,” explained the Swift Angi.

“Each of those three doors makes up one trial,” added the Swift Rudra.

“Passing each one will get you an essence orb,” continued the Swift Agni.

“The first two will make the Goddess Statue in the last chamber blast open the blocked door,” continued the Swift Rudra.

“Completing all three will lower the beam emission point into a new weapon,” finished both guns at the same time.

“It feels like I’m in a tennis match! Make it stop!” shouted Dante.

“Don’t pretend that it would not have taken us ages to find out without their help!” snapped out Symbol. “Thanks you two,” she spoke to the Swift Angi and the Swift Rudra.

“Let’s go and do this one!” Dante ran into the centre trial.

“He could have at least waited for you two to read the pillar,” muttered Symbol as she and her Gem Maiden Servants followed Dante.

She ran into the Trial of Skill which was in the shape of a long corridor with holes lining it. “I don’t even need to play Tomb Raider to see what’s about to happen.”

Dante crossed the line onto the holes. Sparks sprayed from his armour as he was stabbed by the many spears that shot out of the floor. “Argh!” Dante was thrown back to the start.

“You three help him,” Symbol ordered her Gem Maiden Servants. “Can you two help me with this?” Symbol asked the Swift Angi and the Swift Rudra.

“Yes,” replied the Swift Agni.

“We can,” replied the Swift Rudra.

“We will provide when the spears are going to emerge!” they both shouted at the same time.




















Thanks to their help, Symbol was easily able to get to the end of the Trial and reach the red sphere aka the Essence of Technique. 

“Now I’ll need your help to get back,” stated Symbol. 

“Why?” asked the Swift Agni.

“What do you mean why?!” demanded Symbol. “I don’t want to be hit by spears!”

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about them,” replied the Swift Rudra.

“Why not?!” demanded Symbol.

“The Essence of Technique was powering them, without it the spears have gone inactive,” explained both guns at the same time. 

“What a relief,” Symbol started walking back, only to be hit in the backplate by a Blood Gargoyle Phantom.

“Which also summoned Phantoms to this location,” explained the Swift Rudra.

“Tell me that sooner next time!” shouted Symbol as she kicked the Blood Gargoyle Phantom in the face.

“We didn’t know!” explained the Swift Rudra.

Symbol backflipped away from a claw and slammed her glove down on the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. She jumped over another claw and kicked the Phantom in the face as she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. Then she twisted, avoiding a wing slash as she held the Swift Agni and the Swift Rudra in front of her Driver. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! C RANK SPELL! “Go flying!” shouted Symbol as she fired a barrage of wind blasts from the Swift Rudra. Sparks flew from the Blood Gargoyle Phantom as he was sent flying back. He turned to stone while still in the air and shattered on the ground.

“Huh,” Symbol blinked. “That was a lot easier than I thought it would be,” she muttered. Suddenly, three glowing lights appeared from Symbol’s belt and hovered in front of her. “What on earth?” muttered the Kamen Rider. The lights were silver, blue and brown. They slowly took on the forms of the Wing, Sniper and Turbo Rings.

Symbol was shocked for a second, then she steeled her nerves and thrust her right glove forwards, the Rings slotted themselves onto her right index, ring and little fingers. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever and then scanned her right glove across its Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! WING SNIPER TURBO PLEASE!

All three magic circles appeared over her helmet and fell through her, transforming Symbol into her new Swift substyle. The Neon yellow S in the centre of her chest plate was surrounded by three logos, each was at the point of an inverted triangle. The right point logo was a pair of silver wings, while the left point was a blue lock on logo and the bottom point was a brown turbine logo. Coming out of her backplate were the white angelic Flight Wings and a jet turbine was positioned on each shoulder blade, these are the Boosted Flight Wings. The Sniper Rifle appeared in her hand, but it had a pair of jet turbines on its sides, this is the Boosted Sniper Shooter.

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol, Swift Agni and Rudra Style, Wing Sniper Turbo Substyle.

“Nice,” nodded Dante as he punched a Gluttony Phantom in the face.

“Thanks!” replied Symbol. “I am going to enjoy trying this out!” she dodged a slash from a Gluttony Phantom as she pressed the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. She dodged to the side and punched the Phantom in the face as she scanned her right glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! WING MAGIC PLEASE! The Boosted Flight Wings glowed as they shifted into metal. She used one of them to block the Gluttony Phantom’s breath attack as her thrusters propelled her through it. Then she used the other Boosted Flight Wing to smash the Phantom into a wall and drag him through the wall before throwing him to the ground.

“Take that you-!” before Symbol could finish her insult, the Phantom threw his scythe at her, it clipped her in the side and sent her smashing into the ground. She got back up and had to use the Boosted Sniper Shooter to block a downwards slash. “Get off me!” Symbol kicked the Phantom back as she pressed the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. “Final!” then she blasted the Phantom with two energy bolts, forcing him back as she scanned her right glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE! Blue energy raced up the Boosted Sniper Shooter before being shot out in a thin beam. It cut through the air and drilled a hole through the Phantom’s head, causing him to fall over and explode into a pile of ash.

Kamen Rider Weapon jumped away from a Blood Gargoyle Phantom before darting back in and punching him across the face, sending teeth flying. She removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver and took the Crescent Rose Whistle out of the Knuckle. She replaced it with a new Whistle, it was pink and the head looked like a hammer. M-A-G-N-H-I-L-D! Weapon pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into her right palm before using it to punch the Blood Gargoyle Phantom away. R-E-A-D-Y! Then she reattached it to the Weapon Driver as the Blood Gargoyle Phantom flew at her. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour shot out of the Weapon Driver and knocked the Phantom away before slamming into Weapon.

The scythe and sniper rifle on her chest plate transformed into a pink warhammer and grenade launcher as the cross on her faceplate closed back up.

Weapon pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver as the Blood Gargoyle Phantom transformed into a drill of blood red energy. L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G H-A-M-M-E-R! She held out her left glove and there was a flash of pink light as a large warhammer appeared out of thin air. The Phantom charged as the second command kicked in. E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T C-H-A-R-G-E! She pulled back the Lightning Hammer and slammed it into the ground, making a wall of rocks appeared. The Phantom slammed into the wall and bounced off with a pained roared.

While she had an opening, Weapon pressed the Knuckle into her Driver again. S-T-O-R-M G-R-E-N-A-D-E L-A-U-N-C-H-E-R! The Lightning Hammer folded and collapsed in on itself, transforming into the Storm Grenade Launcher. The Blood Gargoyle Phantom smashed into the wall again and this time he drilled through it. E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! Weapon dodged to the side and fired a grenade, it smashed into the Phantom and drove him back before exploding violently. The whole place shook.

“Woah!” shouted Symbol as she stumbled around. 

“Watch it!” Dante snapped at Kamen Rider Weapon.

“For once, I agree with my Brother!” shouted Symbol.

“You have my apologies, Master,” replied Kamen Rider Weapon.

“Don’t call me Master!” shouted Symbol.

“Yes, Master,” replied Weapon.

“ARGH!” shouted Symbol in anger.

“That will never stop being funny,” stated Dante.

“Shut up!” roared Symbol.

They ran back into the room of Three Trials.

“Now this time let’s wait for Agni and Rudra to translate- DAMN IT DANTE!” shouted Symbol as her Brother ran into the room on the right.

Symbol ran after him, just in time to see a pair of wheel fire puzzles block the path to the essence.

Five Pride Phantoms jumped down from the ceiling, but something was different about them. Their bodies were covered in a black aura and their eyes were glowing.

“Only five Pride Phantoms?” scoffed Dante. “This should be easy!” he dashed forward with the Rebellion Blade drawn.

“Dante! Wait!” shouted Symbol. “Something’s not right!”

She was too late. Dante brought the Rebellion Blade down, only for it to bounce off the aura. “What!” suddenly he was smacked by the Phantom and sent flying back. “That was much more powerful than usual!” he stated in shock.

“Ok, I can accept that a Lust Phantom could do this, but how the hell does a Pride Phantom have a Phantom Trigger?!” demanded Symbol.

“What?!” shouted Dante.

“It is the magic of this trial!” explained the Swift Agni.

“You must light both crests in order to force the Phantoms back into their normal forms!” explained the Swift Rudra.

“Tell us that sooner next time!” shouted Dante.

“Your the one that ran on ahead!” shouted Symbol as she ducked under a slash and pressed the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever three times. Then she jumped back from a horizontal slash and scanned her right glove in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! TURBO MAGIC PLEASE! The turbines on her shoulder blades moved and fired a blast of wind that forced the Phantom back several feet.

“That would have normally killed a Pride Phantom!” muttered Symbol in shock. The Pride Phantom ran at her and she ducked under a slash as she hit the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. She stood back up, getting slashed across the chest plate in the process. “Argh!” Symbol staggered back, managing to scan her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! She took up a solid stance as the Boosted Flight Wings flared. “Rain of Feathers!” Symbol flapped the Boosted Flight Wings and fired a barrage of feathers. They shot through the air and sliced into the Pride Phantom, cutting him to pieces.

Or at least they would have if the aura hadn’t deflected all of them.

“Are you kidding me?!” shouted Symbol as the Pride Phantom raced forward and slashed her several times across. Sparks flew from her chest armour as she was sent flying backward. “Let’s give this a go!” Symbol switched the Wing Ring for the Arrow Ring. She jumped over a slash as she switched the Sniper Ring for the Blade Ring. She landed on the blade of the scythe, which had stuck itself into the wall, as she switched the Turbo Ring for the Zoomer Ring. Symbol booted the Phantom in the face, making him stagger back as she hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. Then she jumped off the scythe as she held her right glove in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! ARROW BLADE ZOOMER PLEASE! Then Symbol held her right glove into the air.

The Arrow, Blade and Zoomer magic circles appeared in the air and fell through her. The Wing, Sniper and Turbo logos on her chest were replaced by the Arrow, Blade and Zoomer logos respectively. Her Zoomer Grieves appeared on her legs, while her left shoulder pauldron and arm guard turned into their arrow forms. Her right arm guard and shoulder pauldron turned into their blade forms. The Buzz Bow appeared in her gloves, only the bow part was burnt orange and the grip was coloured light green, this is the Blade Bow. 

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol, Swift Style, Arrow Blade Zoomer Substyle. 

Symbol quickly pulled back on the Blade Bow and fired a green bolt of energy that bounced off the Phantom’s aura. “Final!” Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. She jumped over a scythe slash as she scanned her right glove in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! ARROW MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol pulled back on the Blade Bow and fired another arrow. This arrow shot through the air and transformed into a buzzsaw.

Symbol got ready for when this attack failed, only for the Phantom to lose his aura. He looked shocked by this, right before the buzzsaw cut his head in half, his body fell to the floor.

Symbol whipped around and saw that Weapon was standing by one lit wheel and Mega was standing next to another lit wheel. “Good job you two!” she called.

“We live to serve,” replied Mega.

“Thank you, Mistress,” replied Weapon.

B-E-O-W-U-L-F B-I-T-I-N-G! Grimm jumped back and slashed at that Pride Phantom that had come after her. The Beo Claws appeared in a flash of black mist as she slashed the Phantom, only for the protective aura to stop her assault. The Pride Phantom raised his scythe and was about to bring it down. M-A-G-N-E-T A-T-T-A-C-K! Only for Grimm to fire off a wave of magnetic energy that forced the Phantom’s scythe out of his grip.

While the Pride Phantom ran after his scythe, Weapon removed the Aura Knuckle from the left side of the Grimm Driver and switched out the Magnet Whistle for the Lightning Channel Whistle. Which was pink with a lightning bolt for a head. L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G C-H-A-N-N-E-L! She pressed the right side of the Aura Knuckle into her right glove as the Pride Phantom grabbed his scythe. R-E-A-D-Y! The Phantom came charging back as Weapon slotted the Knuckle back into her Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour flew out and slammed back into her, transforming the magnet background of her chest armour into a pink lightning bolt background.

The Pride Phantom ran at Grimm and slashed down towards her as she dodged to the side. Then she pressed the right side of the Aura Knuckle into the left side of the Grimm Driver. B-E-O-W-U-L-F B-I-T-I-N-G! Black mist covered her arms and solidified into the Beo Claws. She used them to block another slash, only for her knees to buckle as she threw the scythe away. Grimm slashed the Pride Phantom several times, only for his aura to block each attack. L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G B-O-L-T! Weapon covered the Beo Claws in pink lightning before firing a pink lightning bolt from them. While the Pride Phantom was not harmed by the attack, he was still forced backwards several steps.

At that moment the Pride Phantom’s aura vanished.

He was startled.

Grimm did not hesitate to take advantage as she ran toward the Pride Phantom and pressed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver once more. B-E-O-W-U-L-F T-E-A-R-I-N-G! Her boots were covered in black mist as they transformed into the legs of a Beowulf. L-I-G-H-T-N-I-N-G S-T-O-R-M! Grimm leapt into the air and kicked out, firing a pink lightning bolt from the Beo Legs. It shot through the Phantom and electrocuted him from the inside out, causing him to explode.

Dante looked around and saw the reason for the Phantom’s aura shutting off. “Looks like you lot made yourselves useful for once!” he shouted.

“Dante, shut up!” ordered Symbol as she grabbed the green orb that was the Essence of Fighting.

They ran back out of the room.

“I don’t know why I’m surprised!” shouted Symbol as Dante ran straight into the final trial. She chased after her Brother and found herself in a room with four doors. Each of which had several red dots above it, one, two, three and four. “What do those dots mean?” asked Symbol.

Suddenly, Dante came running out of the single dotted door. “What the-?!” he shouted as he saw Symbol. “But I could have sworn I ran straight!”

“What are you talking about?” demanded Symbol.

Red barriers sealed up the doors.

“Just great! Nice going Dante!” shouted Symbol.

“What did I do?” asked Dante.

“You didn’t wait for me! We’re a team!” bellowed Symbol. “A family! We’re supposed to stay together,” Symbol slumped. “I’ve nearly lost you once before. I can’t lose you for real.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry,” apologised Dante. “I’ll try to keep with the group from now on!” he promised.

“Good!” replied Symbol as she dried her eyes.

The touching moment was spoiled when the Phantoms arrived.

“READ THE MOOD!” roared Symbol and Dante.

Symbol dodged back as a Lust Phantom charged at her. She pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once as she leapt over a sweep that would have cut her ankles off. “You’re taking the reaper image a bit too seriously!” she shouted as she scanned her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! C RANK SPELL! Symbol took aim with the Swift Agni and fired a bullet of red energy. It shot through the air and splattered the Lust Phantom’s skull.

“This is so much easier now that they don’t have that black protection!” shouted Dante as he caved another Blood Gargoyle Phantom’s head in.

“You won’t get an argument from me!” shouted Symbol as she hit the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. She ran past a Pride Phantom as he tried to slash her and scanned her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! B RANK SPELL! She pointed the Swift Rudra at the back of the Pride Phantom’s head and unleashed a clip of bullets that destroyed him.

Symbol used the Swift Angi to block a slash from another Lust Phantom and then hit the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. She forced the Phantom back and then parried a slash from the next Pride Phantom with the Swift Rudra as she scanned her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! A RANK SPELL! Both of the guns were covered in their elements as she darted forward and unleashed a barrage of slashes. A storm of sparks flew from the two Pride Phantoms before Symbol ended the combo on a single hard slash. The two Phantoms fell down and exploded from the damage.

Suddenly, Symbol tensed and jumped into the air as a Blood Gargoyle Phantom flew under her. “Nice try! SHIT!” Symbol looked up, just in time for another Blood Gargoyle Phantom to colid with her chest plate. She was pulled to the ground and the two of them rolled along it before stopping as Symbol kicked the Phantom off her. She had been able to press the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times and now she scanned her right glove over its Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! BLADE MAGIC PLEASE! The two Blood Gargoyle Phantoms lunged it, only to be forced back as a trio of buzzsaws appeared around Symbol, circling her as a shield. They cut into the Phantoms badly before the two Blood Gargoyle Phantoms were able to reverse their momentum.

“You are not getting away!” Symbol hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever three times and was slashed across the backplate by a Lust Phantom that dashed in from behind. “I’ll take you out too!” shouted Symbol as she scanned her right glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE! The Zoomer Grieves glowed as she darted forwards, leaving behind an afterimage that the Lust Phantom slashed through, only to realise the deception too late. In the next second all three Phantoms were slashed five times. Symbol reappeared while flicking the Swift Agni and the Swift Rudra. All three Phantoms fell over and exploded as the delay on the damage was lifted.

LIQUID TUNE! Mega jumped into the air as a Sloth Phantom appeared behind her and slashed through the space she had just been standing in. She landed back on the ground and pulled out a new Whistle, it was coloured blue and the head looked like a ball of fire. She slotted it into the Mega Driver’s mouth and pressed down on the Driver. ATOMIC FIRE! Mega cupped both of her gloves and built up a ball of water. She raised the ball over her head and fired the orb forward. It roared through the air and smashed into the Sloth Phantom, driving him back and wrapping around him.

The Phantom was able to teleport away before he could be crushed and appeared behind Mega. FIRE TUNE! She transformed into her Fire Tune and blocked the scythe with her forearm as she slotted a new Whistle into the Mega Driver. It was red with the head being in the shape of a leaf, she pressed down on her Driver. LEAF SHIELD! Four burning leaves appeared around Mega, they joined together and blocked another swing from the Sloth Phantom’s scythe.

He gave out a rather creepy moan as he teleported around Mega at high speed, slashing her from every direction. Mega had no time to react as the Phantom was upon her in mere seconds. All Mega could see was a purple and white streak zipping around her, cutting into her armour. She quickly slotted the Light Tune Whistle into the Mega Driver and pressed down on it. LIGHT TUNE! She was covered in a sphere of orange light that transformed her into the Light Tune. Then Mega drew another Whistle. It was orange and its head looked like a needle, she slotted it into the Mega Driver’s mouth and pressed down. NEEDLE CANNON! Orange light gathered around Mega’s body before she threw her arms out, firing a storm of needles from her body. Several of them struck the Phantom and sent him flying backwards through the air. 

He skipped over the ground several times like a stone on the surface of a pond. The Sloth Phantom got back up and teleported toward Mega as she slotted the Liquid Tune Whistle into the Mega Driver and hit it. LIQUID TUNE! The Phantom closed the distance in three short bursts but was forced to stop as the shield of water appeared around Mega. Suddenly, she burst out of the shield and punched him in the chest before throwing a bomb at his face. It exploded with a loud bang and stunned him as she drew a new Whistle. It was blue and the head of it was shaped like a magnet. She placed it into the Mega Driver and pressed down. MAGNET MISSILE! Mega held up her right glove and fired a missile from it that was in the shape of a magnet. It shot through the air and pinned the Phantom to a wall, sealing his teleportation.

Mega slotted the Wind Tune Whistle into the Mega Driver and pressed down on it. THUNDER TUNE! She was covered in a sphere of wind as she transformed into the Wind Tune. She fired three blasts of energy at the Sloth Phantom as she drew a new Whistle. It was green and the head of it was in the shape of a laser. She fired a ball of energy and slotted the Whistle into the Mega Driver before pressing down on it. GEMINI LASER! Mega pointed at the Sloth Phantom with a single finger and fired a thin cutting beam. Three shots hit the Phantom, the ball of energy slammed into him and exploded. Finally, the cutting beam sliced off his right arm, making the Phantom roar in pain.

FIRE TUNE! Mega’s body was covered in red flames as she shifted back into the Fire Tune. She dashed toward the Phantom as she drew a new Whistle, it was coloured red and the head was in the shape of a fist. She punched the Sloth Phantom in the face and then slotted the Whistle into the Mega Driver. She uppercutted the Sloth Phantom into the air as she pressed down on her Driver. HARD KNUCKLE! Mega pulled back her right glove as she curled it into a fist before punching. Her fist flew off and shot through the air, smashed a hole through the Phantom and then returned to her arm. The Phantom had red lightning sparking over his body before he went up in a large explosion.

“Why me?” muttered Symbol. She turned to the Swift Agni and the Swift Rudra. “So what now?”

“Go through the door with four red dots,” explained the Swift Agni.

“Then through the door with two red dots,” added the Swift Rudra.

“Finally, go through the door with three red dots,” explained both guns at the same time.

“Why in that order?” asked Dante.

“They represent the phases of life,” replied the guns.

“Huh?” demanded Symbol.

“The four dots symbol a baby, when you crawl on all fours,” explained the Swift Agni.

“The two dots show an adult, when you walk on two feet,” added the Swift Rudra.

“Three dots show the last days of life, when you will need a cane to walk,” finished both guns at the same time.

“Huh,” replied Symbol.

“That’s dumb,” added Dante.

“Mistress Eva came up with it,” stated the two guns. 

“I take it back,” shouted Dante.

“That’ll teach him to think before he opens his big mouth,” chuckled Symbol as she took the blue orb that was the Essence of Intelligence.

They dashed back into the Mute Goddess Chamber, only to run into another Phantom horde.

“I’m really not surprise anymore,” stated Symbol as she dodged back, avoiding a Lust Phantom. Then she pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times as another Lust Phantom closed in on her from behind. She jumped, making the two Phantoms crash into her as she scanned her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Yellow magical energy covered her body as she pointed the Blade Bow into the air and pulled back on the arrow. Yellow energy was pulled into the Blade Bow as she took aim at the stunned Lust Phantoms. “Final Blade!” shouted Symbol as she fired an arrow and buzzsaw construct. Then she darted forward, kicking them both. The kinetic energy was transferred and they grew in size before shooting forward, the arrow shot through the first Lust Phantom and the buzzsaws cut through the second Lust Phantom. Both of them sparked several times before they both exploded.

Suddenly, Symbol bent into a split, avoiding another slash from a Sloth Phantom that had just teleported behind her. She ran toward a wall as she switched the Zoomer Ring for the Turbo Ring. The Sloth Phantom teleported in front of her and she slid under as slash as she hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. Then she ran up the wall, avoiding another slash as she scanned her right glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! ARROW BLADE TURBO PLEASE! The Turbo magic circle appeared above her as she ran up the wall and then she dashed through it. The Zoomer logo transformed into the Turbo logo. The Blade Bow and the Zoomer Grieves vanished. Symbol held out her right glove as a green crossbow with orange outlines and a pair of brown turbines under it appeared.

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol Swift Style Arrow Blade Zoomer Substyle and she was armed with the Charged Saw Crossbow.

Symbol jumped off the wall and took aim at the Sloth Phantom. As he teleported in front of her she hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. Symbol kicked off the wall, dodging a slash as she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO ARROW MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol fired a saw made of wind, it shot down through the air and threw up sparks as it cut into the Sloth Phantom’s scythe.

“Now’s my chance!” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice as she landed back on the ground. Then she took aim at the Sloth Phantom as she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! BLADE MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol took aim with the Charged Saw Crossbow and fired a pair of buzzsaws. “Final!” they shot through the air, spiralling around each other as they smashed into the Sloth Phantom. He shouted in pain as he was cut into by the saw until he went up in a loud explosion.

Then Symbol was forced to duck under a trio of blue arrows that an Enigma Phantom fired at her. She ran toward the Phantom as the other Kamen Riders continued their fights.

Speaking of which.

WATER TUNE! X jumped back as an Enigma Phantom shot at her. She fired a blast of water from her left glove, washing three blue arrows out of the air. She pulled out a new Whistle as she fired another blast, knocking the Enigma Phantom off balance. The Whistle was green and the head of it was in the shape of a buzzsaw. She slotted it into the X Driver as she summoned a barrier of wind, knocking a red arrow off course. Then she pressed down on her Driver. SPIN WHEEL! X slammed her right glove onto the ground and fired a buzzsaw that crawled along the ground towards the Enigma Phantom. He fired a red arrow that shot through the air and clashed with the buzzsaw.

The Phantom fired another three blue arrows into the air. X fired another blast of water, only for the arrows to cut through the wind. She switched the Water Tune Whistle for the Wind Tune Whistle before hitting her Driver. WIND TUNE! She was covered by a barrier of wind that blew all three arrows away from her. X punched forward, firing an orb of water that smashed into the Phantom, knocking him off balance. X drew a new Whistle, it was blue and the head was in the shape of a mine. She slotted it into the X Driver and pressed down as she avoided another red arrow. MAGNET MINE! Mega fired blue orb that shot through the air and pulled the arrows into it before exploding. The energy from the explosion was forced into a beam that slammed into the Phantom, knocking him onto his back.

EARTH TUNE! A sphere of earth surrounded X as she raced forward and pulled the Phantom to his knees, punching him twice. Then she drew a new Whistle, it was brown and the head looked like a crystal. She kneed the Phantom in the groin and then slotted the Whistle into the X Driver before hitting down on it. CRYSTAL HUNTER! X’s right glove transformed into a double sided crystal sword. She ran forward and slashed the Phantom, crystal spread over his body from the point that X had cut. X picked him up and threw the Phantom away, he flew through the air and smashed into the Mute Goddess Statue, shattering.

“I’m glad that thing’s not a real Goddess Statue,” commented Symbol.

“Why’s that?” asked Dante.

“I don’t want to be cursed!” replied Symbol.

“Are you sure it isn’t a real Goddess Statue?” asked Dante.

“DON’T SAY THAT!” shouted Symbol.

She ran up to the Mute Goddess Statue. “Here’s hoping you were right,” she slotted in the Essence of Fighting and nothing happened. 

“I knew it wasn’t going to work!” scoffed Dante.

Symbol gave him a look.

Dante shut up.

Symbol slotted the Essence of Technique into the second slot.

The Mute Goddess Statue fired a beam of purple energy that bore through the rocks in front of the exit. They were blown to kingdom come!

Symbol looked at Dante.

“Ok, maybe I need to think things through,” muttered Dante. “Now let’s go!” 

“First, let’s see what the third essence does,” replied Symbol as she slotted the Essence of Intelligence into the third and final slot.

The statue’s inner mechanisms caused it to fold inwards, lowering the beam emission point into reach. Revealing it to be a silver gun that could be strapped onto someone’s arm. It shot over to Dante and then fired a small ball of purple energy into Symbol’s Driver.

“That is Artemis!” the Swift Agni informed the Kamen Riders.

“It is a gun from the Phantom world,” added Rudra.

“It discharges arrows of concentrated energy!” they both proclaimed at the same time.

Dante turned his new weapon over in his gloves. “Interesting grip,” he noted. “What form do you think that ball of light change?” he asked his sister.

Symbol thought about it for a second. “Probably the Advance Style,” she replied to her brother’s question.

“Why that one?” asked Dante.

“It’s the only form that I don’t have a ranged weapon in,” she explained.

“Good point,” admitted Dante.

The group ran through the door and into the Dark Corridor, they ran around a corner.

Straight into a Phantom horde.

“I’m not even surprised anymore!” grunted Symbol.

“Tell me about it!” replied Dante.

“But Dante,” began Symbol.

Dante turned to look at his sister and saw that she was panting. “Sunset, what’s wrong?”

“We’re going to have to find a place to stop soon,” replied Symbol. “I need to rest.”

“Got it!” replied Dante.

Symbol switched the Arrow Ring for the Wing Ring and then pressed the Wizard Right Shift Lever. She jumped over an arrow from an Enigma Phantom and scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! WING BLADE ZOOMER PLEASE! Symbol held her right glove into the air as the Wing magic circle fell through her. The Wing logo in the right of her chest armour transformed into the Wing logo. Her Charged Saw Crossbow vanished in a flash of yellow light. Four metal bird wings burst out of her backplate. Each of them released a jet of red energy that took on the shape of an insect wing. 

She was now Kamen Rider Symbol Swift Style, Wing Blade Zoomer Substyle and was armed with the Bladed Wings.

Symbol dodged a slash from a Gluttony Phantom and hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. She saw a Wrath Phantom staggering towards her and scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! WING MAGIC PLEASE! Her Bladed Wings were covered in silver magical energy as they started to vibrate. The sound waves that they released caused the Wrath Phantom’s bomb to crack before going up in a large explosion. The Gluttony Phantom had not expected the explosion and was sent flying forward with a badly burned back.

“Ha! You weren’t expecting that! Were you?” shouted Symbol. The Gluttony Phantom got up and ran at her. “Eep!” Symbol would deny to her dying breath that she made that noise. She hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. The Gluttony Phantom swung at her, she scanned her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! BLADE MAGIC PLEASE! Just before the scythe could make contact, Symbol flapped the Bladed Wings, firing a barrage of feathers that shot through the air and slammed into the Gluttony Phantom. He felt like he had been punched by a giant fist as he flew back through the air and went up in an explosion.

Suddenly, Symbol was struck from all sides by four Lust Phantom that had materialized. She shouted in pain as she hit the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. She was slashed again, bringing her down to one knee as she scanned her right glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! ZOOMER MAGIC PLEASE! The insect wings of the Bladed Wings glowed as Symbol vanished, resulting in the Phantoms hitting each other. Sparks came from the contact point as the Phantom looked around in confusion.

They forgot to look up.

Symbol hovered in the air as she hit her Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. “Let’s see how you like this,” she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. COME ON A BLAST SHAKE HANDS! SWIFT! BLASTER STRIKE! Symbol’s body was covered in yellow magic energy as she started spinning, firing a barrage of feathers. They shot down through the air and exploded when they hit anything. Even the feathers that didn’t hit the Lust Phantoms were doing some damage as the Phantom fell over and turned to dust.

“Watch it!” shouted Dante as he avoided an explosion.

“Sorry!” shouted Symbol. “New command!”

“WATCH OUT!” shouted Dante as he pointed behind her.

Symbol turned around and saw a Lust Phantom lunging toward her. It was too late for her to reach her Driver.

EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE! A pair of Dolphins shot past her and slammed into the Phantom, they exploded, destroying him.

Symbol turned to Dante. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” replied Dante as they continued onward.

Near the top of the tower

The lady that the group had met after defeating the Cerberus Phantom was sitting on a rock. She finished working on the Arsenal Pistol, pulling open the back of it and fiddling around with some wires. There was a loud humming sound as gun powered back up. “Finally,” muttered the lady as she got back up and started to walk back inside.

“Well, well,” spoke Arkham from behind her.

The lady pulled out the Arsenal Phone, punched in the transformation code and slotted it back into her Driver. THREE! THREE! THREE! THREE! SYSTEM READY! LET’S HENSHIN! ARSENAL! GO! GO! ARSENAL! The lines spread through her before flashing as she transformed back into Kamen Rider Arsenal. ONE! FIVE! NINE! THREE! ARSENAL PISTOL! The Arsenal Pistol appeared and she spun around pointing it at Arkham.

“You’ve grown stronger,” he commented.

“Go to hell!” snarled out Kamen Rider Arsenal.

“You point a gun at me?” asked Arkham. “Your own kin? Your dear papa?” 

SEVEN! NINE! TWO! ZERO! BURST MODE! “The only family I ever had was my mother and she’s dead!” snapped out Arsenal. She fired several shots, only for her eyes to widen behind her helmet as she saw that Arkham had vanished.

“You break my heart!” called out Arkham mockingly his voice coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. 

Arsenal looked around.

“After all, it was I who gave you your name!” shouted Arkham.

Arsenal pointed the Arsenal Pistol up.

“My darling Daughter,” finished Arkham, who was standing on the ceiling, upside down!

Arsenal was shocked.

That was her biggest mistake.

Arkham dropped his book onto her faceplate, blinding Arsenal for half a second. He appeared in front of her, grabbed her arm, caught his book and threw her over the edge of the tower.

Arsenal opened fire frantically, hoping to take him to the afterlife with her.

A single bolt grazed the side of Arkham’s face, he reached up and rubbed the blood away before approaching the edge of the tower.

Arsenal glared at him with utter hatred in her eyes as she fell to her death.