//------------------------------// // Battling Your Emotions... Literally. // Story: Not Our Sunset // by YellowHornIsAGirl //------------------------------// Come to me, Sunset, let your demons possess you…  I awoke, drenched in sweat. I rose out of bed, wiping off my forehead. I picked up my phone to check the time. 3:00. Fantastic. I noticed I had a few new messages, one from Twi. Twilight: Can you meet me by the pier. Now would be great! Sent 2:50 A.M.  Sent Now Sure, I’ll meet you there! :You (Sunset Shimmer) I put my phone down and picked up my bag. I was still in my PJ’s, but the walk was only ten minutes there, so it wasn’t too much of a hassle. I slipped on a pair of slippers and began my jog there. As I arrived, I saw Twilight standing there, alone. I approached her and leaned against the edge. “What’s up Sparks?” I asked. “I can’t open the portal” She looked up at me. Her eyes were baggy, and looked as if she had just finished crying.  “What? After all the trouble we went through?” I asked, “Are you sure?” “Yes and no,” She began to tear up again, “I’m not ready to see her. Plus, she’s happy now. She’s getting married to a princess! It’s just, I couldn’t take the pressure of seeing her again.” “If it makes it any better,” I said, “I’ve had that happen before as well. The person I like is in love with someone else.” “Are they dating the person they love?” Twi asked. “No,” I replied, “And I don’t thi they ever will.” “Then ask them,” Twi gave me a faint smile, “Don’t let your fear conquer your love like it did with mine.” “Okay then,” I took a deep breath, “Twilight.” “Yea?” “WIll you go out with me?” I asked. “Sunset…” She looked down, “I’m so sorry, but no. I can’t. I barely know you! I mean, if I could get to know you better, maybe. But, like I said, I barely know you.” “Yeah, I mean I guess it does make sense,” I told her, faking a smile, “Well I’m gonna go home.” God I’m such an idiot. I can’t do anything write can I? I’m such an embarrassment. I pulled out my phone and headphones, put ‘em in and began the trek home. -S- “Sunset Shimmer!” Shit. I was caught. My 6’8” mom was standing in the doorway,  tapping her foot. “H-Hi mom…” I chuckled awkwardly. “It’s 4 in the morning, where were you!” She questioned, “You shouldn’t be out at this time!” “Leave me alone,” I muttered. “What was that?” Her voice went cold. “I said,” I stepped close, “Leave. Me. ALONE!” Then I felt it. I felt her hand against my cheek and the burning sensation afterwards.  I stood there for a few seconds before I stepped right in her face and said, “You’re not my mom. My mom left a long time ago.”  I pushed her away and bolted out the door. I didn’t need her. My dad was barely home when I lived with him anyway. He was either out, high, or both. I didn’t need a parent. I think I ran for a good 20 minutes, tears in my eyes until I heard a voice coming from a nearby alleyway. “Sunset…” The voice sounded… demonic. “H-Hello?” I asked. All of a sudden, a giant being with red wings appeared in my vision. I screamed and turned around and ran. After about a minute, I looked back, noticing the being was gone. I turned my head back and everything went black. Twilight P.O.V I shouldn’t have let her walk off like that. I hope she’s okay. She looked pretty upset. I tried calling her cell, but she didn’t answer. I didn’t want to wake the other girls, but I was getting nervous. What if she was in danger? What if she got hurt? I eventually gave up group called the other girls. “It’s 4:30! What do you want?!” I heard Rainbow whine. “I’m with Rainbow on this. Why'd ya call us this early in the mornin’?” Applejack added on. “I met up with Sunset and she ran off after I denied her love, and I think she might be hurt because I called her and she didn’t answer,” I told them. “I’m quite alright,” a demonic voice said from behind me. “Run!” They screamed. I dropped my phone and began sprinting. I had to high tail it out of there as fast as I could. She was gaining on me and quickly. “Stop!” I heard Sunset cry out, “Leave her alone!” The demon turned and looked at her. She stood there in pure grace and glory. But she looked angry or maybe even pissed.  “You thought you could knock me out and then use some weird magic to become physical?!” She stepped forward, “Well you got another thing coming if you think your gonna even touch her!” She came at the demon at full speed. The demon cackled, “Try me Shimmer! You’ll never win!” “I know…” Muttered Sunset, as she slid under the demon and grabbed me by the hand, “But we can!” I blushed. She was holding my hand quite tightly. I looked over at Sunset. Her face was beet red!  “T-That’s right!” I continued, “We’ll never give up, no matter what!” “So be it…” The demon cackled. Then Hell rained from the sky. Sunset P.O.V I waited for death, but it never came. I could still feel Twilight, but more than just her hand. I could feel her holding me. She was hugging me. And I couldn’t breathe. The fire let up and Twilight didn’t let go. “Um.. Twilight?” I blushed, harder than I already was. “Sorry!” She blushed even harder letting go. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say her nose was even bleeding a little.  “What?!” The demon screeched, “How are you even alive!” “We live on because of our friendship!” I stepped forward, “Because, even after a few days, I feel a connection with her. A connection stronger than evil!” “True friendship!” Twilight continued, “No! More than that! I feel something more. But even so, nothing can stop us, as long as we’re together!” “You fools think you can stop me!” She cackled, “I’d like to see you try!” “Oh really?” I smiled, “Then how about this!?” I kissed Twilight on the lips and dashed towards the demon, balling my fist. I made contact right with her gut, sending her flying back. I  threw another punch. Then another. One after the other, hitting the same spot. The demon fell to her knee. “Y-you won’t s-stop me,” She spat out, “Y-you c-could never s-stop me. I am invincible.” The demon attempted to hit me back, btu a purple hand stopped it. “That’s not happening…” Twilight kicked the demon in the face, “Now burn in hell.” “Together?” I smiled. “Together!” She confirmed. We rushed the demon, and together, landed one final blow. The demon fell, it’s body evaporating. “She will get her revenge…” Were the demon’s last words. We had won. The demon was gone. “Sunset!” Twilight took me by the hands. SHe looked deep into my eyes and then… smack! She slapped me across the face. “Ow…” I rubbed my face, “What was that for?!” “For scaring me! And this…” she kissed my lips, deeply, making me ask for more. When she pulled away, it felt like a part of me had left, “Is revenge for earlier!” “Yes!” Oh no. Not Pinkie. “Well that makes telling everyone easier,” Twilight giggled. I was happy. We were happy. Fin