Tale of Two Suns

by SuperPinkBrony12

The Sun Takes a Student, Part 2

As she was used to being an early riser, Sunset woke the next morning not long after the sun had come out. For a moment she forgot all about what had transpired the night before as she yawned, shaking the cobwebs from her mind. "Boy, I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamt I actually got to see the princess." She said to herself, the filly fully expecting to find herself in her bed at home.

But as her eyes opened fully she saw that she most certainly wasn't at her home. Everything look way more fancy, way more clean. So she hadn't dreamed up that encounter with Princess Celestia. She actually had been taken to the castle to spend the night. Which meant that her mom was certainly looking for her.

Sunset immediately threw off the covers and leaped down, scrambling to the door! It was locked tight. Oh well, nothing a little bit of magic couldn't fix. The filly shut her eyes and focused her attention on the door knob. She could feel the soft, tingling glow of her horn as it surrounded the door knob. If she'd kept her eyes open she would've noticed the light brilliant opal aura sparking out of the tip of her horn. The knob turned very slowly.

Sunset felt overwhelmed with pride. If only somepony were around to see this accomplishment. Her nightly lessons were finally paying off!

However, the little unicorn's thoughts quickly turned to more urgent matters. Namely finding a way out of the castle. Grateful as she was for Princess Celestia's hospitality, she really didn't want to be a burden and make her mother worry. Her mother worried enough as it was. And assuming her father was home... well he'd probably have a few "choice words" for his daughter for staying out past her designated bedtime.

The filly dashed out of the bedroom and out into the hallway. Her moderate cyan eyes were surprised at how... big said hallway was. But that was okay, she could find her way around without trouble. Worse came to worse she could always ask somepony who worked here, like maybe one of the guards?

The filly darted about from place to place, almost as if she were playing a game and trying to avoid being caught. But this wasn't a game, this was serious. Most ponies her age would be lucky to even catch a glimpse of the princess, let alone talk with her. And Sunset's mom had talked about how you usually didn't get to see Celestia without an appointment, whatever that was.

But Sunset didn't get far before she ended up running smack into Princess Celestia, who greeted her young charge with a smile that radiated the same warmth as the sun. "Ah, there you are, Sunset Shimmer. I was just coming to get you, but it seems you're already awake," She greeted in a gentle tone. "Did you sleep well last night?"

Sunset nodded ever so shyly, she didn't want to seem ungrateful. "Yeah, I slept fine. Better than any sleep I ever had in my own bed," She blushed and shrank a bit. "Uh, don't tell my mom I said that."

Celestia only chuckled as she bent down to the filly's level. "You have nothing to fear, Sunset. In fact, your mother and I were just talking. I bet you didn't realize that your mom works for me."

At that Sunset let out a gasp! "What?! No way! My mom works in this castle?!"

Celestia nodded as she scooped Sunset up and placed the filly onto her back. "Why yes. I was most surprised to learn this fact. Your mom is Sun Spot, correct? The head maid for the castle here?"

The filly commented. "Yeah, her name's Sun Spot. But I never knew she was your maid, she never told me."

The sun princess only smiled as she trotted down the hall with Sunset on her back. "Well you didn't think I kept this castle running smoothly all by myself, did you? Even a princess needs help from time to time," She proceeded to comment. "How did you get out of your room, may I ask? I specifically remember it being locked."

Sunset couldn't resist the opportunity to boast. "Please? A door like that I could open in my sleep. I told you I've been practicing. I think I'm getting really good with my magic." She lit up her horn again, creating a small heart projection.

Celestia seemed to be impressed if the slight change in her expression was anything to go by. "My, you certainly you show potential, Sunset. Why, I haven't seen so much magical power in somepony so young since..." She paused in her speaking as a brief image flashed in her mind. An image of her sister from long ago, when she really was little, before she'd been corrupted.

"Since who, princess?" Sunset inquired while tugging on Celestia's mane.

Celestia snapped back to reality. "Oh, no one of importance," She quickly corrected herself and decided to quickly change the subject. "Now, I believe we talked about you becoming my student last night, didn't we?"

Sunset blinked. "Did we? The whole thing was kind of a blur, I don't remember much of it."

The sun princess just lightly sighed. "Well, it doesn't matter. I'll need your mother's permission before I can take you on anyway. I've never actually had a student of my own before."

"But don't you have that school named after you? The one for gifted unicorns?" The filly questioned.

Celestia nodded. "True, but I only teach there on an occasional basis. I've never personally mentored a pony one on one before. But if what you've told me is true, then you are most definitely beyond the basics. You're at a level of study that most ponies your age wouldn't be ready for for a few more years still. Of course, it all depends on what your mother thinks. Ah, there she is now." She concluded as the two trotted into the throne room.

In the throne room itself stood a rather young looking unicorn mare, her coat only a slightly darker color of amber than Sunset's. But her mane only consisted of light red locks in a straight cut, and her eyes were sap green. Her cutie mark wasn't visible through the black and white apron and bonnet that she wore.

Sunset recognized the mare instantly, even though she had never seen said pony in such attire before. "Mom!" She hopped down from Princess Celestia and ran right up to the elder unicorn.

Sun Spot eagerly embraced her daughter. "Sunset, I'm glad you're okay. When you didn't come home last night I was worried sick. And you know I worry enough about things as it is, what with your father being out of town and all."

Sunset shrank anew. "Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to stay out so late and get lost. I was just practicing my magic, I'm getting really good at it! I can even open doors now!"

Sun Spot just lightly patted her daughter on the head. "That's definitely impressive, young lady. But I thought we agreed you're too young for magic lessons? That we were going to wait until you were a bit older before you were assigned an instructor?"

But Princess Celestia stepped forward and bowed her head. "Actually, Sun Spot, I would like to have the honor of taking Sunset under my wing personally. She certainly has a talent for high level magic, a talent that could lead to great things."

The filly began pleading. "Please, Mom?! Princess Celestia is so amazing and so caring! I wanna study with her! Can I?! Can I?!"

Sun Spot sighed. Her daughter was always easily excited. An offer from the princess herself didn't come often though. "Could I ever afford it? Magic lessons with the princess would cost a fortune," She thought to herself. "But if my husband were here, he'd probably say the cost is irrelevant compared to the benefits. Ponies would be lining up from miles around to see our daughter, the princess' student. And Sunset could use some friends."

Princess Celestia seemed to be aware of what Sun Spot was thinking as she pointed out. "You needn't worry about the cost, Sun Spot. The lessons won't cost you a thing. All I ask is a little bit of Sunset's time each day, probably up to six or seven hours. And I promise you your daughter's well being will be my number one concern."

With such a tempting offer, and such tempting looks from her own daughter, Sun Spot couldn't resist for long. "Alright, I suppose Sunset can study with you, princess," She commented. "At least that way I can keep an eye on her while I'm making my usual rounds of the castle. No more sneaking out for private lessons in the park."

Sunset whined. "Mom, I'm not three! I can take care of myself!"

Sun Spot shook her head. "It's my condition for agreeing to this. If you're going to learn magic, it's far better and far safer if you learn with somepony I can trust. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait until your father and I decide you're ready to take lessons from a personal instructor of our choosing."

The little unicorn frowned, folding her hooves. "You're so unfair, Mom."

"I'm just trying to make sure my little filly doesn't get into trouble," Sun Spot lightly scolded. "Someday when you're older, you'll understand."

And Celestia was quick to comment. "You should listen to your mother's concerns, Sunset Shimmer. If you're going to be my student, you'll have to agree to take lessons on my time and not necessarily your time. And some of the things I may teach you will be far too dangerous to attempt by yourself."

Sunset just sighed, reluctantly agreeing. "Oh, alright. So, when do I start the lessons?" She asked the princess.

"Not for a few days, Sunset. First I'll need to readjust my schedule so that we have time to spend together," Celestia cautioned. "And I expect you to study hard and work hard."

Sunset nodded her head and gave a salute! "Don't worry, Princess Celestia! I won't let you down!" But what neither could know at the time, was that it was a promise the filly wouldn’t be able to keep.