Sunset's Journey

by Alphajeager1

S2E3 The Phantom's Tower

“Hey! Wake up!” Dante slowly came awake. His vision cleared and he saw a face that he never thought he’d see again.

His sister, Sunset Shimmer Sparda.

Sunset looked relieved. “You're ok,” she stated in relief. 

Suddenly, Dante surged forwards and wrapped his arms around his little big sister.

“Dante? What are you-?” asked a startled Sunset.

“I am so, so sorry,” apologised Dante.

“It’s ok,” replied Sunset.

“But-!” protested Dante.

Sunset cut him off. “Dante, how long has it been since we last saw each other.”

Dante frowned. “Just under ten years. But what does that have to do with-?”

“During which you thought I was dead?” asked Sunset.

“Yes?” it was more of a question.

“Then I cannot blame you for thinking that I was an imposter. Especially since I was with ten Gem Maidens.”

Dante looked like he was about to say something else. 

Sunset cut him off again. “Also, how long did it take you to figure out it was me?”

Dante looked down. “About two minutes.”

“If that Phantom had not taken you over, then would you have stopped?” asked Sunset.

Dante nodded.

“Then there is nothing to blame you for,” added Sunset.

“But,” continued Dante.

“The Dante I know accepts blame where it is due and would know that he is not to blame for this,” Sunset cut him off again. “Now close your eyes, shake your head and come to your senses.”

Dante stared at her.


Dante quickly did so and when he opened his eyes, he felt much better than before. “Thanks sis, I needed that,” he thanked.

“Damn right you did,” replied Sunset.

Dante stared at her. “Since when did you swear?!” he demanded. “Come to think of it, why are there Gem Maidens taking orders from you. What happened to you?!”

Sunset sighed. “When I was sucked into that portal, I was sent into another dimension. One that moves faster than this one. While its been ten years for you, to me its been less than a day. There I met Mom-”

“MOM?!” demanded Dante.

“It was a construct that housed her mind,” explained Sunset. “She was being attacked by a Phantom that was these four,” she pointed to Lightning Dust, Gilda, Lyra and Bon Bon. “In disguise. They had escaped from the Gem Maidens before, becoming Kamen Riders in the process. They were recaptured and transformed back into Gem Maidens before being sent to toture Mom. When I freed them they bound themselves to me.”

“Why would they do that?!” demanded Dante in shock.

“I have no idea,” replied Sunsetbluntly. “On the way out we were attacked by another Phantom that was really these six,” she pointed at Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. “Their story is the same as the other four.”

Dante glanced at his sister. “If anyone but you had said that, then I’d tell them to get their head checked,” he admitted.

“I wouldn’t blame you,” replied Sunset.

Suddenly, the ground started to shake.

“What now?!” shouted Sunset.

A short distance away, the ground cracked and fissured as a giant tower rose out of it. The tower spun for several seconds like a giant drill bit before grinding to a halt. It looked like it was Roman in origin and had several pathways on the outside of it while the top of it had four large points that hovered a short distance away. 

“That’s something you don’t see everyday,” commented Dante.

“No kidding,” replied Sunset. Then she saw something at the top of the tower. She squinted and saw: “Vergil?” she questioned out loud.

“It’s been nearly a year since we last met,” commented Dante.

Sunset glanced at her Brother and saw him staring at his twin.

“Where does the time go?” questioned Dante.

All of a sudden, the Vanguard Phantom got back up and leapt away.

“I thought that thing was dead!” shouted Sunset.

“So did I” replied Dante. “Let’s move!”

“Come on you lot!” Sunset shouted to the Gem Maidens.

“Yes Sir,” replied Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity.

“Alright, my master,” added Lightning Dust, Gilda, Lyra and Bon Bon.

“They call you Sir?” asked Dante in amusement.

“Shut up,” muttered Sunset with a red face.

Atop the tower

Vergil stood, gazing down at the abandoned world with the Yamato Katana planted into the ground. 

The man who had summoned the Phantom’s into Dante’s shop approached Vergil from behind.

Vergil turned his head slightly. “Arkham,” he greeted.

“Well? Doesn’t it excite you?” asked the now named Arkham. “The Tem-ni-gru has revived. The great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the human world and Phantom world,” Now he was beside Vergil. “Isn’t it a magnificent view. The greatest minds of their time, those who revered evil. Constructed this glorious edifice. Now after two millenniums of confinement. It can at least fulfil the purpose for which it was intended.”

“That none of my concern.” Vergil interrupted before Arkham could get any more insane sounding. “Did he have it?”

“Of course,” replied Arkham not even needing to ask what Vergil was talking about. “He’s taking good care of it. After all, it is the only memento left from the mother you both lost.” 

Vergil reached down and looked at his own amulet that was sky blue as opposed to Dante’s blood red one. “But he has no idea of what it really is or of its true power,” stated the third Kamen Rider. 

The Vanguard Phantom appeared and shrieked at him. 

Vergil walked away with the Phantom following before it froze when he drew Yamato Katana. He placed the blade back in the sheath and the Phantom shattered. “This would be so much easier if Sunset was still alive,” muttered Vergil. “All three amulets are needed to create the Perfect Amulet. We can only hope that the tower will not reject this facsimile,” he held up an amulet that looked similar to the yellow one that was around Sunset’s neck.

“That might not be a problem much longer,” stated Arkham.

Vergil turned to him sharply. “Just what do you mean by that?” he asked.

“I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise,” replied Arkham as he continued to read his book.

Street Level

Outside of a cinema, a portal burst open. It was made of glowing red and black energy that twisted and spiralled as a vortex. 

There was a loud engine roar as a motorbike burst out of it before the portal snapped closed with a gunshot sound.

The bike was red and had silver tailpipes, silver handlebars and black wheels with silver insides. The silver engine was exposed on the side and had clearly been heavily modified as it was much bigger, too big to fit inside the bike.

On the bike was a female human. She had dark chin length hair on both sides of her face and a fringe that reached to her eyebrows. She had many scars over her body, the most prominent being the one across her nose. She wore a necklace with a red gem on it. Her left eye was red while her right eye was a bluish green. She wore a schoolgirl outfit. It was comprised of a short white blouse that left her midriff bare and sleeves that reached just past her elbows. The outfits skirt was made of protective plating instead of the usual fabric, underneath it was dark black and purple shorts, she wore a utility belt that held gun magazines. Connected to the belt was a harness, she wore dark brown gloves and orange-brown knee high boots with black socks underneath them. She wore a second belt, just above her utility belt, it was silver with a rectangle shaped hole in the front of it that had a pair of red vertical lines highlighting it.

“I finally found it,” muttered the Girl. 

Phantom’s approached her from behind.

She pulled out a silver flip shut phone and typed in a code. FIVE! SEVEN! TWO! The dial tone played for a second. JET BIKE! FULL POWER! Her bike roared to life as she gunned the throttle and shot away from the Phantoms. The exhausts spewed out flames that set the Phantoms on fire.

“So what the hell is going on between you and Vergil?” demanded Sunset as she and Dante turned onto the street that the lady had just left. 

“What do you mean?” asked Dante.

“I could sense the hostility between the two of you the second you lock eyes with him,” deadpanned Sunset. “Now spill!”

“It sounds stupid, saying it out loud,” muttered Dante. “But we kind of blamed each other for your so called death,” he muttered.

Sunset stopped and stared at her Brother. “That is by far the dumbest thing that has even come out of your mouth.”

“I think I already knew that but was too stubborn to admit it,” replied Dante.

At that moment the Phantoms approved.

“We’ll talk about this later,” warned Sunset.

“Why do I get the feeling that I’m not going to be hearing the end of this for a long time?” questioned Dante.

“Because you're absolutely right,” replied Sunset.

Dante held his Driver on Ring in front of his belt buckle. DRIVER ON! The magic circle appeared and transformed his belt buckle into his Driver.

Sunset held her right hand down in front of her belt buckle. DRIVER ON PLEASE! The magic circle appeared and transformed her belt buckle into the Wizard Driver.

Gilda swiped her left hand from right to left as the Weapon Driver appeared on her waist. She drew the Crescent Rose Whistle and slotted it in. C-R-E-S-C-E-N-T R-O-S-E!

Lyra swiped her right hand from right to left as the Grimm Driver materialized on her waist. She pulled out the Beowulf Whistle and slammed it into the Grimm Driver. B-E-O-W-U-L-F!

Lightning Dust stepped up to Gilda’s left and let the Dust Knuckle materialize in her left hand. She slotted the Fire Dust Whistle into it. F-I-R-E D-U-S-T! 

Bon Bon walked up to Lyra’s right and allowed the Aura Knuckle to appear in her right hand. She slotted the Rose Speed Whistle into it. ROSE SPEED! 

Lightning Dust slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into her left palm while Bon Bon pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her right palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Boomed both of the Knuckles.

Pinkie Pie let the Mega Driver appear on her waist and slotted the Fire Tune Whistle into it. FIRE TUNE! A pair of chains shot out of the Mega Driver, they stabbed into Rarity and Fluttershy’s chests. Neither girls made a sound as their bodies were broken down into quicksilver that traveled along the chains.

Applejack made the X Driver materialize on her waist and slotted the Wind Tune Whistle into it. WATER TUNE! Two chains shot out of the X Driver, they stabbed into Rainbow Dash’s and Twilight Sparkle’s chests. Neither girls showed any sign of pain as they were turned into quicksilver and pulled through the chains.

“HENSHIN!” shouted Dante and Sunset.

“Henshin,” droned the other girls.

Dante punched the Rebellion Ring into his Driver’s left slot and turned his wrist forwards. SET! OPEN! R-E-B-E-L-L-I-O-N! The Rebellion magic circle appeared from his Driver and moved back through him, transforming Dante into Kamen Rider Dante Rebellion Style. Then he slammed the Chamelio Swordmaster Ring into his Driver’s right slot. CHAMELIO He turned his wrist forwards. GO! Then he flung his right glove out to the side. S-S-S-SWORDMASTER! The Chamelio Swordmaster magic circle appeared and moved through him, transforming Dante’s right shoulder pauldron into the Chamelio Swordmaster Mantle.

Sunset pressed down on the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever and scanned her left hand across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! ACTIVE PLEASE! LET’S GO! She held her left hand out to the side, the Active magic circle appeared to her left and moved through her.

Lightning Dust connected the right side of the Dust Knuckle to the left side of the Weapon Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared and moved back, combing Gilda and Lightning Dust into Kamen Rider Weapon.

Bon Bon pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle to the right side of the Grimm Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared in front of them, it moved back, combining Lyra and Bon Bon into Kamen Rider Grimm.

The quicksilver reached the end of the chains, transforming Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity into Kamen Rider Mega.

The quicksilver slammed into Applejack, transforming Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Twilight Sparkle into Kamen Rider X.

MAGICAL TOUCH GO! ACTIVE! C RANK SPELL! Symbol covered her right glove in red lightning as she curled it into a fist and punched a Pride Phantom in the face. The Phantom staggered back as sparks come from its body.

MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! BOOST BIND PLEASE! Then she jumped into the air as she transformed into the Active Boost Bind Style. “Ha!” MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! BIND MAGIC PLEASE! She stomped on the ground and orange chains of energy burst out of the ground and wrapped around the Phantom.

Then Symbol pressed the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times before scanning her left glove across the Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Red energy gathered around the right Boost Grieve as Symbol spun around and kicked out, firing a red chain through the air. It shot forwards and slammed through the Phantom, digging a hole into its chest and causing it to explode.

Seeing a Wrath Phantom staggering towards her, Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring and pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever before scanning her left glove across the Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! BURST PLEASE! CAST THE SPELL! She held her left glove out to the side as the Burst magic circle appeared behind her and moved through her.

The Wrath Phantom was almost on her so Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice then scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! BURST! B RANK SPELL! Water in the air froze over, turning into four shurikens made of ice that shot forwards and cut through the bomb, causing it to explode.

“That was a bad idea!” shouted Symbol as she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice and swiped her left glove. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! BURST! A RANK SPELL! Symbol pressed her left palm to the ground and summoned a wall made of earth that stopped the blast from reaching her. Although the blast did still destroy a pair of Lust Phantoms.

Suddenly, an Enigma Phantom fired an arrow that slammed into Symbol’s chest plate. “Argh!” shouted the Kamen Rider as she staggered back in pain from the arrow. She added the Dust and Glass Rings to her right glove and hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever before aligning her right glove with her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! DUST GLASS PLEASE! The two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her.

Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice and scanned her right glove as the Enigma Phantom charged up. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! GLASS MAGIC PLEASE! Right before the Phantom was able to lose its arrow, a storm of glass appeared around it and a storm of sparks came off its body as the glass cut into it.

“Final!” growled out Symbol as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times before scanning her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Purple magical energy surrounded her body. “Glass Flash!” the Phantom was blinded and destroyed by the explosion of bright light that surged off Symbol’s body.

Dante leapt towards a Pride Phantom as he punched the Rebellion Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade. THREE! REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Black energy covered the Rebellion Blade as Dante slashed the Pride Phantom three times. “HA! Yeah! Orha!” shouted Dante as he slashed the Phantom three times, breaking through its guard as if it was not there.

Then Dante punched the Rebellion Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade a second time. SIX! REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Dante pulled the sword back as he pressed down on its trigger. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Green magic energy formed around the Rebellion Blade and formed into six Chameleons that surrounded the sword as Dante unleashed several thousand stabs in the next five seconds. Sparks exploded from the Pride Phantom as it was stabbed by both the sword and the chameleon’s tongues. Then the Phantom fell over and went up in an explosion.

Dante panted for a second as he switched the Chameleon Swordmaster Ring for the Flaco Trickster Ring and slammed it into his Driver’s right slot. FALCO! Dante turned his wrist forwards. GO! He threw his right glove out to the side. T-T-T-TRICKSTER! The Falco Trickster magic circle appeared to his right and moved through him. It transformed the Chameleon Swordmaster Mantle into the Falco Trickster Mantle.

Dante slammed the Falco Trickster Ring into his Driver’s right port as a Wrath Phantom stumbled towards him. ONE! The Falco Wings appeared out of his backplate and he gave them a mighty flap. FALCO TRICK! Shooting the Wrath Phantom into the air.

Dante drew Ebony and Ivory before holding down both of their triggers. EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE! Orange energy gathered around both of the hand cannons before Dante released the triggers. EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE! He fired a barrage of orange feathers at the Wrath Phantom. Sparks exploded off its body before the Phantom fell down to the floor and exploded, destroying a pair of Lust Phantoms.

Seeing yet another Wrath Phantom staggering towards him, Dante switched the Falco Trickster Ring into his Driver’s right slot. BUFFA! He turned his wrist forwards. GO! Then he flung his right glove out to the side. R-R-R-ROYALGUARD! The Buffa Royalguard magic circle appeared and moved through Dante, transforming the Falco Trickster Mantle into the Buffa Royalguard Mantle. Then Dante slammed his right glove into his Driver’s right slot again. TWO! Dante threw a right hook that summoned a wall of energy. BUFFA GUARD! The Wrath Phantom’s orb flash red and exploded, but Dante’s energy wall blocked it.

“System update!” Grimm slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver once. B-E-O-W-U-L-F B-I-T-I-N-G! Black mist appeared around her gloves and formed into the Beo Claws. R-O-S-E S-P-E-E-D A-T-T-A-C-K! Grimm sprinted forwards with her body transforming into rose petals. She turned solid in front of a Lust Phantom and slashed it across the chest plate several times. Suddenly, her body released a burst of rose petals as the cross on her faceplate opened, revealing her twin circle shaped blue visors.

Then Grimm slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver three times. B-E-O-W-U-L-F M-A-S-S-A-C-R-E! Grimm rocketed forwards as her body transformed into rose petals. She orbited the Lust Phantom at high speed, slashing it over and over with the Beo Claws. White cracks spread through the Phantom’s body until he went up in an explosion.

Then Grimm drew the White Glyph Whistle and placed it into the Grimm Driver. W-H-I-T-E G-L-Y-P-H! She removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver and pressed the left side of it into her right palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Before she slammed the Aura Knuckle back into the Grimm Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared in front of her and slammed back into her. Transforming the rose petals on her chest plate into a white glyph. The cross on her faceplate closed back up, hiding her visors from sight. 

She slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver once. B-E-O-W-U-L-F B-I-T-I-N-G! The Beo Claws reappeared from black mist. W-H-I-T-E G-L-Y-P-H A-T-T-A-C-K! A Lust Phantom ran at Grimm, only for a glyph to appear in front of it. The Phantom had no way of stopping and smashed into the glyph at full speed, bouncing back off it. Grimm darted forwards and slashed the Lust Phantom several times at high speed with the Beo Claws. Sparks sprayed from the white wounds she cut into it.

Then Grimm slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver twice. B-E-O-W-U-L-F T-E-A-R-I-N-G! Her legs transformed into Beowulf legs after being covered in black mist for several seconds. W-H-I-T-E G-L-Y-P-H B-A-T-T-L-E! The Lust Phantom got back up, only to find himself unable to move. He looked down and saw that a white glyph had appeared around each of his arms and legs, locking them in place. He had no time to do anything as Grimm blurred forwards and kicked him in the chest, he was sent shooting back through the air as his arms and legs were ripped off since they were held in place by the glyphs. It was a mercy that he exploded.

Then she drew a new Whistle. It was white with a bronze head that looked like a knight shield and sword. She removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver and then removed the White Glyph Whistle before slotting in the new Whistle. A-U-R-A A-M-P-L-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N! Grimm pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her right palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Before smashing the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared in front of her and slammed into her, transforming the white glyph on her chest plate into a golden aura.

She slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver as a Wrath Phantom came running towards her. B-E-O-W-U-L-F B-I-T-I-N-G! In a blast of black mist the Beo Claws appeared on her gloves. A-U-R-A A-M-P-L-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N A-T-T-A-C-K! Golden aura danced around the Beoclaws as she darted forwards and smashed her left Beo Claw into the Wrath Phantom. Its bomb exploded but Grimm was already far beyond the blast area.

She quickly slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver twice more. B-E-O-W-U-L-F B-I-T-I-N-G! Her legs transformed into Beowulf legs after being covered by black mist. A-U-R-A A-M-P-L-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N B-A-T-T-L-E! She covered both of her legs in golden aura as she darted forwards. She kicked the Phantom in the chest with enough force for it to go flying backwards and explode.

“Receiving system update,” reported Kamen Rider Weapon as she reached down and pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. S-C-Y-T-H-E! There was a bright flash of light as the Crescent Scythe appeared in her left glove. F-I-R-E D-U-S-T C-H-A-R-G-E! It burst into flames as Kamen Rider Weapon dashed forwards and slashed the Lust Phantom she was fighting, leaving a glowing cut through the Phantom.

It moaned at her, rather creepily, as it slashed upwards, cutting a spray of sparks from her.

Weapon slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. S-N-I-P-E-R! The Crescent Scythe vanished and was replaced by the Crescent Rifle in a flash of red light. F-I-R-E D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! She took aim and fired a bolt of blazing red fire that cut through the air and through the Lust Phantom’s chest. Sparks exploded from the wound as the Phantom staggered back and exploded.

PROTO SHIELD! Mega blocked an arrow from an Enigma Phantom with the Proto Shield. 

Then she inserted the Thunder Tune Whistle into the Mega Driver and pressed down. THUNDER TUNE! Mega was wrapped in green lightning, transforming her into Kamen Rider Mega Thunder Tune. Then she drew a new Whistle. It was green with the head of it being in the shape of a fireball. She slotted it into the Mega Driver and pressed down on it. FIRESTORM! The Enigma Phantom fired another red arrow, only for three green electric fireballs to appear around her, one of which blocked the shot.

Then Mega held her right glove into the Mega Driver’s mouth. FIRESTORM BITE! Green energy was infused into her right glove as she pulled it back and thrust her open palm forwards. The two fireballs combined into a single ball of electric fire that shot forwards, it slammed into the Enigma Phantom and exploded. The Phantom was sent shooting into the air as a screaming fireball before he exploded.

Suddenly, three Pride Phantoms burst out of the ground around Mega. She looked at each of them and switched the Firestorm Whistle for yet another new Whistle. It was green and the head of it was in the shape of a thunderbolt. She slotted it into the Mega Driver and pressed down. THUNDERBREAM! Green lightning covered her body and then she shot three beams of it out that pierced through the Pride Phantoms and caused them to explode.

Mega held her right glove into the Mega Driver’s mouth. THUNDERBEAM BITE! Green lightning raged around her body before burst out in three beams that swirled together and combined into a single beam that shot through the air and slammed into the first Phantom before splitting into a pair of beams that struck the other two Lust Phantoms. All three of them spasmed before exploding.

Mega jumped back as a Wrath Phantom burst out of the ground in front of her. While she was still in the air, Mega inserted the Light Tune Whistle into the Mega Driver and slammed down on it. LIGHT TUNE! She was wrapped in orange light, transforming into her Light Tune as she pulled out a new Whistl. It was orange with the head of it being in the shape of a buzzsaw. She slotted it into the Mega Driver and pressed down. METAL BLADE! Mega threw her left glove forwards and fired three buzzsaws that shot through the air and cut through the Wrath Phantom, causing it to explode.

Then Mega placed her right glove into the Mega Driver’s mouth. METAL BLADE BITE! Orange energy raced through her right glove and she threw it forwards, firing a single large buzzsaw that cut through an Enigma Phantom. Sparks bled from the orange cut that the blade left through the centre of the Phantom. Orange like shone from the cut before exploding outwards, destroying the Phantom.

SILENT TUNE! Purple light covered X’s body as she rolled away from a PRide Phantom’s scythe. The light transformed her into her silent Tune as she drew a new Whistle. Its head looked like a stream of fire while the rest of it was coloured purple. She slotted it into the Mega Driver and pressed down. FIREWAVE! Purple flames spiralled inwards around her gloves as she thrust them forwards, firing a stream of flame that slammed into the Pride Phantom, setting it on fire and driving the Phantom back.

Then X held her left glove into the X Driver’s mouth. FIREWAVE BITE! It bit down and sent purple energy along her arm as she pulled it back. Heat gathered inwards and transformed into a ball of purple flame. X threw the ball forwards, it soared through the air and slammed into the Pride Phantom. It exploded into an inferno of purple fire that turned the Pride Phantom to ash.

Then Mega inserted the Water Tune Whistle into the X Driver before hitting it. WATER TUNE! Green water covered her in a sphere. Green light shone from the sphere as it burst apart, transforming X into her Water Tune. Then X drew a new Whistle, it’s head looked like a crescent and the rest of it was coloured green. She slotted it into the X Driver and pressed down. SONIC SLICERS! X drew back her fist and punched a Warth Phantom. It was sent flying back with three glowing cuts through its body. Spark bled from the cuts before the Phantom exploded, removing three Pride Phantoms from the playing field.

Suddenly, sparks came from three parts of X’s armour as an Enigma Phantom blasted her with three blue arrows. She inserted her right glove into the X Driver which bit down. SONIC SLICERS BITE! Green energy travelled up her right glove and X punched forwards, firing six glowing green crescents into the air that soared up and arched down, smashing into the Phantom and cutting it into several pieces. The pieces then exploded as they turned to ash. “Mission complete!”

Suddenly, X saw a piece of rubble that was about to fall on top of Mega. She was about to do something about it, but Mega dodged out of the way.

“That was a bit close,” commented Symbol.

“Tell me about it,” replied Dante. “Let’s keep moving!” 

“How!?” demanded Symbol. “The road is blocked!” she pointed at what looked like half a house blocking the road.

“We have found an alternate route, my Master!” Weapon was holding open the door of a bar.

“Don’t call me that!” shouted Symbol as they ran through the door. The bar looked like your average run down bar with chairs scattered about. In one corner was a high class painting of two stuff oxen locking in horns, as if they were in a conflict to the death.

“Could this be a sign of two power’s in conflict?” questioned Symbol.

Dante destroyed the painting. 

“Hey!” shouted Symbol.

Then a barrier appeared.

Symbol, Weapon, Grimm, Mega and X got ready for the Phantoms to appear.

None did.

“What gives?” questioned Symbol.

“The red barrier means that we have to beat every Phantom in the area, the blur one means that we need to solve a puzzle,” explained Dante.

“You have got to be kidding me!” shouted Symbol.

“It is illogical for the Phantoms to do that,” spoke up Grimm.

“That’s because it was the owners of this world that set it up,” said Dante harshly. He was still uneasy around Grimm, knowing that she had been torturing his Mother for years while under Gem Maiden control.

Dante quickly found a wheel that he hit several times, breaking open the barrier. “That was easy, ooh! Shotgun!” Dante grabbed a pump action shotgun off the wall. “What?! I don’t have three servants to help me fight!” he defended himself out Symbol’s look.

She shrugged and ran through the door. “I’m not sure I should be here!” she spoke as she saw that this was clearly a strip club.

Before Dante could start teasing his Sister, there was a low moaning sound. “Oh no,” muttered Dante as his helmet snapped up. Standing on a balcony was another new Phantom. It was humanoid, had purple skin and was wrapped in white bandages. It held a tall jagged scythe.

This is a Sloth Phantom.

“Sunset! Be careful!” shouted Dante. “They can teleport!” he warned her.

“I can see that!” shouted Symbol as the Sloth Phantoms made some kind of moaning sound before they vanished.

Battle start

Symbol switched the Burst Ring for the Swift Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever before scanning her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! SWIFT PLEASE! DASH AWAY! The Swift magic circle appeared over her helmet and fell down through her, transforming Symbol into the Swift Style. A Sloth Phantom appeared in front of Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice before scanning her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! SWIFT! B RANK SPELL! Her body was covered in yellow energy as she zipped back, avoiding the Sloth Phantom’s scythe by a hair's breadth.

Then Symbol added the Arrow and Blade Rings to her right glove before pressing the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever and scanning her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! ARROW BLADE PLEASE! Symbol held her right glove into the air as the two magic circles appeared over her helmet and fell down through her. She hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice and scanned her right glove as the Phantom started to speed up again. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! BLADE MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol slashed down with the Buzz Bow, firing six red buzz saws that cut through the air. They slamming into the Sloth Phantom’s back and cut many sparks out of it.

Then Symbol pressed the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once and swiped her right glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! ARROW MAGIC PLEASE! She pulled back on the Buzz Bow and fired six blasts of wind that cut through the air. They slammed into the Sloth Phantoms back and cut a storm of sparks from the Phantom as they ground into it.

“Final,” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times then scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! With gathered around the Buzz Bow as Symbol took aim at the injured Phantom. She fired a blast of wind from the Buzz Bow that shifted into an arrow, then she slashed upwards, shooting a buzzsaw wind construct. “Arrow Cutter!” shouted Symbol as the arrow slammed into the Sloth Phantom, cutting a whole from it, the Phantom was then cut in half by the buzzsaw. The two halves sparked several times before they both went up in a pair of massive explosions.

Suddenly, another Sloth Phantom teleported in front of Symbol and swiped its scythe upwards, swiping it across her chest armour, creating sparks from the damage as Symbol was sent sailing away, bouncing on the ground like a stone skipping on water. As she came to a halt, Symbol switched the Swift Ring for the Giga Ring, pressed down on the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever and scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! GIGA PLEASE! BREAK THROUGH! The Giga magic circle appeared under her boots and rose up through her, transforming Symbol into the Giga Style.

The Sloth Phantom teleported a second time as Symbol hit the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times and scanned the Giga Ring. MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL! GIGA A RANK SPELL! Symbol was wrapped in green light as the Sloth Phantom appear behind her and swung its scythe down, only for the light to stop the blow from doing any damage.

Symbol grabbed the Sloth Phantom’s scythe with her right glove as she hit the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice and scanned the Giga Ring across her Driver’s Hand Author. MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL! GIGA C RANK SPELL! Green magic covered her left glove as she curled it into a fist and punched the Phantom, sending it shooting back through the air as sparks were created from the damage.

Symbol added the Bombardment and Quake Rings to her right glove before hitting her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever, then she scanned her right glove. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! BOMBARDMENT QUAKE PLEASE! The two magic circles appeared under her boots and rose up through her. Once the transformation was finished, Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! QUAKE MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol fired an orange shell that shot through the air and slammed into the Sloth Phantom. It detonated, smashing the Phantom through a pillar that had once been used by people to dance.

MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! GIGA! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Symbol gathered green energy in the Impact Cannon before firing another shell that shot through the air and embedded itself in the Sloth Phantom. “Quake Burst!” the shell pulsed twice, causing the Phantom to explode outwards.

Dante switched the Rebellion Ring for the Osiris Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. SET! OPEN! O-S-I-R-I-S! The Osiris magic circle appeared from his Driver and moved back through him. A Sloth Phantom teleported behind Dante as he punched the Osiris Ring into the back of the Osiris Scythe. ONE! SCYTHE STRIKE! Dante covered the Osiris Scythe in red energy as she spun around. The tips of the two scythe’s met and the Sloth Phantom was staggered. Dante used the Osiris Scythe’s handles to change its direction and slashed the Sloth Phantom three times.

Then Dante punched the Osiris Ring into the back of the Osiris Scythe again. SIX! SCYTHE STRIKE! He dashed forwards and slashed the Phantom once with the scythe before kicking it in the face. “Whao!” he jumped back.

Dante drew Ebony and Ivory before jumping into the air as he held down on their triggers. EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE! Dante pointed both of them down and let go off the triggers. “Falling Wrath!” Dante fired a rain of bullets that streaked down through the air like comets. Sparks flew from the Sloth Phantom as the bullets rained down on it before it exploded.

Dante landed on the ground, sparks flew from his backplate as another Sloth Phantom appeared behind him and slashed him across the backplate. Dante shouted in pain as he punched the Osiris Ring into the back of the Osiris Scythe. FOUR! SCYTHE STRIKE! He jumped into the air while spinning. “Blast off!” red wind came from the Osiris Scythe, dragging the Sloth Phantom into the air where Dante slashed it over and over.

While he was in the air, Dante switched the Osiris Ring for the Eryx Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. SET! OPEN! E-R-Y-X! The Eryx magic circle appeared from his Driver and moved back through him. Then Dante punched the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. FIVE! FIST STRIKE! Red energy gathered around the left Eryx Gauntlet as Dante went shooting down. He slammed his fist into the Phantom, driving it into the ground with enough force to form a crater.

The Phantom started to get back up as Dante drew Coyote A. He pulled back the pump and slammed the Eryx Ring into the breach. PUMP IT! Dante pulled the pump, closing the breach before he slid the pump back. The breach was opened as Dante punched the Buffa Royalguard Ring into it. SHOOT IT! Dante slid the pump forwards and took aim. “Bang!” he fired a red buffalo construct that rammed the Sloth Phantom, throwing it up into the air. Cracks spread through the Phantom and sparks bleed from the cracks. The power built up until the Phantom could take no more and exploded.

Grimm pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. B-O-A-R-B-A-T-U-S-K B-I-T-I-N-G! Black mist appeared in front of her and transformed into the Boar Tusk. C-O-P-Y-C-A-T A-T-T-A-C-K! Rocks were pulled up from the ground and wrapped around the Boar Tusk as Grimm slammed it down on the ground, flat. Unleashing a shockwave of brown energy that threw a Sloth Phantom in the air, just as it came out of its teleport.

Then Grim slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver twice. B-O-A-R-B-A-T-U-S-K T-E-A-R-I-N-G! White armour expanded across her backplate as she curled into a ball. C[b]-O-P-Y-C-A-T B-A-T-T-L-E! Grimm burst into flames as she rolled forwards, smashing into the Sloth Phantom as it landed back on the ground, sending it flying.

Grimm got back up and removed the Aura Knuckle from the Grimm Driver, then she switched the Boarbatusk Whistle for the Beringel Whistle. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L! Then Grimm swapped the Copycat Whistle for the Dragon Range Whistle. She slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her right palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Before slotting it back into the Grimm Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared in front of her and slammed into Grimm. Transforming the images on her chest plate into a Beringel and a golden Chinese Dragon with red eyes.

The Sloth Phantom started to get back up as Grimm slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver three times. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L M-A-S-S-A-C-R-E! Golden fire erupted from her body and coiled around her right arm. Red eyes opened as the fire transformed into the shape of a Chinese Dragon. Grimm Shot forwards and rammed her fist into the Sloth Phantom, the dragon bit down, causing the Sloth Phantom to explode violently.

“That was cool,” Symbol was amazed.

“You’d think so,” scoffed Dante, reluctant to give a Gem Maiden credit for anything.

“What is that supposed to mean?!” demanded Symbol.

“Exactly what it sounds like!” shouted Dante.

The two of them started arguing.

“And that’s how it’s done!” stated Dante smugly as he folded his arms across his chest plate.

“Good for you, now let’s go!” shouted Symbol as they ran into the tower with Grimm, Weapon, Mega and X following them.

They found themselves in a long room that was covered in white ice. It had four burning touches around it and looked like a Roman coliseum.

At the other end was a giant statue of a dog that had three heads and was made of ice.

“Is that a Cerberus?” asked Symbol.

“Looks like it,” replied Dante as he tilted his helmet to the side.

“What do you want to bet that it's going to come to life and we’re going to have to fight it?” asked Symbol.

“That’s a suckers bet and you know it,” replied Dante.

“Just, please don’t rile it up,” begged Symbol.

“No promises,” replied Dante in a mischievous voice.

“God save me,” muttered Symbol.

They approached the statue and it started to shake, revealing a three headed dog, that was at least two stories tall and had armour made of ice covering it. There was a large ring around it that encircled all three heads. The middle head had red eyes, the right head had yellow eyes and the left head had blue eyes.

Suddenly, the Phantom roared firing several chunks of ice at the Kamen Riders.

MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! ACTIVE PLEASE! LET’S GO! Symbol transformed back into the Active Style, she drew the Active Blade, pulled open its Hand Author and scanned her left glove across it. COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS! ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE! She covered the sword in red lightning and cut the chunk of ice that was heading towards them in half.

SET! OPEN! R-E-B-E-L-L-I-O-N! Dante transformed back into the Rebellion Royalguard Style.

“Leave now mortals!” roared the Cerberus Phantom. “The likes of you are forbidden in this land!” it lunged forwards but the chains stopped it for biting Dante’s head off. “You who are powerless, are not worthy to set foot here!” shouted the Phantom’s middle head.

“Wow, I’ve never seen a talking mutt before,” commented Dante mockingly.

Symbol facepalmed.

“You know,” Dante pointed at the Phantom. “In a dog show, you’d definitely take first place!”

Symbol facepalmed with both of her gloves.

“You, a mere human make a mockery of me?!” demanded the Phantom in anger.

By this time, Symbol was banging her faceplate on the wall.

The Phantom gave a loud roar and fired a beam of ice that Dante jumped over.

“Easy, fiddo!” placated Dante. “How about I take you for a walk?” he started clapping.

“Someone shut him up!” muttered Symbol.

“Come on puppy, lets go,” clapped Dante as if he was talking to a normal dog and not one that was a big as a house.

“You’ll regret this you worm!” shouted the Cerberus Phantom in sheer anger.

“It’s showtime-”

“Will you stop making that thing even more angry?!” shouted Symbol as she jumped on Dante.

Suddenly, the Cerberus Phantom started to glow and shrink?

“What?!” shouted Symbol.

“Huh?” questioned Dante.

When the light cleared, the Phantom was much smaller. It was humanoid and had a head with a pair of blue eyes. It was covered in white armour, the shoulder pauldrons looked like the heads of a dog. It had a third dog head sculpted into its chest plate.

“First time a Phantom has done that,” commented Dante.

“This is bad,” muttered Symbol.

“Why? It’s smaller now,” replied Dante.

“Before, hitting us would have been like a human hitting a fly. Now it’s much easier, not to mention the Phantom still has the same amount of power, but now it’s more focused,” explained Symbol.

“We can take him,” replied Dante.

“The female is correct and clearly the smarter of you,” replied Cerberus.

Let the battle being.

Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Advance Ring and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever before scanning her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS! ADVANCE PLEASE! She held her left glove out in front of her as the Advance magic circle appeared and moved through her, transforming her into the Advance Style.

“Your going with that already?” asked Dante.

“If you want to fight a pissed off Phantom thats drawing power from this tower then fine by me, but I’m not taking any chances!” shouted Symbol. She raised her right glove into the air. “COME ADVANCE TIMER!” she roared out.

YES MY MISTRESS! Shouted the Crow Bit Phantom as he came streaking out of the air and slammed into her right forearm guard, transforming into the Advance Timer.

Symbol turned the dial and hit the thumb. ADVANCE TIME! SET UP! START! The Advance Timer’s first clock hand started ticking.

“Good point,” muttered Dante as he switched the Rebellion Ring for the Trigger Ring in its Devil Mode. TRIGGER! DEVIL GO! DE-DE-DE-DEVIL! He held his left glove out in front of himself as the Trigger magic circle appeared in front of him and moved back through him.

“Ha!” the Cerberus Phantom punched the ground and fired a line of crystals through it and towards Dante at high speed. He quickly punched the Trigger Ring into the Rebellion Magnum. ONE! DEVIL! MAGNUM STRIKE! Dante fired three blasts of energy that smashed through the crystals and shattered them into pieces.

Then the head on Cerberus’ chest glowed and shadows were cast over the area.

“Look out!” shouted Symbol as she looked up and saw several people sized icicles coming down towards her. She quickly pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE A TIER SPELL! Symbol crossed both her arms and the emitters on her shins released yellow magical energy that gathered into a circle shaped shield. The ice spikes smashed into it and shattered into pieces.

Only for Cerberus to throw both his claws towards the Kamen Rider. The shards of ice paused in the air, turned towards the Kamen Rider and shot at her for a second attack.

“Sunset! Look out!” shouted Dante as he punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. ONE! DEVIL! MAGNUM STRIKE! Red energy gathered around the Magnum’s barrel as Dante fired it into the ground. A pyramid shaped barrier formed around Symbol, blocking the attack.

“Thanks, DANTE LOOKED OUT!” Symbol hit the Advance Timer’s thumb inwards. BREAKER ADVANCE! The Breaker magic circle appeared behind Dante and the Breaker Advance Magic Clone jumped out of it. She hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shin guards summoned red magical energy that gathered around her right fist.

“What are you-” then Dante saw that several ice shards had not attacked Symbol, but were shooting towards him.

Advance Breaker punched the ground, the shockwave shattered the ice shards, breaking the spell.

“Thanks,” thanked Dante.

Suddenly, the dog head of Cerberus’ right shoulder glowed.

“Here comes another attack!” shouted Symbol.

“I’ll block it! You hit him!” shouted Dante to his sister and Advance Breaker.

“You sure?” asked Symbol.

“Yeah I’m sure!” shouted Dante.

Symbol saw the Advance Timer’s first clock hand reach the blue section as she hit its thumb inwards. BLOCKER ADVANCE! The Blocker magic circle appeared next to Dante and the Advance Blocker magic clone jumped through it.

The Cerberus Phantom thrust both of his hands forwards and fired a cube of ice across the ground towards the group.

Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice and then scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE B TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons glowed as she jumped into the air, blurring over the ice block as it slid across the ground.

Advance Breaker hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice before scanning her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons glowed as red magic energy gathered around her left glove. She threw an uppercut, pulling herself into the air and over the ice block.

“I will stop this!” announced Advance Blocker as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever then she scanned her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL! The emitters on her forearm guards hummed to life as she held up both of her gloves. At her command, blue magic energy formed into a square shaped shield that exploded when the ice block hit it.

The ice block came sliding through the smoke, badly cracked but still in one piece.

“What?!” shouted Advance Blocker.

“You did good,” commented Dante as he punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. THREE! DEVIL! MAGNUM STRIKE! He fired a blast of energy into the ground and a glowing circle appeared on the ground, just in front of the ice block. The second the block passed onto the circle, it exploded into a pillar of fire that sent the ice block flying upwards, smashing it into the ceiling where it shattered.

“Let’s go! Advance Breaker!” shouted Symbol as they raced towards the Cerberus Phantom.

“You got it!” shouted Advance Breaker as she joined her creator.

“Plus one more!” Symbol hit the Advance Timer’s thumb. BOUNDER ADVANCE! The Bounder magic circle appeared next to her and Advance Bounder ran through it.

“Back in action!” she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once then scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL! The emitters on her forearm guards glowed with green magic energy as she dashed forward and past the Cerberus Phantom, decking him across the face in the process.

Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times before scanning her left glove. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE A TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shin guards glowed as yellow magical energy wrapped around both of her gloves. She curled them into fists and punched the Cerberus Phantom in the gut, sparks exploded from the impact point.

Advance Bounder raced in from the left and punched the Cerberus Phantom again as she dashed past.

Symbol used her other fist to uppercut the Cerberus Phantom into the air. “All yours!” she shouted to Advance Breaker.

Who was still in the air. “Thank you!” she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times before scanning her left glove. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL! The emitters in her shin guards hummed to life as she punched downwards. Her fist hit the Cerberus Phantom and drove it into the ground.

“Here we go!” Symbol hit the Advance Timer’s Hand Author as the first clock hand reached the purple section. BLASTER ADVANCE! The Advance Blaster magic circle appeared and the Advance Blaster energy clone jumped out of it. ADVANCE WEAPON TIME! Roared the Advance Timer as its first clock hand reached the yellow section and stopped, allowing the second clock hand to start ticking.

“Targeted and firing,” she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once and scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL! Five orbs of purple magical energy winked in around her before being shot forwards and exploding around the Cerberus Phantom.

“You will not do this to me!” suddenly, the Cerberus Phantom jumped out of the crater and smashed an elbow in Symbol, gut, sending her flying back through the air, she smashed into a wall and slid down it to the ground.

She did not move.

“SUNSET!” shouted Dante.

Before he could do anything, the Cerberus Phantom let loose a pulse of ice magic from his body that froze Dante and the four Advance Style energy Clones in ice.


S-N-I-P-E-R! W-I-N-D D-U-S-T P-O-W-E-R-E-D! Suddenly, a high powered wind dust sniper bolt slammed into the Cerberus Phantom’s chest plate, driving it backward.

The Phantom glared at Kamen Rider Weapon before pulling back both fists. “You will die here! Gem Maiden scum!” he slammed both fists on the ground and fired a line of ice spikes towards the Kamen Rider.

BEOWULF BITING! Only for Kamen Rider Grimm to appear in front of the ice spikes. D-R-A-G-O-N R-A-G-E A-T-T-A-C-K! She covered her right Beo Claw in golden fire and slashed upward through the ground, firing five vertical crescent of fire towards the ice spikes. The two opposite elements clashed, creating steam for several seconds before the ice attack broke through.

“Countermeasures failed,” reported Grimm as she rolled to the side, but her left leg was still frozen to the ground as the ice attack zoomed past her. 

Weapon quickly removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver. She removed the Crescent Rose Whistle and inserted the Ember Celica Whistle. E-M-B-E-R C-E-L-I-C-A! Then she pressed the right side of the Aura Knuckle into her left palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Then she slotted the Dust Knuckle back into the Weapon Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared and slammed into her.

“System update,” she stated as the ice attack drew close.

“Receiving,” replied Grimm as the ice attack was about to strike Weapon.

Weapon pressed the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver again. G-A-U-N-T-L-E-T-S! The Ember Celica Gauntlets appeared on her gloves in twin flashes of yellow light. W-I-N-D D-U-S-T C-H-A-R-G-E! She held her right glove up and turned it into a fist before punching the ground. Out of her fist roared a shockwave of green wind that held the ice back for a few moments.

Then it got through.

Kamen Rider Weapon was frozen instantly, she had no time to do or say anything and process took place. Seconds later the ice shattered, there was a flash of light as Weapon’s transformation ended, turning her back into a knocked out Janice and Pyrrha.

The only reason that Symbol and Dante had not transformed back was because they were in their upgraded forms when they were frozen.

“Adjusting tactics to account for an ally no longer being present,” commented Kamen Rider Grimm.

“You Gem Maidens really are heartless!” snarled out the Cerberus Phantom in hatred.

Grimm did not reply as she removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver. She switched the Beowulf Whistle for the Beringel Whistle. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L! Then she pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her right palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Before inserting the Aura Knuckle back into the Grimm Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! The holographic suit of armour appeared in front of her and slammed back into her. The cross on her faceplate opened up, revealing her blood red visors.

The Cerberus Phantom’s chest head glowed as it fired another block of ice towards Kamen Rider Weapon. 

She pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side Grimm Driver once. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L B-I-T-T-I-N-G! The Gorilla Gauntlets appeared on her gloves as the ice cube raced towards her. D-R-A-G-O-N R-A-G-E A-T-T-A-C-K! Red and golden flames appeared around her right glove as she pulled it back and punched the ice block. Flames flew everywhere as the two elements fought. Fire won as the ice block shattered.

The problem was that while Symbol and Dante had been attacking it, the Cerberus Phantom had no time to charge up. Now, against a single opponent, it had plenty of time to do just that. It fired a beam of ice energy from all three dog heads. They merged into a single beam that shot through the air towards Kamen Rider Grimm.

Grimm saw this coming and slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver three times. B-E-R-I-N-G-E-L M-A-S-S-A-C-R-E! Golden and red fire erupted from her body before concentrating in her right glove as she curled it into a fist. The fired formed into the shape of a Chinese dragon as she charged forward. She pulled back her fist and slammed it into the ice beam. For a second it looked like the fire would win, until the flames started to freeze. “Error,” Grimm was unable to do anything as the flames spread over her body and froze her solid. After several seconds the ice shattered, Grimm was sent shooting backwards as her transformation ended, transforming her back into Nora and Ling.

Ling was knocked out.

Nora was barely awake.

“HA!” laughed the Cerberus Phantom.

SUPER ARM BITE! SONIC SLICERS BITE! “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!” shouted the Cerberus Phantom as he was covered in white ice like energy. The blocks and cutters were frozen and shattered before the Cerberus Phantom dashed forward at blinding speed, closing the gap between himself, Mega and X. 

The Cerberus Phantom struck Mega in the gut with her right foot, creating a shockwave of white energy, along with a stream of that same energy shooting out through her back. X reached for a Whistle, but the Cerberus Phantom’s other foot found its home in the other Kamen Rider’s gut, creating the same shock wave and stream of energy. Sparks were released from their bodies as micro explosions went off all over them, and from the point of impact, a long stream of sparks flew out as is if they were bleeding.

Both Kamen Riders fell to their knees and then fell backwards, when their bodies hit the ground, two explosions went off, silhouetting the Cerberus Phantom in the burning flames as all eight of his eyes glowed. On the ground, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie lay motionless.

“Pathetic,” the Cerberus Phantom turned away from the Gem Maidens.

Only to stop as the ground started to shake. 

“What?” he muttered.


When the Cerberus Phantom could see again, Symbol was standing there in her Full Advance Style, while Dante was standing in his Angel Trigger Style.

“Final!” snarled out Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! FULL ADVANCE D TIER SPELL! The emitters lit up as red magical energy glowed around her right glove. Symbol curled it into a fist and darted forwards.

“You think I’m scared of a costume change?!” shouted the Cerberus Phantom as he covered his right fist in icy energy and punched forwards. The two fists met and emitted a shockwave that sent ice flying in all directions.

As the two of them strained against each other, Dante punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. ANGEL TWO! MAGNUM STRIKE! Dante blurred forward fast enough to leave after images as he ran around and shot the Cerberus Phantom behind.

The Phantom roared in pain, then he was in even more pain as Symbol’s fist got through and slammed into his chest, sending him flying back. “You will pay!” he covered himself in raging white magic as he ran forward with a fist cocked back. 

“Never going to happen!” shouted Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice then scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! FULL ADVANCE C TIER SPELL! The emitters flashed as the Advance magic circle appeared in front of Symbol, blocking the Phantom’s fist. Then the shield started to ice over. 

“Hang on sis!” shouted Dante. “I’m coming!” he ran forwards as he punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. ANGEL FOUR! MAGNUM STRIKE! Light blue magical energy covered his body as he accelerated forwards.

“Not a chance!” shouted the Cerberus Phantom as he built up an orb of ice and threw it at Symbol, destroying her shield and blowing her back. Then he spun around and slashed at Dante.

But his attacks missed Dante as the Kamen Rider sidestepped, leaving an afterimage in his place, letting the Cerberus Phantom slash through the after image and then stepping back into the place he had just been standing. Dante quickly switched the Trigger Ring into its Devil Mode. TRIGGER! DEVIL GO! DE-DE-DE-DEVIL! Dante shifted back into the Devil Trigger Style and let that claw hit him. It did no damage. Dante punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. TWO! DEVIL! MAGNUM STRIKE! He fired three bursts of red energy that smashed into the Cerberus Phantom and made sparks explode from the impact points.

Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift lever three times before scanning her left glove across her Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! FULL ADVANCE B TIER SPELL! The emitters shone as Symbol blurred forwards with enough speed to leave afterimages behind her. She ran forward and smashed the Phantom across the chest. Then Symbol raced in from the left and kicked the Phantom into the air. She ran up a wall and dropped kicked the Phantom back down to the ground from the right. Symbol landed on the ground and before the Phantom could land, she punched it back into the air by hitting his spine.

The spell wore off and sparks exploded from the Cerberus Phantom as he had been swung all over the place. “Your not human, are you?” he asked the siblings.

“What gave it away?” asked Dante.

“Was it the superspeed? The super strength or the armour?” asked Symbol.

White wind covered the Cerberus Phantom. “This is my last resort. Survive it and I will be out of energy. The battle will be yours,” with that he punched the ground. All the heat in the air turned to absolute zero as dozens of ice spikes formed and rushed out in a circle around the Phantom.

Dante punched the Trigger Ring into his Driver’s left slot. GO! DEVIL! KICK STRIKE! Red energy roared around him before being pulled into his right boot.

Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever five times and scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!  FULL ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST! She jumped into the air alongside Dante. “Advance Strike End / Devil’s Brawler!” shouted both of the Kamen Riders as their Rider kicks tore a path through the ice spikes. They slammed into the Phantom and ripped straight through it.

“Well done, young Kamen Riders,” whispered the Cerberus Phantom before he went up in a large explosion.

Both Kamen Riders transformed back into their human forms as the those who had been knocked out got back up.

“You are really not human,” are you?” asked the Cerberus Phantom as he lay on the ground.

“Who knows? I’m not even sure myself,” replied Dante. Then he was hit over the head by Sunset. “Ow!”

“My Brother is a liar, we’re both Kamen Riders,” explained Sunset.

“Kamen Riders?! You two are the Son and Daughter of Sparda and Eva?!” demanded the Cerberus Phantom.

“Yes?” asked Sunset, a bit unsure.

“You should have told me and I would have let you pass!” shouted the dying Phantom.

“Sorry,” apologised Sunset.

“Regardless, you have proven your strength. I acknowledge your ability. Take my power and go forth, you have my blessing,” the Phantom transformed into a pair of white orbs that shot towards the siblings.

“Wait a second!” shouted Dante.

“Whoa!” shouted Sunset.

One of the orbs smashed into Dante’s left glove, the Rebellion Ring was teleported to his left ring finger as a new Ring formed around his left index finger. It was white with a white gem in the centre of it that had three dog heads engraved into it. 

Sunset’s orb transformed into a small mechanical white Cerberus.

Dante covered his ears.

“SO CUTE!” squealed Sunset as she hugged the tinny three headed dog.

At that moment a motorcycle burst through the wall. Dante and Sunset back flipped over it with Sunset landing on the back of it. 

“Are you going to the party?” asked Dante. “What’s the hurry, didn’t you get an invitation?” 

Without even looking, the woman pulled out a rocket launcher and fired a rocket at him.

Dante leaned back and jumped onto the rocket and started riding it around.

“Great, he’s become an even bigger adrenaline junky,” groaned Sunset.

The woman turned to the Kamen Rider crouched on the back of her bike, just as Dante slammed the rocket into a wall, letting them both see her face. As she looked down at Sunset, for a brief moment, a soft smile suffused the woman's face, making her heart stoppingly beautiful to Dante.

The moment ended as Sunset jumped off the bike and she revved it up, jumping it past Dante and through the door. 

“This just keeps getting better and better,” stated Dante.

“And I might get a new sister-in-law out of this,” added Sunset. 

“Yeah- WAIT WHAT!?” shouted Dante

“I saw how you were looking at her,” deadpanned Sunset.

“It’s not like that!” protested Dante.

“Yeah right!” they walked through the hole.