A Blazing Transformation

by The Blue EM2

They drove Manteo batty!

It was, as days go, another fairly usual day on Roanoke Island (and not Ranokee Island, just in case a certain YouTuber is reading this particular story on any given day). To describe it as a usual day constituted something of a statement of relief on the Island, as recently the edge of Hurricane Dorian had swept over the island and through the main town, Manteo.

Mercifully, as this was only the edge of the storm, the town had been spared the devastation suffered by much of the rest of the Outer Banks, or places such as Silo, which had received a direct hit from the hurricane and had got very wet indeed. As a matter of fact, so had Manteo, and the winds had been going very fast indeed. So fast indeed that trees had fallen over, some power lines had been toppled, and the sewer system was full of sewage, limiting the amount that people could use their water closets (that's what WC stands for, for those who don't know), showers, and even washing hands! The municipal department was doing its best to repair the chaos, but even with the help of the Army unit meant to be watching Subject X, progress on repairing the town was... limited, shall we say, as fallen trees take a while to clear away.

So, in summary of all thus far, the situation could have been far worse. Although it was still quite bad and inconvenient, the townsfolk were fully aware that they had got off incredibly lucky. A Category 5 in the area would not have been fun, and would have made an even bigger mess!

We now make an action cut to a morning from not long after the storm clearence began. The skies are still a little grey, but life is at last beginning to return to normal in this quiet coastal town. Or, at least, it was fairly quiet until a few years ago, when crazy things began to happen, but that's besides the point. As, without any further ado, we introduce our dramatis personae for today's tale. And you probably know who it is. Yes, it's him. Indeed, that one and nobody else. You know what it is, indeed it is him. Yes indeed, it is the very one you are thinking about, indeed it is. No questions asked, indeed it is him, the one and only-


Oh. Sorry Sir. I need to get this story moving properly, or else we shall be stuck here for all eternity, like the Seven Joys of Mary. But enough of that, and onwards with the story.

Manteo's most well known resident on the internet (or, more specifically, this website and Deviantart, as most people are more likely to have heard of Manteo himself or Emmanuel Davis, or, if you are more musically minded, Andy Griffith) was taking a long, slow stroll through the land of devastation that surrounded him. OK, that was hyperbole, but things were certainly different than they had been before the storm. Rather than be evacuated to an evacuation zone elsewhere in the county, Jimmy had opted to ride out the storm, which some had found crazy, but as they had been on the edge of the storm, they had been spared the worst. Go read the above if you want to know why. Anyways, the storm had ended a few days back, and the signs of the needed repairs were all around. Thankfully, no buildings had fallen down, which reduced the repair bill and the insurance that needed to be paid out, but there were lots of trees down. In one street, water from a burst main was flowing along it like a tidal wave, and it was full of this horrible looking black stuff. Jimmy stepped along the street, looking around at his home town, and was relieved the devastation was nowhere near as bad as it had been.

"We dodged a bullet there!" he said to himself, walking past a construction worker trying to replace a manhole cover that was overflowing.

"This is bad enough," the worker grumbled, finally pinning the cover shut to stop the flow of water. "And watch out! There's a fallen power line just up ahead!"

"Thanks for the warning!" Jimmy called back, and continued on his way.

The worker sighed, and shook his head. "And get a haircut," he added, when Jimmy was firmly out of earshot, and then returned to his work. "Heaven's sakes, you're not a girl."

"Yet," said Discord, suddenly appearing from a manhole.

"Where did you come from?" the worker asked, confused.

"Spain, originally," Discord replied. "But I am just here to inform you that your statement was not quite correct. Considering the provenance of this tale, Jimmy is currently not a girl (or woman) yet. The crucial event that drives on the plot is yet to occur, and as a result the future tense is required for such a discussion."

"Right," the worker sighed. "Now can I get back to work on the manhole cover?"

"Of course," Discord replied, and vanished with a click of his fingers.

The worker shook his head. "What a mess," he said. "I swear this entire town's going to pot. First Jimmy's shenanigans, then Spaniards popping out of manholes, whatever next? Engines whistling behind me?"

"Peep peep! Hello!"

The worker turned to be face to face with a large blue tank engine. "Seriously?"

Jimmy soon learned what the workman had been warning him about. Ahead of him was a downed power line, sparking in the nearby water. This meant that the cable was still live, and the local government had warned the townsfolk about the dangers of these cables being live. So Jimmy had to be careful. He began to walk to the left.

As ever, though, fate was inconvenient. A spark suddenly jumped from the water, and hit him. Jimmy was hurled through the air and landed on the opposite side of the road.

"Ow," he groaned. "That hurt." He slowly pushed himself back up, before glancing down at his feet. His normally grey trainers had turned blue, with white trim to accent their appeareance. Before his eyes, his socks turned grey.

"What in the?"

His attention was suddenly drawn to a loud noise coming from his shorts, which abruptly began to change. The legs merged together to form a skirt of some sort, followed by the zip and buttons vanishing from the garment. This then grew downwards to his knees. Not long after that, his T shirt morphed, attaching itself to the skirt and expanding slightly in the chest area. Then, the entire garment (now a dress, I suppose) turned green.

Jimmy knew full well by know what was going on. It seemed, yet again, a certain problem he had had caught up with him again. But that left more questions than answers. "Which character is this, even?"

He soon got an answer as his skin turned white, followed by his eyes turning orange. Wild, curled orange hair cascaded down his back like a tidal wave, only stopping around his upper back. His chest suddenly swelled in size as a pair of breasts surged out of them, which was why the dress had expanded around there, in order to accomodate them, as well as another certain garment to hold them in place.

His hips surged outwards with an audible pop, and his manhood was suddenly sucked into his body, replaced by the female equivalent. Finally, her entire body shrank down a little, feet and hands reduced to a fraction of their former size, and the clothes compensated appropriately.

Autumn Blaze pulled the glasses off her face. "Wow, that was weird," she smiled. "I haven't been through that in a while. But there are so many things to say, so many people to meet! How will I ever find time to fit it all in?"

"Excuse me?" called a city official. "There was some report of an electrical spark around here. You wouldn't mind telling me what happened?"

"No," Autumn Blaze replied.

"If you don't tell me I cant'-"


The official shook his head, whilst Discord chortled from behind a tree.