Sunset’s Snowball Warfare

by Lonely Fanboy48

Sunset’s Snowball Warfare

The new year has finally come for Sunset and her friends. Especially Princess Twilight in Equestria. With some of them having their new year’s resolutions, still going through high school and still trying to protect their city from Equestrian Magic, the year will always have unpredictable moments.

Days after spreading holiday cheer in the mall, Sunset and her friends made a deal to have a snowball fight at Pinkie Pie’s house on New Year’s Day. Sunset message Princess Twilight about it and she’s offered to join thanks to her winter clothes she got from Rarity.

Princess Twilight during her filly years never been part of a snowball fight before due to her constant studying to be a smart unicorn. Luckily Sunset and her teammates are there to help her out. It’s going to be a wild celebration for the new year.

Sunset Shimmer and Human Twilight went to the portal where Princess Twilight is arriving. It’s six o’clock in the morning. Sunset’s team and her enemy’s team wanted to be prepared for the fight at Pinkie’s place with the barriers and ammo they’re setting up.

It didn’t take long for the portal to react, Princess Twilight came out with her winter clothes on. “Twilight!” Sunset and Twilight greeted to the Princess Of Friendship.

“Hi girls.” The Princess replied. “So how many people are going to be at Pinkie’s place?”

“Almost twenty people.” Human Twilight answered. “The amount of people on two teams are even.”

“And most of our friends are going to be our enemies.” Sunset added. Without wasting any time, the three girls head back to where the warfare is taking place. Princess Twilight may have some back up but she really isn’t much of a fighter in this world without her magic.

“So Sunset what are the rules of this activity?” She asked.

“Not much, when you get hit by a snowball three times, you’re out. You can’t go to the other side of the enemy’s base because that would be cheating.” Sunset explained.

“How is that cheating?”

“That will give them a disadvantage.” Human Twilight added. “Especially they need barriers for protection.”

“Interesting.” Princess Twilight placing her hand under chin thinking.

“But if you’re the last player on the team, you can’t be protected.” Sunset giving her princess friend a serious look.

Twilight tries to get use to the strategy she’s preparing to set up for the snowball fight, but some of the rules her friends just reminded might give her second thoughts. It maybe only a one game match between the two teams but it will be a war of chaos once it begins.

They arrived in Pinkie’s neighborhood. They saw two big forts for the team’s sides with holes. Twilight and her friends are going to the left side where their team is going to hide. Just before they were about to meet their friends, the door in the building went wide open, revealing Pinkie Pie in her winter outfit. With three of her best friends returning, she rushed up to them in her hyper adrenaline.

“Sunset, Twilights, you're finally here!” She hopped in joy.

“It only took us ten minutes.” Human Twilight replied.

“I know but everyone is here! They’re ready to begin the fight!”

“Okay relax Pinkie. I’ll go get two of the team members to get to their sides.” Sunset then turned back to the two Twilights. “You two go over there.” She pointed her side of the fight.

Princess and Human Twilight obliged as they head to their side of the battle. As for Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie being the co-leaders of the team, they head inside the house to remind their members and enemies to head out the door. The two Twilights sat behind their fort, being all set for the fight. The Princess Of Friendship notice three piles of snowballs set up, this maybe her first snowball fight but it made her a little uncomfortable, which caught her counterpart’s attention.

“You feeling alright?” Human Twilight asked.

“Just a little.” Princess Twilight answered.

“Yeah I know, I remember the first time I went into a snowball fight.”

“Was it a little dangerous?”

“In accidents if you put it that way.”

“What accidents do you mean?”

“Well when someone got seriously hurt, after getting hit with a snowball, their parents took him back home after getting a nosebleed.”

This made Princess Twilight gasped in fear. “Was he alright?”

“Yes. But that was in kindergarten. We’re in high school and we always defend ourselves from incidents like that.”

Princess Twilight tried to think of the positives about a snowball fight. Her counterpart may be right about what could happen but the whole purpose of this activity is to have fun with your friends. No matter what happens, it’s always going to be an accident.

They heard stomps on the ground when everyone got outside of Pinkie’s house, they head to their respective sides. Princess Twilight saw Sunset, Pinkie, Bon Bon, Lyra, Fluttershy, Trixie and Flash Sentry appearing on Sunset’s side of the warfare. She popped her head by the fort and saw Applejack and Rarity as her enemy co leaders. Their teammates are Apple Bloom, Big Mac, Granny Smith, their dog Winona, Heath Burns, Snips and Photo Finish.

She noticed that Rainbow Dash is nowhere to be seen. She thinks she’s either late because she isn’t usually a light sleeper in day offs but there’s always surprises in the fight just like in real wars.

With the two teams ready with one snowball in their hand, Sunset Shimmer has an air horn in her hand. “Ready, Set, SNOWBALL FIGHT!!” She screamed as she uses the air horn.

The teams on both sides immediately stand up behind their forts and throw their snowballs at their enemies. Princess Twilight can already feel the mayhem around her, seeing most of her friends throwing snowballs nonstop while also leaving their forts. She saw in one of the holes that her enemies are taking down her teammates in the narrow arena of the battle. The rules state that any person can’t go to the enemies side but are allowed in Pinkie’s sidewalk.

“This is going to be harder than I thought.” She thought

Meanwhile at the other side, Rarity is perfecting herself while her friend Applejack is keeping watch on her teammates. She threw a few snowballs at Flash Sentry who only has one hit left until he’s out, which causes him to retreat.

“Yeah, you better hide!” Applejack shouted as she leans down for more ammo.

“Applejack,” Her sister replied with Winona by her. “Our dog has taken a shoot!”

“Then you keep her safe and sound! We just started this fight!”

“We’re keeping an eye on Winona, you go out there and lead us into victory!” Rarity demanded.

Apple Bloom tries to find ammo for herself while her dog takes a break. So far in about a minute into the warfare, Rarity and Applejack’s team have taken out two people, Bon Bon and Flash Sentry while one on their team, Snips are out.

Princess Twilight slowly got up and threw one snowball but unfortunately, it didn’t hit her enemies. Sunset pushed her princess friend back down for cover.

“Twilight you have to do better than that. They’re not going to come out in the open.” Sunset painted.

“But what are we going to do? We’re not going to win this!” Twilight reacted in stress. “And where’s Rainbow Dash!?”

“Relax, we can still win this.” Sunset picked up a few snowballs and gives them to Twilight. “When I say go, you leave our fort and throw your ammo at your enemies.”

Princess Twilight still has three hits but she doesn’t want the risk of having her team lose. She looked through the holes again and saw Big Mac and Heath Burns almost out of ammo.

“When they’re about to head back, attack them!” Sunset whispered.

Twilight gets herself in position while Sunset still looks at Big Mac and Heath Burns. When they came down to their last snowball, Sunset gave Twilight the cue. The Princess Of Friendship rushed out and throw all the snowballs in her arsenal, without Big Mac and Heath getting the chance to escape.

Big Mac got hit two times while Heath Burns got hit three times, eliminating him from the fight. Princess Twilight rush back behind her fort without getting hit with an overexcited smile on her face.

“I did it!” She cheered.

“Wow, you were like a soldier who’s doing well on the first day on the job!” Sunset commented. “If we keep this up we might win this!”

Just when their mini celebration started, Pinkie returned back with hundreds of snowballs all over her. She also was carrying Lyra Heartstrings who just fainted from battle after saving her best friend from elimination. Both Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer are speechless to see their co leader finish off in battle.

“Granny Smith set up a trap on me,” Pinkie shaking. “And I’ve been snowed to freezing death!”

Sunset facepalm herself. She didn’t set up traps because she was too occupied on her forts. “Applejack and Rarity really thought this throw.”

“I heard that darling!” Rarity taunted.

After another two minutes, Applejack and Rarity’s team are taking the advantage. They’ve taken out Sunset, Human Twilight and Fluttershy while Winona, their dog is the only one on their team out. After planning out their strategies like have most of their members fire their ammo on Sunset, their co leader enemy, surrounding Fluttershy while someone fires her from behind, and Human Twilight, their enemy’s intelligent, got her plan backfired.

Princess Twilight, Bon Bon and Trixie are the final girls on Sunset’s team are not eliminated. Twilight got hit once but Trixie and Bon got hit twice. Their enemies only have two to one hits left but the odds are to big for them to win.

Applejack and Rarity's team have been waiting for so long to fire their ammo but the other team hasn’t appeared in the open. “Just come out already!” Applejack standing on top of her fort. “You can’t hide forever, surrender and defeat!”

“Twilight, you gotta help us!” Trixie grabbing on the princess’s arm.

“What do you want me to do?” Twilight replied back.

“Think of a strategy, you do that in Equestria right?” Bon Bon added.

“Yes but they have nothing to do with snowball fights!” Twilight retorted.

Two of her members felt disappointed in the princess now that they’re in a lose lose situation.

Princess Twilight signed to herself. “Look, I’m sorry but we’re outnumbered. Even if I did have a plan, it might backfire on us.”

Bon Bon and Trixie see what The Princess Of Friendship is talking about. Trixie who’s new to this took time when Sunset Shimmer showed her everything about the Snowball Warfare while Bon Bon along with her friend Lyra came to Pinkie’s place last year. They may did snowball fights in the past but this fight is the next level.

“And has anyone seen Rainbow Dash yet?”

This made the three girls look around in their side and they still didn’t find the alethic girl. All the while Rarity from the other side, stand up by Applejack.

“Come on you girls, you know you can’t beat us.” The fashionista called. “Forfeit or face our wrath!”

“I don’t think so.” Suddenly a voice came out of nowhere.

This made both Rarity and Applejack blinked in confusion. “Who said that?” shouted with her teammates took notice.

“It’s me, Rainbow Dash.”

Rarity and Applejack’s team prepared for an attack but Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found. On Sunset’s side of warfare, there’s a snowman with a huge pink tie with purple dots. It was one of the objects people ignore when Fluttershy decided to make a snowman. Then the head of the snowman fell off with the sticks on the sides push off, revealing Rainbow Dash with the ammo in her arms.

Without wasting any time, she threw all her snowballs at Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and Heath Burns, eliminating them out of the game. Just when Applejack is about to throw her ammunition, Rainbow Dash broke free from her snowy disguise and rush next to her team.

The two teams only have four members left but Applejack and Rarity refuse to stand defeated. “Nice try Rainbow Dash, too bad it’s not going to fool us a second time!” Rarity shouted.

“We still have all the ammo to fire at you. We’re not hiding!” Applejack added.

Twilight along with her team members are surprised from Rainbow’s sneaky strategy. “Rainbow Dash, how long were you in that snowman?” Bon Bon asked.

“Almost an hour.” Rainbow whispered. “Me and Fluttershy agreed to make a disguise and I’m surprised it turn out so well. But after this game is over, I’m definitely taking a break after freezing for so long.”

Then this gave Twilight an idea. She saw that Rainbow Dash did a distraction that cost the other team’s four members, making it an even playing-field.

“Trixie, Bon Bon, Rainbow Dash.” The Princess spoke to the three girls. “I have a plan for our team to win this.” The girls are happy that their princess teammate found a solution to win this but it also requires sacrifice. She whispered to her friends about the plan their about it.

For the next minute, Rarity and Applejack are being impatient with the time wasting. Photo Finish and Apple Bloom are still holding on their fire until the target is in their range. Then Princess Twilight came out from the left side of her fort and threw more snowballs. Well she did take out Apple Bloom and gave Photo Finish two shots, Applejack and Rarity throw all the snowballs they have on the Princess Of Friendship.

Twilight fell on the ground with the snow covering on her winter clothes. She’s eliminated from the first battle she came. While Apple Bloom heads back to the building, Applejack, Rarity and even Photo Finish stand up on their forts, looking at one of their enemies laying in defend.

“So Twilight,” Rarity boasted in style. “Can you remind your friends that they should surrender?”

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Applejack added.

Princess Twilight slowly gets on her feet while still shaking. She lays her body on Applejack and Rarity’s fort as she looks at them and Photo Finish.

“That would be a smart decision…” Princess Twilight spoke. “But we never surrender in friendship. If there’s one thing that Sunset told me of her experiences of friendship, is sacrifice.”

The Princess made a grin which caused her enemies to flinch. Then Rainbow Dash, Trixie and Bon Bon came out from the other side of their fort and threw their snowballs.

Rarity and Applejack’s team couldn’t process the sudden attack as they fell off their stand with the amount of snowballs attracted to their winter clothes. Thus the Snowball fight has come to an end with Sunset’s team being victorious. Bon Bon, Trixie and Rainbow Dash help out Princess Twilight while also giving her a hug.

“Twilight we did it!” Bon Bon cheered.

“We won the fight!” Rainbow added.

“I got to say, sacrificing is something we should’ve done since the beginning.” Trixie smiled.

Princess Twilight had no words after the sacrifice she made. She may be freezing from the attack of her enemies, but she’s happy that her team won. Sunset’s team then came out of Pinkie’s building to celebrate Twilight and the others while the other teams helps out Photo Finish, Applejack and Rarity.

Everyone from both teams head back inside of Pinkie’s house. Everyone took off their winter outfits as they sat on one of Pinkie’s beanbags and couches to warm themselves off. Sunset, Applejack along with Granny Smith being the only ones who didn’t get extremely cold, made hot chocolate and cookies for everyone who was part of the fight.

The two Twilights along with Bon Bon, Lyra and Trixie are sitting together by a table, celebrating the victory they earned.

“So Twilight, what did you think of the activity?” Human Twilight wondered.

“It was fun. Without me, you girls would’ve lost.” The Princess replied.

“But we didn’t, did we?” Trixie smiled.

“After hearing your stories in Equestria,” Lyra added.

“We know your our only hope.” Bon Bon finished.

“Well I guess maybe if I came next year, I can be the leader of the team.” Princess Twilight giggled in amusement. Her friends also laughed until Rainbow Dash walk up from behind.

“You know, maybe if you can’t handle it on your own, co leaders are allowed.” Rainbow boasted.

The Princess Of Friendship rolled her eyes. “I’ll think about it.”

With every friend continuing to warm up, The hot chocolate and cookies are all done. Applejack pour the hot chocolate in almost twenty mugs while Granny Smith pulled out the cookies from the oven. Sunset gave one cookie and mug to everyone of her friends. She makes her way to the table where Princess Twilight is at. She places the cookies and hot chocolate mugs to the five girls.

Everyone eat a bite of their cookie then finally, took a slip of their hot chocolate. The warm ness comes down in their stomach after spending an hour for preparation and the Snowball Warfare itself. The group took about five minutes to finish their cookie and mug until they wash their dishes and left Pinkie’s place. 

Pinkie Pie cleans the floor and carpet with the vacuum machine while Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer sat together.

“Well, that should do it.” Pinkie Pie turning off her vacuum machine. “The whole living room is clean.”

“And it’s only eight o’clock.” Sunset looking at her watch.

“And I still have time for my schedule in Equestria.” Princess Twilight added.

Just when she’s about to leave, Sunset grabbed her arm. “Wait, before you leave, can we have a talk for a moment?”

Princess Twilight became confused until Sunset got off the couch. “Are you sure you're able to save your time for us in the future?”

“Yeah? Are you going to come back?” Pinkie added.

Twilight didn’t think of the possibilities of coming back to Sunset’s world from time to time. She did make a slight agreement with Applejack on the next apple cider party at the end of the year and Sunset’s Snowball fight, but for other upcoming events, she doesn’t want her friends in Equestria to take care of everything when she’s gone.

“I don’t know.” She replied. “I may not be available for the next two or three months.”

“But what about your-“ Pinkie said until Twilight cut her off.

“I know but most of my friends have other things to do. I mean is there anything I need to see in the next month or two?”

Both Sunset and Pinkie thought about the schedule for the rest of the winter season. From the beginning even when Sunset didn’t have friendship, they didn’t do a lot in winter. There is one pacific holiday in February but Sunset knows that Twilight has moved on from love.

“You know what, you’re right. There’s nothing.” Sunset commented. “The first three months of this year has little to celebrate.”

“You’re right.” Pinkie lowered her head in shame.

Princess Twilight felt sorry for her friends but she has to face the facts. “But I will say this, Spring, Summer and Autumn might have some different qualities when I think about it.”

“Don’t worry Twilight, when something happens, I’ll message you about it.” Sunset said.

“And besides, I think we called you twice in the last two weeks. You deserve to do what you need to do in your world.” Pinkie smiled.

“Thanks girls.” Princess Twilight gave her two friends a hug. She put on her winter clothes and say goodbye to her friends once again as she leaves Pinkie’s house, making her way back to the portal by herself. In the last three hours, Twilight had a great time with her friends in the snowball fight. She may be unavailable for awhile but that’s not going to stop her from coming back to Sunset’s world to see what’s waiting for her. She may have a tight schedule in Equestria but she'll do everything she can to squeeze in the time for Sunset and her friends.