//------------------------------// // Code Four? // Story: Alicorn Amulet: Awakening Powers // by WittyNameTFM //------------------------------// It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning. The wind blew ever so slightly...the green of the trees slowly turning brown. A few leaves on the ground already, crunched under passersby. Music played in her headphones as she jogged, her knee brace held firm...though her body ached, her knee did not. She came to a bench, taking a seat with a groan.  "How's it going, Indigo?" A familiar voice asked as she looked over to see the rainbow haired girl take a seat beside her. "Everything hurts and I'm sore all over. But I've never felt better." She grinned. "Why are you so beat up..?" "Training." She shrugged. "What are you up to?" "Just getting in a run…" Dash stretched. "Sunset was up late last night, so I did our routine by myself this morning." She sighed. "Oh yeah, we never really talked about your thing with her. We usually only get to see each other at the gym. How have things been?" "She's awesome. You know, she'd have to be to keep up with me." "But..?" "She's been throwing herself into her work a lot lately." She looked down. "Man, this relationship stuff makes you soft…" "Tell me about it." Indigo chuckled. "Nowadays I'm worried about finishing work outs early so I can spend time with Sunny." "Huh. That's odd, because I call Sunset that sometimes…" Dash chuckled. "Oof, that is weird." Indigo also laughed. "You got a second wind?" "Just about. Wanna race?" "Depends, how's the wheel?" She pointed to her knee brace. "Recovered. I just wear it to keep from stressing it." She shrugged. They pushed off the bench and took racer's stances. At the same time, they darted forward. Rainbow easily keeping up with Indigo...her increased muscle had significantly slowed her down from their previous runs. She closed her eyes as she fought down her transformation. These days...her magic ignited when she got moments to feel unrestricted. Running did that for her. She darted ahead, Indigo...keeping up surprisingly. Dash glanced over her shoulder at the confident runner beside her...a spark flashing around her momentarily. A glow that matched her hair color..? She lifted an eyebrow, feeling a pulse of energy shoot through her. She shook her head before dipping into her super speed, still keeping an eye on her running mate. She was ahead...but Indigo wasn't too far behind. The sparks happened more than once. It was as if Indigo was tapping into magic...the same kind Rainbow was still mastering. The train of thought had to be derailed. "Shit!" Indigo shouted, Dash noting that she was moving forward, her feet off the ground. In a flash, the world slowed for her, she turned, skidding them both to a stop, righting Indigo before pulling out of her power, looking around. Indigo continued forward, bumping into Rainbow slightly as they came to a stop. "You good?" "I freakin' tripped. How lame is that? I almost had you." "You did...by the way. Notice where we are?" She asked. Indigo looked around...they were in the middle of an open field. She looked back the way they came from. "Uh...did...did you carry me here?" She asked. "Not me...you were beside me the whole time." "How." The word was said, more than asked. "No idea." She reached into her pocket, took out her phone and pressed a few buttons before she held it to her ear. "Hey babe. I have some news." She said, glancing over to Indigo. "Call a meeting. I'm pulling a code four." "Code four?" Indigo mouthed, confused. Dash held up a finger. "Alright, I'll see you soon." She said, lowering the phone. "What's going on?" "A code four is 'unknown magical developments'." She said with a chuckle. "We have a couple codes that make planning easier." She looked around. "Let's get back to town first, there's no guarantee that you can do that again…so I'll just carry you." "Huh? Wai-" In a prismatic blur, she found herself over Dash's shoulder, the world around them seemed to slow to a crawl. Cars flew by, people barely moving an inch at a time. Her eyes scanned the slowed down cityscape as the rainbow trail followed them. Almost just as quickly they were in front of the cafe near Dash's school. "Whoa…" "What?" "Is that how you see the world?" Rainbow blinked. "You were aware during that? What'd you see?" "Everything moving at a crawl. It was weird." "Weird...I don't wanna make any guesses. That's what the meeting is for." She opened the door. "Hey Mrs. Cake." She waved. "Pinkie let me know already, dear. The party room is unlocked." "Thanks!" She nodded to Indigo. "She's with us." "What the- do you guys just have everything set up?" "Sunset and Twilight are cut from the same cloth. They're both very effective at planning and scheduling. So we have a few contingencies if magic crap happened." She shrugged before opening the door, Pinkie hopping around the room. "Hey Pinks." "Rainbow! You called a code four?! What happened?" "Let's give the girls some time to make it." Pinkie was already in front of Indigo. "Hi Indigo! How have you been?" "Uh...good?" "Did you get my get well brownies?" She asked with a bright smile "Those were from you? I did...but you didn't leave a card or anything. They were great." She smiled. "Oh, good! I'm glad you liked them." The door opened and Applejack stepped in, holding it for Rarity. The farm girl looked to still have wet hair and a towel around her neck. "This ain't no guitar emergency is it? Y'all called this while I was pickin'. I had to rush a shower a'fore gettin' here." "Aside from damp hair, you look lovely as always, darling." Rarity pat her shoulder with a smile as she passed. The blonde sighed, removing her hat to pull the towel up, trying to dry it a little more. Without a word, Rarity passed her a brush, Applejack going to work on that right after. The last to arrive were Fluttershy, Twilight and Sunset. The latter sliding off her leather jacket and bag as she took a seat. She nodded to Pinkie, who closed the doors. "Okay. What do we have?" She asked. Dash took a breath. "Well, let me try to word it before you guys jump in, okay?" She was met with nods. "Indigo and I were running, and she kept up with me." She started, reaching up to her pendant. "I tested a bit at a time...and she began to resonate with my speed powers. I think...I think she has magic." The girls turned to Indigo who was just as confused. "Any more evidence outside of her keeping up with ya?" Applejack asked. "We ran about fifty miles out of town, Applejack. She had to at least be tapping into it. I even saw the flickers around her...like she was attempting to pony up." "She was exposed to magic back at the friendship games...and we all know magic is weird in this world…" Sunset crossed her arms. "Is it even possible for more than one person to tap into a single element?" Rarity asked, looking to the still confused athlete.  "Well...Twilight has told me that they rescued the pillars...the original bearers of the elements...so there's two sets...plus some of her students at the friendship school have a connection to the tree of harmony...so that's three. If you count us...four, but I'd think of ours being the equivalent in this world…" She sighed. "All speculation, of course…" She reached into her bag, retrieving a book. "I'll ask Twilight now...but we have no idea when she'll get back to us." "But Twilight is right there…" Indigo said, completely lost as to the 'pillars', 'elements' and...a friendship school? "Oh. Right. Might wanna catch her up to speed." Rainbow thought aloud.  *** "No. Fucking. Way." "Language, darling." "Sorry." She shook her head. "I got the 'equestria' thing...but I never...you're a horse?! But you're like...a hot biker chick!" "One. Thank you." Sunset smirked. "Two. Pony, not horse. There's a big difference." "Right...so am I like...some kinda pony girl too?" "Maybe. We don't know just yet, darling. I would recommend you keep an eye on yourself whenever you're doing whatever activity that expresses your true self. Like my generosity...or Applejack's honesty." Rarity said. "What would my trigger be..?" "Hmm...if I had to guess, probably a variant of loyalty." Applejack chimed in. "Seein' how ya channeled the same source as Rainbow's powers." "That's a good call, Applejack. Twilight, you and I are going to come up with some preliminary tests to run." She smiled before looking to Rainbow. "But first...I think we have a reservation to make." Rainbow looked at her blankly. "Oh crap! That slipped my mind entirely! I'm not even dressed for it!" She threw her hands to the sides of her head. "You know...considering the circumstances, I think I can forgive you." Sunset punched her shoulder gently. *** "Remind me again...how you managed to get me to come to this nerd convention?" The athlete asked, running a hand through her styled blonde hair. They walked outside the convention center, cosplayers surrounding the entrance. Lyra walked alongside Lightning Dust.  The lyrist wore a red shoulderless dress, a cape and a large witch's hat, one leg was bandaged, the other, a thigh high black sock. Brown shoes with gold trim, one of her hands, clad in fingerless gloves were wrapped around a staff. Lightning wore a primarily blue jumpsuit, the wrists and boots were golden Reds, whites, and blues were accented on the chest and hips, a golden belt around her waist. "I told you it'd impress Moondancer." Her companion said. "Besides, you love that hero school anime." "Lyra, I can't believe you got me dressed up as All Might..." "You look great." She assured. "Are they even here today?" "Of course they are. Why wouldn't they be here on day two of three?" "I dunno how these things go." She shrugged, looking over the outfit as she walked. "You're lucky I can pull this off." She huffed, smiling internally at the authenticity of the cosplay. The yellow, red, white and blue just worked for her. "You like it." "Shut up." "Oh man! A girl All Might! Can we get a picture?" "Wha?" Lightning turned to face a couple young girls who looked up at her in awe. "Sure thing, girls. Right, All Might?" Lyra nudged her with a smirk. "I'm gonna kill you." She grumbled, but put on a confident grin. "I'll give you girls a photo or two!" She said in a more boastful voice. "Oh, thank you!" The girls struck a pose in front of her, Lightning Dust actually posing with her hands on her hips in one, arms crossed in another and flexing in the third. "Thank you so much, ma'am!" One of them said. Lightning pat her head. "Of course, young lady! Even simply taking photos with the next generation of heroes is a pleasure." She puffed her chest, acting more in character as the young girls gasped excitedly. "Next generation of heroes?" One asked with a wide smile. "Of course! You too can become a hero." The girl excitedly ran off as Lightning deflated, holding her head. "That was really cool of you." Lyra smiled. "I. Feel. So lame." She groaned. "Let's go find our girls. Bonnie said she'd dress up too...I wonder who she's gonna be." "And just who are you supposed to be?" Lightning asked as they began walking toward the building. A booming horn blared, cutting off Lyra as the two turned to see the three little girls from moments before in the crosshairs of a large truck. Lightning's eyes widened, quickly darting to the girls, noting one had tripped and the others were quickly trying to get her up. "SHIT!" She pushed off with her right leg, a teal and gold aura pulsed around her. Lyra, stepped back from a rush of wind that suddenly caught her off guard and noted a crack on the concrete where Lightning was standing moments prior. 'Save them…' She told herself, closing the distance in no time at all. Quickly, she scooped them up, pushing them enough to clear the vehicle. "LIGHTNING!" Lyra cried out as the blonde turned to face the oncoming vehicle. She grit her teeth, the aura pulsing around her still, she covered herself as best as she could, taking the hit of the decelerating truck. She wasn't flung back, instead, she stood firm, her feet skidding backwards...upon noticing, she reached her arms out to push against the front of the rig. For several feet, she grunted under the pressure, but slowed the truck to a stop before it had rammed into the sidewalk she was traveling down moments prior. She took a step back, panting. "All Might saved us!" One of the girls said. She glanced over, putting her biggest confident grin. "But of course, young lady. It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!" She crossed her arms, hiding the shaking in her legs. "Stay safe, girls." She waved before stepping away. "What just happened?!" The driver asked, getting out. "You just got saved from a lot of paperwork, damages and a heavy conscience." She threw her hand over her shoulder. "Take care." As she rounded the corner, Lyra following suit, she dropped to her knees, shaking. "Hey, hey. You okay?" Her friend asked, kneeling beside her as the tomboy stared at her hands. She wasn't hurt, she felt tired, but no pain. "I...think so." "We should probably see if any of the rainbooms could help with this." She said. "That looked like magic...the same kind Sunset has been having to deal with." "But how would I have access to it? I'm nowhere near involved with it." She asked. "Best guess I've got." She shrugged, helping her stand. "Thanks Lyra." "Of course." She waited for a moment before chuckled. "Dude, you just saved those girls and stopped an 18 wheeler from crashing." "Don't." "You're a hero." "Stop." "All Light." "Wanna see if I can hit just as hard?!" She grumbled. "Actually yeah. Just don't hit me." *** "Girls! Did you hear about the commotion outside?" The scholar sat the drinks on the table as she approached. "Whatever do you mean, love?" Octavia asked, looking up from her drink, Vinyl, BonBon and even Derpy joining her in the confusion. Moondancer took a seat, adjusting the skirt she wore as she did, fidgeting her legs, still getting used to the thigh highs. She wore a black fancy jacket over a red shirt with a black ribbon, tied together. She pushed up the stylized glasses. Octavia wore a blue dress, fading in color near the hem to white with a white fabric belt around her waist, her hair pulled into a slight side ponytail. A blue gem held above her chest, connecting the sleeves that were a part of a jacket that covered the backless dress. Vinyl wore a yellow shirt, a large 'X' under the words "HELL NO", she had a tattered red bandana with a skull on it wrapped around her neck. Plaid pants and yellow shoes with electric blue soles. Bonbon sat back, wearing a white button up shirt under a long sleeved blue hooded tunic, her witch's hat sitting to the side, a red sash around both the hat and her waist. Derpy wore a black and red school girl uniform, pleated skirt and a red scarf tied on. One side of her chest appeared to have a red and yellow eye, the other a faded white scar-like 'X'. Red fingerless gloves finished out her outfit. "Someone stopped a giant truck from hitting three kids! That's all people are talking about. Even the bartenders were talking about it…" She said with an excited smile. "There's no way that could happen...but isn't it cool that they're playing along?" "Well yes. That's pretty cool of them to-" Bonbon began before an excited shriek came from behind her, earning a wince. "It's her!" A girl's voice said, running from her table towards the doors. Their eyes followed the girl to the two girls who stood in the doorway. "Lyra...as Megumin. Why am I not surprised?" BonBon sighed. "Lightning is cosplaying?" Moondancer asked as the crowd surrounded the tall girl. "Easy, easy! Back up!" She waved them off. "Can we get pictures with the hero?" A guy asked. "I-I'm…" "Back up or you'll cause a scene!" Lyra stepped in. "The con workers don't need complaints filed, just let us by. We'll be here all con, so catch us on the floor, please." She spoke with an authority that the con goers around her respected for whatever reason. They dispersed as she walked to the table with her friends gathered. "So...hero?" BonBon said simply, tilting her head. Lightning groaned. Lyra went over the events, making sure to note Lightning posing for the young girls and even playing up the character. "If I didn't see it myself...I wouldn't believe it." Lyra crossed her arms. "You saved those girls, Lightning, that's amazing." Moondancer smiled brightly. "I...just acted, I guess." She shrugged, blushing lightly. "Whatever this is...I need to know if I can control it...and how it happened. Tomorrow I'll talk to Sunset...she'll have to know something about it, right?" *** Sunset yawned, pulling herself up from the bed, she made coffee and some breakfast before Rainbow trudged from their room, half dressed and hair a mess. "Rough night, babe?" Sunset asked with a half smirk. "You know it." She mumbled the response, despite the tired grin, both shared in the lighthearted ribbing. Rainbow gave her a hug before grabbing a cup of coffee, grimacing at the bitter drink. "You don't have to like coffee you know…" "Yeah, but it kicks my brain on. I'm way more awake already." "If you say so… I'm gonna call Twilight over to set up some tests we can perform on Indigo. If you're not busy, could you act as a preliminary? So we can see what you need to do to feel your powers." "Sure thing. I'll have to meet with Lightning about some soccer stuff, but outside of that I don't think I have anything…" She looked for her phone. "Maybe something with either Applejack or Fluttershy, but off the top of my head I can't think of anything." Rainbow took her phone from the table by the bed, rubbing her eyes as she read the new messages. "Uhh...Sunset, did you read the article about the 'hero who saved three girls'?" She asked. "No? Why?" "It was in town...and it has a picture. That's...Lightning Dust in that outfit." She turned her phone to show her. "What?" She read the article. "This...doesn't make sense." Dash's phone lit up, Lightning's name flashing on screen. Rainbow answered it. "Hey." She said, "whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down. Talk to me." She was awake much quicker. "You think you have magic..?" She looked to Sunset. "Meet us at the school. I'll get the girls." Sunset took her phone to type out a message to the group chat. *** Lightning sat on the bleachers, hands in the pockets of her jacket. Lyra and Roll stood nearby. "Ya sure ya don't want me 'round for this?" The accented young woman spoke. "Positive." "Man, you're cold." She whined. "I'm just concerned for my friend." "C'mon Light, she's trying to make amends, you should meet her half way." Lyra said, patting her shoulder. Lightning grumbled. "Just...don't oggle any of them and god help you if you hit on them." She warned. "I only have eyes for tough girls." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Three of them could probably kick your ass." Lyra supplied. "Don't. Make a fool of yourself." Lightning said, reaching to grab Roll's collar. "Understand?" "Rude." "Howdy y'all." Applejack called as the collective of rainbooms approached. "Morning." Lightning sat up. "Okay, you needed to talk with us?" Sunset asked, looking over the girl. She definitely felt different. "So...there's no way to sugarcoat it, I stopped an 18 wheeler with my bare hands." She said. "How did I do it?" "Whoa...really?" Pinkie asked. "These three kids were in the way and I just moved." She shrugged. "I didn't even think about what would happen after I got them out of the way." She admitted. "Well…" Sunset looked to Twilight, who dug out a device, it glowed faintly with the colors of the pendants it already recognized. Then it glowed teal in Lightning's presence. "What's that mean?" "You've got magic...that's for sure…" Sunset crossed her arms. "But how? Have you been-" "Outside of the gym or with any of my friends, I'm at home or school. I haven't looked for this madness." She looked at her hand. "Well...it's not picking up the same readings as Applejack's." Twilight noted. "One would think that its some offshoot of strength to stop a truck…" "Whatever else could it be then?" Rarity asked. "We have the means to test the strength here… Lightning, don't try to channel your strength...Applejack, you two have an arm wrestling contest. A test of strength. Then...we see if you can channel your new power to test against Applejack's geode." Lightning shrugged off her jacket, and Applejack joined her at a nearby table. Back and forth for a bit, but Applejack's stamina won out.  "So naturally...you're not as strong as Applejack. Now...try to focus on the feeling of seeing those girls in danger." Lightning sighed. "This is getting tedious…" "Just do it. They're trying to help." Roll shrugged. Lightning sighed before a gold and teal glow wisped around her. It was for a moment, but it appeared as if her body became more muscular...though Twilight nor Sunset were paying enough attention to notice...Roll stepped in between her and Applejack. "Dude, you got buffer." She let out a low whistle. "That a part of your magic?" "What are you talking about?" She turned, suddenly feeling like her shirt was a bit tighter. "Huh?" She looked over her hands and arms. "Are you freaking kidding me..?" "She's turned into All Light!" Lyra cheered. "She does appear to have gained more mass...Applejack, give it a shot." This time Lightning won handily. No resistance at all. Applejack's pendant glowed for the next test, a stalemate. Lightning tried to turn her down, but Applejack couldn't be moved. Ultimately the glow faded from the turquoise girl and she faltered at the strength. "She's totally got one for all." Lyra pointed out. "That's stupid." Lightning crossed her arms. "You buff up, withstand immense pain, move super fast and are super strong. Face it, you're lady all might." Lyra shrugged. "I think it's pretty cool." "You would...you're not the one with untrained power...and anger issues." She sighed. "There's no way I won't hurt someone with this…" "We'll help train you to get a handle on it." Twilight smiled. "I don't want it!" She blurted out. "I'm no hero, I just want a quiet life…" "Hate to tell you, Sugarcube, but we don't have the luxury of choosing...these things choose folks that best define their powers. You've got something special in you...despite you not seeing it." She poked her chest. "Even if it's only here and not here." She poked her forehead. "That's pretty well summed up…" Sunset said. "Dude. We'll help you. You're not alone in this." Dash smiled, punching Light's shoulder. *** "Okay, I'm ready." Starlight said, watching the magician as she entered the box. "Now, your job here is to distract as I….I…" Trixie covered her mouth, sneezing. The necklace jostling in the movement...and a red flash encompassed her, Starlight looking over as she heard the sneeze. "Bless you…Trix?" She asked, looking around. "Trixie? Nice prank, Trix...come on out." She crossed her arms with a grin. Her phone buzzed, confused...the girl looked down to see 'Trix <3' on screen. She raised an eyebrow before answering. "THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE IS THE GREATEST MAGICIAN THAT'S EVER LIVED!" The excitable magician shouted into the receiver, Starlight holding out the phone at arm's length.  "What happened?" "I teleported! Like for real teleported! I'm at my RV!" "What? That's awesome! But...how?" "I don't know...but it was amazing!" She said, examining herself, unsure if anything came from the magic. "Trixie is capable of real magic!" She giddily hopped, wiping her eye, unaware of the red wisps of magic that faded as she did.