Chaos Still Remains

by Dashie1995

Chapter 2

Discord and Fluttershy appeared in front of Twilight's. 

"Um Discord? Could you put me down please?" Fluttershy asked, shyly looking up at him with doe eyes.

Discord put her down and felt his face get hot again. "oh yeah..  right! Sorry, my dear." Great now I look like an idiot. 

Fluttershy smiled at him appreciatively and knocked on the door with her hoof. There was a clatter inside as Twilight rushed to the door and swung it open.

"I got the antidote!" Fluttershy said showing Twilight the flower and rushed in. She ran upstairs to where Spike was now laying on Twilight's bed. She approached him and shook him awake gently "Spike, I need you to open your mouth and eat this ok?" He nodded weakly and opened his mouth with difficulty and Fluttershy placed the flower in his mouth. 

Spike chewed on it slowly and his coloring started to turn back to normal and his breathing stabilized. Fluttershy placed a hoof on his forehead and smiled "His temperature is going back to normal, he'll be ok now Twilight. He'll just need lots of bed rest." 

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief and threw her hooves around Fluttershy hugging her friend tightly. "Thank Celestia! You are amazing Fluttershy. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost him."

Fluttershy smiled and hugged her back. "I'm glad I was able to help. You should get some rest too, Twilight. look exhausted, if you don't mind me saying." 

Twilight nodded "I am exhausted. I-" 

"Well as touching as this all is, we should go home Fluttershy." Discord interrupted as he leaned against the wall. Twilight glared at him. She hated being cut off! 

Fluttershy frowned at him and turned to Twilight "Sorry about that, someone is a little grumpy." 

Discord rolled his eyes and lost himself in his thoughts as the two still continued talking. Do these ponies ever stop talking?  He glanced over at Fluttershy. He was secretly impressed with her saving Spike's life but he would never tell her that! It's a wonder she's not still a whimpy pegasus after the whole dragon situation, she was buried in my arms ten minutes ago crying and now she's smiling and acting like nothing happened. 

He froze as that thought crossed his mind. Buried in my arms. He shook that thought from his head. Bad Discord stop thinking like that! Don't actually get attached! He sighed. At least that's a sure way to making my plan succeed. 

Fluttershy's voice cut through his thoughts. "Let's go home Discord.Twilight should get some rest." 

"Well it's about time!" He stated and picked up Fluttershy. She frowned at him and looked apologetically at Twilight before Discord snapped them away.


They appeared in Fluttershy's cottage and she hopped down. "You didn't have to be so rude at Twilight's, Discord. She's had a horrible night and you weren't helping by being rude." She said glaring up at him.

He sighed and said " yes, yes I know. I'm sorry, I'm not accustomed to the 'rules of friendship'" he added quotations and rolled his extra set of eyes that had appeared on the back of his head.

Her eyes softened " oh...yes I'm sorry of course you wouldn't know better." 

A silence passed between them and then Fluttershy said shyly "Thank you again for saving me in the forest. No one has ever saved me like that. I... c-can't believe you saved me. You… made me feel so safe and I… I'm forever grateful." She glanced down her face beat red.

Time to strike! He thought.

Discord smiled and took her face in his paw and cupped it. "Of course I saved you, Fluttershy. You are the most important pony in my life and I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." 

Her face turned even redder "Oh-hh my, I n-never knew that. I s-suposed you are also one of the most important c-creatures in my life." She stumbled over her words. He smiled and ran his claw along her face and brushed a few strands of her mane out of the way. She started leaning into his touch and smiled at him. He felt her pulse quicken at his touch though it may have just been because she was embarrassed.

I think it's working!  He thought.  Now you ol stud you. Go in for the kill! 

"Um Fluttershy, I must be honest with you."

"Yes Discord?"

"This is hard for me to admit, I didn't get reformed simply because of your friendship."

 She looked at him confused "you didn't?"

"No, I started falling for you. After you treated me with such kindness, I couldn't get you out of my head. Your smile, your voice, your eyes - just everything made me want to be near you and I selfishly thought I could do whatever I wanted with that promise you made me to never use your element. I was wrong and I felt horrible making you mad like that." He paused looking at her. She was wide eyed. " After that I vowed I would do anything to make you happy and I guess what I'm trying to say is...I love you Fluttershy." 

She blinked and swallowed "I don't know what to say…" She studied his hopeful face. "I mean nopony has ever looked my way before."

Quick Discord save this! "I don't know how anypony hasn't my dear Fluttershy. You are the most amazing pony and stallions are idiots if they don't see it " 

She took a breath and said "I think I may be falling for you too. The way you rushed to my rescue and how much you care about me." 

He smiled and said "Then Fluttershy, would you be my special somepony?" She nodded. He squee'd and pulled her close. She snuggled in and sighed happily, breathing in his scent. 

He leaned down and closed the gap between them and kissed her gently. She kissed him back and smiled into the kiss. He pulled away a few minutes later for air and he smiled at her. 

"T-that was a-amazing." Fluttershy stammered a dazed look on her face. He nodded back. "We should probably get to bed though. It's quite late."

"Ok, goodnight my dear Fluttershy." He took his place on the couch.

"Goodnight, Discord " She smiled and flew off to her room.

Discord lay on his back with a grin on his face. Yes, she fell for that hookline and sinker. Now to get her to fall so deeply in love with me that she turns on her friends. He cackled in his mind. And flipped over, not even noticing the warmth he felt from tonight filling his chest.