Time for a Gig!

by Serval Shots

Ch. 1

There was a lone pony standing in what appeared to be a field, rain softly landing at her hooves. She looked up at the sky which appeared to be very dark and obscure, her mane becoming soaked with the time passing. However, she knew everything that she was experiencing at this moment wasn’t real; it was a dream. As to conform her suspicion, the ground shook and a flash of orange exploded overhead, revealing the bright sun. She trotted towards the direction of the sun and came upon a house covered in streamers. Everything seemed to be disproportionate because the house was smaller than usual and the sun was much bigger. In front of the house was Rothux, a video game character from one of the games she plays often.

“Rothux? What are you doing here?” She asked.

Rothux smiled and performed his signature move, landing in front of her.

“Today’s gonna be a real, REAL good day Vinyl!” Rothux replied, smiling and disappearing in his ghost dash.

“Wait. I am dreaming. I knew it!” Vinyl said to herself.

She then thought about a giant apple and was startled by a loud sound. Behind her was quite literally a giant apple which was both enormous and a vibrant red color. But before Vinyl got to have more control of her dreaming, she woke up.


“Dinky! Dinky!”

Dinky woke up from the sound of her mother trotting up the stairs, repeating her name until Dinky finally got off her bed.

“I’m up Mommy! I’m up!”

Derpy appeared in front of the doorway of Dinky’s room, struggling to train both eyes on her but failed to do so.

“Ok hun make sure you brush your teeth and do your homework. Your father and I are going to go out. I called that babysitter you like so much if she would be kind enough to watch you again.” Derpy said, smiling at her daughter.

Dinky rubbed her eyes and smiled back at her mommy.

“How long was I asleep?”

“Oh probably only several hours past what time you normally wake up at.”

Dinky looked at her new watch and was shocked at the time being 6:57 pm.

“Only several hours? Wow I was OUT!” Dinky chuckled.

Derpy chuckled along with her daughter, trotting up to her and kissing her on the forehead.

“Well your babysitter is going to be here soon so you be good, ok?”

“Ok Mommy. I love you!”

Derpy smiled again as she looked into the beautiful eyes of her daughter, remembering how gifted she was to have such a wonderful child.

“I love you too little doo!”

The both of them hugged each other, saying bye once more before Derpy left with her husband. Dinky went over to the living room couch and sat down, switching on the T.V. For a while she was intrigued by Who are you going to Marey?, a somewhat dramatic comedy featuring the Mane 6 of Ponyville. However what really got her attention was the music channel and on the music channel there were replays of performances at Canterlot. As she was watching one performance, a mix of white and blue grabbed her attention on the top left of the screen and upon further examination, she realized that mix of white and blue was Vinyl.

“Vinyl!? What!? No way!!”

She continued watching the replay, amazed at how fluidly Vinyl moved and how devoted she was to making the music. Her magic enveloped a pair of headphones that floated near her ears as her hooves were busy moving the records and a ton of switches on the mixer. Every new entrance or beat was accompanied by an energetic and well trained dance move as Vinyl kept up with the tempo of the music she was creating.

“Wow that’s so awesome, she’s like moving so fast and making the music at the same time. I don’t think I could even do that in my dreams!”

Dinky felt like a commentator, appreciating the spectacle that she was witnessing because it seemed that Vinyl never ran out of surprises, continuing to amaze the young filly watching. However, eventually the replay was coming to an end and Vinyl finished with a slide and a hoof stand, using her magic to levitate herself from the ground.

“I wanna know how to do that!” Dinky exclaimed in awe.


Dinky muted the T.V. and headed over to the door, opening it and was met by the same pony she had just watched on T.V.

“Vinyl you’re on T.V.? Oh my googily moogily, why didn’t you TELL ME!?” Dinky greeted Vinyl excitedly.

“Hey good to see you too kiddo.”

The two of them hugged each other, heading over to the couch. Vinyl then replied to Dinky’s comment.

“Well usually I don’t tell ponies that because they usually freak out in excitement. It’s not a bad thing or anything but it does lead to consistent questions about how famous I am and stuff like that. So rather than going through all of that, I just say I’m a DJ.”

Vinyl smiled at Dinky and stuck her tongue out a little.

“Oh ok I guess that makes sense. So when was this performance?” Dinky asked, pointing to the muted performance on the T.V.

“About a couple of weeks ago. It was a performance for Celestia. She digged it of course.” Vinyl replied.

“How did you do the finishing move though? That looked so cool!”

“Oh that? That’s just practice. I always say that perfect practice makes perfect. Not just any old practice because any pony can do that. It’s when you take the time to make every move perfect and little steps of improvement that will make that practice perfect, therefore leading to becoming perfect at something. Makes sense?”

Dinky nodded her head, grabbing the remote with her magic and attempted to turn the T.V. off. She failed, the remote falling to the ground. However, a significantly stronger force enclosed the remote, catching it in time and raising it perfectly to eye level & switching off the T.V.

“See? Like that for example. Took me probably several days before I started getting it down and eventually a month until I fully mastered it. Don’t worry kiddo, just keep practicing and make small improvements each time. Pretty soon, you’ll get it down and eventually with patience, you will finally master it.”

Dinky looked at the ground in uncertainty but was reassured by the friendly look in Vinyl’s eyes.

“You know if you liked that performance so much, I have a gig tonight and if you-“

“Yeah I wanna go! PWEEASE!” Dinky interrupted.

“Woah ok kiddo I guess it’s a plan! Let me call your mom real quick” Vinyl excitedly said.

Vinyl got up from the couch and headed towards the door, calling Derpy and awaiting her answer. Finally Vinyl hung up and looked over to Dinky.

“Well what are you waiting for? She said it’s cool. Let’s go!” Vinyl exclaimed


“Ok well here we are. It isn’t as big as the performance you saw on T.V. but it’s a cool place. I’m sure you’ll like it kiddo.”

Dinky looked at the place, noticing the bright neon sign on the front of the building displaying the words “The Space Dragon”.

“The Space Dragon? Sounds really cool!”

“Yeah it is, lots of poets, musicians and karaoke ponies go here. Tonight they want me to liven up the place a little more with a small performance. Originally it was supposed to just be me but if you want to, you can be my assistant.”

“Haha awesome!”

Dinky high-hoofed Vinyl as the both of them walked up to the front door of the place.

“Let’s set up real quick and I’ll let you know what to do. It’s gonna be fun trust me kiddo.”

Dinky nodded and stuck her tongue out on the side of her mouth in confidence. If there was anything Dinky Doo was afraid of, it disappeared as the duo entered the building.

“You best be restin’ before you start suggesting that I ain’t gotta have sleep! You crazy! Oh Crazy Daisy! How I love you so!” sang a white and gold pony on the stage.

“And that was “Crazy Daisy” sung by Humming Joy! Thank you Humming. Next we have DJ PON-3 after this 15 minute concession!” the intercom cracked.

“You hear that? That’s us kiddo” Vinyl said, smiling at the young filly.

Dinky trotted rather quickly to the stage, setting down the bags she was carrying. Vinyl set her bags down as well, setting up the stage as quickly as she could, Dinky helping in every way she could. Eventually the duo managed to get everything organized with time to spare. Vinyl looked down at her watch and noticed that Dinky was doing the same thing.

“Nice new watch, it’s really cool.” Vinyl said.

Dinky blushed a little and gave her thanks.

“Well let’s get something to drink before the show starts huh?”


The duo walked over to the bar and was greeted by a friendly bartender.

“Hi there what can I get you?”

“Just two colas for us” Vinyl said to the bartender.

The bartender nodded his head and served them two colas, the duo gulping both drinks with no problem at all. Vinyl was about to walk over to the stage but was stopped by a pony approaching her.

“Hi! Hi! I’m Humming Joy!” the young mare said to Vinyl.

Vinyl stopped and so did the trailing Dinky.

“Oh hi I’m Vinyl Scratch.”

The mare smiled, her glittering golden eyes clearly looking into Vinyl’s magenta eyes.

“I really like your performances they’re so rad! Heh so cool meeting you!”

Vinyl smiled back at Humming Joy.

“Don’t make me blush heh nice to meet you too Humming Joy.”

Humming Joy blushed and went over to her seat to sit down. The duo walked onto the stage, Vinyl getting on her mixer and Dinky on the side.

“Alright kiddo just follow my lead when I start dancing alright? I won’t levitate since you can’t do that yet so don’t worry about that.”

Dinky nodded her head and changed her face to that of pure confidence.

“Alright ladies and gentlestallions, here is DJ PON-3!” the intercom cracked.

Duba Dub Dub Dub Duba Duba Duba Dub Dub Dub Duba Duba Duba Dub Dub Dub

The speakers inside of the building shook, Vinyl’s song beginning to start, the volume gradually becoming louder and louder.


Vinyl swinged around, head banging as the tempo increased, rapid sounds accompanying her fast movements. Dinky looked over to Vinyl whom smiled back at her and tried to keep up with Vinyl. Pretty soon Vinyl became emerged in her music, wubs flowing through her mane as she kept the music going. Dinky saw Vinyl’s body become enclosed with electric blue, literal wubs emanating from her body. Her sunglasses started shining an upbeat purple, glowing with the same intensity as Vinyl’s dancing.

“Woah…”was all Dinky managed to stutter.

Vinyl became a blur of electric blue and purple, almost as if she was on actual fire because she became a source of light. Dinky managed to keep up but was getting tired very fast and knew she couldn’t keep up for long. Vinyl raised one hoof in the air and electric blue flowed out of it, wrapping itself around Dinky. Dinky gasped but soon started giggling as Vinyl picked her up from the ground with her music, enabling Dinky to perform gravity defying moves.

“Haha! Woah! This IS SO COOL! I’M LIKE A PEGASUS!” Dinky roared.

Vinyl’s magic took over the mixer as she danced under the floating Dinky, spinning and throwing dance kicks while managing to keep Dinky afloat. Dinky was having the time of her life spinning around wildly, the laws of physics unable to touch her at all. Vinyl shook her hips rapidly and the music followed her lead as she slowly raised her hoofs towards the ceiling. The music suspended and so did every pony in the room; the room became almost dead silent. Then as fast as the silence had come, one last movement in the music erupted, Vinyl performing a back flip back onto the stage and bringing Dinky down on the floor, ending with a loud boom. Vinyl stuck her tongue out crazily, panting from the strenuous exercise of making the music and keeping Dinky afloat at the same time.

“WOOOT! YEAH DJ PON-3! THAT’S WHAT’S UP!” yelled a stallion in the back.

The audience roared in excitement, clearly thrilled with Vinyl’s performance.

“Vinyl that was like incredible! You’re such a talented DJ!” yelled another pony.

Vinyl got up and bowed with Dinky, the both of them smiling happily.

“That was soooo cool! I was flying! I couldn’t believe it! Did I do alright? Did I??” Dinky remarked.

Vinyl smiled at the young filly, scruffing her mane a little.

“You did great kiddo, couldn’t ask for a better assistant.”

Dinky giggled and hugged Vinyl, Vinyl hugging her back as some ponies came up to Vinyl to give their appreciation for the amazing performance. Eventually the crowd dissipated and Humming Joy was all that was left of the huge crowd of ponies.

“I just wanted to say you did a marvelous job; that was just spectacular Vinyl!” Humming Joy said to Vinyl.

Humming Joy took out a piece of paper and a pen and asked if Vinyl could sign it.

“Yeah sure why not, you’re a pretty cool mare” Vinyl said.

Humming Joy’s golden and white cheeks became a shade of red as she blushed.

“You’re..you’re the cool..o…one” Humming Joy managed to stutter.

Vinyl smiled at her fan and signed the paper using her magic, handing the paper back to the unicorn. Humming Joy gave her thanks and left excitedly, skipping in joy.

“She was nice Vinyl.” Dinky remarked.

“Yeah she was, she was a pretty cool fan you know?” Vinyl replied.

Vinyl then started to put up her bags and equipment, Dinky assisting her on the stage.

“Well I let your mom know that the gig is over and she said she was gonna pick you up here.”

“Oh ok. Wish she was here to see how awesome that was!”

Vinyl chuckled as Dinky went on rambling at how cool it was to fly. Pretty soon Derpy and her husband showed up and greeted the duo.

“Well until next time kiddo. You be good now ok?”

Dinky smiled and nodded at her babysitter.

“Perfect practice-“

“Makes perfect!” Dinky interrupted.

“You got it! Alright well see you later kiddo.”


Dinky trotted over to Vinyl and hugged her one last time before going with her mom. Vinyl gathered her belongings and headed to the front of the building with Dinky and her parents, waiving a hoof at them in good bye as they left.

“Dinky Doo, that silly little filly” Vinyl thought to herself, chuckling.

Vinyl picked up her things and started to head towards her house but was stopped by a most gracious voice.

“Hey my wubby Vinyl!”

Vinyl turned around and saw Octavia trotting behind her, catching up with her.

“Oh hey Tavi, when did you get here?”

“I watched your gig and I got to say, I am quite jealous of your talent.”

Octavia smiled and kissed Vinyl on the cheek.

“Seriously who can levitate a filly and manage to still keep the music going all while dancing? Very impressive.”

Octavia leaned forward to Vinyl, closing her eyes. Vinyl became full of excitement, her cheeks becoming very red and her heart thundering. Octavia’s lips landed on Vinyl’s and for several minutes the two of them passionately kissed, the first time Vinyl had ever done so in her entire life. When it was over, Vinyl took of her sunglasses and looked at Octavia with desire.

“Woah Tavi, that was 10 times more amazing then any gig ever. That was wonderful.”

Octavia smiled and picked up some of Vinyl’s bags, poking her in the side softly.

“Let’s go home my wubby Vinyl” Octavia said.

Vinyl nodded her head and the both of them walked together, holding hoofs all the way home.