//------------------------------// // First days // Story: The Crystal Prep Academy Jewelry Box // by AzureAKASapphire //------------------------------// There are worlds beyond worlds. Times beyond times. Equestria, the land of Ponies and other mythical creatures that live in harmony. No one would ever think that there is a world much like it…and at the same time, quite different. ///////////// Crystal Prep Academy, one of the more prestige Boarding schools in the city, was beginning their first semester of the year after summer vacations. Among familiar faces, there were also new Students that were arriving for their first year at CPA. One of them, a Boy with Stone blue skin and short pink hair looked up at the place he was about to call home. Like many of the Students that were arriving, he wore his new Uniform: a long-sleeved Maroon cardigan, light blue shirt under, a bowtie at the neck and violet pants with Dress shoes. He carried both a backpack and a trunk, he would be one of the Boarding Students. Seeing the boy off was an older girl with long pink hair, cream-colored skin and a white dress with Roses on the skirt, and near her were a couple, obviously their parents. “Well, Azure, Here it is. You excited?” She asked “I wouldn’t choose that Word, Rose,” Azure said, “nervous is more what I feel.” “I know you are little Bro,” Rose said, “But it’ll be ok, you’ll make friends here.” “I already miss Morgana,” Azure added, “Why did she have to go to a different school?” he sighed. “Sweetie, you're going to have a great time here” his mother began, “I had the best years of my life here a Crystal Prep. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone special…like how I met your father,” She added looking at her husband. “And there’s all sorts of after-school activities you can be a part of” His father added, “I know you’ll have fun.” “Ok…I think I’m ready” Azure said, he hugged his parents, they each gave him a kiss goodbye, he turns to his big Sister and hugs her too. “we’ll send you a care package every month,” Rose added, giving him a wink. Azure smiled, “Thanks sis,” he said before turning back to the school, now feeling ready. ////////// Orientation went by rather quickly and Students were introduced to the Headmistress, principle Cadence, They were told how Classes would go, where all after-school and extra-curricular activities would be held and where to sign up, and everything in between. Since Azure was a border, he was assigned a room at the school. The Boy’s dormitories were located far from the main campus building. Azure unlocked the door and inside was a very spacious bedroom, There was a small kitchen at the side, two beds, a bathroom, and a very large closet. Azure’s trunk was already there, waiting for him…along with a second trunk, he was getting a Roommate. Azure looked at it, “I hope whoever I'm staying with is nice,” he said to himself as he looked into his trunk. He unpacked most of his clothes and spare uniforms, hanging them in the large walk-in closet. As he went into his trunk, he spotted something that made him blush, it was a garment bag, one he recognized. He opens it and blushed Harder, “Oh Rose…” He sighed, he notices a note inside. "Dear Azure" the note began, "I know you might be upset that I packed this in with your stuff, but I know you more than anyone else, you would have missed our fun times together. Trust me, you’ll need this. Bring Sapphire out if you can, I know how confident she is. Lots of love, Rose.” Azure put the note back in the bag and sighed. That’s when he heard the door open, he gasped and closed his trunk. He turns to the door and sees an older boy enter, the boy had Blue skin and short chestnut hair, he looked much older than Azure, and noticed that he wore a patch on his vest that signified that he was a senior, a 4th-year student ready to graduate. “Um, Hi there. I’m Azure,” He greeted holding a hand out, “Guess I’m your new roommate.” The boy looked him over and took Azure’s hand, shaking it, “Nice to meet you,” He said with a bit of a baritone, “You can call me Bulkhead. First-year, huh?” He asked. Azure nods, “Well, don’t worry, you’ll be fine here.” “Thanks, Bulkhead,” Azure said, “so, how are classes here?” “Oh, like anywhere else I suppose.” Bulkhead said, “They have their teachers that are good, some a bit more strict. But things have been easy since the old principal left. Headmistress Cadence has been great.” “Well, that’s great,” Azure said with a smile. “That's a nice case,” Bulkhead said looking down, “Need some help?” “No!” Azure let out quickly, then blushed at how he sounded, “I mean…that’s ok, I got it.” He said as he grabbed the garment bag and took it to the closet “You seem prepared.” Bulkhead noted, “I remember my freshmen year, thinking I need everything, you’ll learn later on that you won’t need much, at least as a freshman.” “Well, that’s good to know,” Azure said as he finished, He turned to the clock on the wall, “Whoa, is that the time already? I should hurry; my first class is in a few minutes.” Azure went to his trunk and pulled out a book-bag and a notebook before rushing out “I should get to my class too,” Bulkhead said as he too took his leave, “Talk to you later.” “Later!” Azure called out. ////////// Azure’s first class was science, “Alright everyone, from now until the end of the semester, you’ll be put together in teams.” The teacher began, “Since we have an odd number of students, one team will have three kids. I’ll be assigning teams in no particular order.” The teacher did his work and paired every student with another. Azure was the last “Azure, you’ll be joining Cold Front and Disty Dusk.” Azure nods and sits next to two sophomore students: one had orange skin and orange/blue striped hair, the other Grey skin with chestnut hair that had a braid on one side. “Hi, nice to meet you,” Azure greeted. “Nice to meet you too,” The orange one said, “I’m Cold Front, that’s Dusk.” “Hi,” the boy, now known as Dusk, greeted “Alright students, our first lessons will be about weather patterns and their relations to the stages of matter,” The teacher began. “This will be a breeze,” Cold Front whispered, “I love studying weather.” “Then I guess it’s great I have you as a partner,” Azure said with a smile. As they began writing notes, Azure spotted something gold on Cold Front’s wrist, it looked like a bracelet of some kind buried in his long cardigan. Azure got curious at that, as it seemed out of place, He noticed another bracelet, this time on Disty Dusk, and like Cold Front, it was under his long sleeve. After some time taking notes, the teacher was setting up his projector for the next part of the lesson. “Oh dear, I grabbed the wrong set of slides. I’ll be back boys and girls, I trust that you can be civil while I’m gone.” The students were quiet but nodded. The moment the teacher left, all the kids began talking to one another or get on their phones. Azure turned to his partners, who were holding hands and smiling at one another, “So are we down for tonight?” Cold Front whispered “Yeah, we shouldn’t have much homework for tonight.” Disty Dusk whispered back, “so we’ll be able to have some fun.” He then leans in for a short peck on the lips. Azure blushed at this, which seemed to get their attention, “Oh…Sorry,” Dusk began, blushing as well, “Forgot you were there Azure.” “It’s ok,” Azure said, “That looked very sweet, I didn’t think I’d meet a couple like you, it’s nice that you’re able to be open like that.” “Well, it’s better now that Cadence is in charge, the last headmistress wasn’t as…open as She is.” Cold Front said “Well, that’s good to know,” Azure said, “Hate to see anyone bully you two or anything because of it.” “Well, we had our share of…unfavorable people,” Cold Front began, “But let’s just say thank goodness for the new management. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it just as much as we do.” “Let’s hope so,” Azure said, Then asked, “So what were you guys talking about, what’s going on tonight?” “Oh, that’s…a secret” Disty said with a smirk. “Oh,” Azure said, then blushed “Oh…well, I won’t pry anymore.” Cold Front chuckled, “it’s nothing like that.” He said as if reading his mind, “Just a thing we do after school, a club thing.” “Oh, I see,” Azure said, trying to get it. “Don’t worry about it, you’ll get it soon enough,” Disty said. “Can you tell me about it?” Azure asked. “Well, it’s more of an ‘experience it for yourself’ kind of secret, we won’t tell you until you find out,” Disty said “How do I find out?” Azure asked, now more curious. “It’ll happen when you least expected it,” Cold Front said. At that moment, the Teacher returned and everyone started to return to silence. //////////// The rest of the day went by before Azure knew it, he took notes in all his classes, he ran into Cold Front and Disty a few times in some of them. Azure also noticed other boys were wearing the same gold bracelet he saw on his lab partners, and like them, they were hidden. Azure couldn’t tell if it was a trend or what. Or maybe this had something to do with the club Cold Front and Dusk were talking about. ///////// The school day ended and Azure was back in his dorm room, he saw Bulkhead as he was out of uniform and into his street clothes, just a t-shirt with a denim vest and jeans “Hey Bulkhead.” “Azure, so, how was your first day?” He asked “It was good,” Azure said, “classes seem a bit tough, but I think I got it.” he looks over Bulkhead’s outfit, “You going out?” “Yeah, have to meet up with some friends,” Bulkhead said, “I’ll check you later.” “Ok, take care,” Azure said as Bulkhead left. when it was quiet, Azure looks around “Well…here I am…all by myself…” He said softly. He looked out the window of his room, it was a lovely day, Summer hadn’t left yet and it was still nice enough that a jacket wasn’t needed. “Hmm…should I?” He asked himself, looking into his closet. After a moment, Azure closed the blinds and checked that there was no one outside before locking the door. He enters his closet and pulls out the Garment bag and places it on his bed. As he began to take his uniform off, he was getting goosebumps, he never did this outside of home before. He was still shy about it, but now that he was alone, Azure decided to take a chance. He took everything off, even his undershirt and briefs, he reached for the zipper and opened the bag. Inside the garment bag was a beautiful pink dress, it had white lace, puffed sleeves and blue at the trim and the bodice. along with the dress was a blonde wig, light curls and past the shoulders. Azure emptied the bag, there was also a lingerie set: Bra and panties, matching petticoat and a pair of pink heels. Now, this would be odd for a boy to have, but Azure wasn’t an ordinary boy, in fact, he loved being a girl too, more so than being a guy. He supposes his sister was the one that made him realize this, but he didn’t blame her, in fact, he thanked her every day for it. As a little boy, he loved dressing up, he had a box full of costumes and liked dressing up and pretending to be a new person every day. Then one day Rose dared him to wear a dress, he said no at first because he didn’t think they were meant for boys, but after Rose’s teasing, he bit the bullet and wore a red Princess dress she uses to wear. Something changed in Azure that day, and it was a good change. He loved everything about the dress, how it felt, how it fits, how it looked on him, he wanted to try being a girl. When Rose helped with his makeup and a wig, it was like a switch had been flipped, Azure wasn’t a boy, he couldn’t recognize himself anymore, now he was a pretty girl, and he loved it. Rose told him that he was as pretty as a gem, a Sapphire that shown brightly, it was that name that Azure would take for his feminine self. Since then, Azure and Rose took every chance they got to play dress-up, It was just him and Rose at first, then his neighborhood friend Morgana found out one day she dropped by while he was dressed as a maid. She was ok with it, in fact, she loved the idea of having a girl, or rather boy, to dress up in the girly clothes that she didn’t wear anymore. It continued for some time, though in Junior high it wasn’t done as much, Azure never stepped out as Sapphire, mostly because he was scared to do so, but he still dressed up from time to time. Azure was thinking fondly of those times as he was getting his Bra on, it was padded, giving him a more girlish figure. He then pulled up the panties and shuttered with delight, they always felt good on him. He then rolled stocking on his feet, they were sheer and showed off his legs, then he pulled up the pair of pink Petticoats, they were just above his knees, perfect for filling out the skirt of the dress. he was getting the dress over his head, it was a bit tight but a good tug pulled it in place and he was able to zip up. Azure sighed, he sees the dress in his reflection, he couldn’t help but do a twirl, like a ballerina, he blushed feeling his skirt rise a little, he stopped and giggled, “Ok, almost done.” He was reaching for his wig when the sound of a key turning was heard…someone was opening the door. “Hey Azure, are you still here? I forgot me-“ Bulkhead froze in place when he saw Azure, wearing a frilly pink dress. Azure was like a deer in headlights, he couldn’t move he was so shocked. Bulkhead closed the door behind him and looked him over “…Nice dress.” He said. Azure turned red and covered his face, “Oh I can’t believe this is happening!” He said, trying to hold back panic. “Hey, easy there, don’t get upset,” Bulkhead said. “How can I not get upset!?” Azure asked, his voice cracking, “This is one of my biggest fears and I let it happen!” He then just fell on the bed and started to cry. Bulkhead walked over and sat on the bed, “Azure please, it’s ok, I’m not going to think differently of you, please.” He said. Azure’s sobs continued for a few minutes, soon enough, they started to get lighter until finally, he was calm. “Better?” Azure took in a few breaths, “I…I think so.” He said, “please, don’t tell anyone.” “I wouldn’t do something like that,” Bulkhead said, “Come on, what kind of guy do you take me for?” Azure dried his eyes, “You promise?” Bulkhead game a smirk, “How about this: I show you a secret about me and we’ll be even.” “Oh no, I couldn’t-“ Before Azure could continue, Bulkhead pulled his pants down and he Froze, Bulkhead was wearing a pair of white lace panties instead of boy underwear, he blushed at the sight, “You…you’re like me?” Bulkhead smiled, “That depends, do you like feeling pretty by dressing up as a girl? Or is there more to it? do you want to be a girl?” Azure looked at him and blushed “Well…It’s hard to explain. I mean I do like wearing dresses and feeling pretty and, sometimes I wish I were a girl. But it’s not every day, I like being a boy too.” He answered. “So there are days where you’d like to be either or?” Bulkhead asked when Azure nodded he smiled, “I see. I believe the proper term is Gender Fluid.” “Gender Fluid?” Azure asked, unfamiliar with the term. “I learned that when I was learning about myself. I’m mostly considered just a Crossdresser,” Bulkhead chuckled, “A lot of us are.” “Us?” Azure asked. “Right, the reason I came back, I forgot something for my club” Bulkhead said as he went to his Bed’s dresser drawer and pulled something out. It was a gold Bracelet, the same kind that Azure noticed on some of the boys in his class. “I’ve seen that,” He said looking at it for the first time, it was a simple gold bracelet with a single Gemstone embedded on the top, the Blue color made him think a Sapphire, “Some of the boys were seen wearing one like it.” Bulkhead smiled, “Do you want to know about it?” “Yes,” Azure answered. “Well, for me to answer, you’ll have to come with me…and you’ll have to come dressed up.” Bulkhead answered. “What?!” Azure gasped, his voice cracked at that, “I…I can’t! I’ve never stepped out as Sapphire.” “Sapphire?” Bulkhead asked this made Azure blush, “Is that your girl name?” When Azure nodded gently, he smirked, “What a coincidence, mine too.” “Really?” Azure asked. Bulkhead nods, “And you know what, I believe you can be as pretty as one too. Let me see Sapphire fully.” Azure wasn’t sure what he meant, but after a moment he realized, he still had his Wig and makeup to put on “Ok…but...don't look please, I get nervous.” Bulkhead answered with a nod and turned away, not looking. Believe that he wouldn’t look, Azure continued, he stepped into a pair of pink shoes, with 2” heels. Once those were on, Azure sat by the mirror and slipped on the blonde wig, he adjusted it so that it rested gently on his head. Once it was on, Azure began his makeover: a Pink blush on his cheeks, light blue eyeshadow with eyeliner and mascara, and he topped it off with bright pink lipstick. He adds two blue bows into his hair before turning around, “Ok, Bulkhead.” The boy turned and his eyes widened “Whoa…” He let out, “If I didn’t know better, I probably wouldn’t have recognized you.” Azure blushed at that, “Thank you, Bulkhead,” He said, making his voice sound softer and feminine, he even did a cute little curtsey. Bulkhead smiled at that action, “Aren’t you a little sweetheart. And the way that dress hugs your slender frame, You’re quite the Trap.” Azure blushed at that, he knew what he meant by Trap, “You really think I would fool someone?” “We can find out if you’ll follow me.” Bulkhead offered. Azure gave a nervous swallow, but he was still curious about Bulkhead’s club. ////////////// Azure’s face was flustered pink as he was now walking around Campus as Sapphire. Bulkhead was by his side the entire time, it made it a little better that he was with someone, but he still felt nervous chills…and real chills as a gentle breeze came around, blowing his skirt a little, he had to hold it down to keep from getting exposed. “How did I let you talk me into this?” “Just relax, you’re doing great,” Bulkhead said softly as he walked next to him. Suddenly, Bulkhead said, “Ok, here’s the test.” Azure looked at him, then turned to where he was looking, another boy was walking past them, he had a Crystal Prep uniform too, had night blue skin and orange hair, His face went red as the boy turned his way, “Hey Bulkhead.” “Night Archive, Up and about I see,” Bulkhead chuckled, “Heading off to the night classes?” “Yeah, You know how I am,” Archive said, then he noticed Azure and smiled, “Who’s the lovely lady, a new girlfriend?” Azure blushed at the boy’s complement, Bulkhead laughed, “Not quite. She’s a new Student here a Crystal Prep. She’s a little shy though.” Azure felt Bulkhead nudge him a little, Azure did his best girl voice as he greeted the boy, “Hi…my name’s Sapphire,” He adds a curtsey to add a little touch. Archive blushed at the sight of this new girl, she was so pretty, and that curtsey was so adorable, “It’s…an honor to meet you. I’m Night Archive, Arc for short.” He greeted, offering his hand. Azure took it and was shocked when Arc pulled it gently and kissed it, his blush when darker, “My…what a gentleman.” He replied with a smile. “Well, I try to be a good person,” Arc said, then he blushed again, “Maybe…we could see each other again…just the two of us?” Azure’s mind went blank, was he just asked out on a date? He couldn’t believe it, how should he respond? He then found himself said “That would be…nice, Arc.” “Great, I’ll plan something and get back to you,” Arc said, “See you around school.” And with that, the boy left, leaving Azure in a bit of a daze. “Well…do you think you pass now?” Bulkhead asked, now that they were alone again. When the shock wore off, Azure let out a light gasp and a squeal, “I can’t believe it! I was asked out by another boy! He thinks I’m cute” he said gleefully as he spun around with joy. Bulkhead chuckles, “Well, I guess that’s a yes,” He said. “You must like boys as well.” Azure blushed again at that “Well…I don’t know, I mean, I wouldn’t mind trying it.” This made Bulkhead chuckle again, “Ok, my Bi-curious friend, come on, we’re not done yet.” He takes Azure’s hand and leads him as they walk. ///////////// the two arrived at the school auditorium, a spacious area on campus where the dances and plays would be performed. Azure looked around, it was nice, about as nice as the old theater from his home town. Bulkhead leads Azure to the stage, already Azure was hearing voices, people talking to one another. They arrived in front of a curtained doorway, Bulkhead turned to Azure, “Are you ready?” Azure looked at him and swallowed lightly, “…no, but…I’ve come this far.” He smiled, “let me go in first.” He said. Bulkhead enters and Azure stands back as he listens in. “There you are,” one voice said, Azure couldn’t tell if it was a boy or girl, “We were worried you got sucked in another dimension” “Sorry for being late, but I ran into someone,” Bulkhead said. “A new member already?” another voice asked. “Well, it’ll be up to him if he wants to,” Then bulkhead added, “you can come in now.” Knowing that was his Cue, Azure took in a breath and stepped in, giving out a smile. He saw that inside was a changing room, with chairs and mirrors, and in it, along with Bulkhead were 6 other kids, all were in dresses, there were some that Azure recognized, and some he didn’t. “Everyone, say hello to Sapphire…AKA Azure.” Bulkhead introduced. “Um…Hello.” Azure greeted with blush and curtsey, he saw that all eyes were on him and they were in awe. “No way!” One gasped, “Azure?” He looked at the person and recognized the voice, and his orange skin, “Cold Front?” It was him, Azure’s lab partner in science class, only now he was dressed in a purple Saloon girl dress with matching feathered headpiece in his blue wig, he gave a smile and blushed. Next to him was another familiar person, he was made up in a very frilly outfit, a Sweet Lolita style with a light blue wig with purple highlights. “Disty, you too? Oh my gosh…You’re…pretty, both of you.” “Look who’s talking,” Disty said, “My gosh you’re a knockout.” “Yeah, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Cold Front said, “You’re beautiful.” Azure blushed at that, but smiled, “So are you.” “I see you already know Amber and Moonstone,” Bulkhead said. “Amber and Moonstone?” Azure asked “Our Gem/girl names.” Another student said this one he didn’t recognize as he has gold-brown skin and wearing a blue and white housewife dress with matching gloves and a brunette wig with pink highlights, “We choose gem names because we have a beauty of Gems, that’s why our club is known as…the Jewelry Box.” “Jewelry Box?” Azure asked, then saw the bracelet on his wrist, “That’s what that means!” He gasped, looking at the others, they all had one. “Yes, we often wear these even out of uniform,” The housewife looking one said, he was the same age as Bulkhead, “I’m Golden Crest, but when I’m a girl, I go by Tiger Eye.” “A pleasure to meet you,” Another member greeted, with green skin and matching wig, wearing a leather jacket and torn ladies jeans with boots, “I’m Quillwrite, AKA Emerald.” “I’m Blazing Shield,” the fourth member greeted, his skin was red with a brunette wig, wearing a white and gold cocktail dress, “But you can call me Ruby.” “I’m Eon Vincent Ivo Levi Frenzy, Evil for short.” The 6th boy introduced, he looked to be a junior, he had night blue skin, an orange wig tied in a side ponytail and wearing short-shorts and a yellow top that showed off his belly button, “But my girl name is Lapis Lazuli. “And I’m Sapphire,” Bulkhead called out as he was now fully dressed up as a girl, his brown hair was hidden in a white wig with a tied polka-dot bandana that held it together, while he sported a matching sundress. “And so am I…I guess?” Azure asked. “Actually not yet,” Bulkhead said, “but I’ll get to that. Now, Azure, I’m sure you must be surprised to see boys that are dressed like pretty girls.” “You might say that,” Azure said a bit flatly. “Well, it all started when I was a freshman, and I met these three,” He began, wrapping arms around Evil, Shield, and Crest, “We got along really great, mostly because we had a secret that we all share. We like dressing up as girls.” “How did each of you found out?” Azure asked “Well, I sometimes wear panties under my uniform and when I did, Blaze found out” Bulkhead explained. “That’s when he showed me that he was wearing them too.” “And when Evil and I found out, they were actually trying on a set of the Girl’s uniform in our Dorm room.” Golden Crest said, “We both had a secret desire so we didn’t say anything. In fact, we joined them.” “We had such a great time.” Evil said, “That’s when we realized something: There had to be other students like us, right?” “Boys who like to dress up like girls,” Golden Crest said, “Boys who wanted to be girls, and all in between.” “So, we went to the headmistress at the time, Principle Cinch, and asked her if we could form a club.” Bulkhead continued, “Well, she wasn’t fond of the idea at first since she didn’t think it was right. But then we took our case to the School Board, and they believed that Cinch was discriminating, she caved it but just barely.” “Yeah, Cinch approved the club but she didn't let us get involved in any of the club activities that the other school clubs were allowed to do.” Blazing Shield explained, “But thankfully, She was given the boot after that fiasco during the friendship games.” “Oh, what happened?” Azure asked “Crazy stuff with magic I think?” Golden Crest said, “I don’t know, we weren’t in the visiting group” “Well, after that, Principal Cadence became headmistress and she allowed our group to participate in events now.” “And since then we’ve found more members who are happy to be who they want to be,” Bulkhead said. “We had a few problems with bullies in the past but Cadence has been very supportive to us.” “That’s amazing,” Azure said “And you can be part of it if you want to. But I have to warn you, it’s not for the faint of heart.” Evil began, “The Jewelry Box is all about opening up and exploration, though not everyone is up for this. Which is why the choice is yours, Azure. If you wish to be a member, it will be a devotion to our cause and to our lifestyle.” “Wow,” Azure said, looking at all the members, this was something new that Azure could experience, he could explore his feminine side more and he wouldn’t be alone. He smiled, “I think I do. I really do want to be part of it.” “Perfect. Then from this day forward, you are the newest member of the Jewelry Club, A new Ore.” “Ore?” Azure asked “Gem talk.” Evil explained, “an Ore is a new member, Sapphire will be your mentor, aka your Jeweler. He’ll mold you and shape you into a full member. That’s when you’ll get your Gem name.” “Oh…so I can’t be called Sapphire?” Azure asked “Well…Not yet” Bulkhead said with a wink, “That’ll come later” Azure smiled, “Ok then, I’ll be your Ore…Sapphire” He giggled. “Now, there’s a tradition we do when we bring in a new member of our club. It’ll start tomorrow.” Evil said. “But for now, come sit with us.” Azure smiles and takes a seat next to Cold Front, feeling nervous and excited for tomorrow. //////////////// Morning came and the Students were getting ready for the school day. In Azure and Bulkhead’s Dorm room, the two were getting dressed as well, “I don’t know if I can do this” Azure said through the door. “Come on, Azure, we all had to do it, it’s tradition,” Bulkhead said. “Ok…here goes nothing.” The door opens and a figure steps out, Azure was dressed…in a girl’s Crystal Prep Academy uniform. His was that of the pleated skirt, knee-length stockings wearing black Mary-Janes with crystal hearts-bows, a long-sleeved maroon cardigan, and a large bowtie. He wore light makeup and his blonde wig with two blue hair bows was on perfectly. Azure stepped all the way out, his knees shaking a little. “It’s ok” Bulkhead, “I’m right with you.” He stepped out, he too was in a girl’s uniform, the Bandana in his hair was purple like his sweater. Azure blushed but nodded. He walked towards his first class, which was science again. He separated with Bulkhead but when he entered, he spotted Cold Front and Disty Dusk, they were dressed as Amber and Moonstone. He smiled and sat next to them. He noticed some of the students were looking at them and whispered. The Science Teacher entered, “alright, students, today’s class-“ He paused as he saw Azure, Cold Front, and Disty Dusk. Azure blushed hard, “…will be more lessons on the Stages,” He continued, but focused on the three, “I trust that there have been no…complications miss Amber and Miss Moonstone?” “No, Sir.” Cold Front said in his girl Voice. “Well, that’s good, and I trust that no one here will cause any problems as well?” He asked the rest of his class, they didn’t respond, some shook their heads, “Perfect,” he then turned to Azure, “What shall I call you then, Miss?” Azure looks around and stands, “Um…I’m Sapphire’s Ore.” some of the girls giggled at that, making him blush. The teacher smirked, “One of the best students in my freshman class. You’ll do well, you seem like a sweet young lady.” Azure blushes but nods. ////////// The rest of the day seemed to move quickly, as Azure walked, he noticed more eyes were on him, it seemed that news was spreading that the Jewelry Box has a new member. He was already hearing whispers, even as he was outside. “Wow, it’s not even the end of the week and those girly boys got a new member,” one boy said. “That’s a boy? My gosh, he’s so pretty!” one girl gasped “No way that’s a guy, she’s too cute to be one.” Another girl let out. “I don’t care if it is a dude, I’d tap that” another guy boasted after he let out a Wolf whistle. Azure suddenly gasped as he felt a breeze lift his skirt, “On-no!” He let out as he held the skirt down, blushing harder. He uses to like feeling a breeze go under his skirt, but he was in public and he didn’t want to seem like that kind of girl. But already the students saw him and he whistled and catcalled his way. Azure looked at them all. They were …attracted to him, and not just the guys, but some of the girls too. Something stirred in Azure and he smiled, he gave a look as he just looked at them all and blew a kiss with one hand, the other holding his skirt down still. A lot of them blushed when he did that. “Sapphire?” a voice asked. Azure turned and saw Night Archive from yesterday. “Arc!” He gasped, Thankfully the wind died down, keeping his skirt down too. “So…you’re a new Ore then,” Arc said, his face gave a look of slight annoyance. Azure blushed “Oh Arc…I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lie to you.” “You must have been worried about how I’d react. You want to know what I think?” Arc asked, looking at Azure with a slight glare “Wh-what?” Azure asked, his heart was beating fast, he had no idea what this boy would do. He moved closer and Azure shut his eyes…then they opened again. Night Archive was…Kissing him. It was gentle, it was sweet, it was on the lips. Azure had never kissed anyone before, let alone another boy. It felt like lightning, he felt his right leg pop at this, he was hearing cheers, whistles, and catcalls. When he started to kiss back Arc pulled away. It took him a moment to realize this as he stayed in that pose for a moment. “So…are we still up for hanging out later?” Arc asked with a slight smile. Azure looked at this boy, and saw him through heart-goggles, like how girls saw boys they liked in cartoons. Azure gave a naughty smile, “Does this answer your question?” He pulls Archive close and kisses him on the lips, letting out a light moan as he did so. He stayed on Arc for at least a moment before they need for air was too great. “I think it does,” Arc said sounding breathless. “See you later then,” Azure giggled as he turned, making sure he did it in a way that that skirt rose and he flashed the panties he had on at him …and maybe any other boy that tried to catch a glance. With new energy, Azure walked with a spring in his step to his next class. Further away, Bulkhead and the other Jewelry Box members, all dressed as girls, watched as they saw the moment play out, “I think this one is going to be a great member,” Bulkhead said. “I think you’ve awoken a sexy beast,” Evil said with a giggle, “10 bucks says he’ll try to kiss another guy before school ends.” “I’ll take that action,” Golden Crest, making Cold Front and Disty Dusk giggle. “He’s coming this way” Blazing Shield let out. as Azure approached. “So my Ore, How is your day so far?” Bulkhead asked. “It’s been…Very exciting” Azure said with a giggle, “This is more fun than I thought. I should have done this a long time ago.” “Well, I’m happy I’m able to help you be the Girl you want to be.” Bulkhead said, “you’re going to love the Jewelry Box.”