The Prison Of Peace

by WritingIsDope

1. Magic Blaze's Beginnings

"Magic Blaze, this court finds you guilty of murder and arson. You will be sentenced to the Prison Of Peace. When you arrive, the colour of your suit will determine your sentence. Case dismissed".

The judge slammed down the hammer and the trial came to an end. Magic Blaze, a light blue unicorn with a black mane, stood there on his podium in the centre of the courtroom. He was wearing a straitjacket, muzzle gag and a magic suppression hood was sealed over his horn. Now that he was found guilty of a crime he didn't commit, he knew that his horn would be cut off.

"I'm sorry Magic Blaze, I really tried my best. It's a good thing that you'll be sent to the P.O.P Maximum Security Facility and not a regular prison. It was nice getting to know you, enjoy your time there". Magic Blaze's lawyer kissed him on the forehead, patted her hoof on his back and then walked away. All Magic Blaze could do was sigh in his muzzle gag and stare at the ground, awaiting his imminent incarceration.

3 months ago, Magic Blaze was walking in anger after he was denied to take another book out of the Canterlot library due to late returns. After seeing some ponies run screaming from the direction that he came from, he turned around and noticed that the library was on fire. He ran back in panic to see if everypony was okay. When he got there, the entire library was burnt to the ground in ashes, none of the books were left, and only the corpses of those that died remained.

"IT WAS HIM!! HE BURNT DOWN THE LIBRARY!! ARREST HIM!!" some random pony shouted from behind. Magic Blaze turned around and the entire police force of Equestria was surrounding him. All of a sudden, a magic suppression hood was shoved onto his horn out of nowhere and he was tackled to the ground. Everypony around him was yelling at him in complete anger and disgust.

"You're going away for a looooooooong time you slimy scumbag!" exclaimed the police officer who put him into hoofcuffs and threw him into the police carriage.

For three months, Magic Blaze was forced into a straitjacket and consistently interrogated by Equestria's police force and federal investigation services. He was asked why he did it, what were his motives, and how did he come up with the plan. Magic Blaze always gave the truth, that he didn't know who did it, why he was blamed, or what the motives were of the murderer. Of course, no one believed him and he was beaten mercilessly every time. Eventually, Magic Blaze grew used to the beatings, but he still hated them, he also hated his straitjacket that he wasn't let out of for three whole months.

After a couple of months, before the trial, Magic Blaze hired a lawyer by the name of Cherry Star. She was a very kind and caring pony. She always comforted Magic Blaze and helped him after each weekly interrogation by cuddling him and kissing his forehead. She told him what to say and what not to say in the court room, and always did what was best for him.

The day of the trial soon arrived, and it was a disaster for Magic Blaze to say the least. Magic Blaze didn't get to have any say in the court room since he was fastened with a muzzle gag the entire time, since a new law was introduced for the Equestrian justice system that the lawyer must speak for the criminal. Cherry Star was the only pony who defended Magic Blaze, but everypony else was completely against him. Twilight Sparkle was so angry and upset that she even cried in the court room, causing everypony to boo Magic Blaze intensely. Magic Blaze was going through a living hell, and of course, he was found guilty by the entire jury and sentenced to the Prison Of Peace, where his sentence was soon to be announced.

Two days after Magic Blaze was found guilty, he was released from his straitjacket and went to the Prison Of Peace, his new home for who knows how long. He got a prison train from Canterlot to the middle of nowhere, where the Prison Of Peace was located, and was surrounded by other criminals, both mares and stallions. Since speaking was not allowed on the train and was threatened with an increased sentence, Magic Blaze never bothered to try and talk with anypony else.

After three and a half hours, the train finally came to a stop and the prisoners were released from the train carriage, linked together by chains on their hooves and necks. Once they passed the main gate into the facility, the alarms rang loudly and the gate was forcefully shut. The criminals were all sent into a waiting area, which was full of benches. The criminals were then all unlocked from their linked chains.

"Hello everypony, and welcome to your new temporary or permanent home, the prison of peace" a happy and kind light green earth pony mare wearing a light orange flower bandana on her raggy light red mane, a purple fullbody latex suit, and a silver peace symbol necklace announced.

"My name is Treehugger and here is the drill brothers and sisters, you all need to sit down on these benches, and when your name is called, you will go into the other room where you will be fixed and suited, and then go into the next room, where you will then wait for everypony else to enter, and then the explanation presentation will begin. Is this understood? Coolio! Now let me give you all a kiss on the forehead because you're all my new brothers and sisters!".

Treehugger then walked up to everypony and each gave them a smooch on the forehead. It reminded Magic Blaze of Cherry Star, his lawyer, who always used to give him forehead kisses.

After each prisoner received a kiss on the forehead from Treehugger, they all sat down on the benches and awaited their turn. Magic Blaze waited for an hour, and 6 prisoners were called into the room before he was, so he knew that whatever happened in the room, it would take 10 minutes for each prisoner. He didn't know much behind what was going to happen behind that door, but he was aware that his horn would be removed, since magic and flying were not allowed in prisons, and any pegasi prisoners would have their wings removed.

"Magic Blaze!" Treehugger announced.

Magic Blaze sighed and then walked over to the room. Once he got into the room, the door locked tightly behind him.

"Please climb into the metal chamber in the centre of the room and remain still as it closes over you. If you do not comply, your sentence will be extended and you will spend one month in solitary confinement. Understood little bro?" Treehugger explained.

"Yes ma'am" Magic Blaze replied.

"Call me big sis" said Treehugger

"Yes big sis" said Magic Blaze.

Magic Blaze climbed into the metal chamber and was restrained inside by Treehugger and a male bodyguard. It was sealed tightly and securely so there would be absolutely no chance of escape.

As Magic Blaze remained still in the chamber, the bodyguard poured a bottle of purple liquid latex inside the chamber through a chute at the side and it went all over Magic Blaze's body below his neck, covering everywhere and not missing a single spot. Magic Blaze was unsure what was going on and felt nervous. All of a sudden, the inside of the metal chamber violently shook his body about and he grinded his teeth together to help keep his sanity, as he was going through immense pain below his neck. Suddenly, he felt tired and went to sleep, and couldn't control himself any longer.

Five minutes later, Magic Blaze woke up. He was out of the metal chamber and lying on the floor. Everywhere below his neck felt tight and restricted, and he stood up hazily, feeling quite dizzy.

"Your new look is complete little bro. Look in the mirror next to you" said Treehugger.

Magic Blaze did what he was told and turned around to look in the mirror. He was wearing a purple full body latex suit and a silver peace symbol necklace around his neck like Treehugger. Magic Blaze looked up and noticed that he no longer had a horn, he was now an earth pony.

"I was expecting this to happen. Shame that I can't use my magic anymore" sighed Magic Blaze as he rubbed the area on his head where his horn used to be.

"Sorry little bro, no magic and flying are allowed in here, so you've gotta be an earth pony for the rest of your life" Treehugger explained.

"Rest of my life? So I won't be getting my horn back when my sentence is finished?" Magic Blaze replied.

"Your horn has been removed for good, and even if we put it back on, it couldn't perform magic anymore so it'd be pointless. Sorry little bro, you're just gonna have to put up with being an earth pony from now on. You'll get used to it" explained Treehugger as she hugged, nuzzled, and kissed Magic Blaze on the cheek.

"It's time to go into the next room. Wait there for your other brothers and sisters to finish their initiation and then I'll be giving a presentation on how to handle your new life here. I'll be about three more hours, so just be patient and try meditating or talking to your brothers and sisters waiting in that room until I'm done" Treehugger continued explaining.

Magic Blaze sadly nodded his head in compliance and went into the room. As he walked in, it was a big theatre room with a huge cinema screen. Magic Blaze sat down at a random seat away from the other prisoners. Some of the prisoners were talking to each other and some others were just sitting by themselves either napping, meditating, or just sitting in silence staring at the screen. They were all wearing a suit and necklace like Magic Blaze was, but only 2 of the suits were purple like his and Treehugger's. He saw two purple suits, one yellow suit, two blue suits, and one pink suit. Magic Blaze knew that for the next three hours, he'd have to sit and wait.

Two and a half hours passed and all of the criminals were now in the theatre. They were all talking amongst themselves, asking what would be happening next, and what movie or show they'd be watching before they entered the main prison. All of a sudden, Treehugger walked onto the stage.

"Greetings my new Canterlot peace siblings. You've all completed your initiation and are ready to start your new time or life here at the Prison Of Peace. Before the presentation begins, I'm gonna have to ask you all to wait just 30 more minutes so I can prepare my presentation. For the next half hour, try and talk with your brothers and sisters, because you'll be spending at least 1 year with them starting today. I love you all from the bottom of my heart, see you shortly".

Treehugger then left the room and most of the other prisoners started talking to each other and getting to know one another, some of them were even hugging. Magic Blaze just sat by himself and waited patiently for how long his sentence would be.

Magic Blaze didn't know at that point....that he would be here for the rest of his life....