//------------------------------// // S2E1 Crazy Party // Story: Sunset's Journey // by Alphajeager1 //------------------------------// “You’ve heard of it, haven’t you?” spoke a female voice. “The legend of Sparda and Eva? When I was young my Father would tell me stories about it,” a Kamen Rider was seen in the rain, running along a platform, holding a familiar sword. “Long ago, in ancient times. The Phantom and the Gem Maiden rebelled against their own kind for the sake of the human race,” the Kamen Rider swung his sword overhead.  “With their powers, they sealed the Phantom and Gem Maiden Leaders back on their homeworlds. Cutting the forces off from their leaders. Preventing their races from taking over our human world and many other worlds,” another Kamen Rider, holding an equally familiar sword, pulled his sword up and swung it down.  “But since they were both high level Phantoms and Gem Maidens, a lot of their own power was trapped on the other side,” the first Kamen Rider swung at the second Kamen Rider. He dodged and swung back. “I thought it was just a child’s fairy tale. But I discovered it was true.”  “I discovered that this so called legend, wasn’t a myth at all,” the second Kamen Rider leaned back to dodge a slash from the first Kamen Rider. “Sparda and Eva existed,” the two Kamen Rider’s clashed swords. “How do I know?” the two Kamen Riders swung at each other. “I met the Sons of Sparda and Eva, both of them, as well as their Daughter.” The two Kamen Riders slashed at each other with enough speed to obliterate every single raindrop around them, leaving a dry space in the rainstorm, for a second before the rain surged back inwards. “Though the blood of their Father and Mother flowed through their veins, the two battled each other like arch enemies.  The two Kamen Riders locked swords, sparked ground from the contact points as they pressed against each other. “It seemed they derived some sort of twisted pleasure from this brotherly fighting,” the two swords started to heat up as they were forced against each other with even more force. Suddenly, the second Kamen Rider broke the sword lock and forced the first Kamen Rider’s sword into the air. The sword spiralled through the air and landed back on the ground, the reflection in the sword showed the second Kamen Rider charging his right boot with right and blue energy before the kicked the second Kamen Rider. An explosion ignited from the impact point as the first Kamen Rider was sent flying. “But in the end,” the first Kamen Rider tried to get up, but sparks exploded from his body as he fell over. “Only one was left standing,” the second Kamen Rider stomped over to the first and raised his sword with murder in his visor. Suddenly, a third and fourth Kamen Rider arrived, forcing the second Kamen Rider to jump away from the first Kamen Rider. “One of them would have killed the other if his Sister and her Retainer,” the second Kamen Rider grabbed the first Kamen Rider’s sword, then he rushed at the third and fourth Kamen Riders. *RING!* Dante awoke with a start, he gasped for breath as he looked around the room with his eyes wide in wild panic. Then he recognised where he was and scowled. “That damn dream again?!” he snarled. Dante got up and slipped on his black combat boots, tucking his black combat trousers into them. He heard the phone ring again. “Yeah, yeah! I’m coming!” he shouted as he walked towards the door. On the way, he glanced at a picture on the wall. It was of himself, Vergil, Kate and Sunset. Dante allowed a soft, yet sad, smile to creep across his face. “It’s still hard to believe that its been ten years since you died Sunset,” muttered the twenty eight year old. “I miss you,” he muttered as he opened the door and walked out the room. The room was the main area of his new shop. For ten years, Dante had been world hopping, ripping apart every Phantom and Gem Maiden he could find in revenge for his sister’s death. Now, the problem had been getting worse and he knew he needed to be more organised. He could not just jump to a random world, only to find no Gem Maiden or Phantoms five times out of ten. Or only find a small invasion force seven times out of ten.  He needed to target the big invasion forces and main worlds that Phantoms or Gem Maidens had taken over. To do this, Dante had set up a shop and worlds that monitor or fought back against Phantoms as well as Gem Maidens could contain him through the special cross world phone on his desk.  The shop was a two story building, the first floor was the shop area, while the second floor made up Dante’s living quarters. Ebony was on his desk, while his red coat was on a stand in the corner. Other than Ebony, the desk held a half finished box of pizza and a phone. Which was still ringing. Growling, Dante kicked his chair. It flipped through the air and landed on all four legs, he jumped into it and slammed his combat boots down on the desk, bouncing the phone’s receiver off the stand and into his hand. “Sorry, not open for business yet,” Dante didn’t even let the person on the other end get one word out before he slammed the phone back onto the receiver. “I haven’t even picked a name for this joint and I’m already getting calls,” muttered Dante in a fair bit of shock as he started to eat his half finished and cold pizza. Outside A bald man in a black suit was standing outside of Dante’s shop. Which was weird. Dante had chosen to set up shop on this world as it was empty. All life on it had died out long ago. All of his Phantom and Gem Maiden hunting jobs came from other worlds, so he no need to worry about his client base. The man opened the door and walked inside. Inside “You a customer too?” asked Dante as the man approached his desk. He instantly pegged his man as a world jumper and not a nice one. “Well, if you want to use the bathroom, help yourself. The toilets in the back.” The man seemed to ignore Dante as he ran his fingers along a pool table that Dante had off to the side. “Is your name Dante? Son of Sparda the Phantom and Eva the Gem Maiden?” he asked smoothly. That got Dante even more on guard. “Where did you hear that?” he asked, trying to sound casual and failing miserably.  “From your Brother,” replied the man as he stood in front of the desk.  Now Dante could see that the man’s right eye was blue and the left eye was brown. He also had a red pulsing mark that came from the left side of his neck and stopped just under his left eye. He gazed at Dante’s third of the perfect amulet. The Kamen Rider was even tenser, it had been a year since he last saw his brother and that meeting had not gone well. There was something different about Vergil, he was dark and had not mentioned Kate or Sunset once before attacking Dante. “He sent this invitation for you,” the man reached down to the edge of Dante’s desk. “Please accept it,” then he flipped the desk with enough force to send it spinning through the air and crashing into the wall. Dante had jumped off the chair, over his desk, grabbed Ebony out of the air and landed on the desk when it smashed into the wall, pointing his gun at the man. Or at least where the stranger should have been. He had vanished. Dante scanned his shop for a second, confirming that the stranger had vanished. Then he scoffed as Ebony dematerialized. He jumped down onto the floor. “Invasion huh?” Dante caught his pizza box as it fell out of the air. Dante removed a slice of pizza and brought it to his mouth. When several skeletal Phantoms with glowing red eye sockets, black robes and sharp scythe appeared out of nowhere and stabbed him through the chest. Dante grunted before releasing a burst of mana that sent the Phantoms flying. Their scythe were forced out of his body as his wounds held and the Phantoms smashed into wall and through his drum set. Dante walked across the room to his boombox. “This party’s getting crazy, let’s rock!” he pressed the play button. Nothing happened. After a beat of awkward silence, Dante slammed his fist down on the boombox and it started blaring out music at eardrum-shattering levels.  Dante nodded along to the music as he held his Driver On Ring over his belt buckle. DRIVER ON! The magic circle appeared as his belt buckle grew out into his Driver. Then Dante let another Ring appear on his left index finger. It was silver with a large red gem in the centre that had a blue skull engraved into it. This is the Rebellion Ring. A few years ago, Dante had gotten tired of one of his Rings having the same name as one of his Brother’s Rings. So he had forced it to transform from his Nephilim Ring into the Rebellion Ring. Dante punched it into his Driver’s left slot. SET! Then he turned his wrist forwards. OPEN! The gate in the centre of his Driver sprang open, releasing his Nephilim magic circle. R-E-B-E-L-L-I-O-N! It moved back through Dante, transforming him into Kamen Rider Dante Nephilim Style. Dante drew the Rebellion Blade from his backplate and punched the Rebellion Ring into the slot at the base of its handle. FOUR! The mouth opened to show four red and blue circles. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Dante unleashed a barrage of slashes, the first of the Pride Phantoms blocked the first swing with its scythe and then slashed upwards. Dante dodged and two more slashes cut a red and a blue line into the Pride Phantom’s chest before it turned to dust. Sensing another Pride Phantom about to decapitate him from behind Dante jumped into the air, making the Phantom miss. While he was still in the air, Dante punched the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Blade’s slot. ONE! The mouth opened once more and showed a single red and blue circle. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! “Ha!” shouted Dante as he took the Rebellion Blade in both gloves and slashed down. His sword dragged him down with it as it cut a glowing red and blue line through the Phantom. Sparks exploded every which way as the Phantom fell over and exploded. Dante then ducked as another Pride Phantom slashed with its sword, the blade passed a millimetre of his helmet. He punched the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Blade’s slot again. THREE! This time when the sword’s mouth opened, three red and blue circles were shown. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Energy gathered in the sword as Dante slashed the next Pride Phantom three times. The Phantom was able to parry all three blows with the shaft of its scythe, only for the Kamen Rider to take his sword in both gloves and cut through the Phantom’s scythe, then through the Phantom with a hard downwards swing. Suddenly, several purple, glowing, spinning crescents slammed into Dante. Sparks exploded from his armour as he staggered back while the crescents exploded. Dante glared at the Pride Phantom as it charged up once more. “No way!” he punched the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Blade’s slot again. FIVE! Red and blue energy glowed around Dante as he blitzed forwards. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Dante moved so fast that he seemed to appear in front of the Phantom and stabbed it straight through with the Rebellion Blade. Sparks exploded from the blade’s entrance and exit points before the Phantom exploded in a ball of flame. Dante turned around and noted three more Pride Phantoms running towards him. “Big mistake,” muttered Dante as he slammed the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Blade’s port. SIX! Red and blue magical energy hummed through the Rebellion Blade as Dante pulled it back. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! The second the three Pride Phantoms got within sword range Dante unleashed several thousand stabs in less than a second. Sparks exploded from the Phantoms before all three of them twitched and went up in massive fireballs. Seeing another Pride Phantom appear, Dante took it up a notch. He punched the Rebellion Ring into the slot of the Rebellion Blade. ONE! The mouth slammed shut and then snapped open to show a single red and blue circle. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! To the Phantom’s confusion, Dante placed the Rebellion Blade back on his backplate where it fixed itself magically. Then he slammed the Rebellion Ring into his Driver’s left port. GO! Red and blue magical energy surrounded his right boot as Dante took up a kicking stance. “Come on!” he taunted the Pride Phantom. KICK STRIKE! It worked as the Phantom rushed at him, Dante jumped into the air, causing the Phantom to miss as he came down with an axe kick from his charged boot. It slammed into the Phantom’s shoulder, unleashing an explosion that made the Pride Phantom go flying back before it exploded in mid-air. Suddenly, a red blur zipped past Dante and sparks exploded out of his armour. He staggered back as the blur passed behind him and slashed his backplate making more sparks surge from the cut that appeared.  Then the blur skidded to a halt. It was was a Phantom that looked like a white skeleton with red glowing eyes. It wore a combination between a jester outfit and a robe with a white fur collar that fanned out behind it. In its hands, it clutched a similar but much smaller scythe than that of the Pride Phantoms. This is a Lust Phantom. If Dante was in his human form, then he would have scowled. “Time to kick it up a notch!” he let a new Ring replace the Driver On Ring on his right middle finger. It was black with an orange gem that had a falcon face engraved into it with a pair of green eyes. This is the Falco Trickster Ring. Dante slammed the Falco Trickster Ring into his Driver’s right slot. FALCO! Then he held his right glove out to the side as a new magic circle appeared. GO! It had an orange flacon face in the centre, which was inside an orange circle, inside an orange eight pointed star that was within an orange two layered circle with green runic text within it. T-T-T-TRICKSTER! It passed through Kamen Rider Dante, transforming him. His right shoulder pauldron transformed into an orange falcon head with a yellow beak and yellow feathers at the back. Coming from the new shoulder pauldron was an orange mantle that reached to his waist and had yellow feather shaped outlines at the bottom of it. The Rebellion Blade glowed as the sword part of it gained orange outlines with the tip of the sword turning yellow. The bone shaped guard transformed into a pair of orange wings that had orange feathers with yellow tips. He was now Kamen Rider Dante Rebellion Style with the Falco Trickster Mantle and was armed with the Rebellion Falcon Blade. The Lust Phantom raced at Dante in a red blur. But the Falco Trickster Mantle increased his perception to the point that the Phantom was going at a seeable speed. Dante punched the Flaco Trickster Ring into the Rebellion Falcon Blade’s slot. ONE! The Rebellion Falcon Blades eyes flash with green ones as the Falco Trickster Mantle transformed into a pair of wings orange wings with yellow tips called the Falco Wings. FLACO SABER STRIKE! Dante used them to shoot into the air, letting the Phantom pass under him. Then he gave the Falco Wings a mighty flap as he shot down through the air. He held the Rebellion Falcon Blade over his helmet in both gloves as he swung it down, cutting an orange line through the Phantom. Sparks bled from the cut before the Lust Phantom exploded into a pile of ash and soot. Suddenly, Dante saw another pair of blurs racing towards him and was only just able to jump back as two more Lust Phantoms skidded to a halt and jumped into the air, aiming to impale him with their scythes. Only to miss as Dante dismissed the Falco Wings and dropped back down to the ground. Knowing that two against one was bad odds, Dante decided to switch Style’s to the one that the Falco Trickster Mantle worked best with. He switched the Rebellion Ring for the Aquila Ring and slammed it into his Driver’s left port. SET! Dante turned his wrist back, making his Driver’s gate close before he turned his wrist forwards, causing his Driver’s gate to spring back open again. OPEN! The Aquila magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him, transforming him into the Osiris Style. A-Q-U-I-L-A! He held his gloves out as the Aquila Stars appeared. They were surrounded by a flash of orange energy as their blades transformed into orange wings with yellow tips. Now he was Kamen Rider Dante Aquila Style with the Falco Trickster Mantle and armed with the Aquila Falco Stars Dante punched the Aquila Ring into the Aquila Stars slot. ONE! They displayed a one as Dante dashed forwards. SHURIKEN STRIKE! One of the Lust Phantoms slashed at him, only for Dante to jump over it and slash it once across the back with the left Aquila Falcon Star. Then Dante jumped back and slashed the Phantom twice more after closing the distance. Suddenly, Dante was forced to jump away as the other Lust Phantom slashed at him with its scythe. Dante quickly punched the Aquila Ring into the Aquila Star’s slot again. TWO! He dashed forwards got passed between the Phantoms. SHURIKEN STRIKE! Then he thrust out the Aquila Falco Stars. They cloned themselves so that there were now four of them and they circled the Phantoms before blurring into a ring of light blue and orange light. Suddenly, the ring snapped closed, binding the arms of the two Lust Phantoms to their sides. Then the rings moved back towards Dante, dragging their captives with them. Dante let another pair of Aquila Falcon Stars appear in his gloves as he punched the Falco Trickster Ring into their slots. ONE! The Falco Trickster Mantle transformed into the Falco Wings as Dante took flight. FALCO TRICK! He started to fly around the Lust Phantoms, faster and faster as he picked up speed. Dante quickly transformed into a ring of orange light that suddenly slammed closed around the two Lust Phantoms. Sparks exploded from all sides as the inside of the ring ground into their bodies before the two of them went up in a massive explosion. In a flash of orange light, Dante reappeared in the air before landing back on the ground. “What a great party!” he announced as several Elite Blade Phantoms appeared from the ground. “But it looks like it’s not over yet!”  Knowing that he’d need a bit more power to deal with this lot, Dante switched the Aquila Ring for the Arbiter Ring. Then he slammed it into his Driver’s left port. SET! Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards, making his Driver’s gate close and open. OPEN! The arbiter magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. A-R-B-I-T-E-R! Transforming him into the Arbiter Style. He held out his gloves and the Arbiter Axe appeared, only the axe looked like an orange wing with yellow feather tips. He was now Kamen Rider Dante, Arbiter Style equipped with the Falco Trickster Mantle and armed with the Arbiter Falco Axe. Then Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the base of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. ONE! Red magical energy surrounded the head of the Arbiter Falco Axe as Dante pulled it back. AXE STRIKE! Then he swung down, firing the Arbiter Falco Axe’s head off. It slammed into one of the Elite Blade Phantoms while discharging feathers that shot through the air and slammed into the Phantoms around it. On impact, the feathers exploded making sparks bleed off the other four Elite Blade Phantoms. Seeing that the Phantoms were still alive, Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the Arbiter Falcon Axe’s slot. TWO! Red and orange magical energy surged up the Arbiter Falcon Axe’s handle and into its blade. AXE STRIKE! Dante pulled it back and slammed it into the ground. From which blasted a line of red energy with feathers shooting out of it like darts. The energy reached the Elite Blade Phantoms and threw them into the air as sparks shot out of their bodies from the feathers hitting them and exploding. Dante saw that the Elite Blade Phantoms were in the air and helpless, so he drew Ebony and Ivory. Then he held down on both of their triggers, letting three rings of energy get pulled into them. Red, white and orange were the rings for Ivory, while the rings for Ebony were identical with the exception of the white ring being black. EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE! Then Dante let go of the triggers. “Ricoshot!” a white and black bullet was fired from the barrels of the guns, they spiralled around each other as they soared through the air and bounced between the Phantoms. Sparks flew everywhere before the Phantoms all went up in explosions. It was at that moment a Death Knight Phantom exploded from the ground and charged at Dante.  He replied by punching the Falco Trickster Ring into his Driver’s right slot. ONE! The Falco Trickster Mantle transformed into the Falco Wings as Dante shot up into the air. FALCO TRICK! The Death Knight missed its swing as Dante reached the ceiling and shot back down. His boots glowed with orange energy as he slammed them into the ground, a shockwave of orange energy was fired out from his impact. The Death Knight Phantom blocked with its shield but was still sent sliding back several feet. Then cracks spread through its shield before the defensive weapon shattered.  “You're finished!” yelled Dante as he punched the Arbiter Ring into the Arbiter Falco Axe’s port. THREE! Red energy surged up the polearms handle as Dante flew forwards. AXE STRIKE! He slammed the Arbiter Falco Axe into the Death Knight Phantom three times. With each swing, it released orange feathers that shot back inwards and slammed into the Phantom making sparks bleed off the wounds until the Death Knight Phantom went up in a giant explosion. Dante had no time to rest as a Frost Knight Phantom burst out of the ground in an explosion of ice. “Let’s party!” Dante switched the Arbiter Ring for the Osiris Ring and slammed it into his Driver’s left port. SET! The turned his wrist back, then forwards, making his Driver’s gate close and open. OPEN! The Osiris magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. O-S-I-R-I-S! Transforming him into the Osiris Scythe with the Falco Trickster Mantle. The Osiris Scythe appeared, only the blade had shifted. It now looked like an orange wing with the tips of its feathers being coloured yellow. The part where the shaft met the blade had a falcon head engraved into it.  He was now Kamen Rider Dante Osiris Style, equipped with the Falco Trickster Mantle and armed with the Osiris Falco Scythe. The Frost Knight Phantom stabbed its blade into the ground, firing a line of ice spikes at Dante. He pressed the Osiris Ring into the Osiris Falco Scythe’s slot at the base of its handle. TWO! Blue magical energy surged up the leather of the scythe. SCYTHE STRIKE! Dante spun the Osiris Falco Scythe like a vertical propeller. It released orange feather constructs in a circle pattern. They formed into a circle shaped shield that the line of ice flash froze, but the line was stopped from reaching Dante. Then Dante punched the Falco Trickster Ring into the right port of his Driver. ONE! The Falco Trickster Mantle transformed into the Falco Wings as Dante charged them with orange energy. FALCO TRICK! He gave them a mighty flap, firing orange feather constructs at the Phantom. They spiralled around into a tight cylinder that caused sparks to fly everywhere with each impact. The Dante fly into the air, getting behind the Frost Knight Phantom as he pressed the Osiris Ring into the Osiris Falco Scythe’s port. THREE! He extended the Osiris Falco Scythe down and hooked it through the Frost Knight Phantom. SCYTHE STRIKE! Then Dante pulled, yanking the Osiris Falco Scythe through the Phantom. This action cut a glowing blue line through the Phantom which released several sparks through the air. “Almost there,” muttered Dante as he punched the Osiris Ring into the Osiris Falco Scythe’s slot once more. FOUR! Blue magical energy raced up the Osiris Falco Scythe’s shaft as Dante crouched. SCYTHE STRIKE! Dante jumped into the air as he started to spin, cutting into the Frost Knight Phantom several times as he did so. Sparks exploded from its body as the polearm discharged orange feather constructs that spun around Dante, cutting further into the Frost Knight Phantom as it fell back, smoking. “Finish time!” shouted Dante as he pressed down on the Osiris Falco Scythe’s handle. SCYTHE STRIKE! Blue magical energy raced up the Osiris Falco Scythe’s shaft and leaked out of it, forming into a blue wind construct. Dante spun around as wind kicked up around him, pulling the Phantom into the air so that he was able to slash it many, many times while spinning around, like a top, at high speed. It was only a few seconds before the Frost Knight Phantom exploded. It was at that second that a Rage Phantom jumped out of the ground and roared at Dante as it charged at him. Dante dodged and switched the Osiris Ring for the Rebellion Ring then he punched it into his Driver’s left slot. SET! He turned his wrist forwards. OPEN! Making the Rebellion magic circle appear from his Driver. R-E-B-E-L-L-I-O-N! It moved back through him and transformed him into the Rebellion Style. The Rage Phantom gave a loud roar as it fired its quills at Dante. Who punched the Falco Trickster Ring into his Driver’s right slot. ONE! He spread the Falco Wings and shot into the air. FALCO TRICK! The quills shot under him as Dante flew into the air and then arched downwards. He gave the Falco Wings a giant flap that fired a gust of wind at the Rage Phantom. The wind was strong enough to fire the Phantom up into the air like a pale blue rocket. The Rage Phantom roared as it curled into a ball and started to spin as it fired itself at Dante.  He responded to the threat by punched the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Falco Blade’s slot. ONE! Red and blue magical energy cloaked the Rebellion Falco Blade as the Rage Phantom came streaking down towards Dante. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! He swung upwards, sparks flew from the Rebellion Falco Blade as the Phantom ground away at it before it was repulsed away and landed on the ground. It slid back several feet as its body started to spark. Dante jumped into the air and pressed the Rebellion Falco Blade’s trigger. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Red and blue magical energy surged around the sword as Dante held it over his helmet in a two handed grip and brought it down, slashing a red and blue vertical line through the Rage Phantom. It twitched as sparks bled out from the cut before the Phantom fell over and the cut released its energy in an explosion that engulfed the Rage Phantom. Suddenly, a large force slammed into Dante from behind and sent him flying through the air. Sparks bled from the impact point as Dante pulled himself back to his boots and glared at the Tyrant Phantom that had just finished pulling itself out of the ground, having punched him while it was still only halfway out of the ground. “Should have guessed that one of you would join the party sooner or later,” grunted Dante as he switched the Rebellion Ring for the Eryx Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. SET! Dante turned his wrist forwards. OPEN! Making the Eryx magic circle appear from his Driver before it moved back through him. E-R-Y-X! Transforming him into the Eryx Style with the Falco Trickster Mantle. He held out his gloves and the Eryx Gauntlets appeared around them. After a second they were covered in a burst of orange energy, they had an orange wing emerging from the wrists and the front of them had the head of an orange falcon engraved into it with green eyes. He was now Kamen Rider Dante Eryx Style, equipped with the Falco Trickster Mantle and armed with the Eryx Falco Gauntlets. The Tyrant Phantom charged at Dante as he punched the Eryx Ring into the right Eryx Falco Gauntlet’s slot. ONE! Red magic energy covered the Eryx Falco Gauntlets as Dante charged back at the Phantom. FIST STRIKE! He punched forwards with the right Eryx Falco Gauntlet, creating a shockwave as his fist met the Tyrant Phantom’s fist. The two of them unleashed a combo of punches, each of their fist’s met the others in the air. Dante was doing a little bit of damage as he alternated between punches as swing, cutting into the Phantom’s fists with the Eryx Falco Gauntlet’s wings. But considering how hard the Phantom’s fists were, it was not a lot of damage. Suddenly, they both unleashed a final punch and the shockwave forced both combatants to stagger back several steps. “Time for a bit more protection,” smirked Dante as he switched the Falco Trickster Ring for a black Ring with a red gem in the centre, that had a red buffalo head with yellow eyes, cut into it. This is the Buffa Royalguard Ring. Dante punched it into his Driver’s right slot. BUFFA! He turned his wrist forwards. GO! A new magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver. It had a red buffalo head in the centre, which was inside a red circle, within a red eight pointed star, within a red two layered circle that had yellow runic text between the two layers. R-R-R-ROYALGUARD! It moved back through Dante, removing the Falco Trickster Mantle and replacing it with a new one. The new mantle was coloured red with golden stripes, the shoulder guard that it was attached to was a red buffalo head with golden horns, a golden ring in the nose and yellow eyes. This is the Buffa Royalguard Mantle. The Falco Eryx Gauntlets transformed back into the Eryx Gauntlets before they shifted into a new form. Coming out of each side of was golden horn and on the front of them was a red buffalo head with a golden ring in its nose. These are the Eryx Buffa Gauntlets. Dante pressed the Eryx Ring into the right Eryx Buffa Gauntlet’s slot. ONE! Red energy covered the Eryx Buffa Gauntlets as the horns extended. FIST STRIKE! Dante pulled his left fist back and clashed it with the Tyrant Phantom’s right fist. The shockwave that roared out from the impact forced the Phantom back as Dante used the extra power of both the Buffa Royalguard mantle and the Eryx Buffa Gauntlets to remain where he was. “This should work out!” Dante saw the Tyrant Phantom roar in rage as it set himself on fire and charged at him. He punched the Buffa Royalguard Ring into his Driver’s right slot. ONE! Then he held the Buffa Royguard Mantle out in front of him as red light played over it. BUFFA GUARD! The Phantom smashed into the Buffa Royalguard Mantle and instead of breaking through it, the mighty Tyrant Phantom bounced off it and was sent flying backwards, smashing through the door of Dante’s shop. Dante grabbed his coat and flipped it onto the air, sliding his arms through it as the coat transformed into his robe. “This is going to be one hell of a party!” he walked through the hole in the front of his story. “You guys wrecked my shop!” shouted Dante. “I haven’t even thought of a name for it yet!” he complained. The Tyrant Phantom gave a loud roar as it ran at Dante. He scoffed as he pressed the Eryx Ring into the right Eryx Buffa Gauntlet’s slot. THREE! The Eryx Buffa Gauntlet’s horns widened as Dante took up a stance. FIST STRIKE! Just before the Phantom was able to reach him, Dante performed an uppercut that sent the Tyrant Phantom stumbling backwards with sparks coming out of the point of impact. “Now’s my chance!” Dante punched the Eryx Ring into the right Eryx Buffa Gauntlet’s slot again. FOUR! Red magical energy gathered around both of his fist as the horns glowed. FIST STRIKE! Dante jumped up into the air as the Tyrant Phantom got back up and then he punched it in the head with a downwards swing that dazed the Phantom as it stumbled backwards in pain. Dante leapt into the air and then he punched the Eryx Ring into the right Eryx Buffa Gauntlet’s slot. FIVE! Red energy covered the right Eryx Gauntlet as Dante went shooting down. FIST STRIKE! His fist slammed into the Tyrant Phantom’s head and hammered the Phantom into the ground as if it were a giant nail. Mico explosions went off around the Phantom as it set itself on fire and ripped itself out of the ground. Dante drew both Ebony and Ivory as he held down on both of their triggers. EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE! Red energy gathered around the two hand cannons as Dante pulled the trigger. A pair of bullets were fired, they were surrounded by a pair of red fist constructs that flew through the air and slammed into the Phantom. Sparks were ground out of the impact point as the Tyrant Phantom stumbled back while the fists continued to press into its body. The Phantom roared as it brought both fists down, shattering the constructs and knocking the bullets away. But before it could charge at Dante, the Phantom fell to one knee, that attack had done a lot of damage. “Let’s end this!” roared Dante as he pressed the Eryx Ring into the right Eryx Buffa Gauntlet’s slot. TWO! Red energy gathered around the left Eryx Buffa Gauntlet. FIST STRIKE! The Dante pressed the trigger inside the left Eryx Buffa Gauntlet. FIST STRIKE! Red magical energy surged around the left Eryx Buffa Gauntlet. GO! It shifted into the form of a red buffalo head. BUFFA MIX! Dante surged forwards and punched the ground. “Slam!” Out of the ground burst a six pointed barrier, out of which blasted a beam of energy in the shape of a buffalo, it slammed into the Phantom and sparks exploded from its body. Micro explosion went off from the two contact points where the buffalo’s horns slammed into the Tyrant Phantom. Mini explosion detonated around the Phantom before it exploded. Suddenly, five swords slammed into Dante’s backplate, yet he did not feel a thing as he spun around and kicked the three Lesser Blade Phantoms back. Dante had long since gotten past the point of taking damage from such weak Phantoms. Dante switched the Buffa Royalguard Ring for a black Ring that had a blue gem with a dolphi engraved into it. This is the Dolphi Gunslinger Ring. Dante slammed it into his Driver’s right port. DOLPI! Then he twisted his wrist forwards. GO! The new magic circle appeared from his Driver. It was identical to the Falco and Buffa magic circles, only it was coloured blue, the script was purple and the image in the centre was of a blue dolphin. D-D-D-DOLPHI! It moved back through Dante, replacing the Buffa Royalguard Mantle with a new Mantle. This one was was blue with golden wave patterns embroidered into it. The shoulder guard which the mantle was attached to was in the shape of a blue dolphin head with golden outlines and the head had purple eyes. Dante held out his gloves and the Osiris Scythe appeared. Only now the blade looked like a dark blue fin and the part where the handle connected to the blade was carved into the shape of a purple dolphin head. He was now Kamen Rider Dante, Osiris Style, equipped with the Dolpi Gunslinger Mantle and armed with the Osiris Dolphi Scythe. Dante dodged a slash from another Lesser Blade Phantom and pressed the Osiris Ring into the Osiris Dolphi Scythe’s slot. ONE! Light blue magical energy surged up the shaft of the polearm as Dante dashed forwards. SCYTHE STRIKE! He spun around several times, cutting into the Phantoms and making sparks explode from their bodies where he cut them. More sparks exploded as scythe generated several dolphin constructs that leapt out of the ground and wacked the Phantom’s with their tails. Then Dante pressed the Osiris Ring into the Osiris Dolphi Scythe’s slot again. SIX! He spun around and then dashed forwards with the Osiris Dolphi Scythe out in front of him. SCYTHE STRIKE! A construct of a dolphin formed around the scythe as Dante cut into three more of the Lesser Blade Phantoms. Then he pulled out Ebony and fired several shots at the Phantoms before punching the Osiris Ring into the back of it. OSIRIS! Black and light blue magical energy gathered around the barrel of the gun. EBONY STRIKE! Dante took aim and fired several shots that transformed into dolphin constructs. They slammed into the Lesser Blade Phantoms and made them all go up in explosions. The level was taken up as Blade Phantoms burst out of the ground. Dante switched the Osiris Ring for the Rebellion Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left port. SET! Then he turned his wrist forwards. OPEN! The Rebellion magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. R-E-B-E-L-L-I-O-N! Transforming him into the Rebellion Style equipped with the Dolphi Mantle. The Rebellion Blade had transformed, the tip was purple, the skull had transformed into the head of a blue dolphin and the bones were now in the shape of dolphin fins. This is the Rebellion Dolphi Blade. Dante punched the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Dolphi Blade’s slot. ONE! Red and blue energy hummed within the blade as Dante swung upwards, cutting a line along the ground. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! From which came a dolphin construct, it swam through the air and back flipped, whacking one of the Lesser Blade Phantoms into the air with enough force to make it explode. Seeing another pair of Lesser Blade Phantoms rushing at him, Dante knew just what to do. He punched the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Dolphi Blade’s slot. TWO! The sword was covered in red and blue energy as Dante pulled it back. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Then he spun around, slashing in a circle. From the Rebellion Dolphi Blade came a pair of dolphin constructs that slammed into the Lesser Blade Phantoms and exploded, taking the Phantoms out along with them. Dante leapt over another pair of Lesser Blade Phantoms as they swung at him. Then he slammed the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Blade’s port. THREE! Dante swung his blade three times as blue magical energy surrounded it. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! With each swing he fired a dolphin fin construct that flew through the air and slammed into the Phantoms and cut through them leaving glowing blue lines in their wakes. The Phantoms sparked before they all fell over and exploded. Suddenly, another Lesser Blade Phantom jumped out of the ground and slashed Dante across the back plate. Sparks flew from the cut, but Dante made no indication of feeling pain as he pressed the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Dolphi Blade’s slot. ONE! Blue magical energy flowed over the Rebellion Dolphi Blade as if it was water. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Dante swung the sword upwards, cutting a line in the ground as he slashed upwards through the Phantom. From the line jumped a dolphin construct that hit the Lesser Blade Phantom with its tail, firing the Phantom into the air where it went up in an explosion. Suddenly, a Valkyrie Phantom appeared in the air. “Nice try!” Dante jumped into the air and pressed the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Dolphi Blade’s slot. FOUR! Then blue magical surged flowed over the Rebellion Dolphi Blade as Dante slashed three times with the sword. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Each swing released a dolphin construct that swam through the air. They smashed into the Valkyrie Phantom and exploded, destroying the Phantom in a loud explosion. Dante landed back on the ground as he slammed the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Dolphi Blade’s slot. FIVE! Blue water like magical energy flowed over the sword as Dante pulled it back. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! As a Lesser Blade Phantom jumped out of the ground, Dante stabbed forwards, firing a dolphin construct that shot through the air and slammed into the Phantom, causing a large explosion that destroyed the Phantom with ease. Then several Icarus Phantoms appeared in the air. “I hate these things!” shouted Dante as he drew Ebony and Ivory before pressing the trigger of both guns. EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE! Blue water like magical energy was pulled into the two hand cannons before Dante released the triggers. Out of the guns blasted a pair of dolphin constructs. The construct that came from Ebony was black and blue, while the one that came from Ivory was white and blue. They spiralled around each other as they shot through the air and slammed into two of the Icarus Phantoms. They exploded, sending the Phantoms crashing to the ground, then the Icarus Phantoms exploded. Dante jumped into the air as a Valkyrie Phantom threw a bomb that smashed into the ground where he had just been standing and exploded. He holstered Ebony and pressed down on Ivory’s trigger. Blue and white energy gathered around the hand cannon’s barrel. IVORY STRIKE! Dante took aim and pulled the trigger, firing a white beam. It shot through the air and the tip of the beam transformed into a dolphin construct. Just before it hit the Phantom, it exploded into a shower of water like beams. Sparks exploded from the Icarus Phantom as it was pelted by the beams before it went up in a large explosion. Dante noted a Shielded Icarus Phantom materializing as he switched out Ivory for Ebony and held down the hand cannon’s trigger. EBONY STRIKE! Black and blue water like energy gathered around the barrel of the hand cannon as Dante pointed it at the Phantom and let go of the trigger. Ebony fired a black beam that shifted into the head of a dolphin at the front. It slammed into the Phantom and erupted in a massive explosion after it tore through the shield. The Icarus Phantom smashed into the ground and got back up, weakly. “I’m impressed that you’re still alive after that attack,” commented Dante as he flipped the Rebellion Dolphi Blade into a backhanded grip and pressed down on its trigger. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Red and blue water like energy surged over the sword as Dante slashed it twice, creating two lines of red energy in a V shape that rocketed forwards. They slammed into the Icarus Phantom and trapped it. “Drive!” shouted Dante as he held the Rebellion Dolphi Blade like a baseball bat and swung it one last time, firing a line of blue energy that shifted into a dolphin construct. It slammed into the Phantom and caused the two lines to release their energy in a massive red explosion. When the smoke cleared, the Icarus Phantom was nowhere to be seen. After that, Dante noticed three Blade Phantoms jumping out of the ground and punched the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Dolphi Blade’s slot. SIX! Blue water like energy washed over the sword as Dante dashed forwards. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! He stabbed forward at lightning speed, completing several thousand stabs in under five seconds. Each stab launched a dolphin construct forwards. They all slammed into the Blade Phantoms at roughly the same time, detonating three massive explosions that sent the Phantoms flying back before they all exploded. Then Dante stabbed the Rebellion Ring into the Rebellion Dolphi Blade’s port as he ran under a Peryton Phantom. ONE! The sword was covered in blue water like energy. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! Then Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Dolphi Blade’s trigger. REBELLION SABER STRIKE! The water like energy raged as it transformed into a dolphin tail around the blade. Dante jumped into the air. “Blast off!” while slashing upwards, cutting a glowing blue line through the Phantom which sparked several times before it went up in a small explosion. It was at that second that a Butcher Phantom sawed its way through a wall and the face in its stomach roared at Dante. Its buzzsaws glowed red as it charged towards the Kamen Rider. “Party time!” shouted Dante as he switched the Rebellion Ring for the Arbiter Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left port. SET! Dante turned his wrist forwards. OPEN! The Arbiter magic circle appeared from his Driver and moved back through him. A-R-B-I-T-E-R! Transforming Dante into the Arbiter Style. The Arbiter Axe appeared in a flash of red and blue light. Only the axe head was now in the shape of a blue fin and the part where the axe head connected to the blade was carved into the image of a purple dolphin head. He was now Kamen Rider Dante Arbiter Style, equipped with the Dophi Gunslinger Mantle and armed with the Arbiter Dolphi Axe. Dante pressed the Arbiter Ring into the Arbiter Dolphi Axe’s slot. TWO! Red energy raced up the weapon’s shaft and into the blade as Dante brought it back and slammed it into the ground. AXE STRIKE! From the impact point came a line of red energy. The second it passed under the Butcher Phantom a dolphin construct jumped out of it and slapped the Phantom in the face with its tail. Sparks came from the point of impact as the Phantom staggered back in shock at being slapped. Then Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the Arbiter Dolphi Axe’s slot again. ONE! He pulled the polearm weapon back and swung it down. AXE STRIKE! As it was about to hit the ground, the Arbiter Dolphi Axe fired a spinning axe head projection that flew through the air. It was surrounded by a dolphin construct that was spinning in the opposite direction. They slammed into the Butcher Phantom and ground sparks out of its body as the Phantom staggered back in pain. Then the Butcher Phantom grabbed the attacks and crushed them between its buzzsaws before it crossed them and flung them outwards, firing five buzzsaws at Dante. Dante quickly pressed the Arbiter Ring into the Arbiter Dolphi Axe’s slot once more. THREE! Red energy raced along the polearm as Dante swung it around. AXE STRIKE! Dante slashed his weapon through thin air three times, each slash left a red tail in the air. Out of which blasted three dolphin constructs. They slammed into the buzzsaws, destroying three of them while the other two got through. Dante stumbled back as both buzzsaws slammed into his chest plate and exploded. Sparks bled from the wounds as they sealed back up. “You’ll pay for that!” shouted Dante as he punched the Arbiter Ring into the back of the Arbiter Dolphi Axe again. FOUR! Red magical energy raced up the polearm’s shaft and charged it’s blade with energy. AXE STRIKE! Dante swung the Arbiter Dolphi Axe down again and fired a single dolphin construct. It zoomed through the air, aiming itself at the Butcher Phantom’s chest orb. Only for the Butcher Phantom to block with its buzzsaws. But the dolphin construct zoomed around and whacked the Phantom with its tail twice. Sparks flew from the impact point as the Butcher Phantom hopped back in pain. Then Dante jumped into the air as he pressed the Arbiter Ring into the Arbiter Dolphi Axe’s slot. FIVE! Red energy gathered around the head of the Arbiter Dolphi Axe as Dante swung it down. AXE STRIKE! Firing a blast of red light, the tip of which shifted into the form of a blue dolphin head. It slammed into the Butcher Phantom, only for it to cross its buzzsaws, blocking the blast. Then the Phantom uncrossed its arms and the attack was dispelled in a flash of light. “WHAT?!” shouted Dante as the Butcher Phantom fired its buzzsaws up at him, drawing sparks off his chest plate and sending him crashing back down to the ground and in a smoking heap of pain. Dante flipped back to his boots and slammed the Arbiter Ring into the Arbiter Dolphi Axe’s slot. SIX! Dante spun the polearm around a few times and then slammed it into the ground. AXE STRIKE! From the impact point roared a wave of red water like energy that had a blue dolphin construct surfing on it. The wave roared forwards and slammed into the Butcher Phantom, engulfing it. When the wave cleared, the Butcher Phantom was revealed to be sparking from its injures.  Then Dante’s visors went wide as energy started to build up within the Phantom. “Oh no!” then an explosion of red energy burst out of the Butcher Phantom, forcing him to stumble back. When the wave cleared, the Butcher Phantom was in its Phantom trigger form. “Oh no, you don’t you bastard!” shouted Dante as he switched the Arbiter Ring for the Trigger Ring in its Devil Mode. He punched the Ring into his Driver’s left slot. TRIGGER! Then he turned his wrist forwards. DEVIL GO! The trigger magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. DE-DE-DE-DEVIL! Transforming him into his Devil Trigger Style. The Rebellion Magnum in its Arbiter Mode appeared in his right glove as Dante punched the Trigger Ring into the back of it. ONE! DEVIL! Dante pulled the trigger and fired off three blasts of red energy. MAGNUM STRIKE! They slammed into the Butcher Phantom and exploded. The Butcher Phantom was sent flying backwards as sparks exploded from the impact point while mini explosions went off around its body. Dante quickly punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum for a second time. THREE! DEVIL! Dante pointed the gun down and fired a blast of energy into the ground that blasted along in a line. MAGNUM STRIKE! It stopped under the Butcher Phantom and then burst upwards sending the Phantom shooting into the air before it came back down in a painful crash. Dante pulled out the cylinder at the bottom of the Rebellion Magnum, turned it and then slammed it back into the handle, transforming the Rebellion Mangum into its Eryx Mode. After which Dante slammed the Trigger Ring into the back of it. THREE! DEVIL! The Butcher Phantom got back up as Dante fired a beam of red energy that arched into the air and hit the Phantom in the chin. MAGNUM STRIKE! The Butcher Phantom was sent flying into the air by the fist to it’s chin. “Time to end this!” commented Dante as he punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum again. TWO! DEVIL! He took aim as he pulled the Rebellion Mangum’s trigger. MAGNUM STRIKE! Three bursts of red energy shot out of the gun and slammed into the Phantom’s gut orb, sending it flying with a loud cracking sound. Dante punched the Rebellion Ring into his Driver’s left slot. GO! DEVIL! Red energy covered his right boot as Dante dashed forward, closing the distance in less than two seconds. KICK STRIKE! Then Dante kicked the Phantom three times. Each kick let loose a burst of energy and sparks exploded from the points of impact as the Butcher Phantom fell over and was consumed by a large explosion. Suddenly, Dante was sent flying through a building and into another street. He grunted as he got back up with sparks coming from his side where he had been hit. Dante looked up as he heard the sound of boots on the road. What he saw made his visors go wide in shock. He could only utter one word in shock: “Sunset?” Several Minutes Earlier Sunset groaned as she came too. She had a massive headache and felt like she had been struck over the head with a metal bat, repeatedly. “Are you ok, Sir?” asked a voice from above her. “I’m fine, Gilda,” Sunset trailed off when she realised that it was not Gilda that had spoken, but a new girl. She was tall with tanned skin, green eyes, freckles and blond hair that was pulled into a tight ponytail. She wore the standard Gem Maiden Uniform: A dark blue seamless jumpsuit with attached gloves and combat boots. Orange gem armour covered her chest, shoulder’s, forearm arms, gloves, boots, shins and the outside of her uppers legs as well as the outside of her upper arms. Sunset slowly blinked as her mind rebooted and process the fact that there was a Gem Maiden in front of her and she, Sunset, was not dead or in a conversion chamber.  Sunset could think of only two reasons that made sense. One: She was dead. Two: It had happened again. Sunset could still feel her heartbeat, so option one was incorrect. Her eyes went flat. She looked at Gilda, Lightning Dust, Lyra and Bon Bon. All of whom were managing to look sheepish at mindless at the same time. Then Sunset looked around and her fury continued to mount with each second as she saw that there were five other Gem Maidens in the area, not including the one that had spoken to her. The first was much shorter, she had fair skin, magenta eyes and rainbow coloured hair that was pulled up into a tight ponytail. She wore the Gem Maiden Uniform with her Gem Armour being red. It covered her shoulders, the back of her gloves, the top of her boots and the front of her shins. Coming from her back was a pair of wings that the suit covered, they had red gem armour around the joints and bones. The second Gem Maiden was a bit taller, she had purple eyes and dark blue hair with a purple and hot pink highlight going through the left side of it. Like the other two Gem Maidens, her hair was tied up in a tight ponytail. Her armour was dark blue and covered her shoulders, the area between her shoulders and neck, her boots, upper legs, upper arms, forearms as well as her gloves. Finally, the Gem Armour formed into a chest plate, knee guards and elbow guards as well as a backplate. Coming from her forehead was a magenta horn construct that hovered just in front of it. The third Gem Maiden had already been described as she had been the one to wake Sunset up. The fourth Gem Maiden had white skin and blue eyes along with purple hair that was pulled up into a tight ponytail. Her Gem Maiden Uniform had white Gem Armour. It covered her shoulders, elbows, knees and the front of her shins. She had a white horn construct floating in front of her forehead, until the second Gem Maiden’s horn, which was in the shape of a spiral, hers was in the shape of a diamond. The fifth Gem Maiden had green eyes and pin hair that was pulled up into a tight ponytail. Her Gem Maiden Uniform had yellow Gem Armour. The armour covered her hips, forearms and shoulders. Coming out of her back was a pair of wings that were covered by the Gem Maiden Uniform and had yellow Gem Armour outlining them. The sixth and final Gem Maiden had blue eyes and pink hair that was pulled into a tight ponytail. She wore the normal Gem Maiden Uniform. But the pink Gem Armour only covered her gloves and the top of her boots. After Sunset had taken all of this in, she turned to Gilda. “Let me guess,” she began as the blond-haired Gem Maiden helped her to her feet. She pointed at Pyrrha. “You were wrong and that second Imprisoner Phantom was really these six Gem Maidens.” “Yes, Master,” replied Gilda. “They were close enough in their pre-Gem Maiden days that when they began Gem Maidens they gained the ability to combine,” continued Sunset. “Yes, Master,” replied Lightning Dust. “They were likely sent to kill you four had as you had been cut off from the hive mind,” Ruby guessed. “That is the most probable reason why they were sent Mistress,” reasoned Lyra. “And finally, for some infernal reason, rather than return to their home world, free, but without their powers. They decided that it was more preferable to become Kamen Riders and bond themselves to myself as servants?!” demanded Sunset. “Yes, Mistress,” droned Bon Bon. Sunset held her Driver on Ring over her belt buckle. DRIVER ON! A magic circle appeared as the belt buckle transformed into her Wizard Driver. PLEASE! Then she pressed down on the Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever, turning the Hand Author to the left. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! She scanned her left hand over her Driver’s Hand Author. ACTIVE PLEASE! “At least that works now,” muttered Sunset in relief as she held her left arm to the side. LET’S GO! The Active magic circle appeared and moved through Sunset, transforming her into her true form; Kamen Rider Symbol. She added the Ice and the Defend Ring to her right glove before hitting the right Shift Lever. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! Then she held them in front of her Driver’s Hand Author. ICE DEFEND PLEASE! Symbol thrust her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared and moved through her. “Here we go!” she hit the right Shift Lever twice. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! Then the Kamen Rider held her right glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. DEFEND MAGIC PLEASE! She slammed the Ice Shield into the ground and a dome of ice appeared around her. Symbol’s body flashed as she transformed back into her human form; Sunset Shimmer.  Then she freaked out. She pulled at her hair, stamped on the ground, kicked the sphere and yelled out loud. While the Gem Maidens were unable to hear a single word, they were fairly sure that they lip read several swear words. Once Sunset had tied herself out and vent her anger she dropped the dome. “Alright, so, who are you six?” she asked. “We are your Gem Maiden servants,” replied the rainbow haired Gem Maiden. “No, I meant your names,” clarified Sunset. The pink haired and blue eyed Gem Maiden opened her mouth. Sunset cut her off. “I don’t mean your Gem Maiden names. I mean the names you have before you were transformed into Gem Maidens.” “Sir, they are not relevant,” blinked the purple haired Gem Maiden. “Why not?!” demanded Sunset in anger. “We are no longer those people,” replied the pale pink haired Gem Maiden. “Well, I am not going to call you all by some incredibly long, hard to remember and confusing serial number,” growled out Sunset. “So you wish to know our original names for the sake of convenience?” asked the blue haired Gem Maiden. “Yes!” shouted Sunset. “Finally! One of you gets it!” “My name was Twilight Sparkle,” replied the blue haired Gem Maiden. “I was once known as Rarity,” added the purple haired Gem Maiden. “My name was Rainbow Dash!” cheered the rainbow haired Gem Maiden. “I was called Fluttershy,” stated the pale pink haired Gem Maiden. “I once went by Applejack,” muttered the blond haired Gem Maiden. “My designantion was Pinkie Pie,” droned the dark pink haired Gem Maiden. For some reason, Sunset felt a surge of anger shot through her veins when she heard those names. She quickly shook her head. “Where did that come from,” not even Wiseman had caused her to feel that pissed off. “Are you ok, Sir?” asked Twilight Sparkle. “I’m fine,” replied Sunset as Twilight’s question snapped her back to reality. For some reason, having people as her slaves really made her feel uncomfortable. “You looked a bit unwell,” stated Rarity. “I said I’m fine!” snapped out Sunset. Then she realised something. “Also, if you have to call me something like that, then call me Mistress!”  “Yes, Sir,” replied the six new Gem Maidens. Sunset grumbled several swear words under her breath. “Anyway, we should find out where we are,” she ordered. At that moment, several Pride Phantoms raced around the corner. “On second thoughts, let’s fight them first!” Sunset hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! Then she scanned her left hand and the Active Ring over her Driver’s Hand Author. ACTIVE PLEASE! “Henshin!” shouted Sunset as she held her left hand out to the side. LET’S GO! The Active magic circle appeared to her left and moved through her. Transforming her into Kamen Rider Symbol. Symbol turned to the Servants that had been forced on her. “I suggest that you four,” she pointed at Lightning Dust, Gilda, Bon Bon and Lyra. “Henshin. While you six,” she pointed to Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. “Get whatever weapons you have ready,” suddenly, Symbol turned to the Gem Maidens. “Oh and say “Henshin” when you transform, it sounds cooler,” she justified herself. The Dust Knuckle appeared in Lightning Dust’s hand as she slid the Fire Dust Whistle into its slot. F-I-R-E D-U-S-T! Then Lightning Dust pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into her left palm. R-E-A-D-Y! Gilda stepped up alongside Lightning Dust as the Weapon Driver appeared around her waist as she slotted the Crocea Mors Whistle into its slot. C-R-O-C-E-A M-O-R-S!  Then Lightning pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle to the left side of the Weapon Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! A hologram of a white kite shield and a golden broadsword appeared in front of the Weapon Driver and a hologram of a red flame appeared in front of the Dust Knuckle. The two images moved in front of each other and started spinning. “Henshin,” spoke both Lightning Dust and Gilda as the holograms transformed into a holographic suit of armour. It moved back and combined the two Gem Maidens into a single Kamen Rider. In a flash of light Kamen Rider Grimm was revealed in her Fire Knight Tune.  The Aura Knuckle materialized in Bon Bon’s hand as she inserted the Copycat Whistle into its slot. C-O-P-Y-C-A-T! Then she slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her right fist. R-E-A-D-Y! Lyra stepped up next to Nora as the Grimm Driver appeared on her waist and she loaded the Nevermore Whistle into its slot. N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! Bon Bon slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. F-I-S-T O-N! A black hologram of a wolf appeared in front of the Grimm Driver while a hologram of a black cat appeared in front of the Aura Knuckle. They both moved over each other and spun into a holographic suit of armour. “Henshin,” droned Bon Bon and Lyra as the hologram slammed into them and fused the two Gem Maidens into a single Kamen Rider. In a flash of light Kamen Rider Grimm was revealed in her Copy More Tune. “You two!” Kamen Rider Symbol pointed to Kamen Rider’s Grimm and Weapon. “Go to full power!” “Yes, Mistress,” proclaimed both of the Kamen Riders as they removed the Knuckles from their Driver and pressed down on them. R-E-A-D-Y! Then Grimm slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Dust Knuckle. D-O-U-B-L-E F-I-S-T O-N! The Beowulf, Copycat, Fire Dust and Crocea Mors holograms appeared in front of the Knuckles and spun out into a holographic suit of armour that moved back, slamming into the two Kamen Riders and combining them into Kamen Rider Remnant. Knight More Copy Fire Tune. Silver chains appeared around Pinkie Pie’s waist, they merged into a blue belt that had a blue bat as a buckle. The bat had red eyes and hung upside down on a blue bar that was on the front of the Driver. Pinkie Pie pulled out a black Whistle, the head of which was shaped like a red cylinder. She slotted it into the Mega Driver’s mouth causing it to blow the Whistle. FIRE TUNE! A silver chain shot out of each of the bat’s eyes and stabbed into Fluttershy’s and Rarity’s chests.  The three girls said only one word: “Henshen.” Fluttershy and Rarity transformed into quicksilver that was pulled down the chains and covered Pinkie’s body. After a second the quicksilver shifted and transformed before shattering off, revealing their new form. She wore a bodysuit, the main section of which was white, as was the forearms, while the rest was coloured black. The bodysuit had attached white gloves and two red rings just below the elbows. Her boots were coloured black, while the bottom of them was coloured red and they had a slight heel coming from the bottom of them. Her helmet was white with a red faceplate and a pair of blue circle shaped visors. In the centre of the helmet’s forehead was a golden V shaped tiara with a red circle shaped gem in the centre of it. Coming from the back of the helmet was a long ponytail of black hair. A red chestplate covered her chest, it had a red gem in the centre with white outlines. Her shoulder armour was coloured red and she wore red armour on the back of her gloves. Red shin armour covered her shins and white knee guards covered her knees. Red armour covered her forearms and a red skirt went about halfway down her upper legs. There was a red choker around her neck and a should red cape came off her shoulders. She is Kamen Rider Mega, Fire Tune. “Your a Kamen Rider as well?!” shouted Symbol in shock. “Yes, Sir,” replied the Kamen Rider, her voice sounded like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity all speaking together. Symbol paused. “That was weird,” she shuddered at the voice. Then something made Symbol pause. She turned to Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. “Let me guess, you three can combine into a single Kamen Rider as well,” she asked in a flat tone of voice. “Yes, Sir,” replied Rainbow in an emotionless montone. Chains appeared around Applejack’s waist and formed into a Driver that was identical to the Mega Driver, only it was coloured white and the bat had a white X shaped scar on its face. Applejack pulled out a white Whistle, the head of which looked like a dark blue cylinder. She slotted it into the X Driver’s mouth, making it blow the Water Whistle. WATER TUNE! A chain came out of each of the X Driver’s eyes, they stabbed into Rainbow and Twilight’s chests. “Henshin,” droned the three girls as two of them were transformed into quicksilver and pulled down the chains. The quicksilver washed over Applejack and transformed before shattering off, revealing her new form. She wore a white bodysuit with black upper arms and black legs. The bodysuit had attached white gloves and three dark blue rings wrapped around the arms were black met white. The boots were black with the bottom of them being dark blue with a slight heel coming from the bottom of them. A pair of dark blue lines crossed over the top of her boots and a black circle surrounded her ankles. She wore a dark blue skirt and a sea green chest plate. Dark blue armour covered her shoulders and extended halfway down her upper arms. Sea green armour wrapped around her forearms and extended over the back of her gloves. Around her neck was a sea green choker with a dark blue ribbon around the back of it. She wore a white helmet with a dark blue faceplate that had a pair of green circle shaped visors. Coming from the back of her helmet was a sea green ponytail and on her helmet’s forehead was a golden V shaped tiara with a sea green gem in the centre of it.  She is Kamen Rider X Water Tune. “Alright team, it’s showtime!” shouted Symbol as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! Then she scanned her left glove as a Pride Phantom leapt at her. ACTIVE! C RANK SPELL! Red lightning crackled around her right fist as she pulled it back and punched the Phantom, sending it flying backwards with sparks exploding from its body before it exploded while still in the air. Then Remnant pressed down on the Nevermore Whistle and slammed the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E![/b] B-I-T-I-N-G! The Nevermore Bow Sword appeared in a flash of black mist. Remnant grabbed it and fired several black bolts from it that made sparks explode from five more Pride Phantoms. Symbol switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring and pressed her Driver’s left Shift Lever. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! Then she swiped her left glove over her Driver’s Hand Author. BURST PLEASE! Symbol held her left glove out to the side and the Burst magic circle appeared. CAST THE SPELL! It moved through her and transformed Symbol into the Burst Style. A Lust Phantom appeared from the ground and leapt at Kamen Rider Mega. She pulled out a white Whistle with a red circle on top of it. She slotted it into the Mega Driver and caused it to blow the Whistle. PROTO SHIELD! In a flash of red data a circle shaped shield appeared on her right forearm. She blocked the Lust Phantom’s scythe and then turned around and it blurred away. The Phantom slashed her several times before Mega learned its fighting style and blocked the next several slashes. Symbol added the Dust and Mirror Rings to her right glove before pressing her Driver’s right lever. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! Then she scanned her right glove across her Driver. DUST MIRROR PLEASE! She held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared and moved through her. Transforming Kamen Rider Symbol into the Burst Dust Mirror Style. X pulled out another white Whistle that had a shotgun at the top of it. She slotted it into the Driver and pressed down on it, making the X Driver blow it. SHOTGUN ICE! She curled her right glove into a fist as a cold aura gathered around it. Then, as the Luat Phantom moved in to attack Kamen Rider Mega again, X pulled back her fist and punched the Phantom, causing it to flash freeze in less than a second. A Lust Phantom dashed towards Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! She scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the dust magic circle appeared on the ground in front of the Lust Phantom. DUST MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol threw her right glove into the air as a wall of dust burst from the ground. The Phantom smashed into the wall and the dust wrapped around it, stopping the Lust Phantom from moving. Remnant pressed down on the Crocea Mors Whistle before slamming into the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. K-N-I-G-H-T S-W-O-R-D! Remnant placed the Nevermore Bow Sword on her backplate as Knight Sword appeared in her right glove. She dashed forward and slashed the fist Pride Phantom, then she spun, cutting the second Pride Phantom. Remnant held the Knight Sword in both gloves as she slashed down, cutting through the final Pride Phantom, all three of them erupted in sparks and fell over before exploding. Symbol pressed her Driver’s left leaver four times, making the Hand Author turn to the left. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! Then she scanned her left glove over the front of her Driver. BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Purple magical energy surrounded Symbol as she raised up both of her gloves. Dust started to trickle into the air, off the ground, it sped up until the dust turned into five streams that gathered into an orb in front of Symbol. “Dust Spear!” shouted Symbol as she fired the orb forwards, it transformed into a spear than then split into five. The Lust Phantom was still immobilized by the last attack and could do nothing as all five spears tore through it, creating five holds that bled sparks before the Phantom fell forward and went up in a massive explosion. Another Lust Phantom burst from a rip in the air and lunged towards Mega. She held the Proto Shield in front of the Mega Driver, causing it to bite the edge of the Proto Shield, infusing it with red energy. PROTO SHIELD BITE! Mega slammed the tip of the Proto Shield into the ground and a shield of roaring red energy surrounded her. The Lust Phantom dashed forwards and slammed into the shield, cracking it badly.  Symbol switched the Mirror Ring for the Radiation Ring, before pressing her Driver’s right Lever once. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! Then she held her right glove in front of her Driver as another three Pride Phantom jumped out of the ground. DUST RADIATION PLEASE! Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the Radiation magic circle appeared behind her and moved through her. X saw her sister Kamen Rider being attacked and held her left glove in front of the X Driver. SHOTGUN ICE BITE! Blue energy was infused into her right glove as She punched the ground. A wave of ice shot out of the impact point and transformed into a penguin that raced along the ground on its belly. It slammed into the distracted Lust Phantom and forced the Phantom back, making it slammed into a wall. “Target erased,” spoke Kamen Rider X as the Phantom exploded. Then Symbol switched the Dust and Radiation Ring for the Sand and Glass Rings before hitting her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. SAND GLASS PLEASE! Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the Pride Phantoms charged at her. “Let’s switch it up!” the two magic circles appeared and moved through her, knocking the Phantoms back. Kamen Rider Remnant jumped into the air as the Knight Sword and the Nevermore Bow Sword combined into the Black Knight Sword. She pressed the Copycat Whistle and then slammed the bottom of the Osma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. C-O-P-Y! Red flames covered the Black Knight Sword as she swung it around in a crescent, cutting through three Pride Phantom’s scythe and making the Phantoms jump back from the blazing hot flames. Symbol pressed her Driver’s right Lever twice. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! She blocked a slash from another Pride Phantom with the Burst Staff as she scanned her right glove. GLASS MAGIC PLEASE! A ring of sand exploded out of her body, cutting the Pride Phantom in half and causing it to go up in flames. Meanwhile, Mega switched the Proto Shield Whistle for a white Whistle with a brown hand in front of it. She placed the new Whistle in the Mega Driver and pressed down on it, causing the Mega Driver to blow the Whistle. SUPER ARM! Her left fist was covered in red data as the Proto Shield vanished. When the data was cleared, the left arm had grown in size. She punched it into the ground and pulled out a large cube. With a grunt she hurled it at another Lust Phantom that had just appeared from a rip in the air. The Phantom dodge to the side, but this left it open to X. “Unit X! Tactic Arm Shield!” ordered Kamen Rider Mega as she threw another rock. “Here we go!” Symbol jumped back as the three Pride Phantoms she had just disarmed, regenerated their scythe. She pressed her Driver’s right Shift Lever once. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! Then she held her right glove in front of her Driver. SAND MAGIC PLEASE! The Burst magic circle appeared on the ground as Symbol raised both gloves into the air. Sand gathered from the magic circle and formed into a tornado. Symbol thrust both of her gloves forwards as the tornado roared and slammed into the Phantom’s. They were carried into the air with sparks exploding off their bodies before both of them exploded. “Good riddance,” muttered Symbol. X removed the Shotgun Ice from the X Driver and switched it with a white Whistle that had a blue ball in the centre of it. She slotted it into the X Driver and then pressed down on it, causing the Driver to blow the Whistle. ROLLING SHIELD! Kamen Rider X curled into a ball and rolled along the ground. The Lust Phantom turned around, dust in time to see stars as X sent it flying through the air after smashing into it. “Tactic complete,” reported Kamen Rider X as she got back up. “Good, now finish it!” roared Symbol as she hit her Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! Purple magical energy built up around her as she scanned her left glove over her Driver. BURST! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! The Burst magic circle appeared on the ground and out of it came a tidal wave of sand that started spinning. Shards of glass appeared in the sand tornado as it raced towards the Phantom at high speed. “Sand Storm!” shouted Symbol as the Lust Phantom was pulled into the attack, sparks exploded from its body before the Phantom went up in a giant explosion from all of the damage. Remnant pressed down on the Copycat Whistle twice before slamming the Ozma Knuckle into the Salem Driver. C-A-T! A Lust Phantom took a high speed swing at her, only for Remnant to backflip out of the way. In her place she left a fire clone that exploded when the Lust Phantom it hit, sending the Phantom flying backwards. Symbol switched the Glass Ring for the Mirror Ring and hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! Symbol scanned her right glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. SAND MIRROR PLEASE! Then she held her right glove out to the side as the Mirror magic circle appeared behind her before moving through her. It knocked the Lust Phantom that had just lunged at her back. Kamen Rider Mega held the Super Arm in front of the Mega Driver, making it bite down on the Mega Arm Whistle. SUPER ARM BITE! The Super Arm was infused with red energy as she pulled it back and punched the, still stunned Lust Phantom. The Phantom was sent flying backwards with red cracks spreading through it before the Phantom exploded while still flying through the air. “Enemy deleted,” spoke up Mega. A Lust Phantom streaked towards Symbol at high speed. It blurry around and struck her about twice in the next second as Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! More sparks exploded off her body as she stumbled back, scanning her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she did so. MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE! A circle of small mirrors appeared around her, the Lust Phantom slammed into the mirrors and it was sent flying back as the mirrors repelled all of the kinetic force back at it. X saw the Lust Phantom charging at her and pressed her right glove into the X Driver’s mouth. ROLLING SHIELD BITE! The X Driver infused blue energy into X’s glove. The energy raced through her body as she crossed her arms and a blue shield appeared around her. The Lust Phantom smashed into the shield and growled. Its armed were covered in grey energy as it swung over and over, cracks spread through the shield before it shattered! With a loud boom, the fragments exploded. The Phantom was sent flying backwards with sparks exploding from its body. “How many of these things are there?!” demanded Symbol as another Pride Phantom burst from the ground. With a growl she switched the Burst Ring for the Active Ring and then slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ACTIVE PLEASE! She held her left glove out to the side as the Active Magic circle appeared and moved through her. LET’S GO! Transforming her into the Active Style. “It is unknown Mistress,” replied Kamen Rider Remnant as she pressed down on the Fire Dust Whistle before slamming the bottom of the Osma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. F-I-R-E D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E! The Black Knight Sword lit on fire as Remnant slashed upwards, cutting through a Death Knight Phantom as it jumped out of the ground and charged at her. “That was rhetorical!” shouted Symbol at her Kamen Rider Servant. She jumped over a slash and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! Then the main Kamen Rider swiped her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she ducked under a Pride Phantom’s swing. ACTIVE! B RANK SPELL! Red lightning covered her forearm guards as she blocked the Pride Phantom’s downwards swing and punched it in the face. Sparks exploded from the impact as red lightning crackled over its body and the Phantom was sent flying through the air. Then it followed the example of every other Phantom that Symbol had fought so far and exploded. Mega switched the Super Arm Whistle for a red Whistle that had a fireball on the top of it. She slotted it into the Mega Driver and then pressed down on the Whistle making the Meg Driver blow the Whistle. FIRESTORM! The Super Arm vanished and three balls of fire appeared around Mega, orbiting her. Symbol added the Boost and Aqua Rings to her right glove before pressing down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! Then she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. BOOST AQUA PLEASE! Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the two magic circles appeared and moved through her, transforming her into the Active Boost Aqua Style. Then she pressed down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! She scanned her right glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she took up a running stance. BOOST MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol bolted forwards as the Aqua Jets each fired a blast of water that propelled her forward, she rammed her knee into a Pride Phantom, sending it flying into two other like a pair of bowling pins. Symbol jumped into the air as she drew the Active Blade and pulled on its thumb, opening its Hand Author. COME ON A SLASH SHAKE HANDS! Then she scanned her left glove over it as red energy built up around the tip of the blade. ACTIVE! SLASH STRIKE! Symbol fell through the air and stabbed all three of the Phantom’s with the blade, making all three of them explode. Suddenly, Symbol landed back on the ground and was forced to drop onto her backplate as another Lust Phantom swung at her. She quickly hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! Then she scanned her right glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. AQUA MAGIC PLEASE! Symbol spun on her backplate as she unleashed jets of water from the Aqua Jets that slammed into the Lust Phantom from the side and sent it flying away. Symbol switched the Boost Ring for the Slasher Ring and hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever. MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN! Then she scanned her right glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. SLASHER AQUA PLEASE! Symbol held her right glove out to the side as the Slasher magic circle unfolded and passed through her. The next Lust Phantom lunged at her as she hit her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever once. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! After Which she scanned her right glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. SLASHER MAGIC PLEASE! Red lightning crackled over the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol drove them through the Phantom’s gut. Sparks exploded from the impact point as the Phantom staggered backwards in agony. Symbol slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! Then she scanned her right glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she pulled back the Slasher Tidal Claws. AQUA MAGIC PLEASE! Water gathered around them as she slashed upwards, firing six crescents that shot forwards and slammed into the Phantom. Coming with the damage it had taken from being impaled, it was no wonder the Phantom exploded. “I’ve had enough of this!” shouted Symbol in anger as another Lust Phantom burst from a rip in the air. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE! Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST! Red lightning ripped around the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol darted forwards and slashed the Lust Phantom in half, causing it to explode into ash. At that moment Symbol was hit in the side by something and sent shooting through the air. She smashed through a pair of buildings and crashed into the street behind them. Remnant, Mega and X landed a few feet away about five seconds later. ‘Whatever hit us was hard and fast! We didn’t even have time to protect ourselves!’ out loud she shouted. “ALRIGHT! THAT IS IT!” she switched the Active Ring for the Advance Ring, then pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS! Then, with a loud roar, she held her left glove and the Advance Ring in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ADVANCE PLEASE! Symbol thrust her left glove out in front of her as the Advance magic circle warped in and moved back through her, transforming the Kamen Rider into her Advance Style. Symbol thrust her right glove into the air. “Come! Advance Timer!” she ordered. [YES! MY MISTRESS!] The Crow Bit Phantom came racing out of the air and slammed into Symbol’s right glove, transforming it into the Advance Timer. ADVANCE TIME! “Here we go!” Symbol turned the Advance Timer’s dial. SET UP! Then she pressed down on the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. START! The Advance Timer’s first clock hand started ticking. At that moment, Symbol heard a voice that she had not heard in a while. “Sunset?” Symbol’s helmet whipped around. “Dante?” she asked in disbelief and then joy. Before the emotional reunion could take place, a Phantom teleported it. It looked like a Pride Phantom only its cloak was perfect, having no rips in it and its scythe was pure silver with no chips. This is the Vanguard Phantom. The two Kamen Riders looked at each other and nodded. Symbol turned to Remnant, Mega and X. “Keep the rest of the Phantom’s off us! Dante and I will take care of the Vanguard Phantom,” she ordered. Symbol did not see that way that Dante’s visors narrowed at her ordering another pair of Kamen Rider’s around. They both ran towards the Vanguard Phantom as it teleported to the side. Dante punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. ONE! DEVIL! The holographic one appeared next to the Rebellion Magnum’s skull as red energy gathered in front of the barrel. MAGNUM STRIKE! Dante took aim and fired three blasts of red energy that tore through the air and slammed into the Vanguard Phantom. “Take that!” shouted Dante. Or at least the blasts would have slammed into the Phantom if it had no teleported away at the last second. “What?!” shouted Dante as the Vanguard Phantom appeared behind him and slashed him across the black plate. Sparks bled from the cut as Dante crashed into the ground. “DANTE!” shouted Symbol as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove and the Advance Ring. ADVANCE B TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons lit up as she dashed forwards and slammed her left elbow into the Vanguard Phantom’s face, only for the Phantom to teleport out of the way. “Not again!” shouted Symbol as she was slashed by the Vanguard Phantom several times as it appeared once more. Dante quickly got back up, the high armour of the Devil Trigger Style had cancelled out a lot of the damage and punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum once more. THREE! DEVIL! Red energy built up in the barrel as Dante fired a blast into the ground. MAGNUM STRIKE! The earth under the Phantom’s feet glowed as it suddenly burst into a pillar of flame, making the Phantom roar in pain as it was attacked by blazing heat and was forced to teleport away. “Hey!” shouted Symbol. “Watch it Dante! You nearly hit me!” she shouted at her brother in anger. Dante just scoffed under his breath as he dodged a slash from the Vanguard Phantom when it appeared again. Symbol would have frowned as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove and the Advance Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour lit up. ADVANCE A TIER SPELL! Yellow magical energy gathered around her gloves as she curled them into fists and ran at the Phantom. Only for it to teleport out of the way, reappear where it had just teleported from and slash her across the chest plate. “This isn’t fair!” grunted Dante. “Then again Phantom’s are never fair,” he muttered as he realised how childish he had just sounded. “I will show you what isn’t fair,” stated Symbol as she got back up. “Three against two!” she reached for the Advance Timer. “What are you talking about?” asked Dante. Symbol said nothing as she pressed down on the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. BREAKER ADVANCE! The Breaker magic circle appeared on the ground and ran up through the air as the Advance Breaker Energy Clone appeared out of thin air. Dante stared for a moment. “WHAT?!” he shouted in shock. “Your up, Advance Breaker,” ordered Symbol. “You bet,” replied Advance Breaker as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin guards lit up. ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL! Red energy gathered around her right fist as she bolted towards the Vanguard Phantom at high speed. “Ha!” she threw her fist forwards, only to miss as the Phantom teleported out of the way, winking in behind her to slash the Advance Style Energy Clone across her backplate. “Now’s your chance!” shouted Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ADVANCE B TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons funnelled yellow magical energy into her elbow as she dashed forward and slammed it into the Phantom’s back. Sparks exploded as the Vanguard Phantom stumbled forwards in pain, its swing missing Advance Breaker. “Hit it now!” Symbol ordered the Advance Style Energy Clone. “You got it!” cheered Advance Breaker as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red magical energy leaked from her shoulder pauldron emitters. ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL! Red energy lit up around her right fist as she uppercutted the Vanguard Phantom in the air, the attack had come too fast for the Phantom to react and it was sent flying. “Leave the next part to me!” shouted Dante as she punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. FOUR! DEVIL! The red holographic four appeared next to the Rebellion Magnum’s skull as red energy gathered within the barrel. MAGNUM STRIKE! Dante pointed it at the Vanguard Phantom and pulled the trigger. Out of the Rebellion Magnum’s barrel shot a red axe construct that was spinning at high speed. It raced towards the Phantom, but it was too slow and the Vanguard Phantom was able to teleport out of the way. “Your Angel Trigger Style would be better suited for this type of fight,” Symbol had to point out to her Brother. “Even Advance Bounder could have told you that,” Advance Breaker somehow managed to insult a Kamen Rider and an Energy Clone in one breath. “Shut up,” muttered Dante. “Sir’s statement is correct,” pointed out X as she sent a Pride Phantom flying “Second,” added Mega as she destroyed a Lust Phantom. “Thirded,” finished Remnant as she strangled a Rage Phantom. “You lot two!” shouted Dante. “Hey, Dante, you know what’s even less fair than three on one?” asked Symbol. “What?” asked Dante. “Four on one!” shouted Symbol as she reached for the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. “Don’t tell me,” muttered Dante. Symbol pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. BLOCKER ADVANCE! The Blocker magic circle appeared on the ground and the Advance Blocker Clone jumped out of it as the Vanguard Phantom appeared behind Symbol. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL! A circle shaped shield appeared behind Symbol and blocked the Phantom’s scythe, forcing the Vanguard Phantom back as its feet dug furrows in the ground. “Dante!” shouted Symbol. “Let’s do this together!” shouted Symbol as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards powered up. ADVANCE C TIER SPELL! Yellow energy gathered around her left fist as she punched forwards, firing a fist thick beam that raced through the air towards the Vanguard Phantom. “Alright,” replied Dante as he punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. TWO! DEVIL! The red two appeared next to the magnum’s skull as red energy collected around the barrel. MAGNUM STRIKE! Dante pulled the trigger and fired three bolts of red energy from the Rebellion Magnum. They shot forward and slammed into the Vanguard Phantom at the same time as Symbol’s beam. The Vanguard Phantom was sent flying back with sparks exploding out of its body. The Phantom teleported back as it slashed at Symbol, then it vanished once more, appearing behind Advance Breaker and slashing her. The Phantom teleported away from several energy bolts at cut Dante with its scythe before ramming the shaft of the scythe into Advance Blocker’s stomach, sending her shooting back. Symbol struggled back to her boots and looked at the Advance Timer. “For once things are going my way,” she muttered as she saw that the first clock hand had reached the green section. Symbol reached down and hit the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. BOUNDER ADVANCE! The Bounder magic circle appeared in the air and the Advance Bounder Energy Clone dropped out of it. She hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! As the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started to glow, she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ADVANCE BOUNDER A TIER SPELL! Green magical energy covered her shoulder pauldrons as she tackled the Vanguard Phantom, she had been moving so fast that it had no time to dodge as it was sent shooting through a wall then into a pile of rubble. “That’s going to come in handy,” stated Dante. “I know right!” shouted Symbol to her brother as she slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then the magic based Kamen Rider scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ADVANCE C TIER SPELL! The emitters in her forearm guards channelled yellow magical energy into her gloves as she pulled her right fist back and punched forwards. Firing a beam of yellow energy that slammed into the Vanguard Phantom. Sparks exploded from the Phantom’s body as it was sent shooting backwards in pain. The Phantom roared and teleported behind Symbol as Advance Breaker jumped into the air, hitting her Driver’s left Shift Lever three times as she did so. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Red magical energy wrapped around her right fist after she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL! “TAKE THIS!” roared Advance Breaker as she punched down, slamming her fist into the Vanguard Phantom’s head and driving it into the ground. Symbol turned around, not having seen the Phantom about to reap her. “Thanks!” she thanked Advance Breaker. “This is about to get even worse for that Phantom,” grinned Symbol as the Advance Timer’s first clock hand reached the purple segment. “How so?” asked Dante. Symbol answered by pressing the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. BLASTER ADVANCE! The Blaster magic circle appeared in the air as the Advance Blaster Energy Clone ran out of it then she dropped onto the ground. The Vanguard Phantom appeared behind Advance Blaster as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ADVANCE BLASTER B TIER SPELL! The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons lit up and a ring of purple orbs appeared around her before shooting outwards. They slammed into the Phantom, driving it backwards in a shower of sparks. Then Dante punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. SIX! DEVIL! The holographic six appeared next to the Rebellion Magnum’s skull as red energy charged up inside the barrel. MAGNUM STRIKE! Dante pointed it and fired a cannon blast from the Rebellion Magnum’s barrel. It slammed into the Phantom and blew it backwards. Advance Breaker dashed towards the Phantom as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards powered up. ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL! Red energy gathered around her right fist as she pulled it back, only for the Phantom to teleport out of the way, meaning that her fist passed through thin air. The Phantom appeared behind Advance Breaker. “No you don’t!” shouted Advance Bounder as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! Advance Bounder scanned her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons lit up. ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL! She covered her right boot in green magical energy as she zipped forwards and smashed her boot into the Phantom’s back. The Vanguard Phantom let out a wail of pain as it was sent flying through the air. “Time to end this!” shouted Symbol as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE! She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Advance Style Energy Clones got into formation, forming a pentagram with Symbol at the head of it. ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST! Symbol floated into the air as the magic circle of each Energy Clone formed under them. The advance magic circle unfolded under Symbol and the energy was pulled into her boots as the clones collapsed into energy that was pulled inside of her. “Advance Impact!” shouted Symbol as she was sent flying towards the Phantom with a burst of mana. She slammed her boots into the Phantom and a multi coloured aurora shockwave blasted off in each direction. Symbol materialized behind the Phantom was it fell over with its body sparking from multi coloured lightning. At that moment, Remnant arrived. “All hostels have been naturalized, Mistress,” she reported as she knelt down like a knight would before a queen. Mega jumped down from a building. “All opponents have been defeated, Master,” she reported as she stood at attention. X jumped out of the ground. “The mission has been completed, sir,” she saluted. Symbol sighed as she switched the Advance Ring for the Active Ring and hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN! “I wish you lot would call me by my name,” she muttered as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. ACTIVE PLEASE! She held her left glove out to the side as the Active magic circle appeared and moved through her. LET’S GO! “It can get really annoying,” muttered Symbol. “Are you ok, Dante?” asked Symbol as she turned around. Only to find a gun pointed at her faceplate.