//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Discovery // Story: Godzilla: Raid on Equestria // by Izumichan-995 //------------------------------// As the fishing ship named Blue Glory traversed the stormy, night sea in the southern part of the Celestial Sea, most of the ships crew are asleep while the captain, bridge crew and some processors are awake. The processors are hard at work filleting the fish and packing it in small packages. As the ship sails past an island a strange sound is heard. "Captain. Did you hear that?" One of the bridge crew said. "Yeah. Most likely the ship creaking. No need to worry about it." The captain said. As he said that the sound came again, louder this time. Suddenly the ship is rocked as if it just hit something. Ponies fall out of their bunks, ponies in the processing hull fall and their tools nearly hit them and on the bridge the captain and his crew nearly fall as they look out the bridge window a huge shadow raises up from the depths of the ocean. The captain and his crew watch in shock and horror. The lightning strikes the shadow revealing a huge creature but it remains unfazed from the lightning stike. The creature begins to rip the ship apart. In a desprete move the captain presses the emergency S.O.S. button and looks up just in time to see the creature smashes the ships windows out with its tail. The ship begins to sink and the creature disappears under the waves along with the ship. The next morning, a crab boat approaches the wreak where the Blue Glory went under having picked up the S.O.S. beacon last night. As they approach the wreak they bare witness to last nights destruction. Planks of wood, limbs, cans of fish, and personal effects have floated to the surface. The ponies watch in horror as they pass all of the debris. Just as they reach the beacons last known location they hear a groaning sound. "What the hay was that?" A pony said. Suddenly they hit a bump and the ship stops. The ponies begin to freak out as they believe to run aground but the sound of their hull cracking and a louder groan makes them stop and look around. Suddenly the ship is pulled under and a huge gyser of water splashes up. Days later, a string of ship disappearances cause a panic across Equestria. No survivors are found. The ponies begin to wander what is going on and if its a new threat as it gets closer and closer to the west coast of Equestria. In Canterlot Castle, Princess Dawn is being flooded with worries and complaints from all over the west coast. In a way to ease tentions she dispatchs a small team of investigative reporters to the near by island of Joyful Song to get to the bottom of the disappearances. The island is near by where the disappearances have happened. The airship lands on the west sode of the island on a helipad and the first to step out is a male, orange Unicorn with a navy blue mane and a notepad and magnifying glass cutie mark. As he steps off he observes the residents of the island and walks over to the elderly chief. "Greetings sir. My name is Superb Article. Im the lead of this investigation team. Please meet Jack Writer and Big Speaker. We have arrived because of all the ship disappearances. Do you know anything abput that?" Superb asks. "ITS GODZILLA I TELL YOU!" The elderly pony yells as he gets up in Superbs face. "Uhhhh...hee hee.......what?" Superb said nervously. "ITS GODZILLA! THE GOD HAS COME! IT IS HERE TO WREAK HAVOC UPON US AS THE LEGENDS HAVE FORETOLD!" the elderly chief said. "Uhhhhh.........." Superb looks around nervously. "Thank you grandfather. But thats enough." The elderly pony is pulled away by a younger female earth pony. Some nurses come over and escourt the elderly chief away. The young mare looks at them and smiles. "I am so so sorry for that. That was my grandfather, Song of Teachings . I am Chief Song of Hope. But please, just call me Summer Song. All my friends from the outside of the island does." She says. Smiling Superb walks over. "I am Superb. Pleasure to meet you Ms. Song." Superb says and holds his hoof out. Summer shakes it with her hoof. "Welcome to Joyful Song. I wish your visits were under better circumstances though." She steps aside and the crowd splits so they can pass. The reporters and Summer walk down the path with Summer and Superb walking side by side. "I know what it is that brought you here. The ships that are disappearing correct?" "Thats right. For the past few days Equestria has lost contact with 15 vessels. Civilian and military alike. We have to get to the bottom of this. As a resident of these waters, do you have any clue as to what may cause them to sink?" Superb asked. "Unfortunately, no. I do not. A few things that come to mind that would sink anything as big as a fishing boat are whirlpools, reefs, and storms. Anything bigger and it would have to be one hay of a typhoon, which we have not had yet this season. The only other option is the seaponies have rebelled against us but that would make no sense as we have maintained a good and successful relationship with them." Summer said. "Hmmmm........may i ask what this Godzilla charater is? The one your grandfather got up in my face about." Superb asks. Summer giggles a bit and smiles. "Godzilla, or in our ancient language, Gojira is a mythical monster said to be huge and massive. A diety of the sea, it is said that should we anger Gojira, he would come ashore and devour everypony and burn our villiages. The only solution is to offer up the beautiful females of the village to be its wifes. Only then would the creatures anger be placated. And ever since the ships have begun to disappear, thats all my grandfather can blame it on. An old legend. Such silliness if you ask me. Im sure there is a logical and reasonable solution to this issue." Summer said. "Yes. I hope your right." Superb said. "Now come. You all must be tired from your long journey. You can stay in the guest houses of the village." Summer said and leads them into the village on the south west part of the island. Its been modernized in the past few years. Straw huts now give way to concrete homes. Summer takes them to the guest house and the ponies settle in. "If you need anything, the chiefs hut is next door. Do not feel afraid to come talk to me." She says and bows as she leaves. After settling in, Superb leaves to investigate as the others take a nap. While he interviews the islands residents he spots a building on top of a hill on the east side of thr village and walks up to investigate it. At the top he spots a shrine and a small temple. As he nears the temple a young filly mare comes out, dressed in a shrine maidens outfit. "Hello there sir. Are you here to pay tribute to Gojira?" The young filly asks. "This shrine is dedicated to Gojira?" Superb asks. "Yes indeed. My name is Sweet Melody. I work here as a shrine maiden and take care of the shrine." The young filly says. "Mm. I see. Intresting. May i ask how this legend came about?" Superb asks. "Oh. I know very little about the legend. However i can get the temples preist. He knows everything about Gojira." Melody says. "Then yes. It would be an honor to talk with the priest." Superb says. Smiling the young filly leaves and heads to the the temple and opens a door. "Uncle? Uncle!? A guest is here and he'd like to talk to you about Gojira!" The young filly shouts. "Yes yes Melody. I can hear you perfectly. No need to shout." A raspy voice said. Melody steps aside and a middle aged stallion walks out and over to Superb. "You must be the visitor. Welcome. My name is Sacred Tune." "I am Superb Article. Thank you for taking your time for this." Superb said. "Oh no need. I was bored anyways." Sacred says with a chuckle. "Ah! Uncle! You said you were busy doing a ceramony and that i would have to do the cleaning!" Melody says with a grumpy look on her face. Sacred flinches and looks at her nervously. "Uhhh.....well....i mean.....i was bored of the ceramony and i uh.......hee hee...." Sacred says nervously. "Im not buying it Uncle." Melody said. "Well.....um.....ill pay you twice as many bits if you complete your tasks." Sacred said. "Mmmmmmmmmm............im going to remember this Uncle." Melody said and turns away and leaves to clean. Sacred lets out a sigh and Superb chuckles. "She nearly got you." Superb says. "Uh hee hee. Yes. A bit. Come. Lets go inside and talk over Gojira while we have tea." Sacred said and they walk into the temple. Inside its still of traditional architecture. Superb sits at a table and Sared makes some warm tea and brings out some snacks. He places the snacks on the table and passes a cup of tea to Superb. "Here you go." Sacred says. "Thank you very much." Superb says. He takes a sip. "Mmm. Delicious. Its so smooth that it travels effortlessly down the throat. This is really good." "Hee hee. Thank you. This is a special blend. Would you like to know the contents?" Sacred said. "Hee. Later. But i do have a few questions for you about Gojira." Superb said. "Yes of course. No doubt in relationship to the disappearing ships." Sacred said. "Unfortunately yes. It is in relationship to the ships. The village chief has discounted the Godzilla myth as one of the causes. Originally i did too but seeing this temple and shrine i just have to get more information." Superb says as he brings out a notepad and paper. "Of course. Song of Hope has been reluctant to believe in our villages traditions anymore. She'll do the ceramonies out of gratitude for her ancestors but i dont believe that she believes in our stories anymore." Sacred said. "I see. May i ask why?" Superb says. "Mm......it is not my place to speak about her like that." Sacred says. "Of course. I understand. Forgive me. Then could you please tell me about the Gojira creature and the legend that accompanies it?" Superb says. "Yes. That i can speak about. Gojira means "God beast". The ancient language used the words for whale and beast to describe it as a whale is the biggest creature out there. When modern times began to integrate into our society the name was slowly changed to Godzilla. A monster of god like proportions." As Sacred speaks, Superb writes everything down. "Legend goes that Gojira is a diety of the sea and waters that surrond this island. That should we displease it, the creture would come ashore and devour our ponies and burn the village. That the only way to placate its anger is to offer all of the beautiful mares of the village to be its wifes. Only then would it stop its destruction and leave us." Sacred said. Superb writes everything down then looks at Sacred. "Is there any record of Godzilla actually coming ashore and attacking the village?" Superb asks. "No. There is no written record of it. But there is a story of note, passed down from preist to preist that suggests that it has come ashore." Sacred said. "Do you mind telling me the story." Superb said and pours himself more tea. "Yes. I dont mind at all. Well, it began thousands of years ago. A giant creature rose from the depths and immediately went after the village. The village warriors tried to fight the creature back however they couldnt even damage it with the spears. The creature kept attacking and devoured many of our ancestors. For days this would continue. It would come ashore and attack us, devouring the ponies. Then one day the beautiful maidens of the village suggested that they offer themselves up to be the creatures wifes. Many people did not want to go through with it but seeing as they had no choice they went with it. The maidens went to the shore as the creature reamerged only to stop when the maidens called out to it. After saying they would offer themselves up to the creature as its wifes the creature turned and left us. The mares followed it into the sea. Ever since then the creature and the mares have never resurfaced. We built this temple and shrine in Gojira's and the Maidens memory as a reminder to never again disturb the creature." Sacred said. As Sacred had been telling the story, Superb was writing it all down. "I see. Incredible. Is there a statue of the creature? What did it look like?" Superb said. "Yes. We have a statue of the creature. Said to have been carved out thousands of years ago. Follow me." Sacred gets up and opens the doors. Superb follows Sacred into the inner part of the temple. Sacred opens a door and Superb looks inside with his eyes widening. At the back of the room is a large stone statue of a bipedal creature. It is hunched over with the head elongated and a long neck. It has small arms at the front and large legs in the back. A long tail adorns the back of the creature. Along the back is hundreds of small spikes. Its teeth are long and prominent. With five fingers and fours toes, all of them having long claws. Below the statue are twelve statues of mares. "This. This is Gojira?" Superb asks. "Yes. This is what Gojira is supposed to be. Below it are the twelve mares that gave their lifes to be Gojira's brides." Sacred said. Superb approachs the statue and begins to sketch it along with the mares. "My. What a fearsome creature this thing is." Superb says as he finishes the sketch. "We have maintained this statue for thousands of years. However we dont know if Gojira is actually a real creature." Sacred said. "What do you think? Do you believe that he actualy exists?" Superb asks. "I actually do." Sacred says. "I believe that out in the big blue ocean, lays the fearsome creature. One day he will make an appearance." "I see. Hm. Well if he does, i hope its a peaceful one." Superb said as he looks at Sacred. Sacred chuckles and nods. "Indeed. I hope so too." Sacred says. Superb walks past him and they head out into the courtyard and to the stone stairs. Melody walks over to them. "Thank you so much for this. This was incredible and fascinating." Superb said with a smile. "Thank you for stopping by. Please dont be a stranger. Should you ever return to Joyful Song island we'll welcome you here with open hooves and a laugh." Sacred says. "It was very nice to meet you. I hope you do comeback to visit." Melody says. With a chuckle, Superb rubs the head of Melodys. "Ill visit from time to time. Its fun here so its for sure ill be back." Superb said. As he walks down the stairs, Sacred and Melody wave. Superb stops and waves back then returns to walking back down. Later that night, the village throws a celebration for its guests of honor. The entire village is in attendance as they talk, dance, eat and drink. Superb sits down out of the way and looks over his notebook, most particularly at the sketch of Godzilla. Summer walks over and sits next to him. "I heard you went up and took a look at the Gojira shrine. Find anything useful to help you?" Summer said. "No. Unfortunately not." Sacred said. "I see. Well try not to focus on the story for too long. Otherwise youll wind up like my grandfather." Summer siad. "Im curious though. Why dont you believe in Godzilla?" Superb said. "Cause it makes no sense. None at all. A giant creature like that? Said to stop because a few ponies said that they'd be its wifes? Its just unbelievable. I visited the Royal Equestrian Museum in Canterlot. I say the paintings of Princess Celestia against Nightmare Moon. Princess Twilight Sparkle defeating Lord Tirek. The Mane 6 and the Pillars of Old Equestria against the Pony of Shadows. The dethorning of Queen Chrysalis. So much history. The Gojira legend is just unbelievable. With such powerful figures like that? I just cant believe the legend." Summer says. "Hm. I see. Well, i have been to the Museum. I know of the great past of Equestria too. And yet. This Gojira legend sounds like it maybe feesable." Superb said. "I see. Well believe what you want to. And if the legend is true, i hope that Gojira never actually has to come on land." Summer says and takes a sip from her mug. "Hee. I feel the same way." Superb says and he looks out and into the main fire. Late that night after all the commotion has died down and all the ponies have retired to their homes Superb and his other reporters are asleep in the honored guest house. As they sleep a glass of water on the night stand begins to ripple and shake. Superb wakes up as the wind gets picks up and louder. Rain begins to fall hard. Outside the waves get bigger as they slam against the shore and cliffs. Superb gets up as suddenly the shaking gets more violent and the weather more dangerous. It gets so violent that the windows and doors shake. Soon ponies begin to scream as they run out of their homes. Superb wakes the others and runs to the door. Just as he reaches the door, the roof and supports buckle begin to cave in. Superb looks up in horror as the roofing and beams come down on top of them. The next morning after the weather has settled down, the residents of the village are making their way through the damage. Soon they pull Superb and his crew out. Superb had put up a magical barrier around them so they werent harmed. When they are pulled out they observe the destruction. Most of the houses have been flattened or destroyed. As they look around they see many of the people gathered in a circle in what used to be the chieftains place. As they walk over they see Summer crying over the corpse of her grandfather. Superb looks at her sadly as she cries over the corpse. Soon the sound of a the airship makes Superb look up as it lands. Superb rushes over as a pony comes out to talk with them. "Are you Superb Article?" The pony asks. "I am." Superb answers. "Good. Princess Dawn has called for you and your team to return. There has been a development in the ship disappearances." The pony said. "We cant. We need to help these people." Superb said. "I feel for them but uh......." the pony said but then stopped as he looked behind Superb. Superb turns and sees some of the villagers behind them, led by Summer. "Please. Let us see the princess. We want to appeal to her about this." Summer said. "But......i dont know....." the pony siad. "They should come along. As i think we have our culprit resposible for the ship disappearances." Superb said. The pony thinks then nods. "Very well. Lets go." He said. Superb, Summer, Superbs associates, and 4 other townsfolk, including Sacred Tune get on the airship. It takes off and heads towards Canterlot. During the ride Superb goes over his notes and Summer watches out of the window at the passing scenery. Superb looks up and then puts his notes down and sits next to Summer. "I saw what happened to your grandfather. I am so sorry for your loss." Superb said. "I know. And thank you for your kindness. It means a lot to me. But. I just want to know, what was it that killed him. Last nights storm wasnt just a storm. No. There is something more to it." Summer said. "I have to agree. It was a bad storm but a unnatural one that came out of nowhere. And the damage is strange too. Almost as if the houses were..." Just before Superb can finish his sentence, the pilot talks over the PA. "Sorry for the interruption every pony. But soon we will landing soon. Please remain seated until we have landed. Thank you for your cooperation." The pilot said. "I know what you were going to say. And i do believe you. I just curse my own foolishness. Maybe had i believed the legends, i could have done something to save my grandfather." Summer said mournfully. "It wasnt your fault. No one could have prepared for last night. But we must carry on. Reveal everything. And pray that Princess Dawn can do something." Superb said. "Right. Thank you." Summer said and looks at Superb with a smile. Superb smiles back as the airship lands. The doors open and a ton of reporter ponies are there taking pictures, reporting live, asking for exclusives or asking for information. Ponyguards hold back the reporters as the team passes through and enters Canterlot Castle. They walk through the castle lead by Princess Dawn's assistant. They soon come to the throne room. As the walk in, they admire everything. The stained glassed windows of old still stand. Ministers and other political ponies line the way to the throne. At the back is a single throne on an elevated double platform. Behind the throne stands four giant statues of the Alicorns of old and the original four princesses that helped usher in the golden age of Equestria: Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. The ponies approach the throne and bow to Princess Dawn. The Princess smiles and motions for them to rise their heads. "Please. Rise your heads. We have little time." Princess Dawn said. The ponies look up at her brilliance. "I have received word from the Queen of the Sea Ponies, Queen Starlennium, that something in the sea has been harming her seapony subjects and has been destroying her kindgdom, all the while heading towards Equestria. It was last seen nearing the Island of Joyful Song. Has there been any changes on the Island?" "Actually Princess. There has. May i present the Chieftain of the Song Village, Song of Hope." Superb said. "Your majesty. It is an honor to meet you. But today, my village has suffered its darkest hour." Summer said. "Please, elaborate." Princess Dawn said. "Late last night a terrible storm hit and most of the village was destroyed. However, we do not believe that it was just the storm. As all the building that were destroyed were all destroyed in the same manner. It was as if they had been stepped on by a giant hoof." Summer said. This caused all of the ministers to mutter amongst each other. "And all the buildings suffered the same fate you say?" Princess Dawn said. "Yes your majesty. If they werent, i could easily write this off as a freak accident and a typhoon. However, they were stepped on. No doubt about it. We hardly got a good look at it last night. But it was a giant creature that did it. No doubt about it." Summer said. This caused more mutters. After some thinking Princess Dawn raised her hoof and the ponies went silent. "In light of the story ive been told, and the information Queen Starlennium has shared, i would be remorsed to not send a team to investigate. Superb Article, you and the native ponies will return with a team of my top scientists. They are to be led by Dr. Peter Paleo, a archaeologist, Dr. Petri Dish, a biologist, and Professor Robust Elements, a scientist. They will help you solve this mystery." Princess Dawn said. "Understood Princess." Superb said. "We thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Summer said. "No need to thank me. You all are my precious citizens of Equestria. Its my duty to keep you all safe." Princess Dawn said with a smile. "Now ill have a ship prepared for you in Fillydelphia in a few hours. Until then why dont you all take a bit to unwind. Get something to eat." "Princess. With all due respect. Its best if we return immediately and go ahead of the scientific team." Summer said. "Song of Hope, i understand your fear and loyalty to your village. But after a stressful night, some rest and food are what you need right now. Trust me, i know the feeling as well." Princess Dawn said. After some thinking Summer nods "Very well. Thank you your majesty." Summer said. "Good. Ill alert the team to gather in Fillydelphia in the mean time. Now go and have a tasty meal." Princess Dawn said. The ponies bow and leave. A maid shows them to the dining hall. They sit around the dining table. Many of the ponies are nervous as they are served. Since its still morning they get breakfast meals. Pancakes, fruits, yogurts, toast with jam, the best foods they have ever tasted. They eat their fill and take a tour around the castle, being shown many of the sights that very few are privileged to even see at a distance. A few hours later a messenger pony arrives and tells them that the scientific team is nearly assembled in Fillydelphia and that they should leave immediately. The ponies board the airship and it lifts off, bound for Fillydelphia. After a few hours, the ship lands in Fillydelphia. The. Ponies disembark and are beyond glad when there are no reporter ponies around thanks to the fact that they are all still in Canterlot. They head to the harbor and finds the ship they need. As they approach, three ponies walk over to the group. "Are you two Superb Article and Song of Hope?" The lead Earth pony said. "Yes we are." Superb said. "Excellent. I am Dr. Peter Paleo. Its nice to meet you all." The Earth pony said. "I am Professor Robust Elements." The unicorn said. "And i am Dr. Petri Dish." The other Earth pony said. "Its nice to meet you all. I am Superb Article, a investigative journalist." Superb said. "I am Song of hope, Cheiftain of the Song Village. I thank you all for coming to investigate and get to the bottom of this mystery." Summer said. "Think nothing of it. Its extremely exciting to help find a UMA, a Unidentified Mysterious Animal." Peter said. "Either way i thank you all on behalf of the Song Village." Summer said. "Thank you. Now, shall we get going?" Peter said. "Yes. Lets." Summer and Superb said together. All the ponies board the ship. Its a lab ship with tons of state of the art facilities aboard for studing. The ship set sail and leaves Harbor. Super, Summer, Peter, Petri, and Robust gather in a small confrence room in the hull and begin to go over what they all know but with no conclusions as to what it is, where it came from, solutions to it, or anything for that matter they decide to rest on the idea and pick it up in the morning when they arrive. Morning comes and after a nice breakfast the ship docks at the islands main harbor on the north western part corner of the island where all of the Song Villages residents are waiting for their chieftain. Upon seeing there worried faces, Summer rushes to them. "My friends. Has something happened?" Song said worriedly. "Indeed. Something has happened. Last night, it came back." A pony said. The team all gasp in shock. "It. You mean. The creature that trampled the village? It came back?" Summer said. "Yes. However it was dark last night so very few actually got a good look at it. But apparently it is extremely huge. Like a tower. And it walked with two legs and had a long tail." The pony said. "Two legs and a long tail. Intresting." Superb and Peter said together as they both noted it in their journals. "And one more thing. This way." The pony said, turning away and began to walk. The team follows him. They come to a cliff side over looking the village. The pony points to the ground below them. "Look there." The ponies peer over the edge and gasp. On the ground are giant foot prints. The ends are tipped with four toes with sharp claws. The steps are sunk into the ground by heavy weight. Drag marks are also present with something having been dragged through the middle of the foot steps. The footsteps head into the interior of the island. The ponies head down to take a look and surround one of the foot prints. The size alone is large enough to crush two, maybe three ponies with one step. As the team takes a size measurment, Superb Spots something in the next print and walks over. "Uhhhhh.......Mr. paleo?! You might want to come see this!" Superb shouted. Immediately all of the ponies run over and take a look and gasp. Inside the print, is a oval-shaped creature in it. It has a exoskeleton like that of an insect and long antenna. The exoskeleton in the middle is seperated into multiple segments. Dr. Paleo looks down at it to examine it and his eyes go wide eyed. "This. This is a trilobite. A species of arthropods that were thought to have gone extinct hundreds of millions of hears ago. Yet this one...this one looks like it was once alive not too long ago. What in the world is it doing here and how did it survive?" Dr. Paleo said. As he began to reach down for it Professor Robust put a hoof out and stops him. "Wait. Dont touch it. Its radiated with radiation." Robust said. "R-radiation? How is that possible?" Paleo said. "I dont know. But." Robust said and shows him a radiation monitor and its spiking high. "The meter doesnt lie. So i wouldnt touch it." "I wonder how it survived for so long. And how these foot prints are irradiated." Petri said. "Maybe the sourse of these footprints will have the answer. The creature that created these foot prints." Paleo said. "A great idea. The foot prints head to the north east side of the hills." Superb said. "Is it still there?" Summer asked the pony. "I dont know ma'am. Everyone is too scared to go and take a look. But it hasnt appeared since last night either." The pony said. "Well, no time like the present. Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Superb said. "Hes right. We need to find out what is out there. Lets go every pony!" Paleo said. The team of ponies begin to follow the foot prints while the villagers head back to the harbor. As the team follows the the foot prints lead them the the north east side of the island and to the tallest peak of the island. The ponies begin to walk up the moutain. As they do they feel the ground shake. But instead of a constant rumble like a earthquake, its a series of shakings like footsteps. The ponies near the peak of the moutain just as the shaking gets a little more violent. They atop and look up just as they see the cause of the shaking. A giant reptilian head appears over the moutain and heads towards the ponies. The ponies begin to back up as they take pictures of the creature as more and more of its body appears. The head is large and round. A blunt snout with long rows of teeth and two fangs cover the inside of the mouth. It possesses very pronounced brows and large circular eyes with small pupils. The head tapers off into a large lower body. The arms on the creature are small and possess five clawed fingers. The legs are large and bulky with four toes that contain claws. Along the back of the body are large doral fins that are uneven and extend out of the back of the creature. The skin of the creature is black as charcoal and incredibly rough and hard. The creature begins walking towards the ponies. The team begin to panic and run off with only the lead ponies, Paleo, Petri, Robust, Superb, and Summer slowly backing up to get pictures. The creature keeps heading towards them but as it approaches the group it just passes over them with out giving so much as a though. Although the ponies have to move out of the creatures dragging tail, it doesnt pay the ponies any mind at all. They watch as it heads out and down to the northern central part of the island. They follow it when it reaches the north central beach and walks into the water. The team of ponies stop at the beach and a crowd of villagers forms as all of the ponies watch as the creature keeps walking into the water until it full submerges itself. The ponies watch in complete shock and awe to what they just witnessed. "That.......i definitely was not expecting that." Paleo said. "That thing was huge. Ginormous." Petri said. "So that thing was the cause of the ships disappearing then. Its unbelievable but there it was. Now its headed back out to sea." Robust said. "And headed north." Superb said. All the ponies look at him then gasp. "Oh no. Is it....could it be headed for Equestria?" Robust said. With that one sentance everypony looks out to where the creature was headed with horror. Superb then breaks the silence. "Equestria now faces a dark hour."