
by Aphotic


"Ge....child. You.....get up!.....Plea.....up!" A voice calmly spoke. I lifted my head through the sickening haze and saw an outline of a tall, white pony before me. I tried to reach out and get a hold of the pony before me, but as I did the haze fleeted and I awoke in a large, decrepit room. I was startled at first to see that I was not in my cell. Then again it was also a relief to know that I wasn't in my cell. I arduously rose, carefully inspecting my surroundings to find clues of where I may be. I found nothing, nothing to help me identify were I am, not even an identification mark. I was finally on all four of my hooves and I continued to look around. Still I couldn't find anything, but I managed to here some soft banter. I couldn't zero in on where it came from because of the awkward acoustics in this room.

"I'm sorry, I have too!" Somepony spoke before the boisterous sounds of heavy set hoof beats came from behind me. I swiftly turned around and saw a lightly armored colt charging me. A gallant, silver blade was forcibly gripped between his teeth. He had a tear running down his face, perhaps he was in pain but I didn't know. All I did know is that the blade was aimed at me. The gap between us closed quickly, he reared up and brought the blade slamming down with immense force. I managed to dodge the first blow with a side step, but the second upward thrust cut deep across me sternum. I was sent back onto my flank from the force. On the way down I let out a distressed grunt. My sternum lit on fire as jolts of pain wrapped around me. I laid on my flank holding my wound tightly in hopes that I wouldn't bleed out. I as I held me chest I heard the colt let out a heated breath. I looked up and saw that the colt wound back his blade and charged at me again. Letting out a blood curdling roar as he did. My heart raced as he got closer, "No, no I can't die here, I won't!" thought to myself.

The colt was now over top of me; he hopped up on his hind legs. When he did so I sent my rear right hoof into his stomach. The colt was stunned from the force of the blow and dropped to the ground. The blade he had within his mouth had fallen to the ground next to me. I impelled my leg out to grab the blade, but I was to slow. The colt had already risen and was again over top of me. My senses were flooded with anxiety as I saw the look in his eyes. He reared up front left hoof and sent it into my chest, forcing me into the ground. I began to holler as my affliction reached new levels, but the colt paid no mind. He ground his hoof harder into my chest. I continued to scream but I quieted myself as I felt tears fall and speckle my chest.

"I'm sorry, but I have too. There making me, the doctors....they're making me!" The colt spoke softly as he reached down to retrieve his blade. I was confused at first, about the doctors. Who are they and why would they do this to somepony. However, there were more pressing matters at hoof, such as life. When the colt finally had the blade in his mouth I fought the pain and gripped his collar. When I had a firm grip I sent my other hoof crashing into his jaw. The blade spiraled out of his mouth. I kept my grip and sent another solid blow into his jaw. The colt stumbled off me and fell next to his blade. I rose as quickly as I could in my condition, fighting every ounce of pain. I was loosing an abundance of blood, and because of that my body was being affected. The colt had once again had a grip on his blade, his mouth and face were dotted with blood from my hammering blows. He coughed lightly to clear his throat as I fought to keep my balance.

I looked at the colt, we were eye to eye. Both understanding that only one could, or would leave. I looked around quickly to look for a weapon and only found was a shard of metal. It must have been a piece of his armor. Though it wasn't large, it was large enough to block his attacks. I settled back on my hind legs, bracing for his next move. The colt reared back and then bolted in my direction. I held my ground, waiting for the right moment to parry. The colt was now five feet away, he slid his and legs out and jumped into the air. Using the momentum of the fall to help carry the blade down onto me. I jumped back, watching his blade slam into where I once was. The blade had hit with such force that the colt couldn't remove it form the stone ground. I watched as he struggles, knowing this would be my only chance to successfully retaliate. I placed the metal shard into my mouth and charged him. He was to concerned with removing his blade he didn't see me coming. I sent my head crashing into his ribs. I figured they must have shattered on impact from the sounds. The colt was sent toppling over himself before sliding to a stop. He gasped for breath as I trotted over to him.

It didn't feel right having to kill this misled colt. He had no choice, or so he says. As I walked over to him all I could here was him fighting for breath. The hit did more then shatter his ribs, it punctured a lung. Now I had no choice, I had to kill him, I had to. I placed myself over top of him, got up on my hind legs, and sent my metal shard through his skull. I removed my mouth from the shard and finally saw the atrocity I committed. I killed him, I took a life. I couldn't wrap my mind around what had happened, I didn't want to.

"No, no, no, no...Fuck!" I screamed at the corpse before me. Tears cascaded down my face as the horror slowly crept into my mind. I couldn't accept my actions, and I broke down. I laid on top of the body and cried for the first time in my life. I laid there for what seemed like hours, not caring for my own injuries, not caring for my own fate. Eventually I felt a hoof on my shoulder. I lifted my head to see a colt in white smiling before me.

"You did good, Fallen. We've gotten the results we need for today. The authority will show you to the med bay were you wounds will be treated." The colt in white said softly. He had a caring look on is face and for some reason I trusted him. But, I didn't want to get up, I couldn't. My body had lost to much blood and my heart was to burdened. The colt in white saw this and called for a stretcher and a few more authority. I watched as the authority systematically slipped through the door with the stretcher. Two of them came over and grabbed me, sliding me gently onto the stretcher. I was hoisted up and fleetly carried me out of the room. The stretcher shook vigorously as they trotted and my head throbbed. Every bounce caused me to slowly loose consciousness. Eventually I couldn't fight it and I blacked out.

I abruptly found my way back into consciousness. I was in a sterilized containment tent. There were machines of all sorts surrounding me. Measuring blood levels, oxygen, and heart rate. I watched the green line bounce around on the machine, allowing it to distract me. But, it wasn't long before something else caught my attention. I looked over and saw blurred figures behind the tarp. I figured it was two authority ponies talking judging from the muffled voices. I listened more intently as there conversation carried on.

"So, did you see that fight in the chamber?" One said.

"Yeah, it was crazy. Looks like we finally found a decent subject!" The other replied in a more gruff tone.

"Hey! Your not paid to speak, Fallen is trying to rest up now allow her that little pleasantry!" A third pony joined in the conversation. The whole area immediately went quiet as the third pony cantered into the tent. Their head broke threw the curtain and it was the colt in white I had known since I was brought here. Cal, the most caring colt I had ever met. I beamed brightly at the sight of him and he returned the favor.

He trotted over to my bed, "You alright kid?" He asked worriedly.

"Y-yeah, I'm better....kind of." I replied as I looked down at my chest.

"Ha, well you look like hell kid."

"Yeah," I replied as I carefully sat up. "Why did they do that to us, ya'know, make us fight?"

"I can't rely say, must have been some sort of sick trial run of your new regenerative skills. Still doesn't make it right though. Anyways, how are you. Mentally not physically of course?"

"I...not so good, what I did in there. What I had to do..." I slowly started to loose myself again. "why, I don't..?"

Cal, cut me off., "Hey, it's alright you did what you had to do. The only thing that really matters is that your okay. Now I got to go and run some tests, you get some rest."

"I guess, thanks Cal!" I said happily as he left the room. Cal was probably one of the greatest ponies I ever knew. He always helped me although he never really knew what to say. I still accepted his help, and I'm proud, even privileged, to call him my friend. My only friend, but all I need is one.