A Sweeter Side to Pinkie Pie

by CannabisCoffee

Chapter 1

The sky slowly turns from being a vivid blue to a dark gray-navy colour, clouds blocking the view of the sun rapidly. The clouds begin to darken the sky as a light sprinkle of water starts dropping from them, catching the attention of a young, frail pegasus as she just gets to the centre of a small town.
“Oh dear, it's started already?” The pegasus lifts her head to the sky, staring off into the clouds. The rain gradually drizzles more, causing the pegasus' vivid yellow coat to begin to soak the water from the sky. She stands, conflicting herself as to whether to push on to her friend's house or return home and wait until after the storm.
The pegasus sighs, letting the rain flow down her mane, dampening it quickly. “Looks like Rarity will have to wait another day for a spa,” she laughs at the idea of having a spa in the middle of a storm. The pegasus, becoming more soaked each second, turns back towards the direction of her home. Her soft padding of her hooves being unheard through the town is stopped as she hears a sound out of place. To her right, through the sound of water increasingly falling from the sky and splashing against the ground, is the sound of a creaking. The pegasus lifts her front half of her body, her head turning towards the sound with an ear twitch.
Through a pink, wooden door, an earth pony of a similar coat calls out her name. “Fluttershy! What are you doing out in the rain? You'll get wet!”
Fluttershy giggles a bit and smiles. “I was going to Rarity's for a spa, but I guess the rain caught me short.”
The pink pony looks into the sky and opens the bottom half of the door. “Come inside, then! I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Cake won't mind.”
Fluttershy accepts the pony's offer and heads inside. Her head and body shake a slight bit, excess water dripping down to the floor. “Thank you, Pinkie Pie,” she sighed, her teal eyes being covered by her eyelids as she relieves herself.
“It's no problem! I'm glad you could come in any way. There's not much to really do today. I think it might have something to do with the weather. You know, other than it raining. I mean, I felt there was something else before the rain started that was keeping everyone in, you know?”
Fluttershy giggles a bit, opening her eyes again. “Yeah. Winter rains aren't that common, either. I wonder why Weather Control decided on rain?”
“Who knows? It could be a mystery for the rest of us. Maybe we can ask Dash afterwords and see what's up?”
“Maybe...,” Fluttershy says with slightly melancholy tone. She sighs, remembering some past occurrences with the rainbow-maned pegasus.
“Why are you standing there? It's much warmer in my room. Come on!”
Fluttershy stood for a few seconds more, taking a deep breath. She and Pinkie headed up the staircase. Pinkie bounced the way up, her tail floating like a cloud, a similar shape her tail has taken on. Fluttershy tried not to stare, as she felt it was wrong to do such. She has a fear of thinking the wrong things, no matter what they may be. As the two equines get to Pinkie's bed, Pinkie is already tearing off the blankets of her bed and getting several towels for her pegasus friend to dry off with.
“Pinkie, what are you...?” She was cut off by an excited pink face staring at her with towels in her mouth.
“Dry off with these,” Pinkie says, her voice still very peppy.
The pink-bodied pony trotted down the stairs, a familiar scent slowly filling the building. The scent of cupcakes. Fluttershy pondered as to why her friend would be making sweets at this time. Regardless, the pegasus dried her mane, coat, and wings thoroughly and gently. A trotting come from the bottom of the stairs as the pink pony returned.
“Good! You're dried off!” The pink pony grabs her blue blanket and wraps it around Fluttershy. “You'll need to warm up. I don't want you getting a cold. You know, in case if that rain could get you one.”
The yellow pegasus stared into Pinkie's deep blue eyes, confused. “Erm.. O-kay?” Before anything else could be said, Pinkie had disappeared from sight. “What could be up with her?” Fluttershy thought. Her ears twitched and her mouth hung slightly open. A wonderful scent had snowplowed their way to her nose. The scent was richer than usual, causing the pegasus' mouth to start drooling. She sucked it in before it fell from her lips.
“I'll be right up there,” her friend called from downstairs. A light trot was heard as the excited pony jumped from the stairs to her pegasus friend. “I made these specially for you!”
Fluttershy stared at the cupcake pan, each one filled with a wrapper, the wrapper filled with what appeared to be a very soft bread-like mix of sugar, flour, eggs, milk, and the likes to create such a miraculous cupcake. Then there was a swirl-styled icing topped upon the creation, beautifully showcasing Pinkie Pie's patience, craftsmanship, and culinary skills.
She swallowed hard, her drool returning and her stomach slightly growling. What were these mix of feelings inside her? Her heart started to pound silently. She looked up to the pink pony, licking her lips.
“R-really? For me?”
Pinkie nodded. “Yep! All six of them!”
“I don't think...” She stopped mid sentence, taking another look at the cupcakes. “Maybe,” she mumbled. She took a long breath and took a single cupcake. With the pink pony staring, she had no choice but to give in. She took a bite, eating about a sixth or the entire cupcake. She breathed in suddenly, her eyes sparkling. These cupcakes weren't just amazing. They were like eternal happiness flooding her mouth. The sugar didn't over-power the cupcake, the ingredients didn't over-power the sweetness, and it all had a sweet milky flavour. The icing tasted similar to a cream, easily being eaten.
“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed, humming with delight. “This is indescribable, Pinkie! Not even 'amazing' would be able to describe it!”
The pink pony blushed very slightly, looking embarrassed. “Oh, thanks! I wanted to get the right balance of ingredients. Not too sweet, not too raw, cooked at just the right temperature, cooked for the perfect time...” She trailed off. “So, uh... Do you like them?”
“If that would even tell you how much I do, then yes!” She proceeded to eating more of the cupcake, the sinking feeling quickly disappearing. “And they're um.. all for me?”
Pinkie nodded, confirming Fluttershy's question. “All of them!”
Fluttershy blushed, it being more obvious through her yellow coat. She took her second cupcake, excited to consume this one as well. Gently, she unwrapped the small cake and bit into it unreluctantly. The smooth, sweet, milky taste of the cake and the creamy texture of the icing sliding smoothly along her tongue continued to excite her. “I'll have to take another batch or two home with me,” she said to herself. Mindlessly, she grabbed her third, finishing off the one she was eating. She didn't want the taste to die out suddenly. Almost immediately as she swallowed the last piece, she bit into the third. Each one seemed to become more and more enjoyable, making her squirm in place.
Pinkie giggled, watching the pegasus continue to eat, eying her belly every so often to see if it might begin to bulge. Nonetheless, she smiled, thinking her plan might actually work. For several months now, she has been trying to get the right balance of what to put in the cupcakes. Trying to find the right atmosphere for her to lead Fluttershy to her plan. And trying to find just the right time to execute it. The time was now.
Slowly, Fluttershy grabbed the last cupcake. This was the last one, and she'd eat it to savour every last bite. Gently, a nibble. Then slowly, a bite. She continued eating slowly, the taste almost too great to let go. She swallowed, the taste rolling down from her tongue, her throat, and to her stomach. Calmly, she hummed, her stomach for sure fuller than when she entered, but only as such as when she has a normal meal.
“So? How were they?” Pinkie asked calmly, yet intently. She sat next to Fluttershy as she lied back.
“If I had any words to describe, they'd have to be worth more than what 'amazing' is. Miraculous. Exuberant. Only that of a dream,” she trailed off, lying her head back on Pinkie's bed.
“Thanks,” Pinkie said with a blush. “You're welcome to have more, if you wish.” She smiled, readjusting the blanket around Fluttershy.
“M-maybe a batch or two for the way home?” Fluttershy smiled cheerfully, a hopeful tone in her voice.
“Of course! I can whip you up some right now, if you'd like,” an excited approach in the pink pony's tone.
“Maybe after the storm clears up?” Her coat shined as she looked out the dark window, flashes of lightning striking across the landscape.
Pinkie watched as the brilliant colours of light changed the view on Fluttershy. “Yeah,” she said quietly, mesmerized. She looked intently into the pegasus' eyes, though her friend couldn't see back. The pink pony sat up and watched the lights with her pegasus friend, knowing they'll become dearer.
As minutes went by, flowing into an hour as the two talked, giggling away. The equines shared stories of their mishaps while they were working, gossip they've heard in the streets, old gossip that had finally fated an outcome, and just the simple small talk. Soon, as the hour was flowing into two, the storm lightened, from being a pouring to being a very small drizzle. The two stood up, stretching from sitting for so long.
“So, how about those last batches of cupcakes?” Fluttershy asked hopefully, trying to not sound of that a bother to her friend.
“Right away!” the pink pony raced down the stairs, starting the oven and whipping up some batter, carefully getting the 'perfect amount of everything', trying to 'make it super splendifferous'.
Gently, the yellow pegasus sat down nearby, watching the swift speeds her friend could work out. “Never could I do the same,” she thought. Regardless of her own train of thought, she continued to watch, slowly mimicking the same process the pink, bubbly pony was working at. She smiled as she watch two trays being put into the oven for cooking. A slight churning in her stomach suggested she might not be able to have those cupcakes for long when she gets them.
Pinkie easily took notice of he sound, her ear twitching once, rapidly. “There's some food in the fridge if you want to snack on anything while you wait,” she called back to her pegasus friend. She resumed to stir a mixture for icing as the fridge was opened and closed, some sounds from behind her as objects were set on the table.
The sound came again. This time, Pinkie said nothing. However, Fluttershy proceeded to open a fresh gallon of milk. She poured the milk into a glass, setting the milk gallon down and capping it. Almost immediately, she began drinking. Halfway through, she noticed the milk did not taste as it usually does. Something was off. It was the same milk brand, very fresh from the store, was only just opened... What could it be? Before she could set her tongue on it, the oven made a dinging sound. Fluttershy turned quickly, her nose being filled with the new aroma she smelled earlier.
“Are they done? Already?” Fluttershy asked anxiously.
“Yep! All twelve! I'll get pack 'em up and um.. Maybe we could do this again...?”
“Fluttershy replied immediately. “By all means. Next Wednesday, is that okay?”
Pinkie nodded in agreement. “Next Wednesday it perfect! See you then!” She opened the front door for her friend and watched as she left, a mindless watch on the pegasus' rump, imagining what it could be if her elaborate plan succeeded. This fantasy, however, would have to wait for another day.