//------------------------------// // Interlude 7 // Story: Sunset's Journey // by Alphajeager1 //------------------------------// Symbol groaned as she got back up, clutching her aching helmet as she got up. ‘What happened?! The last thing I remember was-,’ her visors widened. “That blast!” she sprung up and looked around. Her visors twitched. She was back at the start. Symbol looked around, confirmed what she was seeing then she looked up and screamed. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!” at the top of her lungs. “Not so loud, Mistress,” begged a voice from her by her boots. Symbol looked down and saw Janice, Pyyrha, Nora and Ling getting off the ground.  “Are you ok, Mistress?” asked Pyrrha. “No, I’m pissed off!” replied Symbol. “Did we displease you?” asked Janice nervously. “No,” replied Symbol. “It's just-” she faltered, not sure how to explain it.  “I think that Mistress is upset about being sent back to the starting point and having to go through the whole dimension a second time,” explained Ling. “Yes, that's exactly right!” Symbol pointed at Ling. “Aw, Mistress likes your explanation,” teased Nora. ‘They don’t act very slave like,’ thought Symbol with a sweat drop on the back of her helmet. She noticed that she was still in the Advance Style and switched the Advance Ring for the Active Ring before pressing her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then she scanned the Active Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ERROR!] Symbol was not expecting that. “What the-?! Advance Timer, what’s going on?” she demanded. The Crow Bit Phantom’s face appeared in the Advance Timer’s clock. “Apologies, Mistress, my second phase has caused some sort of feedback loop in your mana coils.” “Meaning?” demanded Symbol. “That you will be unable to transform out of the Advance Style until I have cleared it up,” explained the Crow Bit Phantom. The whole dimension shook as a loud: “WHAT?!” was bellowed through the area. “You mean I can’t use any of my normal styles?!” demanded Symbol. “I’m going to have to converse mana like crazy! I haven’t even got much of it left after fighting Wiseman, the Imprisoner Phantom, Gem Maiden, whatever it was and that Fake Vergil. Not to mention all the mana I used while fighting other Phantoms between those fights, especially the Wisp Phantoms.” “Actually mistress,” began the Crow Bit Phantom. “What?” demanded Symbol. “You might want to take another look at your mana pool,” suggested the Crow Bit Phantom. Symbol offlined her visor and looked deep inside herself to the mana pool, the source of her power. It looked like a pool of water that shone red, green, purple and yellow with a bright silver light, deep in the centre. She looked at the pool for less than a second and gasped. The depth of the pool showed how much mana she had left, the lower it was the less mana she had. Now it was practically overflowing.  Symbol snapped back to reality. “What the-?! How!?”  “I am unsure mistress, but my best guess is that your body absorbed the mana from that explosion,” explained the Crow Bit Phantom. “Also,-” “What now?” asked Symbol. “It appears that your Advance Style’s only use the same amount of mana as your normal styles but have kept their strength,” explained the Cow Bit Phantoms. “So I can use the Advance Style Spells, but with the same amount of power it would take for a Normal Style Spell?” asked Symbol. “Correct,” replied the Crow Bit Phantom. Symbol was about to ask how that was possible, when the ground shook, reminding her that this dimension was getting unstable. “We’ll figure out how that is possible later,” she turned to her four Gem Maiden servants. “Come on yo four,” she ordered. “Yes Mistress,” replied all four of them. Janice summoned the Dust Knuckle and pressed the Fire Dust Whistle into its slot. [F-I-R-E D-U-S-T!] Then she pressed down on the flat side of the Dust Knuckle. [R-E-A-D-Y!] The Aura Knuckle appeared in Nora’s hand as she summoned the Rose Speed Whistle and slotted it into the Aura Knuckle’s slot. [R-O-S-E S-P-E-E-D!] Then she pressed down on the flat side of the Aura Knuckle. [R-E-A-D-Y!] The Weapon Driver appeared around Pyyrha’s waist as she slotted the Crocea Mors Whistle into its slot. [C-R-O-C-E-A M-O-R-S!] Ling swiped her hand over her waist and the Grimm Driver appeared. She held out her hand and the Beowulf Whistle appeared, she slotted it into the Grimm Driver’s slot. [B-E-O-W-U-L-F!] Janice slotted the flat end of the Aura Knuckle to the left side of the Weapon Driver, while Nora connected the flat side of the Aura Knuckle to the right side of the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] Boomed both of the knuckles as a hologram of the logos on the Whistles appeared in front of the Knuckles and Drivers. The holograms started to spin before combining and shooting out, forming into a pair of holographic armour suits that moved back and slammed into their users.  Combining four Gem Maidens into a pair of Kamen Riders. “What the-?!” demanded Symbol when she saw that their suits had changed. To the point that they looked identical. They both wore a black bodysuit with attached black gloves and boots. They each wore a white helmet with a blue vertical line cutting through the back of it. Their visors were each covered by a golden cross that had a black horizontal visor cutting through the centre of it that bent downwards in a U shape at the centre. They each wore a white kite shield shaped chest plate that was connected to a pair of square shaped pieces of armour under their armpits. Their shoulder armour was white with golden outlines, they covered the area between their shoulders and necks. Also, their shoulder armour was connected around their necks, forming into an armoured collar. White armour that was shaped as a three D rectangle covered their forearms and black boxy armour covered the back of their gloves and the back of their fingers. White armour with blue outlines covering their hips and the outside of their upper legs. Three D rectangle shaped armour covered their shins with the front of them being black and the rest being white. Finally, white 3D box armour covered their boots. The only difference between the two of them was their Drivers and their chest plates. Grimm had the image of a black wolf, with white bone armour and red eyes in the centre of her chest plate. It was sitting on a bed of red and black roses. Meanwhile, Weapon’s chest plate bore the image of a golden sword in front of a white kite shield that was in front of a flaming background. Symbol raised a glove, with one finger pointing upwards, and was about to demand an explanation when the ground shook and part of it broke away. Once more she was reminded of just how dangerous this dimension was getting. “I’ll ask later,” she muttered. “Let’s go!” They went. It was only a few metres later that Elite Blade Phantoms burst out of the ground to confront the two Kamen Riders. If she had been in her human form of Sunset Shimmer Sparda, Symbol would have smirked as she held her right glove out to the side. [ADVANCE TIME!] She turned the dial. [SET UP!] Then she pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [START!] The Advance Timer’s first clock hand started to move as Symbol ran forwards. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters started to create yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Symbol pulled her left fist back as it was covered in yellow magical energy and threw a punch forwards. The energy was fired off in a fist sized beam and punched a hole through an Elite Blade Phantom. Sparks bled from the hole as the Phantom fell over and exploded. Then Symbol saw a pair of Elite Blade Phantoms stabbing their blades into the ground and firing a line of fire along it at her. She hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters hummed to life. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy gathered around her forearms as she pulled them back and slammed her fists into the ground, creating a wall of yellow energy. The fire lines slammed into it and cracked it but were unable to break through. Then Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove and the Advance Ring over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters started up. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] She covered her elbows in yellow magical energy as she dashed forwards, appearing between the Elite Blade Phantoms and slamming her charged elbows into their heads. They were sent flying over the ledge and into the endless drop where they both exploded. Symbol jumped into the air, avoiding a slash from another Elite Blade Phantom that would have injured her legs. While she was in the air, she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters produced yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Which gathered around her left fist as she threw a downwards, punch, firing a fist sized beam that slammed into the Elite Blade Phantom, tearing through its shoulder and causing it to explode. Seeing another pair of Elite Blade Phantoms waiting to attack her the instant she landed back on the ground, Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters generated yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] It wrapped around her glove and Symbol pointed them to the ground as she landed, smashing both of the Elite Blade Phantom’s heads in. Symbol saw another pair of Elite Blade Phantom running at her and slammed down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters generated yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her elbows as Symbol blurred forwards, she appeared behind the Elite Blade Phantoms and slammed her charged elbows into their backs. The Phantoms were sent shooting forwards and exploded. Symbol saw another Elite Blade Phantom rushing at her and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters released a storm of yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] It gathered around her right leg as she ran forwards and delivered four fast spinning kicks. “Advance Impact!” shouted Symbol as the Phantom was sent flying backwards through the air and exploded. Grimm pressed down on the Beowulf Whistle once and then slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [B-E-O-W-U-L-F! B-I-T-I-N-G!] The armour on her forearms ejected five white blades that reached about five inches past her knuckles. She dashed forward and slashed the first of the Elite Blade Phantoms five times with the knuckles making sparks explode from the Phantom with each cut until it stumbled backwards and exploded. Then Grimm pressed the Rose Speed Whistle down twice before pressing the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver once more. [S-P-E-E-D!] She dashed forwards with several rose petals following behind her that sliced into the second Elite blade Phantom as she ran past it. Sparks exploded from the thousands of cuts that the petals made before the Phantom exploded. Weapon pressed the Crocea Mors Whistle once then she pressed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [K-N-I-G-H-T S-W-O-R-D!] Weapon held out her right glove and the Knight Sword appeared. She grabbed the weapon from the air and slashed the first Elite Blade Phantom five times, before charging the Knight Sword with golden energy and slashing down. A golden line appeared down the centre of the Phantom before it exploded. Weapon tensed as she pressed the Fire Dust Whistle once and slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [F-I-R-E D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] The Knight Sword burst into flames and trailed fire as Weapon spun around and slashed the Elite Blade Phantom that had been trying to sneak up behind her. Sparks exploded from the Phantom waist, then more sparks come off it as it was slashed twice more by the Kamen Rider. Then it fell over and went up in an explosion. At that moment the Advance Timer’s first clock hand reached the red section. Symbol noticed this and pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [BREAKER ADVANCE!] The breaker magic circle appeared and the Breaker Advance Energy clone jumped out of it and landed on the ground. Breaker Advance pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The emitters on her body summoned red magical energy after she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right glove as she clenched it into a fist. Then she ducked under a slash and punched the Elite Blade Phantom in the face. It was sent flying backwards and exploded. Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearms released yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her right elbow as she dashed forwards and slammed it into the face of an Elite Blade Phantom. The Phantom was sent flying over the endless drop where it exploded after a few seconds. Advance Breaker jumped into the air, avoiding a slash from another Elite Blade Phantom and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Red magical energy was emitted from the emitters on her forearms after she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right fist as she turned upside down and fell back towards the ground. Advance Breaker slammed her right fist into the Phantom, making it crumple like an accordion and explode. Symbol ducked under a slash from another Elite Blade Phantom and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author making the emitters on her forearms release yellow magical energy into her right fist. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Symbol straightened her legs, throwing an uppercut into the Elite Blade Phantom’s chin. On impact, her fist released a beam of yellow energy that engulfed the Phantom’s head and made it explode. Then Advance Breaker dodge rolled to the side and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearms summoned red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her right fist as she ran forwards and punched the Elite Blade Phantom in the face. It was sent flying backwards and exploded. Symbol slid under a second slash from the Elite Blade Phantom that she was fighting and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her legs generated yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Which gathered around her gloves as she punched the Elite Blade Phantom in the leg and then decked it in the back. The Phantom fell forwards with sparks coming from its body and exploded. Advance Breaker glared at the Elite Blade Phantom as it slammed its sword into the ground and unleashed a line of fire towards the Energy Clone. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times and rolled to the side, avoiding the fire line. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, as the emitters all summoned red magical energy Advance Breaker sprinted forwards. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] She pulled back her left glove as the red magical energy blazed around it. “Breaker Impact!” she threw her fist forwards, it smashed into the Elite Blade Phantom’s chest and sparks exploded from the impact point as the fist tore through the Phantom. It fell to its knees and exploded. Weapon removed the Dust Fist from the Weapon Driver, she removed the Fire Dust Whistle and replaced it with a green Whistle that had an image of blowing wind on the front of it. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T!] She pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle to her left palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Then she slotted the Dust Knuckle to the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] An image of green blowing wind appeared in front of the Dust Driver. It started to spin and shot forwards, transforming into a holographic suit of armour that slammed into Weapon. The fire background on her chest plate transforming into a green background of blowing wind. Weapon pressed the Wind Dust Whistle once and slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] The Knight Sword was covered in green wind and was used to cut an Elite Blade Phantom in half. Kamen Rider Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the Grimm Driver as she removed the Beowulf Whistle from the Grimm Driver and switched it for a Whistle that showed a raven head. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E!] Then she pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle to her right palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Kamen Rider Grimm slotted the Aura Knuckle to the right side of the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] An image of a raven head appeared in front of the Grimm Driver and started to spin, it shot forwards and transformed into a suit of armour that slammed into Grimm. It transformed the image of the wolf on her chest plate into an image of a black raven with white bone armour and red eyes. It was flaring its wings and screeching as it hovered over a rose field. Grimm pressed the Nevermore Whistle once and slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! B-I-T-I-N-G!] Black mist formed into a bowgun in her right glove, it was black with a white head in at the front of it, the arms looked like black wings and the handle was in the shape of a pair of white claws. Grimm pulled the trigger and fired a bolt of black energy that slammed into the Elite Blade Phantom’s head, destroying it. At that moment the Advance Timer’s first clock hand reached the blue zone and Symbol pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [BLOCKER ADVANCE!] The advance blaster magic circle appeared and moved backwards, making the Advance Blaster Energy Clone materialize in its wake. With the last of the Elite Blade Phantom defeated, Death Knight Phantoms jumped out of the ground. Only to find themselves in a very bad situation. One of them charged at Symbol with its sword raised. Advance Breaker saw this and defended her creator by pressing her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters generated blue magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] Advance Breaker threw out her left glove and the energy formed into a circle shaped shield in front of Symbol. The Death Knight Phantom slammed its sword into the shield, which promptly exploded and sent the Phantom flying backwards with sparks coming from its body. “Thanks, Blocker!” shouted Symbol as she ran forwards and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her legs started making yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her fists as she punched the Death Knight Phantom’s shield once. Cracks spread through the shield before it broke apart as Symbol punched it with her other fist. Advance Breaker dashed forwards and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started up. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right fist as she punched the Phantom in the face. It was sent flying through the air as micro explosions went off around it before the Phantom exploded. Suddenly, another Death Knight Phantom burst out of the ground and swung its sword down at Advance Breaker. Symbol saw this and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She held her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, causing the emitters on her forearm armour to start making yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Which gathered around her right fist as she pulled it back and threw a punch forwards. The energy burst off her fist and transformed into a yellow beam that slammed into the Death Knight Phantom, knocking it back and causing it to miss with its swing. Advance Breaker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy gathered around her left fist as she threw an uppercut that catapulted the Death Knight Phantom into the air while breaking its shield into pieces. Advance Blocker hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons released blue magical energy into the air. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] It gathered into a squared shaped shield above the Death Knight Phantom, which said Phantom bounced off and back down towards Advance Breaker. Who pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice more. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] She pulled back her left fist as it was covered in red energy and punched the Death Knight Phantom in the centre of its spin. The Phantom exploded instantly. Grimm saw a Death Knight Phantom rushing her from the left and the right. So she pressed down on the Nevermore Whistle once and then rammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! T-E-A-R-I-N-G!] Black energy flared around her backplate and transformed into a pair of black raven wings. She gave them and flap and rose into the air, watching as the Death Knight Phantoms slashed each other as they missed her. Then she pressed down on the Rose Speed Whistle once and slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver again. [R-O-S-E!] She vanished in a blur that left trails of red roses behind it. Sparks exploded from the Death Knight Phantoms as they were hit from all sides by black energy bolts from the Nevermore Bow Sword. Grimm kept up the attack until their shields shattered from the damage. Seeing this, Grimm pressed the Nevermore Whistle three times, then she slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver as red and black energy started to gather around her. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! R-I-S-E U-P!] The energy gathered around the Nevermore Bow Gun and its eyes flashed. Grimm flared the Nevermore Wings and pulled the trigger. The Nevermore Bow Sword fired a barrage of blasts in the shape of rose petals that slammed into the Phantoms and caused both of them to explode after sparks flew out of the thousands of glowing red cuts they received. A Death Knight Phantom leapt into the air and swung its sword down towards Kamen Rider Weapon as she pressed the Wind Dust Whistle twice and slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T! P-O-W-E-R-E-D!] The Knight Shield was covered in green wind that formed into a barrier in front of her, blocking the attack. The wind lashed out and cut the Phantom in several places as its shield started to crack. Then Weapon pressed the Wind Dust Whistle once more as she pressed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] Green wind covered the Knight Sword as Weapon swung it around in a horizontal slash. It sliced through the Death Knight Phantom’s shield like a hot knife through butter, causing the shield to shatter into pieces. Weapon pressed down on the Crocea Mors Whistle three times, after doing so she slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [C-R-O-C-E-A M-O-R-S! R-I-S-E U-P!] A torrent of green wind gathered around the Knight Sword as Weapon held it up in both gloves. The wind formed into an extension of the sword before Weapon swung it down, cutting a glowing green line through the centre of the Death Knight Phantom. Sparks flew from the line like a stream of blood before the Death Knight Phantom fell to its knees and was consumed by an explosion. With all of the Death Knight Phantom defeated, a pair of Wisp Phantoms appeared in the air. They were both red versions. “You're going to be a lot of use against this one, Breaker,” stated Symbol. “So, Blocker will shield you and I’ll be a distraction!” she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons summoned yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right elbow as Symbol blurred forwards and threw an elbow strike that the Wisp Phantom blocked with its arm. The Wisp Phantom pulled back its fist to punch Symbol, but Advance Blocker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour hummed to life. [ADVANCE BLOCKER A TIER SPELL!] The blue magical energy gathered in an aura around Symbol. The Wisp Phantom punched her and sent her flying but she took no damage and was able to flip back to her boots with ease. Advance Beaker had jumped into the air while all this was going on and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour started up. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right fist as the threw a downwards punch that slammed into the Wisp Phantom’s head and smashed it into the ground with enough force to make a hole. The Wisp Phantom was quick to get back up and throw a punch at Advance Breaker. Only for Advance Blocker to press her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to emit blue magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her gloves and formed into a circle shaped shield that winked out and then winked in. In front of Advance Breaker, when the Wisp Phantom’s punch hit the shield it exploded, sending the Phantom flying backwards. The Wisp Phantom was about to charge at Advance Blocker when it noticed Symbol running at it. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour hummed to life. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Yellow energy gathered around her fists as she threw a punch that the Wisp Phantom blocked. Symbol’s other fist was caught by an open hand. Only for Advance Breaker to run up behind the Phantom and press her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red magical energy was summoned from the emitters on her forearm guards. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her right glove as she punched the Phantom in the spine. Igniting a massive explosion that had the Phantom shouting out in pain. The Wisp Phantom grabbed Symbol by her arms and swung her around, slamming her into Advance Breaker and sending the two of them flying in a heap. It lunged for them as Advance Blocker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author causing the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons to hum to life. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] A shield of blue magical energy appeared in front of the Wisp Phantom. The Phantom threw a punch, trying to break through the shield, only to be forced back by it and slammed into a wall with the shield pinning it there. “Final!” shouted Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] She held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as all of the emitters on her body generated yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] It gathered around her boots as she ran forwards. Advance Breaker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body summoned red and yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] It wrapped around her gloves as she clenched them into fists and charged. “Advance Breaker Impact!” shouted Symbol as she and Advance Breaker slammed their charged limbs into the Wisp Phantom. There was a loud explosion of energy as the Wisp Phantom was freed. Grimm and Weapon were both sent flying backwards by the Wisp Phantom. They removed the Knuckles from their Drivers and pressed them together. [R-E-A-D-Y!] A hologram of a suit of armour appeared in front of them. [D-O-U-B-L-E F-I-S-T O-N!] The holographic armour appeared in front of them and slammed into them, merging them into Kamen Rider Reamant. Like her two component Kamen Riders, she had changed. Now she looked identical to them there were only two differences. The first being that she had the Ozma Knuckle and the Salem Driver around her waist. The second difference was the emblem on her chest plate. It was a Nevermore with green wind whipping around it that carried red roses. The emblem’s background was a white kite shield in front of a golden board sword. Reamant pressed down on the Salem Driver once, then she slammed the Ozma Knuckle into it. [K-N-I-G-H-T S-W-O-R-D!] [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! B-I-T-I-N-G!] The Nevermore Bow Sword and the Knight Sword appeared in front of her before combining into a golden board sword with black wings for a guard and white talons for a handle. This is the Black Knight Sword.  Reamant used it to block a punch from the Wisp Phantom before she pressed down on the Ozma Knuckle once and slammed it into the Salem Driver. [R-O-S-E!] [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] The Black Knight Sword was covered in red energy and green wind formed around it as Reamant brought it around and slashed through the Wisp Phantom, cutting a glowing green line that bled sparks from its right shoulder to its left hip. Reamant then jumped into the air and slashed down, cutting another glowing green gash into the Phantom. Then she started to pick up speed with her arms and the Black Knight Blade leaving after images of red and black light. Sparks exploded from the Wisp Phantom in a near continuous stream as it was driven back. After several seconds of the assault, the Phantom exploded as it was freed. “I’ve had enough of this place,” muttered Symbol as part of the house broke into pieces. She jumped a gap with Advance Breaker, Advance Blocker, Grimm and Weapon following. She jumped to another platform and then to the next platform that had half a fountain on it. She jumped to the next platform as part of the house crumbled away. In her normal Styles Symbol would have been stuck, now? She jumped the gap with ease and ran up a small flight of stairs before turning left into a room. A piece of the ceiling came down and destroyed the path in front of her, only for Symbol to leap the gap with ease. She took a right turned and jumped another gap. Advance Breaker and Grimm arrived to her left, while Advance Blocker and Weapon landed to her right. It was at that moment several Wizard Phantoms arrived. Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the Weapon Driver and switched the Crocea Mors Whistle for the Crescent Rose Whistle. [C-R-E-S-C-E-N-T R-O-S-E!] Then she returned the Dust Knuckle to the Weapon Driver after pressing her glove against the right side of it. [R-E-A-DY!] Once that was done, Weapon pressed the Dust Knuckle against the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] A hologram of a scythe appeared in front of the Weapon Driver. It started to spin and transformed into a holographic suit of armour that flew back and slammed into Weapon. The kite shield and board sword emblem on her chest plate transformed into a red scythe with a black blade cross over a red sniper rifle with black outlines. Suddenly, the cross on her faceplate opened, revealing her blue circle shaped visors. Weapon pressed down on the Crescent Rose Whistle twice, then she slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [S-N-I-P-E-R!] She held out her right glove and the Crescent Sniper appeared. She fired a single shot that cracked and destroyed the Wizard Phantom's shield. Grimm, seeing what her sister Kamen Rider did, removed the Aura Knuckle from the Grimm Driver and then switched the Nevermore Whistle for a Whistle that bore the image of a bear on the front of it. [U-R-S-A!] She pressed down on the left side of the Aura Knuckle. [R-E-A-DY!] Then she slotted it onto the right side of the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T! O-N!] A hologram of a bear appeared in front of the Grimm Driver and spun until it transformed into a holographic suit of armour that slammed into Grimm. The image of the bird on her chest plate turned into a black gear with white bone armour and red eyes. She pressed down on the Ursa Whistle once and then slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [U-R-S-A! B-I-T-I-N-G!] Black mist collected around her right glove and formed into a black sledgehammer, the head of which looked like a pair of black bear paws grabbing onto each other. It was slammed into the Wizard Phantom’s face, causing the Phantom to explode. At the end of the last fight, the Advance Timer’s first clock hand had reached the green zone. Symbol saw this and pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [BOUNDER ADVANCE!] The advance bounder magic circle appeared in the air and the Advance Bounder Energy Clone dropped out of it.  She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearms summoned green magical energy. [ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL!] It covered her right fist as she ran forwards and punched the Wizard Phantom’s shield, causing it to shatter like glass. Advance Breaker saw this and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red magical energy from the emitters in her shin armour surrounded it. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] Advance Breaker jumped into the air and gave a downwards punch that slammed into the Wizard Phantom’s head and caused it to explode. The second Wizard Phantom made a spinning red spear appear and fired it at Symbol. Advance Breaker sought to protect her creator as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters in her shoulder pauldrons summoned blue magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] It gathered in front of Symbol as a circle shaped shield that surged forwards and slammed into the spear, halting its momentum. Both the shield and spear shattered. “Thanks!” shouted Symbol as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy covered her left elbow as she blurred forwards and slammed it into the Wizard Phantom’s shield. Cracks spread through it but there was not enough power behind the blow to break the shield. Then Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Yellow magical energy was emitted from the emitters on her shin armour after she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] The energy covered Symbol’s fists as she slammed her left fist into the shield, shattering it. “Woah!” before she could hit the Wizard Phantom with her other fist, she was forced to turn the energy into a shield, blocking a wave of rocks that had been fired at her by the Phantom. Advance Blocker took the pressure off her creator by pressing her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour ejected blue magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER A TIER SPELL!] The energy covered her body in an aura as she dashed forward and punched the Wizard Phantom in the face while its attention was on Symbol. Sparks exploded from the impact point as the Wizard Phantom floated backwards through the air. The rock wave attack ended the second the Wizard Phantom’s attention was taken off Symbol. “Thanks, Blocker!” she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body summoned yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] It gathered around her boots as Symbol jumped into the air. She came down spinning so fast that her body looked like a circle of yellow energy. “Advance Impact!” Symbol slammed her boots into the Wizard Phantom and sparks exploded from the impact point as it was kicked by Symbol’s heels again and again until it exploded. Grimm and Weapon were fighting another Wizard Phantom as Grimm pressed down on the Ursa Whistle twice and then slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [U-R-S-A! T-E-A-R-I-N-G!] Her muscles in her upper arms bulged as black smoke entered them and their mass increased. Grimm swung the Usra Hammer around and smashed the Wizard Phantom’s shield into pieces. But before she could swing again to send the Phantom flying, a spinning red spear struck her across the chest plate. Sparks exploded from the impact point as Grimm staggered backwards in pain and from the force behind the spear. She fell onto her backplate. Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the Weapon Driver and switched the Wind Dust Whistle for an orange Whistle with a rock logo on the front of it. [E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T!] She pressed her glove against the right side of the Dust Knuckle. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Then she slammed it into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] A hologram of a rock appeared in front of the Weapon Driver, it spun around and transformed into a holographic suit of armour that slammed into Weapon. The green wind background on her chest plate transformed into an orange rocky background. Advance Breaker ran towards another Wizard Phantom as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters in her shoulder pauldrons roared to life. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy gathered around her right fist as Advance Breaker neared the Wizard Phantom. Which fired a line of rocks at her. Advance Blocker saw this and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and the emitters on her forearm guards started to shine. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] Blue magical energy, at Advance Blocker’s direction, appeared in front of Advance Breaker as a square shaped shield. The second the rock line slammed into the shield, it exploded, sending rocks flying backwards, peppering the Wizard Phantom’s shield with cracks. Advance Breaker slammed her fist upwards, it passed through the Wizard Phantom’s shield as if it was not even there and sent the Phantom flying into the air like a blue comet. Where Symbol was waiting. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour powered up. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Yellow energy gathered around her gloves as she clasped them together and delivered a hammer blow that sent the Phantom smashing back into the ground. Or at least it would have if Advance Blocker had not been waiting. She zipped to her edge of the platform as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy gathered around her right boot as Advance Bounder ran forwards and slammed her boot into the Wizard Phantom. It was sent flying backwards and exploded. Then another WIzard Phantom appeared. “Oh come on!” shouted Symbol as she threw her gloves into the air. The Wizard Phantom, rightly, took this as an insult and fired a red spinning spear at Symbol. Advance Blocker saw this and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started to release blue magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] It gathered in front of Symbol and formed into a circle shaped shield. Which then surged forwards and smashed into the spear, both the shield and spear shattered on impact. “Thanks!” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards released yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her left fist as she pulled it back and punched forwards, firing a fist sized beam of yellow energy that zipped through the air and slammed into the Wizard Phantom’s shield, cracking it. Advance Breaker jumped into the air and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards summoned red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right fist as she went shooting down and slammed it into the Phantom’s shield. Cracks spread through it as the shield shattered into pieces. Advance Bounder ran back and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as all of the emitters on her body released green and yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE BOUNDER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] It gathered around her boots as she ran forwards and delivered a double dropkick to the Phantom, causing it to go shooting back and explode from the force behind the twin kicks. Kamen Rider Weapon pressed the Crescent Rose Whistle once and then slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [S-C-Y-T-H-E!] The Crescent Scythe appeared in her glove and she slashed the Wizard Phantom twice, cutting into its shield with the reaper polearm and generating sparks. Then Weapon pressed the Earth Dust Whistle once and slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] The Crescent Scythe glowed orange as she started spinning it in front of her. The Wizard Phantom fired a spinning red spear that slammed into the makeshift shield and drove Weapon back at step but did no damage to her. Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the Grimm Driver and then switched the Rose Speed Whistle for a white Whistle with a red dragon in front of it. [D-R-A-G-O-N R-A-G-E!] Then she pressed her glove against the left side of the Aura Knuckle. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Then she slammed it into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The hologram of a dragon appeared in front of the Aura Knuckle and started to spin before shooting off. It turned into a hologram of armour that slammed into Grimm. The roses on the emblem on her chest plate transformed into a long golden dragon with red eyes that curled around the bear. It was at that moment the cross on her faceplate opened, revealing her red circle shaped visors as a wave of energy flashed out from her body.  With the Wizard Phantom vanquished, Peryton Phantoms appeared in the air. They did so at the worst possible time. The Advance Timer’s first clock hand reached the purple zone. Symbol noticed this and pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [BLASTER ADVANCE!] The advance blaster magic circle appeared near Symbol and the Advance Blaster Energy Clone jumped out of it. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once as the Peryton Phantom started to charge up their lightning powers. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started making purple magical energy. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her and formed into six orbs of purple magical energy. They shot forwards and tore through three Peryton Phantoms each causing them to blow up. Advance Blocker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] Blue magical energy gathered in a circle shaped shield above the Peryton Phantoms. Then, with a wave of Advance Blocker’s glove, the shield shot down and slammed the Phantoms into the ground. Sparks exploded off them as they bounced off the floor. Advance Bounder hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as her shoulder pauldron emitters started up. [ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy gathered around her right boot as she went shooting forwards. She zipped through the Peryton Phantoms, kicking each of them before stopping on the other side of the platform. She stomped her boot on the ground and the delay on the damage was lifted as the Phantoms exploded. Symbol and Advance Breaker leapt into the air as Advance Breaker hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to leak red magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her right fist as she threw a punch, hitting Symbol in the boots and catapulting her up to the Peryton Phantoms. Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons fired up. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy gathered around her elbows as Symbol blurred through the Peryton Phantoms, striking each of them with her elbows and making them explode as she appeared on the other side of the swarm. As Symbol fell back towards the ground, she saw that a few Peryton Phantoms had survived and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as yellow magical energy gathered around her right glove from the emitters on her forearm guards. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Symbol threw a punch that fired a fist sized beam of yellow magical energy. It shot through the air and slammed into the Phantoms, Symbol moved the beam to the left and right. All of the Peryton Phantoms were caught and swallowed by the beam. At that moment the Advance Timer’s first clock hand completed a full rotation and reached the yellow section. [ADVANCE WEAPON TIME!] The second clock hand started to move. “What?” Symbol glanced at the Advance Timer, only to smash, backplate first, into the ground. The Advance Timer’s announcement had distracted her from landing on her boots. “Your timing is horrible,” grunted Symbol as she got back to her boots in pain. “Owie!” she muttered in pain. Grimm pressed the Dragon Rage Whistle once, then she slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [D-R-A-G-O-N!] Golden aura covered her arms and roared up the handle of the Ursa Hammer, into its head. Grimm swung the Usra Hammer around and crushed the Wizard Phantom under it. Causing the squashed Phantom to explode. Suddenly, a pair of Peryton Phantoms appeared in the air and starting shooting lightning bolts at Grimm and Weapon. Grimm pressed the Dragon Rage Whistle twice and then slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [R-A-G-E!] Golden flames surged over the Usra Hammer as Grimm swung it, firing a wave of golden fire at the Peryton Phantom. Only for the Phantom to stop flapping its wings and fall through the air, letting the wave pass over it. Weapon pressed down on the Crescent Rose Whistle twice, then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [S-N-I-P-E-R!] The Crescent Scythe vanished in a flash of red light and the Crescent Sniper Rifle appeared. Weapon took aim and fired a single shot that slammed into the Peryton Phantom that she was fighting, driving it backwards. Then she pressed the Earth Dust Whistle twice before she rammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T! P-O-W-E-R-E-D!] Orange energy gathered around the barrel of the Crescent Sniper Rifle before Weapon pulled the trigger and fired a single high powered bullet that tore through the air and slammed into the Phantom, blowing it to pieces. More Peryton Phantoms appeared in the air as Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons lit up. [ADVANCE BLASTER B TIER SPELL!] Purple magical energy gathered around Advance Blaster before forming into a ring of purple orbs that shot outwards and pierced through the Peryton Phantoms. Advance Bounder saw a piece of rubble that she could use as a ramp and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life. [ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL!] She ran up the ramp as green magical energy gathered around her right boot, she thrust it out and pierced through the swarm as a green streak, making about ten of the Peryton Phantoms go up in explosions. Suddenly, the Phantoms gathered their lightning and threw it forwards towards Symbol in one massive bolt. Advance Blocker ran in front of her creator and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started to glow. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] Symbol flung her arms up and the energy formed into a dome shaped shield in front of her. She was forced back when the lightning made contact with the dome but it still held out long enough to stop the lightning, even though cracks spread through it. Advance Breaker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She jumped into the air as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons glowed. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] Red energy gathered around her right glove as she threw an uppercut that pulled her into the air and smashed several of the Peryton Phantoms into dust. “Final!” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times as she and her clones stood in a hexagon formation. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Symbol scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as their magic circle lit up under each clone’s boots. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] A line formed on the ground, connecting each of the magic circles to Symbol’s advance magic circle. The clones turned into energy of their respective colors as they were pulled into Symbol’s right boot. She jumped into the air. “Advance Strike End!” her boot released energy that formed into a pair of large blades, which cut through the Phantoms as she kicked upwards. Symbol landed back on the ground, panting slightly when a pair of Peryton Phantom burst out of the cloud revealing that they had survived by hiding at the very back of the group. “Oh no! I can’t move!” Symbol realised. Suddenly, Advance Bounder appeared off to the side and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver as green magical energy was ejected from the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons. [ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL!] She zipped forwards as green magical energy covered her right boot and the two Peryton Phantoms exploded as she streaked past them. “I didn’t know that I could resummon you four after that spell,” Advance Breaker and Blaster helped her to her boots. “I mean, I thought the timer had to reset first,” corrected Symbol. At that moment Grimm and Weapon rejoined them. They ran into the mansion, took a left turn, jumped down through a hole, took another left turn, jumped over a pit and were surrounded by a swarm of Shielded Icarus Phantoms. Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the Weapon Driver and switched the Crescent Rose Whistle for the Ember Celica Whistle. [E-M-B-E-R C-E-L-I-C-A!] Then she pressed down on the right side of the Dust Knuckle. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Before she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The hologram appeared in front of the Weapon Driver and spun into a suit of holographic armour that slammed into Weapon. The sniper rifle and scythe parts of the emblem on her chestplate transformed into a pair of yellow gauntlets. Then she pressed the Ember Celica Whistle down once before ramming the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [S-H-O-T-G-U-N G-A-U-N-T-L-E-T-S!] The shotgun gauntlets appeared on her gloves as she pulled back her fists and punched forwards several times, firing several yellow orbs that slammed into the Phantoms and exploded, destroying them. Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the Grimm Driver, then she switched the Usra Whistle for the Nevermore Whistle before pressing the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] After which she slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The emblem appeared and spun into a holographic suit of armour that slammed into Grimm. The cross on her faceplate closed as the emblem on her chest plate shifted into a Nevermore with a golden dragon coiling around it. Grimm slammed down on the Nevermore Whistle once as she slammed the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! B-I-T-I-N-G!] The Nevermore Bow Sword appeared as she shot several black bolts that destroyed several Shielded Icarus Phantoms. At the end of the last fight, the Advance Timer’s second clock hand had reached the red section. Symbol quickly struck the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [BREAKER SWORD!] Advance Breaker reached into the breaker magic circle that appeared in front of her and pulled out the Breaker Sword. Then she spun the Upper Active Barrel until it stopped on the aqua magic circle she pulled the first trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] Advance Breaker slashed through the air and fired a water crescent that cut through a dozen of the shielded Icarus Phantoms. Advance Blocker saw the Icarus Phantoms getting ready to fire and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm armour started to release blue magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] It gathered in front of herself and her sisters, forming into a square shaped shield. The Icarus Phantoms fired, their crossbow bolts slammed into the shield and caused it to explode. The bolts were sent flying backwards and sparks exploded from the Phantoms until they exploded. Advance Breaker spun the Upper Active Barrel until it displayed the bind magic circle, then she pressed the first trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She stabbed the Breaker Sword into the ground and bind chains came from the impact point, tying up several of the Icarus Phantoms. Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to release purple magical energy. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her and formed into six purple spheres that shot forwards and exploded against the Phantoms that Advance Breaker had bound. The spheres exploded, taking the Phantoms with them. Advance Breaker and Advance Blaster looked at each other and nodded. Advance Breaker spun the Lower Active Barrel on the Breaker Sword and pressed the second trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She jumped into the air and slashed upwards, cutting through a pair of the Icarus Phantoms. Sparks came from their bodies before they both exploded. Advance Bounder dashed up a wall as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm armour started up. [ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy gathered around her gloves as she leapt off the wall and started to freefall through the air, punching all of the Icarus Phantoms that she could. The punches came at each speed and force, that the Icarus Phantoms had no time to do anything before they exploded. Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once from where she stood on the ground. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm armour started to release yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] She gathered the energy around her left glove as she threw an upwards punch that fired a fist sized beam. It roared through the air and smashed through three Icarus Phantoms. Yellow lightning sparked from the holes before they all exploded. Then the Icarus Phantoms fired at Advance Blocker. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shins hummed to life. [ADVANCE BLOCKER A TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her in an aura that deflected the bolts. But the Icarus Phantoms were somehow able to keep up the barrage until their spell ended and sparks exploded from her body. Then Grimm pressed down on the Dragon Rage Whistle twice before slamming the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [R-A-G-E!] Flames gathered around the Nevermore Gun Bow as Grimm took aim. Then she pulled the trigger, firing a bolt of golden flames that transformed into the shape of a Nevermore bird. It slammed into five of the Icarus Phantoms and caused all of them to explode. Then she pressed the Dragon Rage Whistle twice more before pressing the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [D-R-A-G-O-N!] The Nevermore Bow Sword transformed into its sword mode. The wings folded up and the handle straightened forming into a sword. It was covered in golden flames as Grimm jumped into the air and slashed three Icarus Phantoms, making all of them explode. Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver. She removed the Ember Celica Whistle from the Weapon Driver and replaced it with a grey Whistle that had a black katana and a black gun engraved into the centre of it. She slotted the New Whistle into the Weapon Driver’s slot. [G-A-M-B-O-L S-H-R-O-U-D!] Then she pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle against the flat of her left palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] She slotted the Dust Knuckle onto the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] A hologram of the katana and pistol that were engraved on the Gambol Shroud pistol appeared in front of the Weapon Driver and started to spin before it transformed into a holographic suit of armour that slammed into Weapon. The twin yellow gauntlets part of the emblem on her chest plate transformed into a black pistol cross with a black katana. Advance Breaker ran in front of Advance Blocker and spun the Upper Active Barrel on the Breaker Sword before pulling the first trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She spun the sword in a circle, blocking the last of the crossbow bolt barrage with a series of strong slices. Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shins started to glow. [ADVANCE BLASTER A TIER SPELL!] Purple magical energy gathered around her gloves as she thrust them forwards, firing a metre thick beam that washed over several Icarus Phantom’s causing each of them to explode violently. “How many of these things are there?!” shouted Symbol as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy came from the emitters on her forearm armour as gathered around her right fist as Symbol threw a punch. Her fist fired a beam of yellow energy that roared through the air and slammed into two Icarus Phantoms, destroying the both of them after it punched a hole through them. Then Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice as the Icarus Phantoms fired at her. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy gathered around her elbows as she blurred into the air and smashed her elbows into several Icarus Phantoms. Sparks exploded from their bodies before the Phantoms exploded. Advance Breaker spun the Lower Active Barrel before pressing the first trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She stabbed forwards and fired several ice shards that froze a dozen Icarus Phantoms, letting them fall into the pit before dropping into the endless drop. Advance Bounder jumped from wall to wall, making her way higher as, an Icarus Phantom tried to lock onto her, with no luck, she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to create green energy. [ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her left fist as she jumped off the ceiling and punched the Icarus Phantom that had been trying to shoot her. Then she jumped off the Phantom and over to another Icarus Phantom and hitting it. She repeated this process several times before she found and arrow shooting at her faceplate. Advance Blocker saw this and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons summoned blue magical energy after she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] The energy formed into a square shaped shield in front of Advance Bounder blocking the arrow. Advance Bounder jumped off the shield as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as green magical energy came from the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons. [ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right boot as she performed a flying kick, then she bounced off the Phantom and did another flying kick to the next Phantom. Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Purple magical energy came from the emitters on her forearm guards after she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] It formed into six purple spheres that shot through the air and slammed into the Icarus Phantoms, donating and destroying six of them. Advance Breaker spun the Lower Active Barrel until it displayed the slasher magic circle, then she pulled the second trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She jumped into the air and slashed several of the Icarus Phantoms at such high speeds that her arms left green after images in their wake. Sparks came from the thousands of cuts that the Icarus Phantoms received before they exploded. As she was falling back to the ground, Advance Breaker saw a wall of crossbow bolts shooting towards her. “We don’t have time for this!” shouted Symbol as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started up. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy gathered around her elbows as she vanished. She appeared next to Advance Breaker, Symbol grabbed the energy clone and then they both vanished. The wall of crossbow bolts shot through the area they had just been in as they appeared back on the ground. Weapon pressed down on the Gambol Shroud Whistle once, then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle against the left side of the Weapon Driver. [K-A-T-A-N-A!] She held out her right glove and a black katana with a grey blade and a grey handle appeared out of thin air. Then she jumped into the air and slashed through an Icarus Phantom before slashing upwards, cutting through a second Icarus Phantom’s shield, she stabbed it through the chest and then pulled the Ninja Blade out. She cut through five more Icarus Phantoms before dropping back down to the ground. Grimm pressed the Nevermore Whistle once, then she rammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! T-E-A-R-I-N-G!] Black mist gathered around her backplate and transformed into a pair of black Nevermore Wings. Grimm shot into the air as she transformed the Nevermore Bow Sword back into its bowgun form. She fired several flaming arrows that tore through a dozen Icarus Phantoms, making them explode. Then Grimm pressed the Nevermore Whistle down three times and rammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! R-I-S-E U-P!] A golden snake dragon appeared out of nowhere. Grimm swung the Nevermore Bow Sword in a horizontal swing, the dragon followed and bit down on several Icarus Phantoms, making them explode. Symbol noted that the Advance Timer’s second clock hand had reached the blue segment. She pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [BLOCKER SWORD!]  Advance Blocker reached into the advance blocker magic circle and pulled out the Blocker Sword. She spun the Lower Giga Barrel until it stopped on the bombardment magic circle, then she pressed the second trigger. [BLOCKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She stabbed forwards, blocking a slash from an Elite Blade Phantom and making it stagger back from the blow back. Advance Breaker approached the Phantom from the left and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her pauldrons started up. [ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL!] Green energy gathered around her right boot as she leapt into a flying kick that sent the Phantom flying into the endless drop after falling through the pit. Advance Breaker leaned to the side, avoiding a downwards slash from another Elite Blade Phantom as she spun the Lower Active Barrel on the Advance Sword, stopping it when it displayed the boost magic circle, she pulled the second trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] Then she slashed upwards, leaving a glowing red line through the Elite Blade Phantom, which then exploded. Symbol dropped onto her chest plate, avoiding a horizontal slash from another Elite Blade Phantom and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards hummed to life. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy gathered around her right fist as she performed an uppercut. On contact with the Phantom’s chin, her fist fired a fist sized beam of yellow energy that vaporized its head. The corpse fell to its knees and exploded. Advance Breaker jumped into the air, avoiding a pair of Elite Blade Phantoms and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour fired up. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy gathered around her right fist as she shot downwards and punched the grounds. Cracks spread through the Elite Blade Phantoms before they were sent flying and exploded in the air. Advance Blocker saw three Elite Blade Phantoms stab their blades into the ground and each of them fired a line of fire at Symbol, who had not noticed them. Advance Blocker spun the Lower Giga Barrel until it displayed the punch magic circle, then she pulled the trigger. [BLOCKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She stabbed the Breaker Sword into the ground and a wall of blue energy appeared in front of Symbol, blocking the three fire lines. Symbol looked startled, before she nodded in thanks to Advance Blocker and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons starting glowing. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] The yellow magical energy gathered around her right elbow as Symbol dashed forwards and rammed her elbow into the first Elite Blade Phantom, smashing it into the ground where it exploded. Then, while she was between the other two Elite Blade Phantoms, she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour started to hum. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her gloves as she punched out to the sides, hitting both of the Phantoms and sending them flying to the sides where they blew up. Kamen Rider Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver. Then she switched the Nevermore Whistle for another Whistle with a boar engraved into the centre of it. [B-O-A-R-B-A-T-U-S-K!] She pressed the left side of the Aura Knuckle against the flat of her left palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] After that Grimm slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] A hologram of a boar head appeared in front of the Grimm Driver and started to spin before it transformed into a holographic suit of armour that slammed into Grimm. The emblem on her chest plate was transformed into a black boar with white bone armour and red eyes with a golden dragon that had red eyes curling around it. Weapon pressed the Gambol Shroud Whistle down twice, then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [P-I-S-T-O-L!] The Ninja Katana transformed into a black pistol called the Ninja Pistol. She fired several shots that an Elite Blade Phantom used its sword to block. So she pressed the Earth Dust Whistle down twice and slammed the right side of the Dust knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [E-A-R-T-H D-U-S-T! P-O-W-E-R-E-D!] Orange energy gathered in front of the Ninja Pistol as Kamen Rider Weapon pulled the trigger, firing a large bullet that was covered in hard rocks. The Elite Blade Phantom block the bullet with its sword, only for the bullet to tear through the sword and cut a hole in the Phantom. Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin armour lit up. [ADVANCE BLASTER A TIER SPELL!] Six orbs of purple magical energy winked in around her. They shot forwards and slammed into one of the Elite Blade Phantoms from all directions. Sparks exploded off its body before the Phantom itself exploded. Advance Blocker saw another Elite Blade Phantom that was about to swing its sword down at Advance Breaker, who was attacking another Elite Blade Phantom. She spun the Upper Giga Barrel and then pulled the first trigger on the Blocker Sword. [BLOCKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She pulled the Blocker Sword over her helmet in both gloves and slammed it into the ground. Rocks burst out of the ground, stopping the Elite Blade Phantom from reaching Advance Breaker as they formed into a spiky wall. Advance Breaker nodded in thanks to her sister and spun the Upper Active Barrel, pressing the trigger to stop it. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She kicked the Elite Blade Phantom back as the aqua magic circle was displayed. Blue water surged around the Breaker sword as Advance Breaker slashed horizontally, firing a crescent of blue water that cut an ocean blue cut through the Elite Blade Phantom. Sparks bleed from the cut before the Phantom exploded. The Elite Blade Phantom that Advance Blocker had stopped lunged towards the one that had stopped its sneak attack. Only to be cut off by a green blur zooming past it. Advance Bounder skidded to a halt and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, the emitters on her forearm guards hummed to life as she sprinted towards the Elite Blade Phantom. [ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy gathered around her right fist as she slid under a horizontal slash and punched the Phantom in the chest. It was sent flying backwards from the speed and force behind the fist before it exploded. Symbol noticed an Icarus Phantom appear in the air. “You again!?” ticked off, she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards hummed to life. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy covered her right fist as she threw a punch that fired a yellow fist sized beam. It slammed into the Phantom and obliterated it. Advance Blaster hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once as she glared at three Icarus Phantoms that had appeared in the air. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards lit up. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] Six orbs of purple magical energy winked in and shot that the Phantoms. Two of them rammed into each Phantom, cracks spread through the Phantoms from the impact point before they exploded. Then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times as she saw three Elite Blade Phantoms stabbing their swords into the ground. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] She didn’t know who their targets were and she was not going to find out as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLASTER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] The emitters on her body lit up, creating both purple and yellow magical energy that gathered in an orb in front of her while nine more small orbs winked in around it. Advance Blaster punched the orb. “Blaster Impact!” shouted out Symbol. “Why did I do that?” she muttered oblivious to the finishing move taking place behind her. The orb transformed into a giant beam that washed over the three Elite blade Phantoms while the nine small orbs fired smaller beams that pierced through the Phantoms was they exploded. Grimm pressed down on the Boarbatusk Whistle once and then slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [B-O-A-R-B-A-T-U-S-K! B-I-T-I-N-G!] Black armour, with white tusks on either side of her gloves, appeared on her forearms. She pulled the Boar Knuckles back and punched the Elite Blade Phantom, making it go flying backwards with sparks coming from its body. Grimm pressed down on the Dragon Rage Whistle once and then slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [D-R-A-G-O-N!] Golden dragon head constructs appeared around the Boar Knuckles as Grimm punched forwards. The dragon constructs bit down on the Phantom and made sparks explode from the bite marks before the Phantom exploded. Weapon pressed down on the Gambol Shroud Whistle three times before slamming the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [G-A-M-B-O-L S-H-R-O-U-D R-I-S-E U-P!] The Ninja Pistol transformed back into the Ninja Katana as a Rock Clone formed beside Weapon. They both rushed towards the Elite Blade Phantom which brought its sword down. The Rock Clone blocked the sword with its copy of the Ninja Katana. Weapon dashed up behind the Elite Blade Phantom and slashed it across the back twice before ending the combo on a single, hard, downwards slash. It cut a vertical glowing cut into the Phantom, sparks exploded from the cut before the Phantom toppled over and exploded. The three Kamen Rider and four Advance Clones jumped over the pit and ran around a right corner. They moved through a door that led to the outside of the mansion. Right into a meteor storm. “How unstable is this place?!” shouted Symbol as she avoided a meteor. “This unit believes the accurate measurement is: Very,” replied Nora’s voice from Kamen Rider Grimm. “That was a rhetorical question!” shouted Advance Breaker. “What she- wait a minute, you can talk?!” demanded Symbol. “Of course we can!” shouted Advance Blaster as she blew up another meteor before it could hit them. “Why did you never say anything before?!” demanded Symbol. The Phantoms arrived. “Because we’ve been a bit busy fighting this lot!” shouted Advance Bounder in a really hyper voice. “So was even more hyper than me!” muttered Symbol. “Her power is super speed,” stated Advance Blocker in a slow voice as if that explained everything. Which it kind of did. Let the battle begin. Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver. She removed the Earth Dust Whistle and switched it with the Fire Dust Whistle. [F-I-R-E D-U-S-T!] Then she pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle against her left palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The flame hologram appeared in front of the Dust Knuckle and spun out into a suit of armour that smashed into Weapon. The rocky background of her chest plate transformed into a flaming background. Weapon pressed the Gambol Shroud Whistle once, then she pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle against the left port of the Weapon Driver. [K-A-T-A-N-A!] She held out her glove and the Ninja Katana appeared. She used the flat of the blade to block two swings from a Rage Phantom before kicking it. It rolled through the air, landed on the ground and charged at Grimm. She pressed the Boarbatusk Whistle twice before ramming the left side of the Aura Knuckle against the right side of the Grimm Driver. [B-O-A-R-B-A-T-U-S-K! T-E-A-R-I-N-G!] Grimm curled into a ball and dashed at the Rage Phantom. It skidded to a stop but had no time to get out of the way before it was flattened. Sparks came off the Rage Phantom as micro explosions went off around it before the Phantom exploded. Symbol noted that the Advance Timer’s second clock hand had reached the green section. She pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [BOUNDER SWORD!]  Advance Bounder dashed forwards. “Yeah! It’s my turn to slash!” she reached into the bounder magic circle and pulled out the Bounder Sword. She spun the Upper Swift Barrel and pulled the first trigger to stop it. [BOUNDER SLASHING STRIKE!] The Upper Swift Barrel stopped on the blade magical energy. Advance Bounder slashed with the sword horizontally, cutting into a Rage Phantom as sparks exploded from the green cut she had sliced into it. Then she spun the Upper Swift Barrel a second time before pressing the first trigger to stop its spin. [BOUNDER SLASHING STRIKE!] It stopped on the zoomer magic circle as Advance Bounder unleashed a barrage of slashes that cut several dozens cuts into the Phantom, causing it to explode. Another Rage Phantom fired a barrage of quills at Advance Blaster. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, the emitters on her forearm guards started to shine as the quills rocketed towards her. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] Six orbs of purple magical energy appeared around her and blocked all of the quills with ease. “Time to counter attack!” Advance Bounder pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shins started to glow. [ADVANCE BLASTER A TIER SPELL!] The energy collected her gloves and was fired forwards as a large beam that smashed into the Rage Phantom, washing over it and forcing the Phantom to explode. Advance Blocker and Advance Breaker had teamed up against a pair of Rage Phantoms. Advance Blocker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once as one of the Rage Phantoms leapt at Advance Breaker. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to glow. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] She held up her right glove and at her command, the magical energy formed a blue square shaped shield in front of the Rage Phantom, stopping it from reaching Advance Breaker. Advance Breaker glanced at her sister and nodded as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to glow. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] Red energy covered her right fist as she punched the Rage Phantom that had just lunged at her. Its neck was broken and the Phantom was sent flying back before it exploded. “Woah!” Symbol ducked under a claw swipe from the Rage Phantom that she was fighting and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started to shine. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right elbow as her speed increased. She ducked under another swipe and slammed her elbow into the Phantom’s gut, sending it flying backwards. Then Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to release yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her right fist as she pulled it back and punched forwards, firing a beam of yellow magical energy that slammed into the Rage Phantom and caused it to explode. The beam carried on going and slammed into the final Rage Phantom that had pinned Advance Breaker and sent it flying into the endless drop. Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the Weapon Driver and switched the Gambol Shroud Whistle for the Crescent Rose Whistle. [C-R-E-S-C-E-N-T R-O-S-E!] Then she pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle against her left palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Before she pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle against the left port of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The Crescent Rose hologram appeared in front of the Weapon Driver and spun out, transforming into a holographic suit of armour that moved back and slammed into Weapon. The black katana and gun part of her chest plate transformed into a red scythe crossed over a red sniper rifle, both of them had black outlines. Kamen Rider Grimm pressed down on the Boarbatusk Whistle three times before ramming the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [B-O-A-R-B-A-T-U-S-K! R-I-S-E U-P!] Golden energy surrounded her body before transforming into a long snake dragon with golden outlines. It gave a loud roar as Grimm crouched and curled into a ball. She spun on the spot for several seconds before launching herself forwards. The dragon followed her as she rammed into a Blade Phantom, launching it into the air where it was biting by the dragon and forced to explode. Weapon blocked another Blade Phantom from hitting Grimm from behind. Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver before switching the Dragon Rage Whistle for a white Whistle with a snowflake on the front of it. [W-H-I-T-E G-L-Y-P-H-S!] She slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into her right palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Then she rammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] A white holographic snowflake appeared in front of the Aura Knuckle and transformed into a holographic suit of armour which slammed into Grimm. Transforming the golden dragon on her chest plate into white snowflakes. Advance Breaker jumped into the air as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shins hummed to life. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] Red energy gathered around her right fist as she punched the ground, two Blade Phantoms were sent flying through the air and exploded. Then she spun the Lower Active Barrel and pressed the second trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] The Lower Active Barrel stopped on the slashed magic circle and Advance Breaker unleashed a barrage of slashes at such speeds that her arms left green after images as the Blade Phantom she was fighting exploded. Advance Blocker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body started to release blue and yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] She held up her gloves and a blue cube appeared, trapping several Blade Phantoms with Advance Bounder. Speaking of which, she spun the Upper Swift Barrel and pressed the first trigger. [BOUNDER SLASHING STRIKE!] It stopped on the sniper magic circle as blue magical energy gathered around the Bounder Sword. Advance Bounder pulled back her sword and stabbed forwards, it extended forwards and retraced less than a second later after stabbing a Blade Phantom, going straight through it, then stabbing another Phantom. She ducked under a slash and then jumped over a fire line as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearms started to charge. [ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy covered her gloves as she punched the Phantom that had tried to slash her and then the Blade Phantom which had fired the fire line. Advance Blaster had been surrounded by Lesser Blade Phantoms and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started up. [ADVANCE BLASTER B TIER SPELL!] A ring of purple spheres winked in around her and shot outwards, piercing through all of the Lesser Blade Phantoms that had just jumped at her. Seeing that six of the Lesser Blade Phantom had survived, she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever down once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as purple magical energy was summoned by the emitters on her forearms. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] Six orbs of purple energy warped in around her and shot toward the Phantoms, blasting through and destroying all six of them. Symbol backflipped through the air, avoiding a slash from an Elite Blade Phantom. She landed on the ground and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shins started to release yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Symbol covered her fists in the energy and ran forwards, her first punch shattered the Phantom’s sword and her second punch caused it to explode. Then Symbol jumped over another slash and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as yellow magical energy was released from the emitters on her forearm guards. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her left fist as she threw a punch, firing a fist sized beam that destroyed the Elite Blade Phantom. Another Elite Blade Phantom charged at Kamen Rider Grimm as she pressed down on the White Glyph Whistle once, then she slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [W-H-I-T-E!] She punched forwards with the Boar Fists and a white circle shaped shield appeared in front of her fist, stopping the Elite Blade Phantom’s sword from reaching her. Weapon pressed down on the Crescent Rose Whistle once, then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [S-C-Y-T-H-E!] The Crescent Scythe appeared in her gloves and she slashed downwards, cutting the Blade Phantom in half and causing it to explode. Then she slammed her glove down on the Crescent Rose Whistle again and slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [S-N-I-P-E-R!] The Crescent Scythe vanished and the Crescent Sniper Rifle appeared in her gloves, she took aim and fired another bullet from the head of the last Lesser Blade Phantom on the battlefield. Seeing two Blade Phantoms running towards her, Weapon pressed down on the Crescent Rose Whistle three times, then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [C-R-E-S-C-E-N-T R-O-S-E! R-I-S-E U-P!] Fire gathered in front of the Crescent Sniper Rifle and Weapon fired a pair of high powered bullets that tore through both of the Phantom’s. Symbol saw that the Advance Timer’s second clock hand had reached the purple section. She slammed her left glove down on the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [BLASTER SWORD!] Advance Blaster reached into the blaster magic circle and pulled out the Blaster Sword. “Targeted and firing,” she spun the Lower Burst Barrel and pulled the second trigger to stop it. [BLASTER SWORD!] She stabbed forwards in rapid succession, sparks exploded from the Ravager Phantom that had just burst from the ground as it fell over and exploded from the amount of damage it had taken. Then Advance Blaster spun the Upper Burst Barrel before pulling the first trigger to stop it spinning. [BLASTER SWORD!] It stopped on the glass magic circle and sword flashed, blinding another Ravager Phantom before it was cut in half, it had no time to do anything as it exploded. Advance Blaster glanced over her shoulder pauldron as another Ravager Phantom charged at her from behind, she spun the Upper Burst Barrel again and pulled the first trigger. [BLASTER SWORD!] It halted mirror magic circle and Advance Blaster used the flat end of the sword to deflect the strike upwards, knocking the chainsaw away from her. Before the Ravager Phantom had a chance to recover, Advance Blaster spun the Upper Burst Barrel and pressed the first trigger to stop it. [BLASTER SWORD!] The Advance Sword heated up as the Ravager Phantom was stabbed through the chest, a beam of green fired erupted out the back of it and the Phantom fell over with sparks coming from its body. Then it exploded. Advance Blaster jumped into the air as a Ravager Phantom charged underneath her. She spun the Lower Burst Barrel and pulled the second trigger to stop it from spinning. [BLASTER SWORD!] It stopped on the sand magic circle, Advance Blaster stabbed downwards through the Phantom and caused it to explode. Then she spun the Lower Burst Barrel before pressing the second trigger. [BLASTER SWORD!] It stopped on the steam magic circle as Advance Blaster slashed upwards with the Breaker Sword, cutting one last Elite Blade Phantom in half. “Take this!” Symbol pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to create yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her right fist as she pulled it back and punched forwards, firing a beam of magical energy that punched a hole through a Ravager Phantom. Another Ravager Phantom charged at Advance Breaker, however, Advance Blocker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started up. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] At Advance Blocker’s direction the blue magical energy formed a square shaped shield in front of her sister, stopping the Ravager Phantom’s attack. Advance Breaker jumped into the air as she spun the Upper Active Barrel around and pressed the first trigger to stop it. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She came shooting downwards and used the Breaker Sword to cut the Ravager Phantom, which Advance Blocker had just stopped, in half. Sparks flew from the glowing red line she cut down the centre of it until the Phantom exploded. “My turn!” cheered Advance Bounder as she spun the Lower Swift Barrel, she dodged a Ravager Phantom as she pulled the trigger second trigger. [BOUNDER SLASHING STRIKE!] It stopped on the turbo magical circle as Advance Bounder unleashed a barrage of horizontal swings against the Ravager Phantoms back that caused it to explode. Kamen Rider Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver. She removed the Crescent Rose Whistle and then replaced it with the Ember Celica Whistle. [E-M-B-E-R C-E-L-I-C-A!] She pressed the right side of the Weapon Knuckle against the flat of her left palm. [R-E-A-DY!] She slammed the Weapon Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The Ember Celica hologram appeared in front of the Weapon Driver and spun into a suit of holographic armour that slammed into Kamen Rider Weapon. The red scythe and red sniper rifle part of the emblem on her chest plate transformed into a pair of yellow crossed gauntlets. At that moment the cross on her faceplate opened, revealing her blue circle shaped visors. The bottom two pieces of the cross moved under her visors, while the upper two pieces moved above them. Finally, the cross split in two vertically.  Symbol jumped into the air, avoiding a slash from a Death Knight Phantom. Then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shins hummed to life. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy surrounded her gloves as she landed on the ground and punched the Phantom’s shield, cracking it, but was forced to jump back as it slashed at her. She darted forwards and punched the Phantom’s shield again, making it shatter, but she winced as sparks flew from her chest plate when the Phantom managed to slash her across it. Advance Breaker saw this and charged, pressing her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters in her forearm guards started to glow. [ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy gathered around her right glove as she punched the Phantom, in the face, sending it flying into the air where cracks spread through it and it exploded. Advance Blocker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times as three Death Knight Phantoms attacked Advance Breaker. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body started to emit blue and yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] She held out both of her gloves as if warding something off. “Breaker! Now!” Advance Breaker spun the Upper and Lower Advance Barrel before pressing the third trigger to stop the both of them. [BREAKER MATCH SLASHING STRIKE!] They landed on the Defend and Boost magic circles. Advance Breaker used the Breaker Sword to block a slash and then jumped into the air. She came down and slashed three Death Knight Phantoms in half with the Breaker Sword. Only for three more Death Knight Phantoms to appear. Then she heard Advance Blocker’s warning and jumped back. Just in time for the Containment Cube to form and trap the Death Knight Phantoms. “Thanks, Blocker,” thanked Advance Breaker. “No problem,” replied Advance Blocker. “Let’s try our combo move!”  “You mean the one that creator used as use since you can’t detonate your own attack?” teased Advance Breaker. “That’s not how I would have put it,” Advance Blocker’s lense twitched. “But yes I do mean that move.” “Why didn’t you say so?” asked Advance Breaker. “I JUST DID!” roared Advance Blocker. Advance Breaker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body summoned red and yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE BREAKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] It gathered around her left glove as she thrust it into the air and then slowly turned it into a fist. She ran forwards towards the Containment Cube. “Breaker,” began Advance Breaker. “Blocker,” continued Advance Blocker. “Impact!” they both roared. Advance Breaker slammed her left fist into the Containment cube, red energy mixed with yellow and blue energy before the cube imploded. Crushing the three Death Knight Phantoms and causing them to explode. Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters started to summon purple magical energy. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] It formed around her into six purple spheres that shot forwards and slammed into the six remaining Death Knight Phantoms. They weaved around the shields and slammed into the Phantoms, cracks spread through them, sparks bleed from the cracks and then they exploded. Weapon pressed the Ember Celica Whistle once, then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [S-H-O-T-G-U-N G-A-U-N-T-L-E-T-S!] The Shotgun Gauntlets appeared on her arms in flashes of yellow light. Weapon started punching forwards, firing bolts of yellow flames that shot through the air and slammed into a Death Knight Phantom, its shield cracked after the first few hits before exploding after several more bolts impacted it. Kamen Rider Grimm pressed the Boarbatusk Whistle once and then slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [B-O-A-R-B-A-T-U-S-K! T-E-A-R-I-N-G!] The Boar Fists appeared back on her gloves in flashes of black and white light. She dashed forwards and uppercutted the Death Knight Phantom into the air, sending it shooting up as a grey streak. Then she hit the White Glyph Whistle once and pushed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [G-L-Y-P-H-S!] A glyph appeared above the, still rising, Death Knight Phantom and shot the Phantom back down to the ground. Or more precisely, into Grimm’s fist. Cracks spread through the Phantom before sparks bleed from the cracks and it went up in an explosion. “We don't have much more time!” shouted Symbol as she jumped across a gap. Then she leapt off a crumbling island and onto a see-through platform. It turned solid as she jumped off it and onto another island with the four Advance Style Energy Clones landing behind her, Grimm and Weapon landed on the island a few seconds later as the Phantoms appeared. Let the battle begin. Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver, then she switched the White Glyph Whistle for the Copy Cat Whistle. [C-O-P-Y C-A-T!] Grimm slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the flat of her right palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Before she slotted the Aura Knuckle back into the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The copycat hologram appeared in front of the Aura Knuckle and spun out into a holographic suit of armour that slammed into Grimm. The snow part of her chest plate emblem transformed into a prowling black cat with amber eyes. Then she pressed the Copy Cat Whistle once and slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [C-O-P-Y!] A clone of fire appeared as she backflipped away from a Wisp Phantom’s slash. The second, the blade made contact with the clone, it exploded and sent the Wisp Phantom flying backwards, smoking with sparks coming from its body. Kamen Rider Weapon pressed the Fire Dust Whistle once and then slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-R-E D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] The Crescent Scythe sparked and then burst into flames as she blitzed forwards and slashed the Wisp Phantom several times at high speed. Only the first few made contact as the Wisp Phantom was able to block the rest and kick her back. Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the Weapon Driver and switched the Fire Dust Whistle for the Wind Dust Whistle. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T!] Then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the flat of her left palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Before she slotted it back onto the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The wind dust logo appeared in front of the Dust Knuckle and spun into a suit of armour that slammed into Weapon. The cross on her face plate closed back up as the fiery background of the emblem on her chest plate turned into a green windy one. At the end of the last fight, the Advance Timer’s second clock hand had reached the yellow section. “My turn at last!” Symbol pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [ADVANCE SWORD!] Then she ran forwards, reaching into the Advance magic circle that had appeared in front of her and pulling out the Advance Sword. Suddenly, the Advance Timer’s third clock hand started moving as the Advance Timer itself shouted. [ADVANCE PART TIME!] “I can’t wait to see what that one does,” cheered Symbol as she started to fight. She spun the Upper Advance Barrel and pulled the first trigger to stop it. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] It landed on the active magic circle and the Advance Sword was covered in red lightning. Symbol slashed the Wisp Phantom that had attacked her twice, blocking its swords before a hard downwards slash cut through the centre of it. Sparks bled from the glowing red line she had cut into the Phantom. Then Symbol spun the Lower Advance Barrel before pressing the lower trigger to stop it. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] It stopped on the active magic circle and the Advance Sword was covered in red lightning as she pulled it back and stabbed forwards, firing a beam of red lightning that raced through the air and slammed into the Wisp Phantom. It crossed its armed to block, but the metal blades conducted the lightning throughout its body. Symbol dodged the Wisp Phantom as it swung at her. She spun the upper Advance Barrel and slammed down on the upper trigger to stop its spin. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] It landed on the burst magic circle and purple magical energy cloaked the sword. Symbol stabbed forwards and fired a large beam of purple magical energy that slammed into the Phantom and forced it back, driving it straight through a rock with sparks coming off its body. Then she ducked under a ferocious back handed swing as she spun the Lower Advance Barrel. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] She pulled the trigger and it stopped on the burst magic circle, purple magical energy covered the Advance Sword as Symbol stabbed it into the ground. Four spears of purple energy appeared and shot at the Wisp Phantom, impaling it in four different places. It roared and the spears shattered, leaving sparks to fall from the wounds they had inflicted on the Phantom. Symbol jumped into the air as she spun the Upper Advance Barrel and pulled on the first trigger to stop it. [[ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] It landed on the giga magic circle as she held the Advance Sword in both gloves and swung it down in an overhead slash, cutting a green line through the Wisp Phantom that bled sparks in all directions as it roared out in pain. Symbol pulled back the Advance Sword as she spun the Lower Advance Barrel and pulled the second trigger to halt it. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] It landed on the giga magic circle as she pulled it back and green energy covered the Advance Sword. She stabbed forwards, stabbing the Advance Sword into the Wisp Phantoms chest, an explosion of sparks came from the impact point as the Wisp Phantom was sent flying backwards, it bounced along the ground before coming to stop and roaring at Symbol. She responded by spinning the Upper Advance Barrel and pulling on the first trigger to stop it. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] Yellow magical energy covered the Advance Sword as Symbol slashed through the air. Several spheres of yellow magical energy appeared in the wake of her slash and shot forwards. They slammed into the Phantom and exploded, shrouding it in smoke. “Take this!” Symbol spun the Lower Advance Barrel and pulled the second trigger in order to halt its spin. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] The Advance Sword glowed yellow as Symbol unleashed a barrage of stabs. Her arm moved so fast that both it and the Advance Sword left yellow after images. Sparks flew from the Wisp phantom as mico explosions went off around it. Then the Phantom fell to its knees and went up in a loud explosion that forced Symbol to back flip through the air. Weapon pressed down on the Wind Dust Whistle once, then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] She covered the Crescent Scythe in green wind and slashed through the air. The blade fired a crescent of green wind that shot through the air and slammed into the Wisp Phantom. The Phantom crossed its armed and used its arm blades to block before uncrossing them and dispelling the wind blade. Kamen Rider Weapon slammed down on the Crescent Rose Whistle twice and then slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [S-N-I-P-E-R!] The Crescent Sniper Rifle appeared in her right glove. Grimm saw the Wisp Phantom charging at Weapon and removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver. She replaced the Boarbatusk Whistle with the Nevermore Whistle [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E!] Then she slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the flat of her right palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] She reconnected the Aura Knuckle to the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The Nevermore hologram appeared in front of the Grimm Driver and spun out into a holographic suit of armour that slammed into Grimm. The Boarbatusk on her chest plate’s emblem transformed into a Nevermore as the cross on her faceplate closed up again. She pressed the Nevermore Whistle once and slammed the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! B-I-T-I-N-G!] The Nevermore Bow Sword appeared in her right glove and she fired several bolts that caused sparks to explode from the Wisp Phantom’s back, stopping its assault. Advance Breaker leapt towards as Wisp Phantom as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards hummed to life. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy gathered around her right fist as she threw a punch at the Wisp Phantom. Sparks exploded as Advance Breaker’s energized fist slammed into the Wisp Phantom’s arm blade and the two fought for control of the battle. Advance Bounder dashed towards the Wisp Phantom from behind as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as her shin armour started to glow. [ADVANCE BOUNDER A TIER SPELL!] Green magic energy surrounded her shoulder guards as she tackled the Wisp Phantom. It was taken off guard and sparks exploded from its chest as Advance Breaker’s fist got through. Advance Bounder spun the Wisp Phantom around several times and threw it into the air. Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started up. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] Six orbs of purple magical energy winked in around her and shot into the air, slamming into the Phantom and exploding. Sparks exploded from the Wisp Phantom as it roared in pain front the impacts. The Wisp Phantom gave a loud roar as Crow Bit Phantoms appeared around it and started to charge up purple lasers in their mouths. Advance Blocker hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started charging. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] She held up her glove as a circle shaped shield of blue magical energy appeared above them. The Crow Bit Phantoms fired and the lasers impacted the shield, causing it to explode. The force reflected as third of the lasers back at the Wisp Phantom destroyed a third of the lasers and let the other third of the lasers through. “No, you don’t!” shouted Advance Blocker as she spun the Lower Giga Barrel and then pulled the second trigger to stop its from spinning. [BLOCKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She stabbed upwards and a blue circle shaped shield appeared, stopping the lasers that had gotten past the first shield. “Sis,” shouted Advance Bounder as she ran towards Advance Breaker. “Give me a boost!” “Rodger!” Advance Breaker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy covered her left fist as she threw an uppercut at Advance Bounder’s boost. Her sister was flung into the air, shooting past the Wisp Phantom at high speeds. Advance Bounder pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver as the emitters on her body released green and yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE BOUNDER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] The two colours of magic mixed with the leftover red energy around her boots. “Bounder,” began Advance Bounder. “Breaker,” continued Advance Breaker. “Impact!” the both of them roared. Advance Bounder’s boots were both covered in red, green and yellow magical energy as she slammed them into the Wisp Phantom, sending it shooting down into the ground where lightning of three colours crackled over it before the Phantom went up in a giant explosion. The Wisp Phantom that Kamen Rider Grimm had fired on, turned to the one who had fired at it and charged. Grimm pressed the Copycat Whistle once and then slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [C-O-P-Y!] She backflipped away from the Wisp Phantom and a clone of ice formed in her place. As it was forming, the clone trapped the Wisp Phantom’s left arm blade in the centre of its chest plate. While the Wisp Phantom was struggling to free itself, Grimm pressed down on her Copycat Whistle twice before slamming the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [C-A-T!] She took aim with the Nevermore crossbow and fired several bolts that were made from green and white wind. They slammed into the Wisp Phantom and exploded violently, tearing cuts into its body. Seeing that the Wisp Phantom was too busy fighting Grimm to notice her, Kamen Rider Weapon pressed down on the Crescent Rose Whistle once and slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [S-N-I-P-E-R!] The Crescent Sniper appeared in her left glove, she pointed it at the Wisp Phantom and fired. A high calibre sniper bullets shot through the air and slammed into the Wisp Phantom. It tore through the Phantom and made sparks explode from the entrance and exit points. The Wisp Phantom roared in pain as it turned to Kamen Rider Weapon, who pressed the Fire Dust Whistle twice and slammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [F-I-R-E D-U-S-T! P-O-W-E-R-E-D!] Red energy gathered in front of the Crescent Sniper Rifle before Weapon pulled the trigger, firing another high calibre sniper round that smashed through the Phantom, exploding inside the Wisp Phantom to do even more damage. At that moment the Advance Timer’s third clock hand reached the red segment. “Time to see what it does this time!” Symbol looked to Advance Breaker. “Breaker! Incoming power up!” “Rodger!” replied Advance Breaker. Symbol hit the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [ERROR!]  There was a beat of awkward silence.  “That was a bit disappointing,” spoke up Advance Breaker. “Yeah,” agreed Symbol. Then she looked at the Advance Timer. “What the hell was that?!” she demanded.  [A COMPONENT OF THE SPELL MATRIX IS MISSING!] reported the Advance Timer. “Just great- ah!” Symbol as slashed across the chest plate by an Elite Blade Phantom that had snuck up on her while she was talking to the Advance Timer. “You’ll pay for that!” she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. As she blocked another slash with the Advance Sword, the emitters on her shins started to glow. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy wrapped around her gloves as she threw the Advance Sword into the air, forcing the Elite Blade Phantom’s sword upwards. Then, before the Phantom was able to get its sword back, Symbol punched the Phantom twice. Sparks came from the impact points before the Phantom exploded. Advance Breaker spun the Lower Active Barrel and then pulled the second trigger to stop its spin. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] Red magical energy covered the word as Advance Breaker slashed upwards, cutting a vertical red line through the Elite Blade Phantoms. Sparked bleed from the line before the Phantom went up in a large explosion. Advance Blocker saw an Elite Blade Phantom charging at Advance Blaster from behind. She got in front of it and spun the Lower Giga Barrel before pulling the second trigger in order to stop it. [BLOCKER SLASHING STRIKE!] The barrel landed on the hammer magic circle as Symbol brought the Blocker Sword around in a heavy swing that deflected the Elite Blade Phantoms sword. “You have my thanks sister,” stated Advance Blaster. “You can thank me by shooting the five Elite Blade Phantoms that have surrounded us!” shouted Advance Blocker. “Targeted and firing!” replied Advance Blaster as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The Elite Blade Phantoms stabbed their swords into the ground and created fire lines that shot towards the two Advance Style Energy Clones. “Block it!” shouted Advance Blaster as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLASTER B TIER SPELL!] A ring of purple spheres appeared around Symbol and shot outwards, they slammed into the Phantoms and tore a hole through them. Cracks spread from the holes and sparks bleed from the cracks until the Phantoms exploded. Advance Blocker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! THE BEST!] As the fire lines approached, she scanned her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author and the emitters started released blue along with yellow magical energy. [ADVANCE BLOCKER S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Then she thrust her arms out so the energy formed into a Containment Cube around herself and Advance Blaster. The fire lines slammed into the Containment Cube and were dispelled instantly. Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver. Then she switched the Nevermore Whistle for the Ursa Whistle. [U-R-S-A!] Grimm slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the flat of her right palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] She slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The Ursa hologram appeared in front of the Grimm Driver and spun out into the holographic suit of armour that slammed back into her. The Nevermore part of her chest plate’s emblem transformed into an Ursa. Kamen Rider Weapon leapt back from the Wisp Phantom and removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver. Then she switched the Crescent Rose Whistle for the Crocea Mors Whistle. [C-R-O-C-E-A M-O-R-S!] Weapon slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the flat of her left palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Then she pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [F-I-S-T O-N!] The Crocea Mors hologram appeared in front of the Weapon Driver and spun out into the holographic suit of armour that slammed back into her. The scythe and sniper rifle part of her chest plate’s emblem transformed into a golden board sword in front of a white kite shield. Meanwhile, the Advance Timer’s third clock hand had reached the blue segment of the timer. Symbol saw this. “Let’s hope that it works this time,” she pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [ERROR!] “AGAIN?!” shouted Symbol before she was forced to block a red spinning spear from a Wizard Phantom with the flat side of the Advance Sword. Symbol spun the Lower Advance Barrel before pulling the second trigger to stop it. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] It stopped on the burst magic circle, Symbol stabbed it into the ground and four purple spears appeared. They teleported so that they were orbiting the Wizard Phantom with their points, pointing inwards. Then they thrust inwards, shattering the Wizard Phantom’s barrier. Then Kamen Rider Symbol spun the two Advance Barrels before pressing the third trigger in order to stop them. [ADVANCE MATCH SLASHING STRIKE!] They both stopped on the active magic circle. The Advance Sword was covered in red lightning as Symbol fired a bolt of lightning from it into the Phantom. Then she dashed forwards and slashed the Wizard Phantom across the hole that the lightning and punched through it. Sparks came from the hole and the glowing red cut until the Wizard Phantom exploded. Advance Breaker saw another Wizard Phantom fire a line of rocks at her and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons fired up. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] Red energy coiled around her right fist as she punched upwards. Her fist hit the rock line and stopped it with ease, breaking the rocks into pieces, several of which peppered the Wizard Phantom’s shield, causing it to crack. Then she jumped into the air as she struck her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as red magical energy came from the emitters on her shin guards. [ADVANCE BREAKER A TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her left fist as she punched downwards. Advance Breaker went shooting down and slammed her fist into the Phantom’s shield, breaking it into pieces and smashing the Wizard Phantom into the ground which then exploded. Advance Breaker saw the next Wizard Phantom fire a red spinning spear at Advance Bounder. Seeking to protect her sister, she slammed her glove down on her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started to glow. [ADVANCE BLOCKER B TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered to Advance Bounder’s left, startling her. That startlement turned to understanding when the red spinning spear slammed into the shield. The shield surged forwards, forcing the spear back and slamming it into the Wizard Phantom’s barrier, cracking it. “Thanks, sis!” shouted Advance Bounder as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life. [ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy gathered around her boots as she blitzed forwards and delivered a flying kick to the Phantom, smashing through its barrier and slamming her boot into the Phantom’s gut. Sparks flew from the impact point as the Phantom shot back and exploded. It was at that moment that Advance Blaster struck her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she her shin armour’s emitters lit up. [ADVANCE BLASTER A TIER SPELL!] purple magical energy gathered around her gloves as she pulled them back and thrust them forwards, firing a large beam that roared through the air and slammed into the Wizard Phantom’s shield. Which then exploded, forcing Advance Blaster to cancel the beam before it could be sent back at her. Then Advance Blaster spun the Lower Burst Barrel, before pulling the second trigger. [BLASTER SLASHING STRIKE!] She unleashed a storm of stabs as it stopped on the dust magic circle. Sparks exploded from each stabbed point until the Phantom itself exploded in ash. Weapon pressed the Crocea Mors Whistle down once then she slammed the right side of the Dust Knuckle into the left side of the Weapon Driver. [K-N-I-G-H-T S-W-O-R-D!] The Knight Sword appeared in her left glove and she slashed the Wisp Phantom twice before she found her weapon trapped between the Phantom’s arm blades. Grimm pressed down on the Usra Whistle once and then she slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Grimm Driver. [U-R-S-A! B-I-T-I-N-G!] Black mist appeared and formed into the Ursa Hammer which Grimm slammed into the Wisp Phantom’s back, forcing it to let go of the Knight Sword. Weapon pressed down on the First Dust Whistle once and then rammed the Dust Knuckle into the Weapon Driver. [F-I-R-E D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] The Knight Sword burst into flames as Weapon Slashed down, cutting a glowing red cut through the Wisp Phantom, then she slashed upwards, cutting a second cut before a third slash cut a third wound into the Wisp Phantom. Sparks exploded from the wounds as the Wisp Phantom backhanded the Kamen Rider through the air. Grimm saw this and pressed down on the Usra Whistle three times before ramming the Aura Knuckle into the Grimm Driver. [U-R-S-A! R-I-S-E U-P!] Black mist covered the Ursa Hammer before turning into an energy copy of it. Grimm swung the Ursa Hammer and the copay down, smashing the Wisp Phantom into the ground. Sparks exploded from the impact point as micro explosions went off around the Wisp Phantom before it went up in a large explosion. Part of the house collapsed as Symbol jumped off a floating rock and then jumped to the house. “Almost there,” muttered Symbol as she jumped the gap and landed inside the blue orb, in front of the Paradise gates. Which then closed. “Why can it never be easy?!” Symbol shouted to the sky. The Phantoms arrived. Let the battle begin. Weapon looked at Grimm and they both nodded. “Combination protocol engaged,” they both droned. Weapon removed the Dust Knuckle from the left side of the Weapon Driver while Grimm removed the Aura Knuckle from the right side of the Grimm Driver. Weapon pressed the right side of the Dust Knuckle against her left palm while Grimm forced the left side of the Aura Knuckle against her right palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Then the two Kamen Riders slammed the left side of the Aura Knuckle into the right side of the Dust Knuckle. [D-O-U-B-L-E F-I-S-T O-N!] A holographic suit of armour appeared in front of them and slammed into the two Kamen Riders. Merging the two of them into a single Kamen Rider. Kamen Rider Reamant’s chest plate bore a fiery red background behind a golden board sword that was in front of a white kite shield. The two weapons were held by a black Usra with a black cat prowling around its feet. Remnant removed the Ozma Knuckle from the top of the Salem Driver and removed the Usra Whistle from its right slot, replacing it with the Nevermore Whistle. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E!] Then she removed the Copycat and the Fire Dust Whistles from the Ozma Knuckle’s left and right slots before she replaced them with the Rose Speed Whistle. [R-O-S-E S-P-E-E-D!] As well as the Wind Dust Whistle. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T!] Then she slammed the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into her right palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Before she docked the bottom of the Ozama Knuckle with the top of the Salem. [D-O-U-B-L-E F-I-S-T O-N!] The holographic armour appeared in front of her and slammed into Remnant. The emblem on her chest plate turned into a green windy background, with a Nevermore holding a golden broadsword and a white kite shield in its talons with a bed of roses underneath the bird. Symbol noted that during the last fight the Advance Timer’s third clock hand had reached the green segment. “This had better do something!” she pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [ERROR!] “Still nothing?!” screamed Symbol. Advance Breaker pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times as a Ravager Phantom set itself on fire and lunged at her. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life. [ADVANCE BREAKER B TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy covered her right glove as she uppercutted the Phantom into the air, using the momentum of her fist to pull herself up after it. While she was in the air, Advance Breaker spun the Lower Active Barrel, then she pressed the trigger to stop its spin. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] It landed on the ice magic circle. “Not what I was going for but I’ll take it!” shouted Advance Breaker as she slashed the Ravager Phantom. Ice spread from the glowing blue cut as the Phantom froze over and fell to the ground, shattering. Another Ravager Phantom ran at Advance Breaker as she landed back on the ground. Advance Blocker saw that her sister would not be able to get out of the way and hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons summoned blue magical energy that formed into a square shaped shield in front of Advance Breaker. The Ravager Phantom rammed the shield with its chainsaw but only succeeded in throwing sparks everywhere as it was sent flying backwards when the shield exploded. Advance Breaker nodded in thanks to her sister as she attacked another Ravager Phantom. Advance Bounder side stepped another Ravager Phantom’s chainsaw and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The emitters on her forearm guards summoned green magical energy after she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy covered her right fist as she blitzed around behind the Ravager Phantom and punched it in the head where it turned towards her, sending it flying off to the side as the punch had been a hook. Then Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shin guards started to glow with purple magical energy. [ADVANCE BLASTER A TIER SPELL!] It gathered around her open palmed as she held them back and then thrust them forwards. The energy turned into a giant beam that washed over the Ravager Phantom, which had just been sent flying towards her by Advance Bounder, causing it to explode. Advance Breaker spun the Upper Active Barrel and then pulled the Breaker Sword’s first trigger. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] It stopped on the aqua magic circle as Advance Breaker slashed to the side, firing a crescent of water that sent the Ravager Phantom she had been fighting flying. Symbol saw the Ravager Phantom flying towards her. “Hey! Watch it!” she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters in her forearm guards hummed to life. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] She tightened her fist as the yellow magic energy gathered around it and punched forwards. The energy flew out in a beam that slammed into the Ravager Phantom and destroyed it. Then she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] The emitters on her shoulder pauldrons hummed to life as she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her left elbow as she drove it into final Ravager Phantom’s face. The Phantom was sent shooting back with cracks spreading through its body as it exploded. Remnant pressed the Crocra Mors and Nevermore Whistles once before slamming the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. [K-N-I-G-H-T S-W-O-R-D!] [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! B-I-T-I-N-G!] The Black Knight Sword appeared in her right glove as she slashed at the Tyrant Phantom that was charging at her. Sparks exploded from the two cuts that she scored. The Tyrant Phantom set its knuckles on fire and swing at Remnant. She quickly pressed down on the top of the Salem Driver twice before ramming the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. [K-N-I-G-H-T S-H-I-E-L-D!] The Knight Shield appeared in front of her. [N-E-V-E-R-M-O-R-E! T-E-A-R-I-N-G!] Followed by the Nevermore Wings. The Nevermore Wings detached from her back and fused with the front of the Knight Shield. The shield turned black with the outlines of it remaining pure white. This is the Black Wing Shield. Remnant used the Black Wing Shield to block the Tyrant Phantom’s fist. The Phantom pulled back its other fist and punched at the shield, only to get the same result. Seeing that the Phantom was not going to stop anytime soon, Reamant pressed the Rose Speed and Wind Dust Whistles twice before slamming the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. [S-P-E-E-D!] She vanished in a high-speed blur that left rose petals behind. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T! P-O-W-E-R-E-D!] The Tyrant Phantom spun around and backhanded Reamant, only for the Black Wing Shield to get covered in green wind that made sparks come from the Phantom’s fist as the blow was deflected. Symbol noticed that the Advance Timer’s Hand Author had reached the purple section. Knowing what was going to happen, she pressed the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [ERROR!] Despite knowing that was going to happen, Symbol could not stop herself from screaming: “WILL YOU DO SOMETHING ALREADY?!” causing the whole area to shake. “Oops! I probably shouldn’t have done that,” muttered Symbol. Advance Blocker ran around a Rage Phantom as she spun the Lower Swift Barrel. [BOUNDER SLASHING STRIKE!] She pulled the trigger to stop it spinning and it landed on the turbo magic circle. “Aw, that wasn’t what I wanted,” she whined. “Take what you can get!” shouted Symbol as she tried to stop a Rage Phantom from clawing her faceplate off. Advance Breaker started stabbing the Ravager Phantom at high speeds that caused it to stagger back with sparks coming from its body before it exploded. Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards hummed to life. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] Six orbs of purple magical energy winked in around her and shot at the Rage Phantom she had been fighting. They bulldozed through its quills and smashed into the Phantom’s back, causing it to explode. Symbol hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Yellow magical energy covered her left fist as she pulled it back and punched forwards. The first fired a fisted sized beam at a Rage Phantom that had just curled into a ball and done a spin dash at her. The beam punched through the Phantom and caused it to explode. Advance Blaster hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons started to glow. [ADVANCE BLASTER B TIER SPELL!] A ring of purple orbs winked in around her and shot outwards. They slammed through the five Rage Phantoms that had surrounded her. Cracks spread through the Phantoms before they all exploded. Advance Blocker jumped over the next Rage Phantom as it spin dashed at her and hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her shoulder pauldrons lit up with green magical energy. [ADVANCE BOUNDER B TIER SPELL!] The energy gathered around her right boot as she performed a flying kick on the Rage Phantom. Her boot made contact and an explosion ignited between the two of them as Advance Bounder backflipped away from the Phantom before it exploded. Advance Blocker noted another Rage Phantom spin dashing at Advance Breaker, she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever three times as she got between them. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Blue magical energy surged from the emitters on her shin armour after she swiped her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE BLOCKER A TIER SPELL!] The energy covered her in an aura, she crossed her arms and the Rage Phantom slammed into them. It was sent flying backwards after she uncrossed her arms. Advance Breaker nodded in thanks to her sister as she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as her forearm guard [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy covered her right glove as she ran forwards and slammed her fist into the Rage Phantom. Sparks exploded from the impact point as the Phantom fell over and exploded. Remnant dodged back as the Tyrant Phantom swiped at her again and pressed down on the Rose Whistle, that was in the Ozma Knuckle’s left slot, once then she slammed the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. [R-O-S-E!] She glowed with red magical energy as she vanished in a blur. Rose petals appeared around the Phantom as sparks flew from its body, Reamant, unseen, slashed at the Tyrant Phantom from the cover of the flowers. The Tyrant Phantom roared as it swung at the rose petals, only to hit nothing. After a few more slashes it let loose a burst of heat from its body, disintegrating the rose petals and sending Reamant flying backwards with sparks coming off her armour. She pressed down on the Wind Dust Whistle once and then slammed the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. [W-I-N-D D-U-S-T! C-H-A-R-G-E!] Green wind glowed around the Black Knight Sword as Reamant dashed forwards and slashed at the Phantom over a dozen times in less than a second. Sparks exploded from the many green cuts she had sliced into the Tyrant Phantom. Then she backed off a good distance and removed the Ozma Knuckle from the Salem Driver. She took the Wind Dust Whistle from the right slot of the Salem Driver and replaced it with the Fire Dust Whistle. [F-I-R-E D-U-S-T!] Reamant slammed the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into her right palm. [R-E-A-D-Y!] Then she placed it on top of the Salem Driver. [D-O-U-B-L-E F-I-S-T O-N!] The holographic suit of armour appeared and slammed into her. The windy green background of her chest plate’s emblem changed into a fiery red background. The cross on the right side of her faceplate closed, hiding her red visor. Symbol noticed that the Advance Timer’s third clock hand had reached the purple section, she hid the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb. [ERROR!] “Why am I not surprised?!” she shouted as she avoided a fire line from an Elite Blade Phantom. She pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove across her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters in her forearm guards lit up. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Yellow energy covered her right glove as she curled it into a fist and punched forwards. This action fired a fist sized beam that tore through the air and slammed into the Elite Blade Phantom, punching a hole through its chest and causing it to explode. Advance Breaker ducked under a slash from another Elite Blade Phantom and spun the Upper Active Barrel before pressing the first trigger to stop it. [BREAKER SLASHING STRIKE!] She used the flat side of the Breaker Sword to deflect the Phantom’s sword upwards. Then she hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She held her left glove out in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters in her forearm guards started to shine. [ADVANCE BREAKER C TIER SPELL!] Red magical energy covered her left fist as she punched the Elite Blade Phantom in the chest. It was sent shooting through the air and exploded. Advance Blocker noticed another Elite Blade Phantom running at Advance Bounder and hit her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She then swiped her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started humming. [ADVANCE BLOCKER C TIER SPELL!] At Advance Blocker’s direction, a square shaped shield of blue magical energy appeared in front of Advance Blocker, stopping both the Advance Style Energy Clone and the Elite Blade Phantom were stopped, with the latter prevented from hitting the former. “Thanks!” shouted Advance Bounder to Advance Blocker as she pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she aligned her left glove with her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started up. [ADVANCE BOUNDER C TIER SPELL!] Green magical energy covered her right fist as she zipped around behind the Elite Blade Phantom and punched it in the back. The Phantom froze for a second before it was sent flying through the air and exploded. Then Advance Bounder spun the Lower Swift Barrel, before pulling the second trigger. [BOUNDER SLASHING STRIKE!] It stopped on the wing magic circle before Advance Bounder slashes along Elite Blade Phantom once from either direction, carving a pair of green cuts into the Phantom that bleed sparks before it fell over and exploded. Advance Blaster pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she held her left glove in front of her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her forearm guards started to glow. [ADVANCE BLASTER C TIER SPELL!] Six orbs of purple magical energy winked in around her and shot forwards, slamming into six Elite Blade Phantoms. Cracks spread through them from the impact points before they exploded. Symbol jumped into the air and spun the Upper Advance Barrel before pulling the trigger to stop it. [ADVANCE SLASHING STRIKE!] The Advance Sword was covered in green energy as she swung it down, cutting a glowing green line through the last Elite Blade Phantom. Sparks came from its body before the Phantom exploded. It was at that moment Reamant pressed down on the Crocra Mors three times and the Fire Dust Whistle once before she slammed the bottom of the Ozma Knuckle into the top of the Salem Driver. [C-R-O-C-E-A M-O-R-S! R-I-S-E U-P!] Black fire covered the Black Knight Sword giving off an eerie glow as Reamant sprinted forwards and then jumped into the air. She held the Black Knight Sword above her helmet with both gloves and then swung it down, cutting through the Tyrant Phantom. Sparks bled from the glowing black cut she sliced into it. Micro explosions went off around the Phantom as the flames spread over it before with a scream of pain it exploded into ash. It was at that moment an Imprisoner Phantom burst from the ground. “Please tell me that is a Gem Maiden in disguise, like you four,” Symbol begged Kamen Rider Remnant. “Negative Mistress,” replied Remnant. “That is a full powered Phantom.”  “What means it is leagues stronger than the Imprisoner Phantom that was really you four in camouflage,” whined Symbol. “This is bad,” muttered Advance Blocker. “You think?!” demanded Advance Bounder. “We can take it!” shouted Advance Breaker. “Negative,” replied Advance Blaster. While her Advance Style Energy Clones were getting into a fight with each other, Symbol’s attention was pulled to the gates of Paradise opening. “Mistress,” barked out Kamen Rider Remnant. Symbol’s attention was pulled back to the other Kamen Rider. “We will hold the Phantom back while you escape,” reported Remnant. “No way!”  “Absolutely not!”  “Not a chance in hell!”  “Reamant no!”  “Don’t even think about it Reamant!”  The Gem Maiden Kamen Rider stumbled as Symbol and all four of her Advanced Style Energy Clones yelled at her. “But, we do not have enough power between us to defeat that Phantom,” she explained. “We still have one thing left,” Symbol glanced down at the Advance Timer as its third clock hand ticked onto the yellow section. Advance Breaker scoffed. “That thing hasn’t worked right in ages.” “But it might work now,” stated Advance Bounder. “You forget sister,” stated Advance Bounder. “When a Kamen Rider is at their lowest,” continued Advance Blaster. “Is when they are at their highest,” finished Symbol. She rested her left glove on the Advance Timer’s Hand Author’s thumb and glared at the Imprisoner Phantom. “Strange luck, don’t fail me now!”  She pressed down. [ADVANCE COMBINATION TIME!] “YES!” shouted Symbol and her Advance Style Energy Clones. Suddenly, their magic circles formed behind them and they were pulled into the air. Symbol was in the centre with Advance Breaker above her, Advance Blocker to her left, Advance Blaster was under her and Advance Blaster was positioned to her right. The Advance Style Energy Clones were suddenly broken down into streaks of red, blue, green and purple light respectively. The streaks angled inwards and slammed into Symbol, making a blast of silver, red, blue, green and purple energy shot out of her. When the energy cleared, Symbol landed on the ground in her new form. Her helmet had turned silver with a bronze X in the centre of her forehead, coming out of which was a pair of silver antenna that formed a V. Her faceplate was a bright yellow X shaped gem with a pair of black lines coming from the top of it that looped around the back of her helmet acting as a strap. Her bodysuit had stayed pitch black with attached black gloves and black boots. Her robe was still open and the silver chest plate looked to shine, the circle in the centre of it was glowing yellow with a black zero five in the centre of it. Her robe shone with pure silver, both inside and out. The four lights on her robe glowed their respective colours. Her shoulder emitters were now bright red, the shoulder pauldrons they were embedded into glowed bright silver. Her forearm guards were coloured silver with the emitters on them being blue. She now had an emitter on the outside of her upper legs that was coloured purple with silver outlines. The emitters on her shin guards were outlined in bright silver armour and were glowing green. This was Kamen Rider Symbol Full Advance Style. Otherwise known as her Complete Upgraded Form. Symbol saw the Imprisoner Phantom pull a rock from the ground and pressed her Wizard Driver’s left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove over her Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the emitters on her body started to glow in their respective colours. [FULL ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] The energy flowed around her right boot as she jumped into the air and came shooting down. Constructs of the Advance Style Energy Clones, along with the Advanced Style, formed next to her before shooting forwards. They smashed through the rocks and slammed into the Imprisoner Phantom, each one transformed into their magic circle as they slammed into the Phantom. For a second, Symbol could have sworn that she was looking at a larger version of the Advance Timer’s clock face. “Take this! Full Advance Impact!” she slammed her right boot into the centre of the large magic circle. Sparks exploded in all directions as the Heroine of the story forced the Imprisoner Phantom back. After several seconds, she broke through the Phantom and appeared on the other side of it. Lightning of four colours sparked out of the hole that she had created as cracks spread through the Phantom before it fell over and exploded. Symbol fell to one knee as her transformation faded. All of the fighting she had done in the last few days caught up to her as she started to lose consciousness. She was dimly aware of being picked up and carried towards a bright light before she fully passed out.