//------------------------------// // A New Village? // Story: The Epic Journey // by JerryTheHouseGhost //------------------------------// All of the ponies stayed in MC Pony D's house that night. The next morning, the ponies ate a hearty breakfast, for tonight they dine in some random, supposedly lovely village. Twilight and her friends, after eating, said their goodbyes to the two musical ponies and the one with the hat as well. "Hey, watch out for my next record! It's gonna be called 'Don't Do That!' " said MC Pony D. "I don't know about me, but I'm sure Pinkie Pie will get it," said Twilight. "I sure will! I just love Vinyl Scratch's music, and I'm sure yours will be just as good! Ooh! Maybe you can come visit Ponyville sometime and have a concert!" Pinkie Pie sure did love Vinyl Scratch's music. She bought all of her records, and even helped make a few songs. "That sounds like a good idea! I might visit Ponyville after you're all done with your adventure." "Sure, I'll send you a letter when we're finished. Okay everypony, let's head on over to.. Hm.." Twilight paused for a moment. "The note never said the village's name. I wonder what it is. I guess we'll find out when we get there, so come on!" The six friends all departed MC Pony D's home and began heading to the North. "I never noticed that MC Pony D's house is out in the middle of nowhere. I wonder how he gets his supplies." said Fluttershy. "Maybe he goes to the village we're heading to? But it seems a little too far to travel for supplies; maybe there's a village that's closer to his house in a different direction." Twilight honestly did not know how MC Patty D lived in that area. It seemed as if nopony else lived near him at all. His house sure was big, though. It's odd how a lot of big houses are always away from civilization. Maybe it's to avoid being broken in to? The path the ponies used was an odd one. It looked like nopony had used it recently. It was starting to get overgrown, and was even flooded in some areas. There were also never any signs that told them there was a village in the direction they were heading. "How do we even know we're on the right path?" asked Rainbow Dash. "The note had stated that this village was to the North, and this was the only path I found that went North. I'm sure this is the path we were supposed to take, unless there was a fork in it that was too densely overgrown to notice," answered Twilight. "If that happens to be the case, we'll just have to turn around and look for it. You better go knock on wood to make sure it doesn't actually hap- there!" Twilight pointed over a bush to the right. The six ponies all gathered around and looked in the direction of Twilight's hoof. "I don't see nothin'," said Applejack. "Neither do I," agreed Rarity. "I could have sworn I saw a roof over that bush!" the five other ponies could tell that Twilight was not going crazy. "Let's go that way, it didn't seem like it was that far. If I saw correctly, we'll be able to see the whole village when we pass through those big bushes over there." The six ponies walked over the shrubbery and into the bushes. They could just see the other side of the bushes, when all of the sudden the ground stopped going straight forward. The ponies had been too intent with looking forward to notice that there was a drop-off right at the end of the bushes. "Aaaaahh!" all of the ponies almost made the same shrieking noise when they fell. "Is everypony okay?" asked Twilight. Luckily, the fall was not that far, so nopony was hurt, aside from maybe some bruising. "Yeah, I think we're all fine." said Rainbow Dash. "The only thing I feel is hungry," said Pinkie Pie. "Nothing good old Sugarcube Corner can't fix!" and with that, Pinkie pie was off. Twilight had to correct Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie, hunger can't be the only feeling you have. You obviously have feeling in your body, or else you wouldn't be able to- wait, what did you just say?" What everypony saw was unbelievable. Ponyville was right there. It wasn't some village that happened to have similar buildings, it was the Ponyville that had every building Ponyville had right where Ponyville had them. Twilight almost couldn't speak. "Impossible! We headed far East from Zecora's hut, then ziplined North from there, then headed even farther North to get here! Ponyville should be far to the South-West from us, not here!" Twilight ran towards Ponyville, and the other ponies followed her. The ponies all stopped in the middle of the town. They saw Pinkie Pie about to enter Sugarcube Corner. "Hey Pinkie! Come back!" Twilight shouted out to her. "We need to figure out how this happened before we do anything here!" Pinkie Pie looked back at Twilight. She pointed at her stomach with one hoof, and pointed at Sugarcube Corner with the other. "You can wait for a little while longer! We'll eat after this!" Twilight gave a sigh of relief when Pinkie Pie finally started heading towards them. "There is no possible way that we ended up back in Ponyville. Something just doesn't seem right to me." "Oh, come on Twilight! This is obviously Ponyville. Maybe we lost our sense of direction at the mountain, and just circled around back to here," said Rainbow Dash. "I don't know about you ponies, but I'm pooped from all of that walking today! I think I deserve a nice rest." All of the other ponies agreed, and Twilight almost thought that Rainbow Dash's idea might be true. Only almost, though, because Twilight caught sight of somepony that didn't fit in at the time. Vinyl Scratch was walking across the street not too far away from Twilight. "Everypony come back!" Twilight led her friends into an alleyway where she thought nopony could see them. "Um, what exactly are we doing in this dark alleyway, Twilight?'' asked Fluttershy. "Look over there, everypony." Twilight pointed at Vinyl Scratch. "So? It's just Vinyl Scratch. She probably just followed us here," said Rainbow Dash. "If I'm not mistaking, Vinyl Scratch was going to stay at MC Pony D's house for another night. Even if she forgot to bring something, it would be a waste of time to come here and go back. I mean, who would even-" "Hey there, everypony! What're you all doing in this alleyway? Oh! Are you all playing hide and seek? It's not that good of a plan to hide together, but I guess it would make the game more interesting!" That was definitely coming from Pinkie Pie. The only problem was that she was standing right in front of Twilight, but Twilight hadn't seen her mouth moving at all. No, this voice had come from behind Twilight. Slowly, Twilight turned around to face this Pinkie Pie. "What the hay is goin' on here?" asked Applejack. "What're you talking about? It's just me, Pinkie Pie!" said the second Pinkie Pie. She obviously hadn't seen Pinkie Pie, as she was hidden behind Twilight. "Oh, um, of course! You just, uh, startled us! That's all!" Twilight kicked the real Pinkie Pie into the street. "Hey, have you seen Rainbow Dash?" "Um, isn't she right-" Twilight kicked Rainbow Dash into the street. "I haven't seen her at all today, you should go look for her... Like, right now." "Okie dokie Loki," said Pinkie Pie #2. She turned around and walked out of the other side of the alleway. Twilight ran out to get the real Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, who were just standing there looking very confused. "There are two possible explanations to this situation," said Twilight. "We either somehow walked through an invisible wormhole and ended up in another dimension, or we just stumbled upon an exact replica of Ponyville that is inhabited by Changelings. Sadly, only one of those is physically possible at this time." "Which one is that?" asked Rarity. "Unless you have discovered invisible wormholes and didn't tell anypony, it's the Changeling one."