//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Trix Best Served Cold // by Laura_Raptor //------------------------------// "Quick!" Twilight said as she ran out the door of the decrepit manor. "We have to get to Trixie!" "Where are we going, Twilight?" Spike asked from Twilight's back. It would just slow them down if he ran himself, his short dragon legs couldn't go as fast as the unicorns' long legs. "Yes Twilight, I did wonder that myself," Rarity said as she ran beside Twilight as they headed towards the road that lead back to Ponyville. "To the library!" Twilight said with a smile. "Um, Twilight?" Rarity said, trying to choose her words wisely. "I don't think this is the time for reading a book." Twilight laughed as the trio ran back towards town. "Of course not, but I think that's the first place Trixie is going to look for Spike." "Me?" Spike asked. "Why me?" "Well," Twilight said, hesitating. She didn't want to alarm Spike with the idea that Trixie was going to hurt him. "She wanted to use you in a magic trick." "I don't see what's so bad about that," Spike said. He liked magic tricks. "A painful magic trick." Spike did not like the sound of that. He kept his mouth shut on the ride back to Ponyville. It was apparent to Twilight and Rarity that Twilight's guess of where to find Trixie was correct when they reached the library. Through the windows they saw flashes of light and magic as Trixie ran through the library looking for little Spike. "Spike, I want you to go to Fluttershy's cottage, just in case," Twilight told him. "No Twilight," Spike said, but Rarity cut him off. "Spike, I do believe Twilight is correct in being cautious, you should stay away for your safety." "No!" Spike said. "You're my friends and I wont let you get hurt for me. I'm going to help. I'm not a baby!" Rarity and Twilight looked at each other, unsure what to say. "Fine," Twilight said after a moment. "But be careful." She didn't wait for a response as she nudged the door to the library open. The three of them crept inside, trying not to be noticed by Trixie as she ran around the library. "Um, Twilight?" Rarity said with an unsure smile. "Do we have a plan?" "Well…" Twilight said, thinking. "We have to get the magic she took so she can't use it. And then?" Even Twilight wasn't sure what to do with Trixie once they'd stopped her. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it!" "Oh baby dragon!" Trixie's voice trilled from upstairs. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" Spike shuddered at the sound and Twilight gestured for Rarity and Spike to follow her up the stairs, keeping low and crouched to hopefully not get seen. Her plan worked well until she reached the top of the staircase and came face to face with none other that Trixie herself who was just about to come back down the stairs. The two unicorns collided and if not for Rarity there to catch her, Twilight would have fallen right back down the stairs. "You?" Trixie cried, rubbing her head with a hoof. "How did you escape?" "Ow," Twilight said, then tried to shake off the pain. "With the help of a friend," she replied, trying to cover up how much her head hurt. "Um, hello," Rarity said now that the attention was on her. "My name is Rarity, you must be -" "I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!" Trixie cut Rarity off. "And two against one isn't fair!" "Trixie, I don't want to fight you," Twilight said, taking a step towards Trixie. "Just release the magic you took and go home." "Let me finish," Trixie said. "Two against one isn't fair, so it's good that with the help of your magic I've got the strength of two unicorns!" Trixie let out a beam of magic and Rarity barely had time to jump out of the way. The magic struck one of Twilight's books instead, shrinking it down to the size of a pea. "Why I never!" Rarity cried, and in her anger she shot a beam back at Trixie who easily stepped out of the way. The two fired magic bolts back at each with Twilight screaming for them to stop over and over again. Poor Spike had taken refuge at the edge of the stairs, trying to stay out of the way of a misfired magic bolt. But then he saw it, the pouch hidden just under Trixie's cloak. It glowed pink and green when she shot out bolts of magic at Rarity, his Rarity. It had to be where she was storing the magic! Even though he knew it was dangerous Spike had to stop Trixie before she hurt Twilight or Rarity. He snuck up the stairs, keeping low to the ground. Thankfully Rarity's show of magic and complaining kept Trixie occupied, and Twilight was too busy yelling at both of them to notice what Spike was up to. When he was only a couple feet away he pounced! He landed right on Trixie's back and she reared up, trying to knock him off. He clung to her cloak for dear life as he heard his friends call out for him, telling him to run. As Trixie tried to knock him off her back he hung on with one hand, reaching for the pouch with the other. He reached as far as he could and grabbed the pouch, ripping it open. The magic flew out of the pouch in brilliant fireworks, lighting up the entire library. Outside, passing ponies wondered what in Equestria was Twilight Sparkle up to in there, unaware of the battle raging within the library. "No!" Trixie cried out as Twilight's magic dissipated. "No…" Trixie looked like she was about to cry, all the fight left her in that moment. "Trixie?" Twilight said as she approached Trixie. "Why did you have to ruin my fun?" Trixie said. "I wasn't going to hurt Spike, I was just going to play with him." "You were going to turn him into a giant!" Rarity said, not falling for Trixie's shift in attitude. "But I was going to turn him right back," Trixie said, shoulders slumped. "I just wanted to show the Princess that I could do it, you know?" "You didn't want to hurt me?" Spike asked. "Of course not!" Trixie cried. "But I knew without Twilight's magic I couldn't turn you right back." "But why Spike, why me?" Twilight asked, unsure whether to call the Ponyville jail or to give Trixie a shoulder to cry on. "I was jealous, okay?" Trixie said, wiping a tear from her eye. "Magic seemed to come so easily to you, great magic. I'm The Great and Powerful Trixie! Yet, I couldn't compete with you, some pony from Ponyville. How do you think that made me look? How it made me feel?" "That is quite enough," Rarity said, putting her hoof down. "You can sit back and sob and feel sorry for yourself and blame your troubles on some other pony, or you can look inside yourself and work hard and find your true strength. You need to believe in yourself, Twilight taught me that. Don't blame her, look up to her." Twilight was speechless, she didn't know Rarity felt that way! "Rarity," she said, trying to find her words. "Thank you." "No," Rarity said. "Thank you, Twilight. Like Trixie, I admit I felt a little jealous of how easy magic came to you. But you taught me that if I only believed myself and looked deep down inside that I could be just as powerful. That's what makes you a great unicorn, and a great friend too." "You're right," Trixie said. "You're right. I need to look inside myself if I really want to be great and powerful. I've done wrong by you because of my jealousy and I hope you accept my apology. Rarity, thank you for opening my eyes to that." "Spike," Twilight said. "Take a letter. Dear Princess Celestia. Sometimes we may be jealous of our friends and want to have their skills as our own. Jealousy and pettiness isn't the answer. We need to ask our friends for help in order to try to better ourselves. Together we can achieve great things. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."