
by MlpHero



By Mlphero123


For years, Equestria has known peace. The four Princesses united the many creatures and together, they formed a perfect society... until, a revolution happened in the Griffon Kingdom. The Griffon king couldn’t do anything about it, and eventually, the Griffon Kingdom was now a hot bed for new revolutionary ideas against the Princesses. The Royal Guard, along with their allies, the Changelings, Dragons, Hippogriffs, Yaks, and some defectors from the Griffons Kingdom formed the NEA, the National Equestrian Army. The Griffons felt this was a threat and they declared war on the NEA. This war would soon be known as, The Great Equestrian War.

Spearhead looked at the article. He read it back and fourth. He stuffed the article into his bag and walked back to his house, which was only a few minutes away from the store. While walking, he noticed a few guards standing near a table with a few ponies lined up in front of it. He signed up for the draft to join the National Equestrian Army with his best friend only a few days ago. When he got home he went to his room. His mom walked in.


“Yes mom?”

“You’ve got a letter in the mail.” She gave the letter to Spearhead and left the room. He looked at the letter, confused. He wondered why he got a letter. He opened the letter, which read:

Dear Mr. Spearhead, you’ve been drafted into the National Equestrian Army (NEA). The train to Canterlot will arrive in 6 hours. If you do not comply, you will be fined and arrested. Thank you for your service.

Here’s your entry code: 59346

—Captain Armor of the National Equestrian Army.

He reread the letter to be sure what he read was right. He checked to make sure he wasn’t in a dream. He was happier than he’d ever been in his life. He ran to the kitchen, where his mom and dad were making dinner.

“Mom, dad guess what?”

“What?” His dad asked.

“I got in,” Spearhead replied, “I got into the Army!”

“Really, that’s amazing!” His dad said.

His mom came over and hugged him. There was a knock at the door. He walked over to get it. It was his best friend, Boltaction.

“Hey Bolt.” Spearhead greeted.

“Hey Spear, guess what,”


“I got in!” Boltaction said pulling out his acceptance letter.

“Me too!” Spearhead said pulling out his letter. The two grabbed each other’s letters and made sure it was real.

“We should celebrate,” Boltaction said. “I’m thinking—“


“You just read my mind, Spear.” Spearhead asked his mom if she needed anything from the store, to which she said, “no.”

The two friends walked to the nearby store. “Who’s paying?” Boltaction asked.

“We’ll flip a Bit.”

They walked into the store and looked for the champagne. They looked around the freezers for the champagne. “Hey, look what I found,” Boltaction said pointing at something in the freezer. “Vodka.”

“That stuff from Griffonstone?”


Spearhead looked at the vodka. He wondered what it tasted like. Then he spotted the champagne. “Here’s the champagne.” He picked up a bottle. Then he grabbed a Bit from his bag. “Horn or Wings?”

“Unicorns got a horn,” Boltaction said.

“Alright,” Spearhead flipped the Bit and it landed on Wings.

“Looks like you’re paying,” Boltaction said.

“Lucky.” Spearhead walked over to the counter to pay while Boltaction went to get something else. He showed the clerk his and Boltactions I.D card. The clerk bagged the champagne and gave it to Spearhead. He looked around the store to find Boltaction. He walked towards his friend when he found him. “Here’s your I.D.”

“Hey Spear, how are you going to shoot a gun with wings?”

“Dad taught me how to shoot when I was thirteen,” Spearhead replied, “S&W Hammer-action.”

“Oh, okay cowboy.”

Spearhead punched his friend in the shoulder and the two walked out of the store. The two walked to the park to open the champagne.

“Ready to open this Champagne?” Spearhead asked.

“You bet—“

Boltaction was interrupted by the sound of a loud bell and distant pops.

“The hell? Spearhead said, “that’s the emergency bell.”

“Let’s move, Spear.”

The two ran back into town. They were shocked to see the town in flames, with ponies running around, and griffons with rifles and sub-machine guns

“They’re shooting civilians!” Boltaction whispered. He turned to see Spearhead running into the war-torn town. “What are you doing?!”

“Finding my parents!” Spearhead yelled back galloping into town. He ran into his house and looked around for his parents. “Mom! Dad!”

“We’re here!” His mom yelled, coming from behind the couch.

“You two have to get to the Emergency Shelter!”

“What about you?” His dad asked.

“Give me the gun” His dad ran to the room and got the revolver and a couple of rounds.


“Alright, you two go!” Spearhead leaned in for one more hug from his parents and they ran out.

He ran back to the park to find Boltaction. He found him in the exact same spot cornered by three griffons. He took two shots at the griffons. One fell down dead, another got severely injured. The remaining griffon shot at Spearhead with his bolt-action rifle. Boltaction picked up the dead griffons pistol and shot the griffon dead. The other injured griffon pulled out a small knife and tried to stab Boltaction, but was put down by Spearhead.

“Thanks Spear.”

“No problem, now come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“To kill these birds.” The two friends ran into town. They headed to the gun shop to try and get weapons. To no surprise, there were some griffons in there. Spearhead made quick work of them, taking two out with shots to the head, one more with three shots to the chest, and one more with a shot to the neck.

The two ran into the store. Boltaction picked up a hunting rifle, a small pump-action shotgun, a semi-auto pistol, 5 throwing knives, and a hunting knife.

Spearhead picked up another S&W Revolver, a double-barrel shotgun, a switchblade, and a few strobe lights. He also quickly made a few molotovs and picked up a sub-machine gun from one of the griffons.

The two left the gun shop and ran out into the battlefield. Spearhead used his wings to grip both of his revolvers. He shot down two griffons while running. Boltaction ran into a building and pulled out the hunting rifle. He quickly picked off four griffons.

Spearhead lit one of the molotovs and threw it at an airborne griffon, which just by luck, hit the griffon, causing him to fall out of the sky.

“Hell yeah! You want grilled chicken, bastards!” Spearhead yelled. He pulled out the shotgun and shot another griffon. He turned around and blew another griffons head off. He watch as the headless griffon fell over. He opened the shotgun and slipped two more shells into the barrels. Okay, don’t get carried away, one bullet maybe all it takes for me to get a date with death.

“Watch out!” Boltaction yelled.

Spearhead turned to see a griffon pointing a pistol at his head. He activated the strobe lights and blinded the griffon, he quickly pulled out an unlit molotov and slammed it against the griffon. He took his lighter and and lit the griffon on fire. He watched as the griffon screamed and tried to put the fire out, but to no avail.

He took out the SMG and ran to Boltaction. He shot down two griffons while entering the building. “Boltaction, we are leaving!”

Boltaction ran down the stairs and out the door. “Where to?”

“The Emergency Shelter!” The two ran towards the Emergency Shelter. They shot down many griffons in the process. They were about a few minutes away from the Shelter.

“Oh shit!” Boltaction yelled.

“Wha—“ the two were knocked down by a grenade. Spearhead turn around to see five griffons standing over him.

“So you two are the ones who have been causing trouble.”

“You bet we did, killed some of your friends in the process,” Boltaction said.

“Well it’s time for you to join them.”

Spearhead got ready for the inevitable. Just then, automatic rifle fire came from behind the griffons, killing all five off them. Spearhead pulled out his revolver and pointed it at the direction of the shooters.

“Hold your fire,” someone said.

Spearhead and Boltaction got up and stared in the direction off the shooters. Five figures emerged from the smoke, two dragon, two pegasi, and one unicorn, all in military armor.

“The NEA,” Spearhead said. The two got up and walked towards the NEA team. “We’re sure glad to see you.”

“No worries,” the unicorn said, “I’m Captain Shining Armor of the 13th Equestrian Battalion.”

“You’re the one who sent me that letter,” Spearhead said pulling out the Acceptance Letter and giving it to Shining Armor.

“What’s your code?”


“So you’re Spearhead, and what about him?” Shining Armor said pointing at Boltaction.


”Boltaction,” Shining Armor said, “Alright you two come with us, let’s liberate your town.”

Spearhead and Boltaction grabbed their weapons and followed Shining Armor and his small platoon. The group walked into Town Square. Spearhead noticed a small light reflection in the windows.

“Sniper!” He yelled jumping into cover.

”Scorch, take care of that sniper.”

“Yes sir,” one of the Dragons said pulling a stuck a dart-shaped item over the barrel of his rifle and fired it into the window of the building. The griffon yelled before the grenade blew him out of the window.

“There are more coming!” One of the pegasus yelled.

“I see’em, Dash!” Scorch said.

“Ember, light’em up!” Shining yelled.

The Dragon pulled out an LMG and opened fire on the charging griffons. The others also opened fire on the griffons.

“I’m starting to like these two,” Dash announced.

They continued to shoot for quite a while until the griffons gave up and left. They gave chase and followed the griffons to a checkpoint. Scorch pulled out another rifle grenade and waited for Shining to give him the order. Shining nodded and Scorch loaded the grenade with orange stripes around it and shot it into the checkpoint. The grenades exploded in small balls of fire. The screams of the griffons could’ve been heard from miles away.

“Nice, Scorch,” the other Pegasus said.

“Thanks, Flash.”

The group continued to walk around the town, killing griffons and saving civilians. Spearhead pointed out that there were still ponies in the Emergency Shelter. They walked to the Emergency Shelter and opened the door to get inside. They got everyone out and did a roll call to see who was left, thankfully, nopony was killed in the altercation.

Spearhead looked at a nearby griffon, who was crawling towards a nearby radio. “Pass me one of your throwing knives,” he asked Boltaction. He gave him the knife and he looked at the griffon and threw the knife at the griffon. The knife stuck into the griffons back. The griffon fell down dead. He picked up the radio. “This look like anything sir?”

“No, just a broken radio,” Shining said grabbing the radio. He tried tuning the radio, but to no avail.

“What do we do now?” Boltaction asked.

“Now you join us.” Shining replied gripping his carbine, “come on, we have a train to catch.”

The two friends looked at each other, both smirking. “Maybe we’ll get to drink that champagne after all,” Boltaction said.

“Maybe buddy, maybe.”